
Ph i lo s op hy o f R eligion

PH 685 Seminar in Philosophi­ cal Theology (3) A philosophical analys is of impor­ tant doctrines of the Christian faith, e.g., freedom and deter­ minism, the incarnation and t he cohere nce of theism. Special emphasis will be placed on the concept of the attributes of God, on philosophical pro legomena co the practice of theology, a nd on reli gious pluralism . PH 722 Cults of America (2) The distincti, e features of the cults of America II ith t heir s ignif­ icance in the del'elopmcnt of religious thought and with partic­ ular reference to their treatment of the central fearnrcs of ortho­ dox Christ ian doctrine. El ective. PH 730 Directed Study (1-4) Reading and research in se lected a reas of philosophy o f religion and ethic,. Electi1 c. PH 735 Seminar (1-3) Selected copies in the fields of philosophy, apologetics an d ethics. r\laY be repeated II ith dif­ ferent content. El ect i,·e . PH 835 Advanced Seminar (1 -3) Su pen iscd research of se lcc tc d topics within the fields of philoso­ plw, apo logetics, and ethi cs. \lay be repeated II ith different con­ tent. Elective for Th.f\ l. swdcncs. PH 880 Directed Research (1-3) Su pen iscd research in se lected areas of philosophy of re ligion. Elccti1·e fo r 'l'h .\ l. students .

e .g. abortion, euthanasia. generic.: engineering. infanticide, ,urro­ gatc motherhood, busi ncss ethics, enl'ironmental issues. etc. PH 625 Seminar in Ethical Issues II (3) ,.\n in-depth study of one spec ific issue currently be ing dcb,1tcd in business , medical and/or soc ial ethics. 1-:lcctivc. PH 667 Seminar in Philosophi­ cal Anthropology and Philoso­ phy of the Mind (3) .\ stmh and defense of the ex is­ tence and nature of the sou l. the rc ,liit, of di,cmbodied existence, the nature of human act ion, and i"isuc~ in personal identity. \ 'a rious modeh of human narnrc will be i111estigatcd (dua li sm. bc h,11 ior­ i,m, functionalism, the identity thc,i,, eliminative materialism), as 11 ell as their implications fo r eth ics. PH 669 Seminar in Historical Apologetics (3) \ srnd, of the historicity of the Scriptures II ith spec ial emphasis on miracles. the :--:cw 'J"esrnmcnt. and the rc,urrection of Jesus. Elcctil'e. PH 684 Seminar in Philosophy of Religion (3) .\n i111 e,tigation of the argu ­ ments for and against the exis­ tence of God, faith and rea son, the use of religious language, and the philosophical clarification and defense of the attributes of the God of Scripture.

PH 547 The Theology and Philosophy of Science (3)

Cha ir: R. Douglas Geivctt, Ph.D.

FACULTY Dist ingui shed P rofessor: f\ loreland P rofesso rs: Gcivett, Rae Associate Professors: Dc\\'cesc, I lo rn c r Researc h Professor: Craig

A st u dY of I ariou, i"ue, that arise in the integration of ,cicncc and orthodox Chri,tian theology (e.g. models of integration, the scientific "itatu.:; nf crc,1tioni,m. the crcation/e, olution debate) a, well as an in, e,tigation of selected top ics in philo,oph, of science relc, ant to a Christian 11 oriel, ic11 (e.g. the realist/antirc­ ,ili st debate, the nature, forma­ tion. use, and confirmation o f sci­ entific l,111 s and theories, ,cien­ tism and the limits of ,cicnce). PH 566 History and Normative Systems of Ethics (3) f\ sL11·1 c, and c, a lu ation of 1·,irious ethicists and their S\Stcm, from 11 ithin a Christian framc11 ork. Emphasis II ill be placed on t\ris­ corlc, Augustine, ,\quinas , the utilitarians and Kane, and a srnd, of 1·ariou, i,wes in mctacthic, ,111d normati\'e ethics, a.., ,,ell as an i111 cstigation of ethical c.lccision­


Th e Christian leader ofte n deals w ith problems that a rc re la ted to contemporary trends in p h i losophical a nd scientific thought. For this reaso n, a knowl ­ edge of the intc ll ccwal heritage of th e western world and t he apo lo­ getic techn iqu es and postu res t hat are of most va lue is needed.

COURSES (TTPH) PH 523 Metaphys ics I (3)

A top ica l s tud y of t he natu re and me thodology of metaph ys ics with e mphas is on the nature and ulti­ mate categories of be ing as well as s pecific areas (e.g . causa tion , space a nd t ime, the so ul , freedom and determinism, personal id e n ­ tity , and esscntialism). Special emphas is will be placed on inte­ grating metaph ys ics with the co n struction and defense of a Christ ian wor ldview. PH 524 Metaphys ics II (3) A topical study of impo r tant se lected themes and perso ns in th e fi e ld of metaphysics. Empha­ s is will be placed on cu rrent ten­ s ions between Ch ris tian thei sm and 1·,irious metap hYs ica l posi­ tions and on key past and present fi g u res in metap hysics. Elective. PH 544 Epistemology I (3) A to p ica l s tud y in the definition of know ledge a nd j ust ifi ed belief, probl e m s in ske pti c i s m , the nature of epistemic justification an d the nature of t ru th. App li ca­ tion wil l be made to spec ial e pi s­ temological issues in re li g ion , e.g. re li gious experience, miracles, incrrnncy, burden of proof issu es. PH 545 Epistemology II (3) A conceptual analysis and p h ilo­ sop h ica l eva luation o f importa n t contemporary iss ues in epistemol­ ogy. Special emphas is ll'i ll be p laced o n the ro le t hat key c urrent and past figures have p layed in fo r­ mu lating these iss ues. An applica­ tion of e pi stemo logica l themes wil l be made to the co ncerns o f rel i­ gio us e pistemo logy. Elccti,·c.

making and case ,tlldies. PH 602 Apologetics (3)

t\n csamina tion of the Christian world , ic11 and the ,arious Christ­ ian apologetic re,ponses in relation to the area, of hiscor,. science, and philosoph,. Required for \I.Di, ·. and f\ l. t\. (TH .) ,tlldencs. l~lcc­ tivc for :-L\.Ph. srndcncs. PH 624 Seminar in Ethical Issues I (3) A st ud y of ,·,irious rnpics cur­ rentl y being debated in ethics.

Talbot School of Theology· T~37

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