
NT 770 Spiritual Formation in the Lett ers of Paul (2) An exp lo ration of th e t he111c of C hri st ian g rowth in the lette rs a nd life: of the Ap ost le Paul. El ect ive. NT 791 New Testament Seminar (1 -4) S u pen ised re sea rch of d esig­ nated an.;a.., of concc nrr ar ion in '.\Tew T estame nt literature, hi s­ ror,, int e rpre ta tion or theology. i\ lay be repeated for cred it \\'it h different conte nt. [l ecr i,·c . * NT 801 Textual Criticism of the New Testament (2) Th e orig in a nd hi s tor, of te xtual cr iti c ism . Stud, of the re lat ive , ·a l ue of manuscripts a nd the e,am ination of textual theories. Prerequisite: ;'\T 503. [ lectinc: for Th .i\ l. students.• NT 803-804 Advanced Greek Grammar (2, 2) An intc nsi, ·e s tud v of sta nd a rd works on ,ld\'anced Greek gram ­ mar. i\ lav be contin ued for a sc:c­ ond sc rnt:~tc..:r H'i warranted. Pre­ re qui s it e : N T 50.,, 604. 605. -+ uni ts N T cxegcs is elccti,es . E lccri , c for 'J'h.i\l. students.• NT 812 The World of the New Testament (3) Nc \\ T estament hi stor ica l bac k­ gro und s and a rchaeo logy, includ­ ing a st ud, of thc re ligious de,·cl­ opme nts. li terature. geogra ph y and cultura l sctti ng of Judai sm and the l lcllcnistic ,,orld a t the ti111e of Ch r ist a nd the ear ly c hurch. Required of Th .i\ 1. (NT ) stu dcnts. NT 814 Seminar on the Cultural Setting of the New Testament (3) An exam in at ion of such things as J ew ish rcl ig io ,,s beliefs & cus­ to m s . the polit ica l situat io n , u rban l ife, folk belief. et h nic issues. language. Graeco-Roman re li gious beliefs & c us toms. an d oche r c ultural phenomena that fo rm the relc \'ant background to var ious N T books. i\ l av be re peated for c redit with th e ; tu dy of a diffe re nt conte nt. l~lec rive for Th. ,\ I. students. NT 816 Hellenistic Greek Seminar (2) Rcadi ngs fro111 a niriety of lirernr,· and non- litera ry h: oinc texts as a means of de,·e loping a grc,rc cr a,, arenes, of the ling ui st ic, li ter­ a ry. a nd c ultura l context o f the /'\e\\ T csra 111 enr. \ l ay be re peated fo r cred it wit h a diffe rent emphasis. Pre requ is ite: NT 50.'l. El ccti,·e fo r Th .i\ I. students.*

StYl e wit h t hat of L uke' s gos pel. Pre re qui s ite: NT .'i 03. Elective.* NT 7 41 Exegesis of Second Cor inthi ans (2) f\ detailed stud\' of the Greek text of th e ep is tle w it h spec ia l attentio n g i,·c n to prob lems of gra mma r a nd inte rpretat io n. Pre­ requisite: 's'I' 503. Electi, e.• NT 742 Exegesis of Galat ians (2) A detailed exegesis of the o ri g i­ nal tex t together with a cons id er­ a tion of th e hi sto ri ca l s ituation s. Prerequi s ite: NT 503. El ect ive.* NT 743 Exegesis of Philippians (2) f\ detailed s tud, o f the Greek text of th e e pi s tle \\" ith s pec ial atte nti o n g i, e n to th e problems o f gra mm ar an d interpretation. Prerequi s ite : :\'T 503. El ectinc:." NT 7 44 Exegesis of Colossians (2) ,\ derailed stud y of the Greek tex t of t he ep istle "ith emphasis upon t he prob lems prese nt in the Coloss­ ian church. [x<.:g<.:sis of the epistle. Pre requi site: NT 503. Elccti, e .* NT 747 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles (2) f\n c-,a111inat ion of I Ti111ot lw, II Ti111 ot hy and Ti rns in the Greek text "ith a spec ial foc u s o n c h urch struc ture and leadership. Prer<.:q ui s ite: NT 503. Elcct in;.~ NT 751 Exegesis of the Apoca­ lypse (2) A s tud y b ased o n the o ri gi n a l text, w i t h a focus on the se,·en c hu rches and the literary ge nre of t he hook . Pre requi site: l\i T 503. E lect i, e .* NT 755 Theo logy of the Gospels (2) An examinat ion of the theological reaching of J esus as reco rd e d in t he four gospe l narrati, ·es. Special a ttention is pa id to the chronologi­ ca l deve lopment of th e 111 es taught bv C hri st in th e li ght of Hi s pres­ enta tion a nd re ject ion. (Cross­ li s red with Tl I 729) . Elect ive.* NT 757 Johannine Theology (2) Th e t he ology of the Johan ni nc wr itings, with e mphas is upon t he co ncepts t hat t he writer him se lf e111p has izes. Prere qui s it e : NT 50 1-502. Electi ve. NT 759 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes o f Paul 's doc­ trine fro 111 the biblical theo logica l pe rs pect i, e. (C ross- listed with TH 730). P rerequis ite : 'T 50 1- 502. l~lccrive .•

i"uc:s associated with a particular ep istle(,). \l ay be repeated for credit ll' ith the study of diffe rrn t epist le. Pre req ui s ite : NT 503,605. l!lccri1c fo rTh.\l. students.* NT 880 Directed Research (1 -3) Derailed research on some aspec t of the -S.:e\\ T esta111ent. ,\l ay include a special focus on or com­ bined stud, of exegesis, New Testament history, introducrorv matters, or 'sew Testament theol­ og,. 1-:Jccti"; for Th.\ I. students . NT 890 Advanced New Testa­ ment Seminar (1-4) Supervised research of desig­ nated arc.:a" of co nce ntratio n in \le\, '1\.::-,tamcnt literature. hi '>­ tory, intcrprcrarion or rheology. \la, be repeated for cred it \\·it h different content. Elecri, e for Th.\l. students. NT 891-892 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion and applicat ion of the central areas of :\'e" T estament research and related fields of stud y. lmtruction in research mcthodol­ og,. including the identification of a problem. the steps taken to resol\'e it. and \\Tir ing the results. Req uired for the first semester of the Th.i'd. ('s.T) program. A second semester lll,l\ be taken to continue research in rhc area of interest. • 1''.ltrti,: ·,,s r11-r o[fned hl' ro1rr1io11 rr11d 011 1n;111's/. · · ·

NT 822 Seminar in the Gospels (1-3) Advanced s tud y o f on e or mo re of th e gos pe ls. Special atte ntion gi\'cn to cr i t ica l a nd exegc:rica l iss ues problems associated w ith a partic ul a r gospe l(s). i\ l a, be repeated for c redit" ith th e st ud , of a different content. Prerequ i­ site: NT 503, 60-t . E lecti\'e fo r Th.i\l. stu dent s. NT 824 The Acts of the Apostles (2) In t ro du ct ion to t h e book, the emph,rsi, upon i ts importan ce ,111d its hisroricirv. Trans lat io n of the tex t with exeges is of ce rtain sectio n s. Cnmpa ri so n of st\ le with t hat of Lui«.:', gospe l an d compar ison of Peter·, and Paul's speeches "ith thei r ep istles. Elccti, c for ' I'h.:\ I. students.•. NT 825 Seminar in New Testa­ ment Theology (2) Ad\'anced stud) in bi bl ical rheol­ ogy focusing on d escrib in g the thought of one of the bibli cal" rit­ e rs or a g roupi ng of N T books. i\ lay be re peated for c re di t with the stu d, of a different co n tent. Prerequ is ite: N T 50 1-502. J,:Jcc­ t i, c for Th.i\ I. students. NT 832 Seminar in the Epistles (1 -3) Ad \'anccd stud) of one or more of t he ep ist les. Specia l attention gi, en to critica l a nd exeget ica l

Talb ot School of 1heology · T-39

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