
influent ial approaches of Aug us­ ti ne and Aquinas . 1-l owc\'e r, t he hulk of t he course exam in es six approaches of apo logists who le d in the resurgence of C\'a ngc li ca l­ i,rn during t he last ha l f of t h e 20t h ccnwrY. Each app roac h use, different starting points and forlll'> of arg um e n t: empirica l/ i nducci,·e, rat iona l/ dcducti\'e, se lf-aut henticat in g presupposit ions. self-authent icat­ i ng mvstieal experiences a nd hypothcsis/n:rificacion. Stude n ts arc encouraged to integ rate t he strengths of the va ri e d app roac hes. The last t h ree lcc­ w rc, , exhibiting the lectu re r 's S\'nthcsi,. arc entitled: " \ \' hy l Belicn: in Cod." "\ \'lw I Bcl ie\'e in Jesus Christ" and "\\' h y l Bclic,c the Bible." TS 592 Christ ian Et hi cs: A Bib­ lical Theology of M orality (3 ) ./11111es , Ii. Crier, 'J'/,.D. An o.a111ination of the theories of obligation and the theories o f value from a philosoph ica l pe r­ spccti1 c. A biblical t heo logy o f obligation and a biblica l rheo logy of, al uc arc pre,cntcd a long with their illlplications fo r dcci, ion­ maki ng in personal life an d church life.

TS 578 The Radical Reformation (3) Abm!tt1111 Friesen . Ph.D.

TS 583 Urban Mission and Ministry (2) Roger S. Cree11way, Tl,.D.

TS 586 A History of-! he Church in China Since 1949 (3) ./011a1hr111 Chao, Ph. D. Thi s cou rse t rea ts the historv of Pro testant C h rist ian ir\' in So~ial­ ist Ch ina since 19-1 9 and outlines t his period in 12 sec t ions dealing wit h the changing po litical lllm·c­ Jllcnts and the ir ill1pact on re li­ g ious po l ic\'; t h e rise of the Three Se lf Patriotic /d o,·eJ11e11t (TSPi\ l ): Christian suffe ring dur­ ing the culwra l rc\'O lu ti on; a nd the c111c rgcncc and g rowth of the t hr i, · i n g ho u se c h urches. Dera il ed dcvc lop111c n c of t h e house c hu rc h e1·angelist ic a n d leade rshi p train in g mcr hods is \'Crificd II ith illustrations from fie ld expe ri ence. Phi losophy of Religion and Ethics TS 591 Exploring Approaches to Apol ogeti cs (3 ) Corr/011 R. l ,t'ill'is. Ph.D. The cou rse co!llparcs bib l ical. h istorical and recent approaches to defe nd ing fait h in Goel, Ch ri st and Sc rip ture. le c rn phasizcs t he co n trast hcc11·cen Peter's !llcthod of rca5oning among the Jews in J er usa lc!ll (Acts 2) and Paul's among the Gent il es in Athens (Ace, 17). It coJ11pares the ,till

A course th at foc uses on C hr ist ian i\li ss io n s a nd m ini s tr y in th e world 's growing c iti es. The b ibli­ ca l bas is fo r urba n !llinistry is pre­ sen ted and case sw dies of effec­ t ive u rba n strateg ics wo rl dw ide a rc exa !lli ncd. At tent ion is g i\'e to urban issues suc h as mi ni stry co the poor and ho111e lcss, pasrori ng a nd ra is in g a fa!lli ly in t he city. and pl anting urban c hurches. TS 584 Missionary Encounter with World Religions (3) Ha,vie ,11. Co1111, Tli .. 11. , Li11.D. An introduct ion to the theology of re li g io ns. A b ibli cal rheo logv of re lig ions is de\'c lopcd agaimr t he bac kground of cxtensi\'e stuclY of cu r rent lllode ls of approach. Us ing lllajor re ligious s,·sccms as cxa111plcs, fi\'c characteristics of a ll re li gions arc ,kctc hcd. Some p ract ical s uggest io ns fo r evange l­ is ti c ap proac h arc proposed . TS 585 Theologiesof Liberation (2) Ken11e1h B. , IJ,, /!,o/lr111r/, D. 7'!, . P. A survey of li berat ion t heo log ies wit h part icu la r atte n t ion co th e ir hi sto ri ca l d cve lo p111 cnt and t he­ !lla ti c e laborat ion in the social and re ligious context of Lat in Alllerica.

Thi s course exa lll incs th e hi srory o f t he Radi ca l Re form a t io n. It follo ws a ro pi ea l, c hron o log ica l, and hisror ica l progress ion, cove r­ ing th e ge nes is of th e !lloveme nt, its re la ti o n to t he Ren a issa nce and t he Rcfo r!ll a ti on, its va ri o us ma nifestat io ns a nd th e eve ntua l d eve lop!ll c nt of th e !llOve lll c n t. TS 579 Contemporary Theology (3) Jo/111 S . Fei11be1g, Ph.D. In thi s cou rse we shall atte lllpt to exa llline so!lle of th e lll ajor tre nd s in contc lllporary thought. In o rd e r to set the backg round fo r conte m­ porary theologica l and philosophi­ ca l di sco ur se, we beg in with a bri e f philosophical ove rview of th e lll ajor dc vc lo plll c nts in Wes tern phil osoph y pri o r co Hege l. Di s­ c u ss io n t h e n rnrn s dir ec tl y to Hege l whose influ e nce ex te nds th ro ug ho ut t he !llode rn p e ri od. Ki e rkegaard re prese nts not onl y a reac ti on co Hege l. but is a lso th e fir st of th e ex isten t ia li st o ri e nte d th eo log ia ns we co ns id e r. Aft er Ki e rk egaa rd, t he co urse turn s to Barth, Bultmann and Tilli ch. Par­ a ll el to th ese cleve loplll e n ts in the­ ology was the clcveloplll c nt of ana- 1 yc ic phil osop hy. Our e lllph asis will be phil osoph v of th e ea rli e r a nd lace r \,\'i ttgc n s ce in. T h e co urse c ullllin accs in th e Goel is D ea d Th e ol og ies o f P a u I Va n Bure n and T holll as Altizer. Miss ions Studies TS 581 Introduction to World Christian Missions (2) 1Villia111 D. Taylor, Ph.D. An int roductory survey of the th e­ o logy, hi srory, culrnre, politi cs. and me thods of th e C hris tian miss ion, w it h spec ia l e mph as is on recent d c,·clop !llc n ts . c ru c ia l iss ues and future tre nd s, e nding with a stud y of llliss ions in the local church. TS 582 The History of Missions (3) .I. Herbe11 Ka11e, L.H.D. Thi s cour se t races the hi sto ri c cl cvc lo pm c n t o f th e C hr is ti a n mi ss io n in c h ro n o lo g ica l seq u e nce fr o lll Pentecos t to \Villi a lll Ca rey ( 1793). Th e mod­ e rn pcr ind is deve loped a lo ng geog rap hi ca l lin es : As ia, th e i\ li cl cl le East . Afri ca, La tin Ame r­ ica a n d E u ro pe. Th e co ur se closes with an attemp t to e , ·a lu­ a tc the ac hi c \'e !ll c nts of th e pas t and th e p ros pec ts of the future.

Talb ot Sc hool of Theology· T~ 45

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