
stateme nt of fin ancia l respo ns ibility as we ll as s igned state­ ments from any agencies or in div idu a ls who have ta ken the respons ibi li ty of underwriting th e s tud e nt 's ex pe nses. T hese sca rcmcnrs mu st include the exact amount of the commitment. Student Employment The Un ivers ity maintains an e mployment office fo r the be nefi t of s tudents needin g p a re-rim e work co de fr ay expe nses . \;l, 1 hile thi s office does nor gua rantee e mpl oyme nt , it does make an effort to place eve ry student desir ing work . Jobs are avai lab le bot h on and off campus, accord ing co stu­ dent 's ab ility, capacity to handle the aclclecl burden of employ­ ment and financial need. Normall y, a student can expect to wo rk 15-20 hrs./wk. when ca rrying a full class sched ul e. Previ­ ous work experience and hours ava il ab le for employment will result in better rates of pay than the minimum wage. Students who find it necessa ry to work fo r the e ntire amount of their li ving expenses should plan to extend the rime req uired for the ir course of study and to reduce the academic load. APPLICATION FOR AID Students may app ly for financ ial aid by filing a F ree App li cat ion fo r Federal Student Aid - FAFSA - and a nivcrsiry Aid Application. Biota University and the schoo l code should be included on the appropriate sect ions. For FA FSA, Bi ota 's code number is 001122. All undergrad uate Ca li fo rni a res idents are expected to appl y fo r one of t he Ca l Gra nt programs, using the FA FSA and GPA Verification fo rm. Pell Grants may be app lied fo r by completing the FAFSA. Departmental appl ications fo r scholarsh ips (for music, athl et­ ics and fo rens ics) arc ava il ab le from departments onl y. For example, write co the chairman, music department Biola uni­ ve rsity. In add iti on, a FAFSA will need co be filed unl ess a student ca n demonstrate disq ua lifi ca ti on for need-based a id. Note: New financial aid applications need to be filed for each academicyear. WHEN TO FILE The following dead lin es ha ve been estab li shed fo r the

ab le fo r inte rterm or summe r schoo l, except sou rces that are mandated by federal regulations .


Biola Uni ve rs ity's "F in anc ia l Aid Withdrawal Policy" is employed when a student withdrawa ls during a semester prior co comp leting the 60% point of the semester. Financial aid adj ust­ me nts caused by a change in semeste r e nrollme nt sta tus (s tu­ dent remains enrolled in at lease one course) are not included in thi s policy, but are add ressed in the Financial Aid Handbook. If a rec ipi e nt of fin anc ia l aid withdraws during a period of enrollmen t, the amount of finan c ia l a id earned will be ca lculacecl acco rd ing co reg ulations o r policies establ ished fo r the var ious catego ri es of aid. T he un ea rn e d aid will be retu rned co the various aid sources. T hese sources inc lu de: Title IV Financial Aid - Mose types of gove rnment aid are included in chi s ca tego ry, i. e. Federa l Pe ll Grant, Fed­ era l SEOG Grant, Perkins Loan , Stafford Student Loan, PLUS Loan. (Wo rk Study is not in c lu ded in the with­ drawal ca lcul at ion) State Aid - Includes G rants awa rded by the Ca li forn ia Student Aid Commi ss ion, i. e. Ca l Gra nt A, B, and T . Institutional Aid - In c lu des all sources of fin ancial a id awarded by Biola University, i.e. scholarsh ips, gra nts and loans w i th the exception of e mpl oyee or e mpl oyee depende nt tuition waive rs. Outside Assistance - Includes any aid rece ived from o ut­ side o rga ni zatio ns, i. e . ch urches, c iv ic organ iza tions , Emp loyee Tu iti on Waive rs , pri va te foundations, schol­ a rship assoc iat ions, etc. When a st udent wishes co withdraw from Biola Univer­ s ity, a "Departure Ca rel " must be obtained from and submit­ ted co the O ffi ce of the Registrar. T he offic ia l withd raw dare is rhe ea rli e r of the dace the student begins the with­ drawal process, o r th e date the st ud e nt provid ed offic ia l notification of the intent co withd raw, and received acknowl­ edgement of the same from the Office of the Regi stra r. Srucle nts who unofficiall y withdraw (fa il co submit depar­ ture ca rd , but scop attendi ng class) will be given an offic ia l withdrawal date determined by the last elate of class atten ­ dance. If the last dace of attendance cannot be clecerminecl, the offi cial with drawa l date wi ll be the 50% point of the semester. Return of Aid Title IV Aid - Federal a id must be re turn ed co the Title IV prog ram(s) if a srudent withd rew on or before complet­ in g 60% of the e nrollment period (semester or term). T he pe rcentage of Tit le IV aid co be returned is eq ua l co the numbe r of ca lendar days remain ing in the semester div ided by the number of ca lenda r days in the semester. Sc hedu led breaks of more than four consecut ive days are exc lu ded. NOTE: ff prior IO wi1hdrawi11g, fl111ds were released 10 a student because of a credit balance 011 the student 's a1w11111, the s111de111 may be requirer/ to repay some ofthefederal fl111ds upon withdrawing. State Aid - State a id must be returned in the amount of the difference between the Scace a id awarded for the

various a id programs: Ca l Grant Programs New App li cants Re newals

March 2 March 2

Un iversity Aid

All Appli cants March 2* "Ma rc h 2 is t he dead lin e fo r Ca l G rants and t he full need-based aid and universit y awa rds. However, s tude nts a re encouraged co app ly as soon as poss ib le afte r January I in orde r co rece ive the opt imum a id package. FINANCIAL AID DISBURSEMENTS All fin ancial aid is awa rded fo r the academ ic yea r; one half is app li ed co a st udent's schoo l account each semes te r (unl ess stated otherwise) . Students e nro ll ed fo r onl y one semes ter a re entitl ed co on ly that semeste r's awa rd after it is ad juste d co a one-semeste r expense budget. Noc ava il-

Fina ncial Information • 15

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