ring ere.) under the superl'is ion of facu l ty . This aho inc ludes a wee kl y small group which foc uses on theoret ical crni ning as wel l as indil'idual supcn·ision and train ing throughout the semester to foster personal growth and in sight into t he 11·ork of doing spiritual mentor ing. Prerequ isite: SF .'i78. SF 678 Soul Care Practicum II (2) This is the second course in 1d1ich i\ l. A. Sou l Care students pract ice and comple te a designated number of hours of indi, ·idual spirirual direc tion of ochers. \York is done ar a fac uIrv approved sire (Biola, C hurch setting etc.) under the superl' ision of faculcv. ' 1'11is also includes ll'cck h· smal l g roup expe ri e nce whi c h focuses on theoretical training as we ll as indi,·idual superl'ision and training throughout the semester to foster pe rsona l growth and in sight into rhc: ll'Ork of doing spiriwal soul care. Prerequisite: SF 677. SF 701 Spiritual Formation Seminar (3-4) Yca rl ~ required seminars during in ccrcerm arc offered under chis cou rse designation 11"11ic h foc us upon 'inmc is">ut:, concro, ·crsy or dimension in the area of spiritual formation. Req uir ed of a ll S F i\ I. A. students. SF 703 Spiritual Friendships and Community (3-4) Thi s cou rse cxp lorcs the p lace of communi ty and human intimacy in hap pi ness and our journey to God. Attent ion is gil'en to th e l'a ri ecl nawrc and ts-pes of spiriwal re la tionships that exist in the body of C hri st, destr uc tive dvnamies that hind er health\' friendsh ips. a nd wa,·s to foste r this unique lm·e in light of our general commitment to lo, ·c one another unde r God. SF 704 God, Evil and Suffering in the life of Prayer (4) A theoret ical and personal (r heo logical-psl'chologica l) c,-p lorar ion in to the nawrc of God . 11 is sm·e r e igntv and purposes as th ey re late to c1· il , human grOll'th and su ffe r ing and our li fe of pravcr with God. SF 705 Prayer Seminar (3-4) l~x ploracion of prayer in the Scrip ru res and ho11 the chu rc h throughout history understood the re lati onship of prayer co personal and corporate groll'th. ,\ttention is given to ident ifyi ng \'arious psy c hol ogical defenses which may emerge in the life of prayer. T op ics may include pras-crs in the Bible, liw rgical prayer. lectio dil' ina, reco llection. cen tering pral'cr.
marion is explored in te rms of di s cipl eship and imitation of Ch ri st. SF 642 Spiritual Disciplines Seminar (4) t\ th eolog ical a nd expe ri entia l ex pl orat io n into th e pano pl y o f spi ritu al di sc iplines sa nct ioned by t he Bible and dcl'clopcd th rough out Ch urch histo ry. The empha sis is upon un de rsta ndin g their nawrc and re lationsh ip to per sona l g rowt h , id cn rifvin g t hei r patho log ica l ma ni festatio n and apprec iating th e ir impact in one's personal and commu nicv expe ri ence. T opics may inc lude var ious approac hes rn prayer, fasti ng. so li wdc, acts of sc n ·icc, meditat ion ere. Required of all SF students. SF 645 Christian Virtue and the Spiritual Disciplines (3-4) t\ n im roduc rion rn e thi cs includ ing the natu re of personal charac ter. l' irtu es and ,ices, and t he ir re lationsh ip to the sp iriwal disci plines as means of sp iri t ual g r01nh inrn t he image of C hrist. Req uired of al l SF :-S I. A. students. SF 670 Intensive Journey Inward and Retreat ( 4) :-S I. ,\ . Soul Care studen t , arc required to have a tota l of three wceks of exte nd ed off-cam pu s retreat in iso lation or partia l iso la tion rn exp lore and cu lri , ·,ne t he inner life in the presence of God und er the supe rvis ion of a spi riwal guide (as designated or permitted b, the facu lty) and one's ach-isor. 1\lso i,wo h ·es cou rsewor k a nd classroom setti ng. Shou ld be taken near comp let ion of program . SF 672 Personal Retreat and Formation (4) Each i\l.A. em phasis and Certifi cate student is requ ired ro go on one wcc kend retreat (Fridav-Su n da,) each semester for the pur pose of cu lri 1·,1t ing the inner life before God (a torn l of fo ur wee k end rc trcars or r11·0 fo r certifi cate). This is to be done in cons ul ta ti on "ith one'~ <l cs ig; naccd spiritu a l mentor and one ·s adl'i so r befo re and after the experi ence. Student costs fo r s uc h retreats arc the rcspo nsi bili tv of eac h st ud e n t. t\ lso in c lude s co ur sewo rk in a classroom ,e rring, which should be cakcn near com pl et ion of program . SF 677 Soul Care Practicum I (2) ,\I.A Soul Ca re st ud e nts practice and complete a spec ifi ed number of ho urs of indi l' id ua l sp iritu a l mentoring of oc hers wh il e enro ll ed in Sou l Ca re Practi cum l. \\ ' o rk is don e at a facu lt y approl'cd site (Bi ola. Ch urch sec-
the Jes us pral'c:r, co nversat ional praye r, praver in the famill', etc. SF 707 Personality Dynamics and Spirituality (3) t\n introduction to rh e personality dynamics i1wol l'cd in interpe r sonal relations hi ps, including ones re lat ionsh ip with God. Special attention is gil'en to Stl' lcs of be ing and relating. defense mec hani sms char hinder gro11 t h and marur icy, and the drnamics of gui lt, anxiety, ange r and forg ive ness . SF 709 Existential Spirituality and Soul Care (3-4) Expl orat ion of a dcpr h-ex isce nrial ap pr oac h to und ers ta ndin g th e person. part ic ul ar ly as it in te rfaces with Ch ri stia n Spi ritu ali ty a nd theology . Attentio n is g il'c n co kcv themes in exisrenr ial sp iriru al iry and psycho logs- such as anxi ety, des pai r, hope. self, ego, trans fcn.;ncc, ins ight, n1caning, lo \'C, freedom. feelings, journc:v an d the nature of "encounte r. " SF 711 Topics in Christian Spiri tual Soul Care & Direction (3-4) Occasio n,tl semina rs arc offe red unde r chi s cou rse des ig na t ion ll"hich focus upon some issue, conr ro,·e rsl' or d ime nsion in rhc a rea of soul ca re . mentoring and sp iriwal direct ion.. SF 713 Integration, Wisdom and Spiritual Formation (3-4) An introduction to the nature of in tegrat ion of fa it h and learn ing, particul ar ly as it rela tes to rhe life of wisdom. praver and sp iritual fo rma ti on of the bc li cl'er. Emphasis is give n to Old T estament \\'i sdom Literature and its understanding of integration and the wise li fe in re la tion to God. creation and the over all process of spirirnal format ion. SF 740 Spiritual Formation Pro ject-Thesis (1-4) Srucl c nrs in the i\ l. A. Emphasis in SF (o nh·) arc requ ire d to eom pl e te a :-- Iasccr·s Project-Thes is in rh c area of Spirirnal Format ion or Spirirna l G uidan ce ( in c lud es 3 units for writing an d one uPlus 1 ' unit for personal groll't h ex pl o rat ion.) Th e Proj ect-T hesis must in vo h ·c bo th a t he oretica l and practiea l- cxpe ri e nri al dimension in consultation 11·ith thes is adl' isor. Ca n be fu lfil led in two semes ters. SF 75 0 Directed Study (1 -4) Supe r l'ised read ing, research. rcrrcar or ex pe ri ent ia l practice . Dc,·c lopcd and ap prol'ed in con j un ct io n w it h IS F faculty and advisor. i\ lay be repeate d for credit. Signature requ ired.
SF 614 Theology IV: The Church and Eschatology (3) A swdv of the broad kingdom pur pose of God and the future events related co the descim of histof\ and indi, iduab inclucling Christ'~ second co111ing in its phases, the millennial reign of Christ. the rcs u rrection,, the judg111ents and eterna l state. Th e inception and nawre of the chu rch, both as a li, ing organiā¢,1111 and an organi.lation. its function. ord in ,rnces and place and 111ission in God·, purpose. Required of SF:-- I..\. swdenrs. SF 621 Spiritual Formation and Theology Seminar (3 -4) Ycarl, seminars arc offered under chis course designation II hich explores spirirnal fo rmation as 11ell as the theological narnrc. scope and means of ,p ir iwal formation. Required of all SF ;-., I. ,\. students . SF 623 Contemplative Spirituality and Prayer (3-4) Thi s course encourcrges personal H\\ ~ircnc..,.., and ... cn ... iti, icy to the ind11elling minisu, of the I lol) S p irit. Particular e111pk1>is i, upon gro11 ing in faith as under stood in the Bible and the con tcrnplati, e tradition b, attend ing, listening and openness to the t ruth of oneself and God a, re, ealed b1· the Spirit in11ardh. SF 625 Theology of Human Nature (3-4) t\ theo logical. philosophical. pw chologica l and exper ien ti al i111 est i garion into human natun; as it relates to understanding spiritual formation in the life of the belie, er and the Church. The goal ism lav certain biblical and true ground work for unde rstanding the nawre o f the person in t he Spirit as it rel,rces to sin, sah·arion. spiritual fo r111arion and discipleship. SF 627 Theology of the Holy Spirit (3 -4) ,\ rheological. philosophica l and ex periential irn esrigation into the indwelling ministrl' of the I loh· Spirit in rhe life of the belie,cr and the Church. The goal is to la, certain biblical and true groun d11 ork fo r understanding the narnre of the person in the Spirit as it relates to "in, ..,aJn1rion, ~pir i tual formation and disciples hip. SF 629 Discipleship and the life of Christ (3-4) An in,-c-.;cigation into the nat11rc of Christ ian discipleship and the life of Christ a, porrra,ed in the Gospels and interpreted in Christ ian spirirual lirerawre. Sp irirual !cir-
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