Missions and Cross-cultural Min istries
A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES C hair: I larold Dollar, D.i\ li ss., Ph.D. FACULTY Proks,ors: Cook, Dollar. Douglas. I la," ard, Kraft, Lingenfelter, Steffen Associate P rofc-,sors: .\lexa ndcr, Pcnnoyer, Ru>Scll, Silt.er Assistant l'rofc"ors: 13arbcr. Decker
CL 556 World Religions (2-3) The di,tincti, e features of the hi-..rorical ethnic religion,;. ,,irh special emphasis on their co111- p;.1ri..,on ~1nd cntounrcr \\ ith C:hristianin and their bearing, upon mi..,"iion;.tr;' strategic..,. CL 560 Urban Research and Study (3) Th e use of ,ocial science tech niques to learn :1hout the people. needs and opportunities for c,an gclism 111 the cir,. CL 563 Gender Roles in Inter national Setting (3) The lh n,irnics of 111,ilc ,ind female role, in \\ 'c ,tcrn, non \\ estern and biblical cultures. Focus on responsibil ities. obliga tions. e,pcctations, leadership, and intcr-rcl.itionship, as the, relate w the socit:t\ a, a \I hole. CL 565 Personal Leadership Formation (3) \ stud, of the principles and pat tern, used I)\ God as 1 lc raise, up leaders for I Ii, \\ork. Thi, stmh "ill inclt1tlc a discuSsion of the , ital pi'1cc of ,piritu,11 forrna tion in leadership de, eloprncnt.
For a comp!t.:te list of course descriptions sec the Sc hool of Inrcrcultural Srudic s section 1n the uni, er<,itl carnlo_g. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS lntercu ltural Studies (ISCL) CL 501 Dynamics of the Religious Experience (3) .\ treatment of conceptions of the supernatural. the funcrion of reli gion in \Ocict;-, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritua l and paraphe rn al ia, ,acrcd places a nd religio us practitioners. CL 503 Economy, Society and Va lues (3) The studl of economic and social relations a, the, irnpact human ni lu es. "ith emphasis on analYtic tools for cornparati, e research ,ind cross-cultural 111inisrr,. l 'rcrcqui sitc: ,\ \:Tl I 200 or SCL .'i07. CL 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) E~ploration of the cross-culwral rran..,ir ion proccs~. focu"iing upon health) adju,unent a, a sojourner in a nc,, culture . .- \ttcnrion gi, en to understanding a nd appls-ing grace to oneself a nd other,. discerning cultu ral , alue,. co nflict st,lcs. social
frarnc\\ork to aid the local church m mi'i...,ion i1H oh cmcnt. CL 702 Social Organization (3) Cross-cultural stuth of the basic llllman _gro ups of fa1111h. kin and commun1c,. cnga,gin_g the ,ru dent in field rncthodolog, and research, and applicttion of pri11- c1plcs and data of social organi1a t1on co m1,,1on "itratL,t!;~ . CL 721 Cross-cultural Teaching/ Learning Strategies for Curriculum (3) Theories and strategics for de, el oping curriculum in :1 "idc \ arict';, or formal ,ind non-forrnal C011tC\ts: empha,i, is pLiced on lcl\\ tcchnol OJ.;';,. karncr-scn,iti\ c opt1ons. CL 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Cross-cultural Context (3) Re, ic\\ s the historical and con tcmporar, "orld, JC\\ beliefs in the C\J'.')tcncc and ~ll'fl\ ir, of "piri cu::1 I hcint!> or forcl.'s often encountered \1\ till: cross-culrnral "orker. .\ thcolog, of spirit, is de, eloped to help establish theo retictl and practical guideline, for appropriate 11nderstanding of and response to spiritual belief, and potential conflicts cnco,1ntercd in \ ·arious cro"is-culrural scrnng. CL 724 Issues in Spiritual Warfare (3) \ rnulti-di,ciplinar, e,amination of the lcadin _g practices of. and conn:mporar: inrcrc"it in deli\ cr :1 ncc ministries. 1nncr-hcalin~ pr;r, er ther,q,ie,, ~,ttani,111. disso ciati, c idcntit, disorder,. recm - cred rnemonc, and riwal ;rbll'>e. CL 725 Cultural Continuity and Change (3) The stud, of hcl\\ cultures change. the d, narnics and processes of changt:. the place of change :1.~cnt"i and the 'ipccd and inrcn"ir~ of change. lmplicatirn1" of "illCh procC"i"iC"i arc l.'\~1111incd in social. poliric,tl , economic ~111d rcligiou" aspect" of "iOcicr:. CL 727 Principles of Church Multiplication (3) l•:,plorat1on of the foundanonal issue, related to crms-culrnral church m11ltiphcation. \ holistic approach (throul(h teams) that is dc"iig:ncd to cmpo\\'cr n:1t1onal" to m1ni"ircr 1mnH.:diatcl:. rc"iponsi bl\ and cont1nualh ..tlong "ith pLr'ional i,n L'"itig:tr1nn of ,pi ritual gift,. skills and life nperience. CL 730 Directed Study (1-4) Read1n,l( ,1Jnl rc,c:irch in ,elected ,treas/issue, in\\ orld \fissions. l·:lccti, c.
C hri stian leaders today. ,rh ether \\Orking in t h e ir own coun try or in :111oth<..:r countr-:,. arc usual!\ "orking in cro"-cultural co11te,t,. Leader, rnust be pre pared \I ith rninistcr ial ski lls that will enable thern in penetrati ng and lcading cffr:cti, ch in the midst of ethni c complc,it, and rnulticul turalism. Christian lcadcrs m ust be c1 bk: to c~cgctc the -.,cripcurc<., and exegete the soc ial contcxt in \I hich the, "ork. B, lin ki ng rhc ,\ l issions and Cross-culrura l :-. Jinisrries pro gram "ith the Schoo l of Intercul wral Studies, T albot prm ides the i\ l.Di ,. swdent an opponunit, of studl ing with significant theol ogi cal and missiolog, facu lt,. This program is designed ro pro, ide t rain ing based on sound biblical and rnissiolog ical principles that h,n c prm en ,·aluablc in rnissio ns, pastoral leadership, c ross-cu lrn ral rnin isrr, and hurnan sen ice. ,\n , Talbot student rna, rake c lect i, ~ co urse, through the School of I nterculwral Studies. Students in the i\ laster of Di, init, prograrns with an ernphasis in i\ l issions and C ross-c ul t u ral studies "il l ca ke CL 6-10, 75 1 and 791-2. For the fo u r ad d itiona l required co urses the stu dent can choose all\ cou rse, listed in the folio" ing concentrations or take fo u r courses in one specific concent ration. The concentrations arc: t\nthropolog, CL 503, .'i20. S.'i6, .'i61 or 702; ,\pplied Linguis tics AL .'i20. 52.'i, 529. 6-16, 6-18. 679 o r 683: Church Pl ant ing C L 520. 556, 663, 7 27. 7.12. 7.',S, 7-13. 7-1-1 or 765; Cross-c ul t ural Education C L 520. S7S, 622. 7Vi. 72 1 or 7-1-1: t\ fi s s iologl C l , 6.'iS, 722, 72-1, 7-17, 750, 7SZ o r 7.'i.'i: l ' rban/ \ I ult i-ethnic C L SZ0. .'i.,1, .i'i9, S60. .'i67. 58.,, or 7-1-1. S rndcnts in the i\ lastcr of t\liniscry program ,, ith an cmpha..,is in mis sions arc required co cake CL 6-10, 75 1 and two clccti\'es. \l aste r of ' I'hcology swdcnrs "ill. a long "irh thei r ;\Jission, and Cross-cul t ural \ l ini"itric, chair, dc..,i gn a progrnm based on their indi, idual stud, needs.
CL 622 lntercultural Communication (3)
l'ri nciplcs and \HOCesscs of CO\ll munic1t1n,g from one culture to another. Focus on different per cept1011s, \\a\S of thinking, ,al uc,. non-, crbal e,pre'>Sion, lan ,!!;llagc C\l)rc,,ion and \Uh-group;') "ithin a culrnrc as the, relate to the media and the mc,"agc. CL 640 Applied Anthropology (3) Stud, or man. culrnre, and cm i ronrnenr \I ith .special emph,1,is on the manner in" hich their relationship \I ith one another 1, affected I)\ change agents. CL 655 Contemporary Theol ogy of Mission (3) .\n rn·en ic" and critique of the different thcolo.!.!:ic-.. of mi..,,ion ad, ocatcd I" ,·a riot is branches of the ( :llllrch beginning" ith l•:din h11r.~ h 1 1 /10 to the liberation thc olo,g, dcb,1te of 011r d,i, . CL 662 Mission in Political Context (3) Consideration of rnodcrn political idcoloµ:1c"i and mon:mcnr...., ~h the, affect the church and its m1ssio;, in selected n,ition,tl comc,ts. CL 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Dc"1.!._i;ncd to intc_grarc principle..., of cro...,,-culrural com111unication ,tnd thcolo.t!;~ <llld ,rrarcg~ of mi-., sions \I ithin a total conceptual
stratification and celebration. CL 531 Peopl es of Ethnic America (3)
.·\ stud, of non-Cau casian ethnic group, in the light of thcir hiswrical ,ind socio-cultural background. Practical field e,pericncc in an eth nic communit~. CL 532 Peoples of the World (3) Specific a rea studies \I ith crn ph a ~is on cu-;rom~. social ')tr uctun.::'.'>. religion, arts, hisror, and intercul tural cornrnLmication. One or more sect ions offered c, t:r,· Year in arcas such as: ,\frica. ,\,ia, \:ati, e Amer ica, :-. lid dlc East, South Pacific. l•:u rope . \la, be rt:pcatcd \I ith different course content. CL 546 The Historical Develop ment of the World Christian Movement (3) Th e background, or igin, dc,·c lop mcnt and sprcad of the C hri ,tian fait h fro111 the aposto li c period unt il todas·. l'.rnplrn,is is gi,·cn to the 111odern era. c,pccialls con tc111poran g rc)\\ th d, narnics in Africa. Asia and I ,at in .\merica. CL 555 Introduction to World Missions (3) ·1·hc nature of Christ ian outreach: a stud, of principles. hisum·, and rncthodolog, of \I orld" idc rnis sions. Required of~ l.l )i,. students.
Ya/bot School of Theology· T~41
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