Philosophical and Moral Theo 1o gy
Theo 1o gy
spccial rcfcrcnce to rheologica l lan guage), re,·e lari on, human pe rsons, Cod, and di, inc attr ibutes. Con sidcrnri nn of rhe use of the tools of analytic philosop h,, such as con ccprual analvsis and modal logic. l( lec ri, e for T h.\l. stud e nts. PM 823 Metaphysics (3) A topical stud, of rhc nature and rncrhodolog, of metaphy sics II irh empha sis on th e narure and 1ilri matc categoric~ of be ing as \rd\ as specilic areas (e.g. causation. space and rime . the so ul. freedom and determinism. pe rsonal idenrirs, and csscn ri ali srn). Special emp has is will be placed on integrat ing; me ra phss ics II irh the cnnsrrueri on and defense of a Chr ist ian II orldvicw. Elccri, e forTh.\l. srudents. PM 835 Ph ilosophical and Theological Apologet ics (3) .\ broadh intcrdisciplinars ana lssis of conrcmporan· culture II ith atten tion to "1 pprop riatt..: way'i of t:ngag ing the cu lture II irh the Christian message. Special emphasis on the philosop hi ca l a nd rheo log ical method of apol oget ics. Elccri, ·c. El ccri,e fo r Th .\ l. stude nt s. PM 843 Epistemology (3) ,.\ top ica l s tud , in ddinirion of kn o\l ledge and justified belief, probl ems in s kepti cis m , th e nature of epi,cemic justificat ion and rhe natllrc of t ru t h..\ppli ca tion \\'ill be made to spec ial e p is t<..:1110\ogical iss ues in r<.;li g; ion, <.;.g. religious expe rie nce. miracles, inc rranc,. burden M prnof i"uc,. El ec ri, e for Th.:S I. stll de nts. PM 866 Hi story and Normati ve Systems of Ethi cs (3) A Sllrn;y and c\'a lumion of va rious er hi c i,rs and their systems from 11 i thin a Christian fra111e11 ork. Emphasis will be placed on ,\ri s cor lc. Augustine. Aquinas, the utilitarians and Kant. and a stud, of , ·arious iss ue , in meracthics and normat i1 e ethics. a, well as an i111 e,rigatio n of et hi ca l decision making and case st udi es. Elccri, ·e for Th.\l. ,rudencs. PM 875 Seminar in Philosophi ca l Theology (3) r\ s tudy of sclccrcd topic, in philosoph ical rh co log,· . \Ja v be repcared for cn.:d ir II it h different content. Elccr i,c. l•:lccr i, ·c for Th.1\ 1. srudenrs. PM 880 Di rected Resea rch (1-3) Su pen i, cd re, earc h in ;t: lcctcd areas of philosophi cal and moral rhe olog,. ~: lccr i1<.: for Th.\ I. srud enrs.
l)in.:ctor: Garren Dc\\ec,e. Ph.D.
PM 714 Incarnation and Atonement (3)
PM 744 Epistemology and Method in Theology (3)
FACULTY Di,tingui,hcd l'rofc"or: \ lore land l'rofe"ors: Cie11·ett. Rae .\ssociatc l'rofcs">rs: De\\ ccsc. Gomes Research Professor: Craig
\ co111parisnn of t he c pi ste 111ol og, an d me thodo logy of rhco l og,. 11 ith special consi deration of the justification of rheological truth c lai111 s. b: le cr i, ·c. PM 767 God and Morali ty (3) ,.\ critical stud y o f 1·ariuus theo ries of t he rel ation bcrneen God and human moralir,. 11 ith spec ia l consideration of rhc l)i1 inc Co111- mand Theors and ~ arura l Law. Elccti, c. PM 768 Contemporary Moral Issues (3) ,\n in -dept h srud, of phil osophi cal and rheological implications for selected issues c urrently being debated in business. bio- 111cdical. and/or soci,11 and pnliri cal ethics. El ective . PM 771 History of Phi losophical Theology (2) An historical sun c,· of the inter action of philosoph, and rhcol og, . Consideration of rhe method and contri buti ons of sclcc red figures such as ,\u gu, rinc, ll ocrhius. ,\ nselm. Aquin,1s, Ockham. Scorus, \l olina, Lurhc r, Call·in. Ecllrnrds, the Prin ceto n theologians. Brunn er. Barth. Bult m,1nn and Pannenbe rg. Elccti1 e. PM 772 Anselm and "Perfect Being" Theology (2) .\n inn.:..,tigacion of major t hem e:,, in t he philosophical thco log, of ,\n se lm of Canrerbur, 11i t h spc cia l refcrcncc to his de,elopment of God's e, i,rence ,1 11d nature from th e concept of God as a pc r fccr being. Elcct i1 e .
l'hil o,ophica l rcflccrions on C:hristolog,. including issue, such as the distinction of sub stance. essence and '-iub,i'itcncc, crcrn~11 µ;cnc ration. h~ po'itatic union. and moral ca tc .t;<Hic-., of the atonement. l·:lccri, e. PM 715 Divine Revelation (3) .\ critical stud, of di, inc rcn;la rion under the concept, of acc. pcrson and 11·ord. Special arrcn rion to conrcmporar~ thcor1cs of ren:larion and of human cap,1cit, to kno11 God. ~:lccri, e. PM 716 Philosophy of Language and Hermeneutics (3) .\n c,amination of rhcoric.., in philosopln of lanpi.1,ge and lin guistic" and their bearing on problems po,cd 11' posr-molk rn hern1encurical theories. 11 irh spe cia I refercncc to biblical
This Th.\ I. emphasis is for stll dc n ts wanting to do ad, a need coursC\lork at the interface of phi losopll\ and rheolo,[;\. The cmpha , is II ill prepare students to engage in integrated philosophical. rhcolo_g ical and biblical reflection on the doctrinal and erh,cal components of the ( :hri,rian II orkh ic11. in order to equip them to deal 11 >th the sophi, ricared theological .ind philosophi cal challenges facing the chu rch. COURSES (TTPM) PM 713 The Nature of God (3) \ detailed ,1pplic:1t1on of philo sophical an,11\,1, ro the e,plica rion and defense of (;od's c,is rence and attriburcs. 11 irh ,pecial ,tttcntion to cnnrcrnpoLtr\ acccrnpcs to reformulate our understanding of the nature of God. such as open theism and procc" rhcolog,. Uecri, c.
hermeneutics. l•:lccti1 c. PM 735 Worldviews (3)
.\ stud, of the norion of a II orld- 1ie". \I irh a critical anah ,i, of the component parts and the back ground role a \lorl,h ic\l p la,, in establishing plau,ibilit\ struc tures for a culrurc. Emphasi s on practical an,11\ sis of "1licnt co n rc111porar, 11 orld, 1c11 ,. Elccri, e.
PM 773 Aquinas and the Metaphysics of The ism (2)
,\ stud, of selec ted portions o f S1111111/f1 ·n,,,ologirie a nd S11111111a Col/Im Cm1ilt.1 with emp ha sis on t he mera plws ica l impli ca ti ons of Christian theism as dc,elopcd b, t h e grea t es t thi nk er of the .\lcdie, ·al per iod. l•:lccrin.:. PM 774 Jon;,than Edwards and the Freedom of the Wi ll (2) ,\ sr ud v of Ecllrnrds ·s philosophi cal rheo log,. primarih fro111 TJ,,, Frrcr/0111 of 1J,1, ll'i/1, 11 irh spec ial rcfcrence to the iss ue s of thco logical derenninism. compa ribil isrn. and libertar iani sm. 1-:lecri , e. PM 812 Philosophical Theology (3) .\n e"1mi nation of ce rt ai n philo so phi ca l categories upon II hi ch rheology ine,· irnblv relics. includ ing thc narurc of lan,guagc (11 ith
T~36 · Talbot School of Theology
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