
H i st o r i ca 1 The o 1 o gy

Theo 1 o gy

FACULTY Assoc iate Professor: Cornes Ass istant Pro fesso r: L ewis

HT 721 The Theology of John Calvin (2) T rcarmenr of the main issues 111 Ca lvin 's rheo log,. as derailed in hi s In st itutes of the Christian Rcl ig io n and othe r major wr it­ ings . Cah·in 's rhcolog, is com­ parcd \\' ith other significant thinkers in rhe Reformed trad i­ tion. Elcctil'c. HT 722 Cu lts of America (2) Thc distincti,·c: feature s of the cu lts of America \\'ith their sign if­ icance; in t h e clc, ·clopmcnr of re li g ious thought and wirh partic­ u lar rcfcrcnce to rhc:ir rrearmcnr of t he centra l fcarnrcs of ort ho­ dox Christian doctrine. Requi red of f\ l. A.(Th. ) srndcnrs. Electil'e . (Cross-l i,tcd II irh P l I 722) HT 725 Chu rch History and Trends of Asian Immigrants (2) Examination of the Asian c hurc h in the l ' nirc:d Scares in light of h is­ tor ica l anrecedcnts. Emphasis on J apanese, Korean. and Ch inese C hri st ianity in r\merica. l:>,p lorcs J11odificarions that hal'e occurred hi sto rical I) when ind igenous As ian C hri sria ni ry has been imported in ro an Arncr ican context. Consid ­ ers a lsu furnrc trends. Electil'e. HT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supc1Tised research in se lected a rc:as of theo logv. Elcctil'c for Th .f\ I. students.

HT 702 The Church Fathers (2) An introdu c tion to th e Antc ­ N icene, N icene and Post-N ice ne l·'a th c rs w ith s p ec ia l emphas is up o n t he deve lo pme n t of doc­

t h e hi storica l an d bib li ca l strengt h of the prcJ11 il lennial sys­ tem: cons idcrnt ion of the leadin g aJ11illcnnial writings. A d eta il e d analys is of t he fo ur pos itions rela­ ri, ·c to the tiJ11 c of t he raptu re: a biblical and rheological defense of rhe p retribular ional 1·ie11. with exegc,is of crucial passages o f Sc rip ture. Prerequisite: TH 6 1-1. l•: lec til'c for swdcnts. TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Sc: lcc rcd problems in the fi e lds of ,yste mari c o r biblical t hcologl' . F: lcct i1<.: for Th.:\ I. stude nt s. TH 810 Johannine Theology (2) Th e: thc:o logy of rhc: J o hannin c ,.,•rirings , 11 it h c:mphas is upon the concepts rhar rhc: wrircr hiJ11sclf CJ11phas i1,cs. l'rcrcquisirc:: NT 50 1- 502. l·]cctivc: for Th.t-.I. students. (Crms listed wirh '-.'T 823). TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) An inrcn, i, c: scud, of significant aspc:cr, of rhc church related m its narnrc, purpose: and organi1,arion. Particular ,menti on directed ro cur­ rent problem areas. Prerequ is ite: Tl I 6 1-1 or the equi, ·alcnr in eccles i­ ology. l•:lccri,·c: for Th .i'd. students. TH 827 The Doctr ine of the Kingdom (2) r\n im cst igarion in to rhe mean­ ing and purpose of rhe Kingdurn of God and irs progress i,·e de, ·e l­ opll1en r "irhin hiscory. The course: includes d iscuss ion of his­ torictl and conrernpora r, · rheolog­ ical pos it ion, with crn phasis upon t he biblical reachi ng in its hi stor i­ cal frnmewo rk. Elccri,·c for Th .f\ l. swdenrs. TH 880 Directed Research (1-3) S u pen iscd rc:sca rch in se lected a reas of rheo logy. El cct il'c for Th .Id. scudc:nts.· . TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Di sc ussion and ap pli cation of rhc central areas of rheologl' research and rclared fie lds of study. Instrucrion in resea rc h methodol­ ogy, including the identification o f a prob lem. t he stc: ps taken to rc:solve it and \\'rit ing the res ul ts. Rcqu ircd for t he first se mester of the: Th.f\ l. (Systemat ic Th eol­ ogy) prograrn. A second semester ma~ be taken co conti nu e research in the area of in te rest.


trin e and c hurc h. El ect ive. HT 704 Medieval Theology Seminar (2)

The aims of t hi s emph ,ts is a rc ro: acqu a int t he srndcnt with th e doctr ina l l'icws of s ign ifica nt 111ove- 111cnts, sc hools and indi, ·idua ls in church hisro~; shcl\\ the trajecrory of thought in the dc,·elopmc nr of docrrincs as rhcl' arc ,rnrkcd out histor ica ll y: and g il'c an app rec ia­ tion for the struggles and labors of rhe g reat sa ints of God who have gone hcforc us in es tabli shing 1 nd defending orthodoxy. COURSES (TTHT) HT 505 Patristic and Medieval Theology (3) I li ,ro r,· o f the churc h from t h e t\posrolic l'arhc,- ro rhc c,·c of rhc Reformation wit h an emphas is on the dc:\'c:loprncnr of doctrine. Discussion of key thinkers, s uch as Or igen, T c rcullian, Augustine, A n sc lrn. Aquinas a nd Scorns. Rcqu in:d off\ l.l )i\'. stu dents. HT 506 Reformation and Mod­ ern Theology (3) I l i,tory of t he ch u rch from the Rc:formarion to the present with an e111phasi, on the kc,· Co nt i­ nc:nral and E ng lish Refo rrnc rs, including Z" in gli, Luther a n d Ca l , in. Discussion of the co un tcr- Rcfo rm arion, P rorcst,1nr scholasricism, r h e E nli g ht en­ ment, and importa nt th eo log ica l dcvelop111cnts in t he modern era . Opportunity is g iven for students to s rud v the po li ty and hi s rory of thei r O\\'n denomina ti on. Rcquircd of i\ l. Dil'. st ud ents. HT 514 Historical Theology Su rvey (3) I l isrory of the c hurc h frorn t he aposto li c Fat hers ro t he mode rn e ra " · ith an ernp h as is on the de, elo pmc nr of doctr in e . Hi g h ­ li gh ts key t hinkers in t he patr is­ tic, medieval, Rcfo rrnari o n and mode rn eras. Re quired for f\ I. A. (Bl,, OT , N T , TH, 13 /TS), oche rs by departme ntal permiss io n. HT 558 Puritanism (2) t\ su n ·cv of t he P u ritan move­ ment with Cll1phas is o n irs csrab- 1is hmcnr and pr act ice i n '\c\\' Eng land. Theo log ical, soc ial, po li t ica l, cconomic a nd cu lrnra l as p ects cons id e red . in c ludin g ana ll's i, o f the Puri ta n influe nce on American E, a n gc li ca li s m. 1--: lcct ivc.

A study in the deve lopment of sc holastic theo logy frorn Anse lm to Bi el with c rnphas is on the con­ tributi o n of the med ieva l doctors ro t he d eve lopme nt of dogmati c rh eo logy in the \Vest. E lecti ve. HT 705 History of Revivals (2) Th e backgro und , cleve lo prn e nt and resul ts of the g reat rev ivals in Ame ri ca . E lect ive. HT 706 Protestant Theology Seminar (2) An exami n a tion of s ig n ifi can t developments in Reformation/ post­ Rcfo rm ar io n Protesta n t t ho ught. f\l ay be re pea ted with different emphas is. E lective. HT 707 The Radi ca l Reformat ion (2) An cxa111inat ion of th e An aba pt ist and Socinian 111oveme nts . Cons id ­ erat ion of t he di stinctive fcarnres of t he ir th eology and practice and the Refo rm e d a nd Lutheran po lc rni c aga inst t hem. E lective. HT 709 Arminius and Arminianism (2) A s tud y of the writ ings of J ames Arminius and hi s fol lowers, includ ­ in g Li111borc h , Ep isco pius a nd C u rce ll ac us. Compa ri son of class i­ ca l Arminiani sm w ith Reformed and Luthe ran orth odoxy. Spec ial attenti o n g iven co Arm ini an views of pre d t.:st in a ti o n, s in , g race, a nd

ato neme nt t heory. E lect ive. HT 710 Denominational Distinctives (2)

Th e hi sto ry, d is tincti vcs a nd po lity o f the student 's denomina­ t io n o r c hurc h. Req uired fo r f\ l.Di v . s tudents not rak in g HT 506 in t hi s seminary. HT 713 Readings in Christian Spirituality (2) Se lected readi ngs in th e c lass ic devoti o na l lite rature of C hri sti an Spir itu a l w rit e rs . Emphas is w ill be p laced on g lea ning in s igh ts o n knowing a nd e xpe ri e nc in g God fr o m sa ints through o ut c hur c h histo ry. HT 718 Research Seminar (2-4) Superv ised resea rch , with peri­ od ic repo rts to sc rn ina r 111e111 bc rs, in a n a pproved a rea of s p ec ial inte rest to t he srndenr. E lecti ve.

Talbot School of Theology· T~35

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