
Th <.: co u rsc is tksigncd to p ro­ ' id c t hc student\\ ith a basic introduction to the de, clopmc nt of the Chri\tian chu rc h' s doc­ trine. faith and practice fr om its founding at l' cntccmt to thc t ime of the l' rotcstant Rdormat ion . TS 573 Reformation Church Hi story (3) 11'. Rohfll Cod/i-ey. l'h.D. ,\ swd, of th<.: de, clopmcn t of t he thcolog,, the pi ct, a nd thc churchcs of the Reformation against the b,1ckdrop of th<.: socia l. political ,ind intcllccrnal characte r of thc 16th centun. TS 574 The History of the Church Since the Reformation (3) Gr111h ,I/. Rosi'//, Ph.lJ. Th e course is dcsig;n<.:d to pro­ ,· id <.: the student" ith a basic introduction w th c devclopme n t of thc C hr istian church since t he tim e of the l'rotcsrnnt Rcform,1- tion to the present d,1y. TS 575 The History of Chris­ tianity in America (3) Joh11 D. /-!1t111{ah. 1n.O.. Ph.I). .\ stud, of the Protesta n t churc hes in ,\mcric.1 from colo­ nial beginnings co the prc..,cnt with cmp ha,.,is on the nunH;rou-; influ cnces that ha, c forg;ed the

i'dount in .\l atthc" 5-7. Th e e mph as is is upon th e d ist inc ti \'e characte r t hat is cxpccted of the Christian and upon the autho rit v of th e Lnrd Jcsus Chr ist. For th e swd cnt des ir ing seminary credit, a programmed sy lla b us requ ires a n expos itor y and read,· s tud v wit h emphasis on the pract ic a l a nd spir itual a ppli cat io n of th e Se rmon on the i\ lount and upon the th eo logica l iss ucs and hi sto ri ­ ca l interpretations of that pa ssage. TS 521 New Testament Survey:

t ion, detail is g ive n to the promi sc of th e restorat ion of o ur origin,11 image in t he lik e ness of C h rist. TS 567 The Doctrine of Salvation (3) Roger R. Nicole, 7n.D., Ph.D. The p lan and order of sahacion out­ lining the process from regeneration to glorificat ion arc di scussed. Spe­ cial ,mcmi on is g iven to diffcring " iews and objections to the Reformed doctrine on th is subject, and evide nce fi) r both sides i, carc­ fu 11 y weighed. Specific to pi cs include rh c quest ion of the ,main ­ mcnt of perfect ion in t hi s life, the relationship of bapt ism to sah-ation, the Roman Catholi c concept of jus­ tification, and the reasons for belie, ·­ ing in the persevera nce of the sain ts. TS 568 The Doctrine of the Trinity (3) Pf'ter '/'0011, D. Phil. (Oxo l{) The doctr ine of the Trinit,· is pre­ se nted from biblical. hi stor ical. d ogma ti c a nd contcmporan pcr­ spcc ti , ·es. Spcc ial attention is paid to t he for mul a ti on of th e c la ssic and orthodox doctrine of the Trin­ itv in thc fourth cenwr, at the Coun cils of Nicca (325) and Con­ sca m inopl c (38 1). ·-1'he mannc r in whi c h the doctr ine dcvc loped in the Ea s t and \Ves t is a lso noted. Further, the comm itment of the c hurch to th e onto logical Trinity (God-as-Goel -is- in-Himself) >1' we ll as t0 thc econom ica l Tri nit, (Cod­ as-God- is-towa rd-u s/ the m>rld ) is exp lained and commended. Finall y, a surn;v of rcc<.:nt attempts to prese n t a modern doc trin <.: of the Trinity (e.g., by Ba rt h. Rahncr, i\ loltmann , Pannc nberg and "the femini s t" Cat herin e i\lowrv I, ucgna) is pro\'idccl. TS 570 Survey of Church History (3) Cat1h ti!. Rosell, Ph. D. The course is des igned to provide the srndem with a bas ic imroduc­ tion to th e dc\' c lo pment of t he C hri st ian church from its founding ar Pentecost to the prcsent da, . TS 571 The Ancient Church (3) Rid,arr/ C. Ca111bk. 7n.D. From th e close of thc :'sic"· Tc,­ ta m e nt in 95 A.O. to appro, i­ matc ly 600 A. O. ; the c hu rch and the Roman Empire; ecc lesiast ica l orga ni za tion; cl c\'e lopm c nt o f theology and dogma; Christ ian life and wo rs hip. TS 572 The History of the Church to the Reformation (3) C{{/1h ,I/. Rosell, Ph.D

gram1natica l an d textua l critical c , ·,iluati ons and to do Greck wo rd s t udies. TS 527 The Pastoral Epistles (3) Joh/{ R. Slot!, , If .A .. D.D. An ex pos ition of I and 11 T' imo­ thy and Tiws. Emphas is on thc aut hori ty of Pau l ctnd hi s message and the need t0 guard that mes­ sage. as well as t hc responsi bili ­ t ies o f the loca l c hurc h and its leade rs. Pastoral Theology TS 550 Church Leadership and Administration (2) f,m 1te1h 0. Cal{gtl. Ph.D. A co ur sc dcs igncd to d cvc lop leaders hip potentia l in st udents an d to gi\'c them a familiarity "ith t he , ·a riou s clements of the admini strati,e process, including: goa l se tting and ach ic,·ing, organ­ iza t ion, dclcgation. human re la ­ tions, g ro up d~ nami cs . s upen i­ s ion a nd th e tra inin g of othe r lea ders. T houg h the p ri nci pi es arc uni,·crsa l. in the focus o f t hc co urse is th c Chr ist ian orga ni za­ tion. pa rticul a rl y t hc loca l c hurc h. TS 551 Spiritual Formation (3) Joh /{ R. / ,ii/is, Ph. D. An in, ·cst iga t ion in to the mcan­ ing of bibli ca l Ch ri s tianity and its re lat ion s hip to fait h and practice. TS 555 Interpersonal Commu­ nication and Conflict Manage­ ment in Churches and Chr istian Organizations (2)

Gospels/Life of Christ (3) Teny {:. H11dbn1, 1n.D.

A chrono logical sy nth etic s rndv of t h e four gospel reco rd s , e mph as iz ing the time, place, c ir­ cumsca nccs and pe rso ns involved in the even ts of ou r Lord' s min ­ is tr y. wi th H , · icw to a fu ll e r u nde rsta ndi ng o f the s ignificance of 11 is wo rd s and works . TS 522 The Parables of Jesus (2) Craig ! .. Blomberg. Ph.D. i\ let hocls of interp reti ng Jesus' pa rab les arc s urveye d and then an eclectic mode l drawi ng on the bes t in s ights of each is app li cd co eac h of th e majo r narratin, para­ bles in the gos peh. Conclusiom are d rawn co nce rning the theo l­ ogy and s ign ifi ca nce of t hi s po r­ tion of Jes u< teach ing. TS 523 The Acts of the Apostles (3) Darrell/,. Bod·. Ph.D. An exegetical examination of the Acts of the Apost les with concemrn­ t ion on the b iblical theology of the Book o f Acts, the h isto rical back­ ground of eve nts. and die theologi­ ca l emphas is of thc speeches. Spe­ cia l attcmion is gi,·c n to th e relation­ ship between the church and Israel in the ea rl y church era. T hi s course ass umes a basic skill in Gree k exc­ ges is. The abilitv to makc gram­ mat ica l ernluations and to do Greek

current rc li giou.., sce ne. TS 5 76 The Theology of Jonathan Edwards (3) Joh!{ II. Cn:rt11ff. Ph.. O.

Kf'lll{eth 0. Ca111;el. Ph.D. Sa1111{e/ 0. Cal{i/{f, Ph.D.

An e"1mination of t he thcolog, of J o na t han l•:ch, ,irds in dctail. T aking a topical approac h. thc course con:rs 1"ch1ards' tcachings rega rdin g all t he major points of S,stematic Thcolog, "ith partic­ ula r em ph asis on Ed\\·ard·, uniquc theological contr ibu t io ns. TS 577 The Theology of Martin Luther (3) Robe,1 1.:olb. Ph.D. The Th eo log, of i\ la re in Luther rc, ic" s thc prcscntation of bibli­ ca l doctrine accordi ng to topic"> in hi storic,il con rc,t. Th c presuppo­ sit ions of his rheolog;, arc set forth in his distinction of the rn o kind s of righteousness and t he theo logy of the cross. :\gainst t hi s b ac kgro und lau ther's tr eat ment of central Christ ian doctrines, par­ ti c ularl y justification in the faith and t h <.: means of g;racc. ar<.: explored. Sig;niticant treatment is gi, ·en to hi s understanding of life in human cul ture and socict, .

An examination o f the process of interpersonal commu ni cation and co nfli ct management in human rel at ion sh ip s " ithin Chris ti an organit.ations . ,, irh actc ncion gi\'cn to communication modc\ s 1 se lf-concept, n o n-, ·c rb a l me s­ sages, s tress and oche r st rateg ics that w ill ass is t the Chr ist ian leader in deve lop in g interp er­ sona l com muni ca ti o n s kill s and thc produ ct i\'c use of conflict. Th eology and Church History TS 566 The Doctrine of Man and Sin (3) Rogn- R. ,\'icole, 'f'/1.D ., Ph.D. T he Reformed Doctr in e conce rn­ i ng the or ig in of humanit y a nd the influx of s in into thc wo rld is ex plained. T he course addresses the issues ra ised by th e theory of e,·ol uti on as it re la tes to t he c re­ at ion of human ity. It explains the effects of the Fa ll in thc Ga rd e n on ou r cu rre nt condition. In addi-

word studies is recommended. TS 524 The Epistle to the Romans (3)

Harold II'. f/01,h11er. 7fl.D., Ph.D. An e xege ti cal-tl1c o log ical s tud y of Paul 's e pi s tle to the Romans in t he Greck text. I t in , ·ol\'es the treatment of se lecte d hi sto ri ca l, grammat ica l, s tr ucwral. and lexi­ ca l d ata w hi ch cvaluate the mea nin g of thi s important New Testament document. Special emphas is is g i,·cn co the theologi­ ca l th e mes and ovcr-a ll argument of th e Epi st le. Thi s co ur se assum es a b as ic s k i ll in Greek exeges is a nd the abilit y to make

T ~44 · Ya/bot School of Th eo logy

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