Independent Studies
course, a knowledge of Hebrew is req uired for seminary credit. TS 509 The Christian and Old Testament Theology (3) \\ 'alrerC Kaiser. Jr., Ph.D. A b iblical a nd rheologica l study of the foundational th eology applied by th<.: Old Testament for the New Testament and the Chr ist ia n Church. This study identifies and inductivclv dcril'CS t he center or foca l point.for the theology of both the Old and New Testaments. It also dea ls w ith the amount of co n t inu ity a nd d iscon t inuity between the Old and New Tes taments. Included arc the to pi cs nf sav ing faith, the peop le of God, the ro le of the law of God , the worship of God, the doctrine of ato nement, relationship between the law and wisdom rheol ogy, kingdom o f God, the l\ lcss ia h, t he inclu sio n of t he Gentiles, the rheology of the Ho!\' Spirit a nd the preparat ion of rhc new covenant. TS 515 The Post-Exilic Prophets (3) Rirhr11d 0. Rig,by, Ph.D. A survey of the hi sto rica l con text and b i blica l con text of the prophets H agga i, Zechar iah. and ~ lalach i, with a nd exposition of
HE 795 Thesis Fi rst Draft/M.A.C.E. (2)
TS 502 Conquest and Settlement (2) 10h11 .I. D(lvis, 7'/J.D. A stud,· of the conquest and settle ment period in Israel 's hi scory from the perspective of archaeology. rhc ol og ica I truths a nd hi srory. Th e books included arc: Joshua, J udgcs and Ruth. Specia l co nsideration of Lare Bronze t\ge material s from Palestine which prm·idc ins ig ht into the cultura l background for this cm. TS 503 The United Monarchy (2) 10h11 .I. Davis, Th.D. An hi sto ri ca l, arc haeo logical and theological analysis of the per iod of the Un ited I\ lo narchy in Israel. Archaeo logica l discoveries from the I ron Age I period ci red to ill ustrate imporranr cu ltura l trends of th is era. Part icula r attent ion gi ,·en ro the books of I and 11 Samuel, rhc first ten c hapters of I Kings, and the parallel passages in Chronicles and Psalms . TS 504 The Divided Monarchy (2) .!oh11 C. \l 'hirro111b, Jr. , 7'/J.D. ' I'he hi srory of lsrncl from the begin ning of Solomon's aposr,rsy (I Kings 11 ) about 950 13.C. t0 t he Bab\' lon ian Capri, ·irv ( II Kings 25) in 586 13.C. Special emphasis g iven to the miracle miniseries of Elij ah and Elisha. Parallel passages from the C hronicles an ti t he prophetic books scruti ni zed . as well as evidence from conremporarv secu lar histor\'. TS 505 The Book of Psalms (2) Bmre f.i. \\ 'rdrh, T!t.D .. Ph.D. An introduction to t he book of P salms with em pha s is on the principles involved in t he exege sis of hymnic li terarnre as we ll as app li cat io n of these principles to se lected portions. TS 506 Understanding the Old Testament (3) Bmre K. l\'alrh, 'f'h.D., Ph.D. A surl' ey of the hi sto rl' of sa lva tion in the Old Testament cspc cialh- as it re lates to the uni\'crsal of Old Testament rheology, i. e. the rul e of God or the estab li sh ment of God's kingdom upon t he earth . A working knowledge of 1-l ebrc\\ cons idered to be helpful but not requ ired fo r this course. TS 507 The Book of Proverbs (4) Bmce K. \\'alrh. 7'/J.D., Ph.D. An exegetical stud y of t he Book of Pro, ·e rbs in both its c ultura l a nd histor ical sett ing and irs literary setting with attent ion to its c riti cal and hcrrncncur ica l problems. T o get the full benefit our of the
These independent stlldl' co urses offer lectures on cassette rapes bv outstanding biblic,li schola rs. Th ey arc a, ·ailablc only as electives or prerequis ite s for degree-seeking Talbot students. Students who experience unrc so h-ab lc scheduling problems prc \·iou s to graduat ion may use chem to meet their requirements. They ma,· no t normallv Ix: used in lieu of ,:cquircd cour'ses. The use of ITS courses i, Ii mired as follows: . l!rtsrer ofDi611iry 6 elecri, e units or unresolv ab le schedu ling problem .1/aslffo(Arrs -+ ~lccti, c units or unrcsoh ablc scheduling problem .1/rwerof. \m· reduced (An" \las ter of Arts reduced program) 2 e lccri, ·c units or unresolv ab le sc heduling problem Courses include a printed svl labus which pro,·ides a broad out line of the lectures, re, iew ques tions and a bibliography. Requirements fo r credit include textbook a;signmcnrs, co ll ,ncra l reading, research papers and examinations. all of wh ich a rc out lint.:tl in a programmed syllabus. Regular tuition fees arc c harged for eac h course regard less of the number of units for which a st ud ent is already en ro ll ed and include coses of rapes and progra111mcd sy llabu s. Tapes must be ordered th rough the Dean of Faculr~ Office. Students who desire graduate credit for J'J'S courses must meet the normal requirements for admission to T albot a nd register fo r the courses through the Admis sio ns ant.I Registrar's Offices. Furcher details may be obtained from the Dean of Facult,· Office.
Requ ired for \ I.AC. I,. students . This course "'ill be taken at the comp letion of 32 units. :\e ither this cou rse nor 11 E 796 is app li ca ble coward graduation un less both ha ve been compkted. HE 796 Thesis Final Draft/M.A.C.E. (2) Required for \l.t\.C.E. students. This course wil l be taken at the completion of -rn unit,. :\either this cou rse nor 1-1 E 795 is ,ipplica bl c toward graduatio n unless borh have been completed. HE 797 Thesis First Draft/M.Div. (2) Required for \I.Dil'. students electing to write a thesis. This course wi ll be taken after the completion of 6-t units. Neithe r this co urse nor 111•: 798 is app lica ble coward graduation unless both hal'e been completed. HE 798 Thesis Final Draft/M.Div. (2) Required for l\l.l)il'. srudcnrs electing to write a t hes is. Thi s course "ill be taken at the com pletion of 80 unit,. '.'-"either this cou rse nor 1-1 E 797 is app li cab le toward graduation unless both hal'e been comp leted. HE 799 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Student, "ho need extra rime to "ork on first or final draft of the thesis a rc required ro register for this cour,c to maintain degree status. F cc : $ I00. HE 891 Thesis First Draft/Th.M. (3) Required fo r all Th .l\ l. ,rudents. HE 892 Thesis Final Draft/Th.M. (3) Required for all Th.\!. students. HE 899 Thesi s/Th.M. Continuous Registrat ion (0) Students who need extra .time to work on first o r final draft o f th e rhe,i, arc required to register for this course ro maintain degree stat us. Fce:$ 100.
each of these three boo ks. New Testament Studies
Courses li s ted unde r th is heading which ha ve exeget ica l co ntent (and thus language prerequisites) arc s pec ifi cally identified; ot her cou rses arc cxpos irio na l in nature and conte nt . TS 518 The Gospel of Luke (3) Darrell I.. Bod:, Ph.D. An examination of the Gospel of Luke with concentrat ion on its mes sage and preparation of narrat ive mate ri al for preach ing and teaching. TS 519 New Testament Survey:
COURSES Old Testament Studies
Epistles/Revelation (3) Craig L. Blomberg, Ph.D.
This co ur se su r veys t h e New Testament ep is tle s and t h e Apocalypse. dea l ing with both introdu cto ry issues as well as basic content of eac h book. The s tudent wi ll do an inductive srudv o f a selected p assage, according to the accompanying lnducti1·e Bible Study syll ab u s. TS 520 The Sermon on the Mount (2) ./oh11 R. Srorr, ,If.A., D.D. Th e course, orig in a lly pre sented at Trin i ty E\'angelical Di vi nity School, is a co nsccu ri"e expos i ti o n of J esus' Sermon on the
Co ur se, listed under this heading which have exegetical co n tent (and thus language pre requis ites) arc specifically idcnt i fic:d; o ther co ur ses arc cxpos i tiona l in nature and conten t. TS 50 1 The Pentateuch (2) R. / .(lirrl H(lrris, Ph.D. A critical introduction co the first fil'c books of the Bible. t-:xamina rion of s uc h subjects as t he pro b lc111s of Genesis 1- 11 , the 1-1 ighcr Cr iti c ism of the Pentateuch , the chrono log ica l issues, a nd the archaeolog ical ,111d cultural back ground of the Pentateuch.
ralbot School of rheo logy· T~43
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