
Philosophical and Moral Theo 1o gy

Theo 1o gy

spccial rcfcrcnce to rheologica l lan­ guage), re,·e lari on, human pe rsons, Cod, and di, inc attr ibutes. Con­ sidcrnri nn of rhe use of the tools of analytic philosop h,, such as con­ ccprual analvsis and modal logic. l( lec ri, e for T h.\l. stud e nts. PM 823 Metaphysics (3) A topical stud, of rhc nature and rncrhodolog, of metaphy sics II irh empha sis on th e narure and 1ilri­ matc categoric~ of be ing as \rd\ as specilic areas (e.g. causation. space and rime . the so ul. freedom and determinism. pe rsonal idenrirs, and csscn ri ali srn). Special emp has is will be placed on integrat ing; me ra­ phss ics II irh the cnnsrrueri on and defense of a Chr ist ian II orldvicw. Elccri, e forTh.\l. srudents. PM 835 Ph ilosophical and Theological Apologet ics (3) .\ broadh intcrdisciplinars ana lssis of conrcmporan· culture II ith atten­ tion to "1 pprop riatt..: way'i of t:ngag­ ing the cu lture II irh the Christian message. Special emphasis on the philosop hi ca l a nd rheo log ical method of apol oget ics. Elccri, ·c. El ccri,e fo r Th .\ l. stude nt s. PM 843 Epistemology (3) ,.\ top ica l s tud , in ddinirion of kn o\l ledge and justified belief, probl ems in s kepti cis m , th e nature of epi,cemic justificat ion and rhe natllrc of t ru t h..\ppli ca­ tion \\'ill be made to spec ial e p is­ t<..:1110\ogical iss ues in r<.;li g; ion, <.;.g. religious expe rie nce. miracles, inc rranc,. burden M prnof i"uc,. El ec ri, e for Th.:S I. stll de nts. PM 866 Hi story and Normati ve Systems of Ethi cs (3) A Sllrn;y and c\'a lumion of va rious er hi c i,rs and their systems from 11 i thin a Christian fra111e11 ork. Emphasis will be placed on ,\ri s­ cor lc. Augustine. Aquinas, the utilitarians and Kant. and a stud, of , ·arious iss ue , in meracthics and normat i1 e ethics. a, well as an i111 e,rigatio n of et hi ca l decision­ making and case st udi es. Elccri, ·e for Th.\l. ,rudencs. PM 875 Seminar in Philosophi ca l Theology (3) r\ s tudy of sclccrcd topic, in philosoph ical rh co log,· . \Ja v be repcared for cn.:d ir II it h different content. Elccr i,c. l•:lccr i, ·c for Th.1\ 1. srudenrs. PM 880 Di rected Resea rch (1-3) Su pen i, cd re, earc h in ;t: lcctcd areas of philosophi cal and moral rhe­ olog,. ~: lccr i1<.: for Th.\ I. srud enrs.

l)in.:ctor: Garren Dc\\ec,e. Ph.D.

PM 714 Incarnation and Atonement (3)

PM 744 Epistemology and Method in Theology (3)

FACULTY Di,tingui,hcd l'rofc"or: \ lore land l'rofe"ors: Cie11·ett. Rae .\ssociatc l'rofcs">rs: De\\ ccsc. Gomes Research Professor: Craig

\ co111parisnn of t he c pi ste 111ol­ og, an d me thodo logy of rhco l­ og,. 11 ith special consi deration of the justification of rheological truth c lai111 s. b: le cr i, ·c. PM 767 God and Morali ty (3) ,.\ critical stud y o f 1·ariuus theo­ ries of t he rel ation bcrneen God and human moralir,. 11 ith spec ia l consideration of rhc l)i1 inc Co111- mand Theors and ~ arura l Law. Elccti, c. PM 768 Contemporary Moral Issues (3) ,\n in -dept h srud, of phil osophi ­ cal and rheological implications for selected issues c urrently being debated in business. bio- 111cdical. and/or soci,11 and pnliri­ cal ethics. El ective . PM 771 History of Phi losophical Theology (2) An historical sun c,· of the inter­ action of philosoph, and rhcol­ og, . Consideration of rhe method and contri buti ons of sclcc red figures such as ,\u gu,­ rinc, ll ocrhius. ,\ nselm. Aquin,1s, Ockham. Scorus, \l olina, Lurhc r, Call·in. Ecllrnrds, the Prin ceto n theologians. Brunn er. Barth. Bult­ m,1nn and Pannenbe rg. Elccti1 e. PM 772 Anselm and "Perfect Being" Theology (2) .\n inn.:..,tigacion of major t hem e:,, in t he philosophical thco log, of ,\n se lm of Canrerbur, 11i t h spc­ cia l refcrcncc to his de,elopment of God's e, i,rence ,1 11d nature from th e concept of God as a pc r­ fccr being. Elcct i1 e .

l'hil o,ophica l rcflccrions on C:hristolog,. including issue, such as the distinction of sub­ stance. essence and '-iub,i'itcncc, crcrn~11 µ;cnc ration. h~ po'itatic union. and moral ca tc .t;<Hic-., of the atonement. l·:lccri, e. PM 715 Divine Revelation (3) .\ critical stud, of di, inc rcn;la­ rion under the concept, of acc. pcrson and 11·ord. Special arrcn­ rion to conrcmporar~ thcor1cs of ren:larion and of human cap,1cit, to kno11 God. ~:lccri, e. PM 716 Philosophy of Language and Hermeneutics (3) .\n c,amination of rhcoric.., in philosopln of lanpi.1,ge and lin­ guistic" and their bearing on problems po,cd 11' posr-molk rn hern1encurical theories. 11 irh spe­ cia I refercncc to biblical


This Th.\ I. emphasis is for stll­ dc n ts wanting to do ad, a need coursC\lork at the interface of phi­ losopll\ and rheolo,[;\. The cmpha­ , is II ill prepare students to engage in integrated philosophical. rhcolo_g­ ical and biblical reflection on the doctrinal and erh,cal components of the ( :hri,rian II orkh ic11. in order to equip them to deal 11 >th the sophi,­ ricared theological .ind philosophi­ cal challenges facing the chu rch. COURSES (TTPM) PM 713 The Nature of God (3) \ detailed ,1pplic:1t1on of philo­ sophical an,11\,1, ro the e,plica­ rion and defense of (;od's c,is­ rence and attriburcs. 11 irh ,pecial ,tttcntion to cnnrcrnpoLtr\ acccrnpcs to reformulate our understanding of the nature of God. such as open theism and procc" rhcolog,. Uecri, c.

hermeneutics. l•:lccti1 c. PM 735 Worldviews (3)

.\ stud, of the norion of a II orld- 1ie". \I irh a critical anah ,i, of the component parts and the back­ ground role a \lorl,h ic\l p la,, in establishing plau,ibilit\ struc­ tures for a culrurc. Emphasi s on practical an,11\ sis of "1licnt co n­ rc111porar, 11 orld, 1c11 ,. Elccri, e.

PM 773 Aquinas and the Metaphysics of The ism (2)

,\ stud, of selec ted portions o f S1111111/f1 ·n,,,ologirie a nd S11111111a Col/Im Cm1ilt.1 with emp ha sis on t he mera plws ica l impli ca ti ons of Christian theism as dc,elopcd b, t h e grea t es t thi nk er of the .\lcdie, ·al per iod. l•:lccrin.:. PM 774 Jon;,than Edwards and the Freedom of the Wi ll (2) ,\ sr ud v of Ecllrnrds ·s philosophi­ cal rheo log,. primarih fro111 TJ,,, Frrcr/0111 of 1J,1, ll'i/1, 11 irh spec ial rcfcrence to the iss ue s of thco­ logical derenninism. compa ribil ­ isrn. and libertar iani sm. 1-:lecri , e. PM 812 Philosophical Theology (3) .\n e"1mi nation of ce rt ai n philo­ so phi ca l categories upon II hi ch rheology ine,· irnblv relics. includ ­ ing thc narurc of lan,guagc (11 ith

T~36 · Talbot School of Theology

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