
Theology Systematic Theo 1o gy

problcrns with written and class­ roo m reports. discussion a nd

prese nt scene. Required of \I.A. (T h. ) an d Tl1.1\ I. (Svstcrnat ic Th eo logy) stud ents . · TH 710 Pneumatology (2) The pe rson and wo rk of the Hoh· Spirit both in the Old and Ne ,;, ' l'escamcnts \.V it h particular atte n­ tion to His ministries in t hi s age to th e individual believer and th e church. El ec ti ve. TH 712 Current Theological Issues (2) An in tens ive study of t he t ho ught of part icular ~onternpo­ rar\' theologians, pro rninent theo­ logical or thcu logica ll y signifi cant et hi cal issues in the li ght of bibli ­ ca l rc, ·c lat ion. Electi,·e. TH 717 Theology of Human Nature (2) Exploration of kc, areas relat ing co the natu re of man from both a the­ ological and psychological perspec­ t i, ·e; the biblical nature of rnan in corn parison co tc:ac hing theor ies of hurnan development. The mean­ ing and significance of rnan created in t he image of God; nat ure an d dynarnics of sin which lead co sins or psychologica l maladjustme nts; prac tica l app li cat ion of the above concepts to the areas of personal _g rowth and disciple, education and child rearing and chu rch mini stry. Tearn caught by faculty with strength in rh eo logy and psychol­ ogy. Prereq ui si te: Tl I 5 12, o r cqui1·alcnt. Req uired of reduced i\lAC.E. students. Elective. TH 718 Theology of Christian Nurture (2) Designed for the student with background in the bib lica l and the­ ological knoll' lcdgc of sote ri ology. Cons iderat ion of the rn1ture of per­ sonal transformation in regenera­ tion. the means and dynamics o f nurture includi ng the re latio n of cogniti\'C and re lational aspects. 1-:xaminat ion of the natu re of spiri ­ tual matur itv and its rel ation topsy­ chological maturity and hindrances co growth . Team caught by fac ul ty with st rength in theo logy and psy­ chology. Pre requisite: TH 5 12,6 13 or cq ui l'a lenc. Req uired of reduced

C hair: Alan Gornes. Ph.D.

TH 613 Theology 111 - Christ, Salvation and the Spirit (3) The pe rson and sa1· ing work of C hri st. The nature and app li ca ­ t ion o f sa lva tion includin g th e pe rso n a nd work of th e Spi ri t. Spec ia l emphasi s on the pract ice o f sa nctif icat ion in personal C hri s ti a n li v in g . Req uir ed of

FACULTY Di stingui shed Professor: Saucy Professo r: Holl orn an Associate Professors: Coe, DeWeese, Gornes Assisrn nt Professor: Le1l' is Special Appointrnent: Iss ler

librnrv resea rch. Elective. TH 725 The Dispensational System (2)

An in te nsi ve stu dv of that system of b iblical interpretation known as dispcnsationalism; it, hi sco ri ca l background. modern form and objections. Emphasizing primary theological and exegetica l issues or disagreement between dispen­ sat ional and non-d ispc nsat io na l positions. Electil'e. TH 728 Theological Systems (2) Se,·ern l maj or th eo logica l sys tem s of t houg h t ernphas izing tho,c w ithin t he Protestant perspec­ ti ve. bur also in c ludin g s ignifi­ ca nt Rornan Catholi c and Jewis h systems. Elccti1·c. TH 729 The Theology of the Gospels (2) An exami nat ion of the theological teaching of Jesus as reco rd ed in the fo ur _gospe l narratives. Special attent ion is paid to the chrono logi­ ca l development of thcrncs ta ught by Chri st in the light of I li s pres­ e n ta ti on and rejection. (Cross listed 11·ith :\T 729). Elecci,·e. TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) Th e rn ain therncs of Paul 's doc­ tri ne from the biblical theological perspccci,·e. (Cross li sted with NT 759). Pre requi site: l'\T 50 1- SOZ. Elccti1 e. TH 740 The Doctrine of the Atonement (2) A study of the bibl ica l mean ing and sign ifica nce of the ato ning work of Cliri st including a su1Yey of the sig­ nificant historical interp retations of the doctrine. Elcctil'e. TH 751 Theology of Mission (3) An inuoclu ction to t heo logy of missions that foc uses on the b ib­ li ca l bas is fo r mission. Thi s stud \" Sc(; k s co examine the moti\·cs·, a irn s and methods of rn iss ion from both the I lc brcw Bible and th e New T esrarnent. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) Supen· iscd reading and research in se lected areas of systematic or bibli ca l theology. Elcct i, ·c. TH 771 Theology Seminar (1-4) The stu d y of se lecte d a rea s of systcrnaric o r biblic,11 rheolog). :\lay be re peated for c re di t with diffe re nt content. El ect ive. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) A ca refu l and intensi,·c studv of the three ma in esc harolog.ical , ·icll's re latil'e to t he rnillcnniurn;

i\l.Div. and i\l.A. s tudents. TH 614 Theology IV - The Church and Last Things (3)


lt is rh e purpose of th e c rnpha­ sis of theology to give the student a thorough grasp of the great doc­ trines of the C hri st ian fa ith . Based upon the Scripture as th e ultirnatc source of authority t he doctr ines arc developed th rough the syste rn­ atic exa rnination and integration of releva nt Scriptures wit h considera­ ti on give n to doctrina l interpre ta­ tio ns throughout church hi sto rY. Alon g with the acqui s ition or"a knowledge of th e theological doc­ trines of th e Sc rip tures, it is the goa l of the departrn ent to deve lop in the stud e nts a facil itv which wi ll all ow thern to cont inue their own theo logica l devcloprnent. COURSES (TTTH) TH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God (3) T he nature, rn e thod and rat ionale of Chri stian theology. Re,·elation, both genera l and spec ial, inspira­ ti on, ca noni c ity and il luminat ion of Scriptu re . The doctr ine of God, including Hi s ex istence, attributes and Trinitarian nature. Required ofi\ l.Di v. and i\l.A. students. TH 512 Theology 11 -Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin (3) God 's eternal pl an including Hi s kingdom purpose and redernpti ve focu s; His work of creation and con­ tinued activity within creation. The angels, both good and evil ; includ­ ing their origin , present state, work and destiny. Crea tion of mankind in God' s irnage, hurnan nature, the fall a nd the e ffec t o f s in upo n hurnanity. Human lifo in relation to the di vine institutions of the fa rnil y and civil governrnent. Required ~f M.Di v. and i\lA students. TH 610 Advanced Theology (3) An in-depth stud y of the rnajor the­ ological iss ues in th e areas of bibli­ ology, theology prope r, anthropol­ ogy, hamarc iology, so tcri o logy . Thi s course is specifica ll y designed for those s tudent s who re ce ive reduct ion in th eology clue to prio r studies. Required of i\ l.Div. and M.A. students who arc not required to take Tl-I 512 and ' J'l-1613.

A stud y of th e broad kingdom pur­ pose of God and the future events related to the destinv of hi scorv and indi viduals includin,g Chr ist'; sec­ ond coming in its phases, the mil­ lenni al re ign of C hrist, the res urrec­ ti ons, t he judgments and e te rn a l state. The ince pt ion and nature of the church, both as a li ving organ­ ism and an orga ni z,u ion , its func­ tion, ord inances and place and mis­ sion in God's purpose. Req uired of i\ l.Di ,·. and i\LA. students. TH 700 The Doctrine of God (2) Adva nced swd v of t he re a lit v, at tributes and ' l'r iun e nature ~f Goel. Inc ludes di scuss ion of the hum a n kn ow le d ge an d the na ture of encounter wirh Goel. Pre requi site: TH 5 11. Elective.

TH 701 Introduction to Christian Spirituality (2)

This course exp lores the rneans to de velopin g a deep re lation s hip with God. Ba sed on scrip tural teachi ng about knowing God, it is geared parti cular!\' for those pre par­ ing for or engaged in Chri st ian mi n­ ist ry. Considers barriers that hinde r us and what sp iritual di sci plines and practices may be used to nur­ ture a deeper fri endship with God. TH 702 Advanced Bibliology (2) l nccnsivc study o f reve lation , in sp irati on, incrrancy and authority in the light of contcmpora r, iss ues. Prerequisite: TH S11. Elective. TH 707 Roman Catholic Theology (2) A detailed stud y of th e tenets of Roman Cat hul icisrn; reading from representat ive Roman Cat holi c lit e rature; part icu la r attention given to the di stinct ions between Roman Cat ho li c and P rotesta nt doctr ines . Especially he lpful for those co nte mplating mi ss iona ry serv ice in countri es domina ted bv Roman Ca tholic ism. Elective. · TH 709 Contemporary Theology (2) The stud y of contempora ry theo­ log ica l posit ions, inc lud ing a su r­ vey of the philosophi ca l and the­ ologica l thought leading up to the

i\ lAC.I•:. students. E lccci,·e. TH 720 The Theology and Practice of Prayer (2)

A s tud y of the biblical t heo logy of prayer including its meaning, purpose and pract ice. Elective. TH 724 Eschatological Problems (2) T vpiea l exegetica l and doctr in al p roblems in the area of Bibl e prophecy. Lecrnres. assigned

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