Old Testament and Semitics
C ha ir: Th omas J. F in ley. Ph.D.
ations. Prerequi s ite: OT 705. E lective for 'l' h.i\J. students.• OT 809 Advanced Exegetical of exe getical methodology to se lected passages from th e Hebrew te xt of the O ld Te s tament. Sp ec ial a ttention given co che ancie nt ve rsions and to c urrent sc ho larship as it relates to t ex t , language, hi sto rv and interpretive iss u es. i\la y be re pea ted with diffe rent content. Studies (2-4) Applicati o n Elec tive fo r Th.i\J. students .* OT 811 Seminar in Semitic Languages (2 -4) lntrocluctory grammatica l studies in Llga ri tic, Arabi c, Akkadian, Syriac or i\loclcrn H e bre 11 ; rea din gs in a nc ie nt H e br ew and A ramai c inscriptions; o r other advanced Semitic swdies. Pre requi site : OT 70.'i a nd d e partme ntal pe rmi ss ion. El ect ive for Th. i\ I. swclcnrs. May be re peated with diffe re nr conte nt. * OT 812 Readings in the Septuagint (2) A s ur\'CV of t he o ri g in , na ture and value of the Greek O ld T es ca- 111 e nt wi t h a readin g of se le cted porti o ns and compa ri son with the H e brew text. Jn, es ti gat ion of t he met hod s of the tra n s lacors . Pre re qui s it e : OT 70 5, N T 502 and dcpartmcncal p e rmi ss ion. Elect ive for T h.i\ J. s tud e nts .* OT 880 Old Testament Seminar (2-4) Dernil cd researc h in so me pha se of th e Old T esta me nt fi e ld, s uc h as s pec ific topics in hi s tor y and introduction or ar c h aeo logy of se lected geographi ca l a re as . Pre requi site: OT 705 a nd deparnn e n tal permi ss ion. Elective for Th .i\J. srudencs. i\ lay be re pea ted with different content. * OT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discuss io n a nti app li cation of the ce ntral area s of Old Tes tament rc searc h and re lated fi e ld s of s tud v. ln srr uct ion in research in c lLiding th e id c n t ifi ea tion of,; probl e m, t he ste ps und e rta ken to reso lve a prob lem, and wr irin g t he res ults . Req uired of the first seme ste r of the Th.1\1 (O.T . ) program. A second scmcs tc r ma y be take n to co ntinue research in the a rea of ime res t. * *Flfft ives are offered hv rof(/fio11 a11d 011 rer;11e.r1. · · ·
OT 717 The Old Testament in its Near Eastern Context (2) l,xamination of the arc hco log". histor\' and literature of t h e .\ncicnt '•kar Ea,t as these ,u b jccts relate to interpreti,·c iss ues in t he Old Testament. Req uired of :-. I. A. (O.'J'. emphasis). E lecti\'e.* OT 718 Archaeology of Palestine (2) The hist,ir, of e,.,c,1, ,Hion, t he hiscor,· and geography of the land and the bear i ng upon the O ld T estament. Elccti,e.~ OT 720 Studies in Old Testa ment Introduction (2) 'l'ex t. c~lno n and cxa1ninacion of rhe founchitiom and concl us io ns of modern hiscorical-cr irical methods. Special introduct io n of selected Old Test,u11ent books to illusmue thcse wpics of general
se lected passages wit h discussion of [ex t cr iticism, backgrou nd issues (h istor ica l and compmitional) and exegetica l me thodology. Special attention gi, ·e n to t he sm:ngths and 11-caknes ses of contemporary methodologies for t he interpreta tion of t he biblical text. Prerequi s itc: O'l' 604. Required of i\J.l)i, .. i\ I.A. (O.T. emphasis) swdent, . OT 706 Advanced Hebrew Grammar (2) A studv of the derail s of Hc lm:w gra111 n1a r and ')ynrax a long wich readin gs in t he I leb re11 text. Pre requi s ite : OT 705 . lilect i, ·c. * OT 707 Old Testament Poetry (2) The natllrc, scope and principles of Hebrew poem· in the Old Testa ment. Comparisom II ith the poem of the anc ient Near East. Elective.* OT 708 Advanced Hebrew Reading (2) Se lected passagcs of I Jcbrc11 text ll' i th emphasis on reading and tran s lation. i\ Jay be repeate d w ith differe nt content. l'rerequi
FACULTY Professors : C ur t is. Fin ley, Ri gs by
Th e department aims t0 acq uaint stlldcnts with thc life, cus toms a nd thought of t he H e brcll's and th eir ne ighbors in the b iblical and re lated pe ri ods; a nd to g ive sw dents an accurate foundation in He brew grammar, synta~ and exe gesis, so that their ·ex pos ition s of th e Englis h Bi ble ll'ill reflect th is sound bas is of interpretat ion. The depart ment purposcs not to be exhaust ive, but rarhcr directive in the 111atter of further independent swd y fro111 the origina l languages. COURSES OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I (3) Basic grammar II ith translation and writte n exercises. t\ non-credit lab wi ll be requi red for all students. Required of 1\ I.Di,·. an d .\l.r\. (8. 1·~-, N .T. and O .T. e111phas is) stllde,m. OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II (3) Addit ional grnm111ar and svncax 11·ith emphas is on rc,Kling and ~ranslacion in se lected biblical text,. A non c red it lab will be required for all swdcnts. Required of \ J.D iv. and i\J.A. (B.E .. NT. and O.T. e mpha sis) swdencs. Prerequisite: 0- J' 603. OT 704 Old Testament Prophecy (2) The character, extenr and pe rsonal it ies o f Old Testament pro phecv. with a treatment of principles ~f prophe ti c inte rpretation . Electi, ·c.* OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages (3) Read ings and exegesis fro111 the H e brew text of Genesis and
introduction . Elccti,·c. · OT 725 Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (2)
Consideration of the non-cano ni cal litcrawrc from the period between the Testaments. l•:mphasis on the de, clopmc nt of J c11 ish thought during the centu ri es before the ach-cnr of C hri st ianit,. Elcccive. ~ OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) \ su1Yc,· of rhc discm·c rics, the or i gin of the Qumram ComnH111irv. its bclief and practices and the rela;ion ship of t he finds m Old and New · I 'csrnrnent scudie..... Ekcci, ,c.* OT 731 Biblical Aramaic (3) .\ ~cud) of the g ra mmar with cmphasi, on comparisons with 1 lcbrc\\; translating the Ara ma ic of Daniel and l•:1ra. l're rcquisitc: OT 705. Electi, c.• OT 732 Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis (2-4) .\ com id cration of se lected O ld Tcsramenr pass,1gc, 11 ith empha sis on hiswri ca l background and detailed exegesis fro111 the I lcbrc11· text. \ht, be repeated 11 ith different content. Prcrcqui ,ite: OT 705. 1•:lccti,c. · OT 791 Old Testament Seminar (1-4) Su pen ised re .se arch of des ig nated areas of conccntration in Old 'l' est,1mcnt literature, his to r~ . inccrprcrntion or thcologv . \la, be repeated for cred it wi~h different content. Ekcti, e . OT 807 Old Testament Textual Criti cism (2) .\ swd, of the \ Jassoretic notes. rhc parallel pa""ges and thc , ·er siom II ith explanation of the \'ari-
s ire: O'J' 705 . Elccri, ·e .* OT 709-710 Reading of Selected Psalms from the Hebrew Text (2, 2)
Parti cular emphasis upon the de,·otional a nd practical , alucs. P re requisite: OT 604. Ele cri,·e.* OT 715 Studies in the History and Culture of Israel (2) I li stor ic,11 and culwral e~ami na tion of a period in lsracl's hi,mrv (Exodu s and Conquest, Ju dge;, L' nit cd i\ lona rchy, Di, iclecl \lon archy. Ju da h to the F a ll of J e ru sa le m , Post-Exilic ), using available biblica l and extra-b ibli cal materials. \lav be repeated w ith d ifferent content. Prerequi s ite : BE 5 19. Elccti,e.*
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T ~40 · Talbot School of Theology
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