
New Testament Language and Literature

of C hri st a nd the early c hu rch. Requ ired of ,\ I...\. (N' I') students. NT 703 The Cultural Setting of the Gospels (2) An examination of such thi ngs a, j cll'is h rel ig ious be liefs & cus­ toms. the pol it ica l ,iruation, urban lifc, folk belief. ethni c issues, lan­ guage, Gracco-Roman reli gious be li efs & c ustoms. and othe r cul ­ tura l phenomena that form the rcl­ enrnt background to the Gos pel s. E lective. NT 704 The Cultural Setting of Acts (2) An examination of s uch th ings as J cll'ish rel ig ious beliefs & cus ­ toms, the political situation, urban life, folk belief, e thnic issues, lan­ guage. Gracco- Roman re ligious be li efs & customs, and other cul­ tural phenomena that form the rcl­ c,·anc backgrou nd to the book of t\cts. l( lectil'e. NT 707 The Cultural Setting of Second Corinthians (2) An examination of such things as J ew is h rel ig io us beliefs & cus­ toms. the polit ica l situa t ion. urba n li fe, fo lk belief. ethnic issues, lan­ guage, Graeco- Rom an religious beliefs & customs, and other cul­ tural phcnome n,1 that form rhc rel­ el'ant background to Pau l's lette rs to Co rinth. l~lecti ve. NT 721 Exegesis of the Synop­ tic Discourses of Christ (2) Ch ri st\ major discourses in the S\'nOpt ic gospe ls, 11·ith p ri ncipal emph asis upon the Sermon on the l\ loun t, the Pa rab les of the l\ lvs­ tcrics of t h e Kin gd om and the Olivet Di scou rse. The content of t he discourses wi ll be a n alyzed within the min istry of C hri st. Pre­ requisite: NT 503. Elccti,c.• NT 722 Exegesis of the Gospel of Luke (2) Este n s i l'e translation in the gospel. 1•:xcgcs is of se lec ted por­ tions. Consideration of the con­ tribution of this book to one· s kn ow le d ge of the life of C hri st. Exa min ation of s tyle a nd vocab u­ larv of Luk e. Prereq ui site: NT 50:l. Elective.* NT 723 Exegesis of Acts (2) Extcnsi,·c translation i n the book. Exegesis of se lected por­ c,ons. Cons id erat ion of the con­ t ri but io n of this book ro kn owl­ edge of t he expansion and life o f th e ea rl y ch urch. Introduct io n to crit ical iss ues in t he book, ll'ith emphasis upon its importance a nd its hi sto ricity. Compa ri son of

C hair: Cline t\rnold, Ph.D.

NT 610 Readings in New Testa­ ment Greek (1-3) Selected readings from th e Greek Ne" T estame nt. Th e course is des igned to gi,·c stll­ dents espc ri ence in reading the text. Prerequisite: NT 503 . NT 616 Readings in Hell eni st ic Greek (2) Readings from a , ·a ri e cy of litcr­ ar, a nd non-literar, 1-: oinc texts as a means of dc, ·eloping a greater ,111·areness of the lingui s­ tic, litcran, and cu ltural context of the i\cw T estament. Prereq­

the :--.:e"' T csramcnc in th e second semester. Des igned for students who hal'e not co mpl eted a fu ll sequence of beginning Greek courses. Nor fo r credit in the :\I.Dil'. program unless the student takes in place of e lecri,·e un its. NT 503 Introduct ion to Exegesis (3) t\ comprehc ns i1·e sun·e,· of mo r­ phology and syntax, the building of a Greek l'ocab ul arv. an int ro­ duction to tcs tu al crit ic ism. and the dcl'clopmcnt of an exegetica l methodologv "ith reading in selected p,iss,1gcs of chc Greek ;'\cw T csramcnr. Desig ned to cmphasi1.c the ntlue of Greek ,rudi as a mol for understanding the biblical rest. I ncludes ,1 required one hour non-c redit lab. Prerequisite: N T 50 1-502 . Required of 1\ 1.l)il' .. i\ l. A. (B io, :'\CT , OT , Tl I) students. NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels (3) ~:xcgccical swd,· of se lect pas­ s,1gcs from t he G reek text of chc gospe ls. , \ppli cat ion of exegeti­ cal methodology and discussion of backg round issues, in cluding hi,torical backgrounds, composi­ tion. authorship, and distincti1 cs of each book. Specia l attention g i, ·en to assessmen t of modern c ri t ica l methods fo r the interpre­ ta tion of the biblica l text. Pre­ requ isite: '-IT 503. Requ ired of '\I.Dil'., i\lA (Bl-:. NT) stude nt s. NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts (3) l,xeger ica l study of selec t pas­ sages from t he Greek text of the Epistles in the li g ht of t he h isto r­ ical frnmc11 ork of the book of Acts. Application of exeget ica l mcthodologv a nd di sc uss ion of background iss ues, in c luding hi s­ torical backgrounds, composit ion , a u thors hip . and distincti1·es of each book. Spec ial attent ion gi, ·e n to asscs~mcnt of modern cr it ical methods for the interpre­ tation of the bibl ica l ccxc. Pre­ requisite: i\ 'I' 503. Requ ired of .\I.D iv., :\ I. A. (BE , NT ) students. NT 608 Summer Readings in New Testament Greek (1-2) Se lceced readings from the Greek '-Jew Testament. Th e course is tksig ncd co give st u­ dents who ha, ·c com pl eted first year Greek expe ri ence in read ing the rcxt during the summer before they take NT 503. Pre­ requis ite: NT 501 and 502.

FACULTY Professors: \mold. Russell. \ \'ilkins Assoc iate Professor: 11 ubbard. Rhee Ass istant Professors: Ceringcr, Hultbe rg, Lee


The purpose of this dcp ,irt­ mcnr is to impart rn the student ,1 kno"· ledge of the Greek '\Jc" T estament "hich includes three princ ipal areas: hiswrical back­ grounds. Greek grammar and exegesis of the rest. The plan is to pro, idc st11dents \\ ith tools which \\ ill enable them to util i,.c the Greek test in fuwrc study. inrcrprerntion, ,md in exposition of the \\'ord of Cod. Students arc strongil ath iscd ro rake beginning Greek prior to starting course "ork at Talbot (either in summer school at Tal­ bot o r in untlcrgrnduatc work). so that the st ud ent can immediatcl, bc1;in work \\ ith the Greek text of the ;'\e" Testament. ,\ quali­ fying examination in Creek is al'ai lab lc to all swdcncs with pre­ , ious Greek training. Those with a 1;radc of "C" or higher on the examination wi ll be enrolled in NT 50:l and the rest in :'\CT 501. Those "ho rake beginning Greek at Talbot for credit "ill ha, ·e-+ units fe" er elccri, c units. COURSES (TTNT) NT 501 -502 Beginning Greek I, II (2, 2) An inuoductor\' studs of the basic clements of i\e\\' Testament Greek. Translation of port ions of

ui s ite: NT .'i03. 1•:lcctivc. • NT 621 Life of Christ (2)

A st ud y of t he hi storical and cul­ tural background to the gospe ls: ex ccnsi, c sruth· of rhc mission, life and teachings of Chr ist. A harmon,-/synopsis o f the gospe l, wil l be cm ployed in o rder to gil'c attent ion co the ~imi laricic~ and differences ,n the gospel accounts. 1-:lccci, e.* NT 623 Exegesis of the Gospel of Matthew (2) A s rud v of t he en tire gospel wi th derailed exeges is of select pas­ sages. Spec ial atte nti on g il'en to the '>truccurc, argumcnt 1 and interpretati1 c problems of the gospe l. Pr erequis it e: ~ T 503. Elec t il'c.* NT 641 Exegesis of Romans (2) r\ study of t hc entire ep istle ll' ith detailed c>.cgcs is of select pas­ sage~. Spec ial attent ion g i, ·cn to th e srr u c.:rurc. argument. and int e rpr etative proble ms o f th e ep ist le. Prereq ui s ite: NT 503 . E lecti, ·e.• NT 644 Exegesis of Ephesians (2) Translation a nd exeges is of chc epistle with specia l attentio n g iven to dcccrmining the life-set­ ting a nd to inter pret ing the pri­ mary themes. Pre requis ite: N T 503. E lccti,·c. • NT 646 Exegesis of Hebrews (2) A study of the entire epis tl e ll'ith uerailed exegesis of select pas­ sages. Specia l atte nti on g il'e n to the structure, argument, c1nd intc r­ prcrati1·e problems of the ep ist le. Prerequ isite: :'\CT 503. E lective .* NT 701 The World of the New Testament (2) New T estament hi s tori cal back­ g ro und s and arc haeo logy. includ­ ing a st udy of the religious dcl'el­ opmc ncs, literatu re. gcogrn ph v and cu ltu ra l sett ing of J udaism and rhe I lcllenistic world at the t ime

T~38 • 1albot School of 1heology

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