
Research Languages


t, J. Oiv. mission scudcncs. Pre requi­ s ites: PT 602; Complet ion of 64 ho urs of the t, I. Oiv. mi ss ion p ro­ gram for P'J' 791, PT 792. CL 861 Alternat ive Delivery Systems in Education (3) Contemporary tec hno logies and trave l ease offe r new poss ibi lities for tra i ning nationa ls. Thi s course wil l exam ine such systems as t heo log ica l education by exten­ sion, in-se rvi ce shore courses an d distance e du cat io n to eva luate the ir su icab ilicv and effect ive ness. E lect ive fo r Ti1.r- l. students. CL 897-898 Research Seminar (3, 2) Di scuss ion and application of th e central areas of C hri stian t,Jini stry a nd Leader s hip research and re laced fields of scudv. f nstrucci on in resea rch me thodology, including chc ident ification of a prob lem, the see ps taken to resol ve it, and writ­ ing th e res ults. Required fo r the first seme ster of the Th .t,I. mi s­ sions program. A second semester may be taken to cont inue research in the area of interest. Appl ied Linguistics (!SAL) AL 520 Introducti on to Lan­ guage and Linguistics (3) lncrodu ccio n to the b as ic con­ ce pts in the sc ientifi c scud y of language, major areas of lingu ist ic ana lys is and seve ral sub-areas of t he fi e ld , inc lud ing language in soc iety. i'vlateri a l from Eng li sh and a va riet y of ocher languages is used to provide a broad per­ spec ti ve . Pre- requi site for grad u­ a te cou rse s in App li ed Lingui s­ t ics for program majo rs. AL 535 Introduction to Bi ble Translation (2 -3) An introduc tion to the princip les and problems of cross-language and cross-culcural communi cat ion with special emphasis on translat ing th e 13iblc into indigenous languages. AL 655 Practi cum in Language and Culture Learning (3) Applying the chcorv and pract ice of the LAt, IP method in a field s i tuation in order to lea rn co speak another language in its cul­ tura l context. Fee: $ 100. For addi1io1111/ courses see The School of l utermltuml Studies.

CL 732 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A survev and anal\ sis of the sm.:ngchs ' and "eakn~sscs of va ri ­ om church planting models and strategics used around the ll'Orld. lclencifics kc, factors "hich che church planter can implement in a context ~pccific 1 phase-out ori­ ented church planting strategy. CL 735 Principles of Church Growth (3) A ba,ic unclcrscancling of church groll'th concept, as related both to the local congregations and to the cask of ll'orlclwiclc el'angc li za­ tion, " ·ich clue emp hasis on the church growth school of chought. CL 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) A re, ·iew of missiologica l litera­ ture that traces the spread a nd del'e lopmenc of Chr ist ian ity as a worlt.l mol'cmcnc, from Pentecost to the modern era. Special atten­ tion is gi,c co the kind(s) of Christianity the spread; the process (cs ) b, which it spread; che effect Chri,cianicy had on th e socio-cu Icur,i I/pol icical c n vi ron­ mcnc(s); and the effect em ·iron­ menc had on Christianity and is subsequent dc, ·elopmenc. CL 747 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach co Chris­ t i an chcologizing; inccrrelarion­ ships berneen supraculcurnl Ch ri s­ t ianity and human cultures. Focus on conversion. rcn;lmion, commu­ nication, rran..,formarion. indigcnicy and mher related topics. CL 751 Theology of Mission (3) i\n examination of the theo logica l foundation s of mission derived from a scud, of the historY of sa l­ l'ation. Thi, "ill encompass a study of the mission given co Israe l and co the Church inclucl­ ing some incc;raccion with co n­ temporary theologies of mission. CL 765 Cross-cultural Leadership (3) Cross-cultural scud,· of leaders h ip including di, crsc patterns of auchoric,, legicimacv, public sup­ port, leadership rceruicmc nt, and training a'> they affect commu ni ­ cat ion, church gro\\ ch and de, el­ opmenc worldwide. CL 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) Incegrncion of all the clisciplincs of ministry and semina ry education. le prm ides supc;rvi,cd experience in ,·arious phases of Chri stian ministry. One hund red hours of field experi­ ence each semester arc C\'aluacecl in clas;room interaction. Required of

RL 711 Elements of Ecclesiasti­ cal Lati n (3) Bas ic grammar, syntax and vocab­ u lary of the Latin language with a view toward reading ecclesiasti­ ca l texts. El ectil'e. RL 712 Selected Readings in Ecclesiast ical Latin (2) Rcprcse ncaci vc se lections from Larin eccles iastica l texts, includ­ ing liturgical. didactic and confes­ s iona l writi ngs. Samp les "ill be drawn from patristic, medien1l and Ren aissa nce/ Refo rm ation L,nin writers. Prerequisites: RL 711 or permiss ion of the in structor. RC 721 Elements of Theological German (2) Bas ic g rarnirrnr, syntax and vocab­ ularv of t he Ge rm an language with a vie\v coward reading thco­ logica I rexes. E lccc il'e. RC 722 Se lected Read ings in Theological German (3) Read ing of reprcscncaci"c selcc­ cions from chco logica l texts. Pre­ requisite: RG 72 1 or permission of the instr uctor.

T'herc arc rwo consccuti\ e thesis semina rs for masccr's-le\'cl scudencs e lect ing to wr ite a thesis (Thc,i, First Draft and Thc;,is Fin al Draft). These seminars arc taken du rin g che srndcnc's lase year. During th e third semester before graduat ion , the student mu,t, with the appro, ·al of a major ad, i,or, se lect a thesis ,ub­ jecc, do research, and de, c lop an outli ne and bibliography. During the final yea r, the chcsi, can be written in conju nction '"ich chc,c cwo courses. Sec the Ta lbm ;cudent hand­ book and librars· handbook for dace,. deadlines and requirements. HE 793 Thesis First Draft/MA (0) Required for 1\I.A. (13 .E ., N .T. , O.T.. 'J'.I I. , and ll/TS) ,cude1m. Fee: $100. HE 794 Thesis Final Draft/MA (0) Required for t, I. A. (B.E., \: .T, O.T., 'J'.I I. . and 13/TS) ,cudcncs. Fee: $ 100.

T~42 · Talbot School of Theo logy

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