Talbot Graduate Student Awards
The \ Va Iker Srholrmhip ti m•t11d - To a sem inarv student with specia l interest and ability in the area of outreach, esta bl ished bv the Inter national Fisherman 's c lub. Th e Bill By1111111 ,lf e111orial Scholarship Award- To a Docto r of Philosophy s tud e nt in Educa tiona l Studies w ho does exem plary ,rnrk in the su,dy and prac tice of Christia n Education. The Bahr Book Aw.• ard i11 Chris1ia11 Ed11m1io11 - T o a grad uacing se nior who ha s di st in gui shed himse lf or herself in the stud y of C hri st ian Education. The North A11111ricr111 Professors of Ch ris1ia11 Ed11m1io 11 rlm·ard - 'J'o a grad uate stude nt in C hr ist ian educatio n for o ut stand in g acadclllic and scho lar s hip achi cvemt.:nt. Ylie ,\ '011h J\111n-irr111 P, vfi'sson· of Chn:r1ia11 Fd11t11tio11 Aw.•c11d- To a graduate studen t in th e doctoral program for outstanding academ ic and scho larshi p achic, ·elllent. The Lo11is T. Ta/ho! ,l/e111orial Srho/{1/:rhip Awr11d-To a contin uing student prc;paring for the mini stry who ha s demo nstrated acade llli c excellence, exce pti onal C hri s ti a n comm itment an d zeal for practical mini stry. llie Baker Rool Ho11se r\ w.•ard i11 7lieology - To a graduate who has distinguished him self/ he rself in the study of theology. Th e l?obi11 Fi11/ey .lle111 orial Aruwrrl i11 , lfissio11s - ·ro a cont in uing , tudc;nt preparing co ,e rve on the mission field. The Zo11derur111 0 111s1a11rli11g .1/as!er 's Th esis .\w{l/d - T o t he student who produces a thesi s of the highest quality at th e Th.i\ l. , ,\J.Div. or i\l.A. leve l. The recipi ent of th e awa rd is c hosen by a faculty panel from among a ll stu dents who su bmitted a master's thesis during the academic year. The s tudent who receives the awa rd ha s written a th es is that ex hibits a hi gh leve l of academic research co upl ed with a concern en draw out th e implicati ons of the research for the life of the church. Charles Lee Fei11berg J\w.'{lrd - T o the se ni or who best exem pli fies the im age of a st udent at Talbot School of Theo logy. David Charles D,11111 ,l/e111orial Scholarship - T o a s tudent who in God's strength has o,·ercomc c hall e nge s co enroll in Talbot Schoo l of Theo logy. Der11i's Aw.•c11d - To a s tudent or stu d e nt s who ha ve s h own exce llence in acad em ic s tudi es .
The awards t hat follow arc presented annually tO qualified srndcn ts nn the ba sis of cr it er ia indicated: The A11r!f"l'y Ta/ho! r\w,arrl i11 Bible Exposi1io11 - To t h e s tu de n t in the seminary who docs the best work for the yea r in the Oepartrnent of Bi b le Exposition. The .Joh11 a11rl ./e1111ie So/01110 11 rlmmd i11 Old Tes1m11e111 - To t he studen t in the sern inary who does the best work for t he year in the Oepartlllent of Selll itics a nd Old Tcscarnent. '/'he l)bm,y r\ m•md - 'J'o the swdent cornpl e ting ,1 dissertation th esis or thesis project who, in the opinion of the Librarian, h as llladc t h e lllOSt intelligent and effective use of the Library during the year of hi s or her g raduation. The Robt11 Y. 0/h·er Am'flrrl i11 S)'s!e111r11ic 71,eolo[!J• - To th e sw dcnt with t he best work for the year in the Deparcrnent of Svs rcmatic 'T'hcolo~y. 7lie Aw.•r11d i11 Ho111ilnics - To two stu dents in the semina ry who distinguish thernsclvcs 111 preach ing. Ylie Ke11 11e1h D. t!rrhill{i/ t!w.•a1d i11 C/1ris1ic111 /<~r/11m1io11 - To the outstand ing second-year student in t he Departme n t of Chr istian Education. 7lie Aw.'{ln/ i11 ,\'em• 'frs1r1111m1- T o the stude nt 11"h o ha s done outstand ing work in .New 'l'csta rnent stud ies throughout the scn1in ary program. The Rev. ci ,1/n-. Dacirl DonJ.• se11 Am•arrl i11 ,1/issiollS - To the student in the semin a ry who docs the best work for t he vcar in the; Oepamnent of i\ Iiss ions. 1lie Jlla,ge ,\'iq11 e11e Aw.·arrl i11 Bible Exposi1io11 - T o the stu dent in the sem in a ry who has d o ne outstand in g work in the Department of Bible Exposition in th e final yea r of training. The A/1111111i Am·arrl - To a continuing sw denr in the sc llli nary by the Alumni Association. 71,e \Villia111 I\'. Bass Jl/e111orial Scholarship Aic'{lnl -To a secon d or third year student who has demon s trated a kee n interest in Phil oso phy of Re ligi o n a nd /or Theo logy. J'h e l11 ez Coode11 .ll e111orial Sd10/arsh1j; Aw.•r11d - T o a sem i na ry stud ent with financial need. The Corr/011 ./oh11so11 Scholanhip Aru•c11d - To a sem inary student pe rformin g well aca dem ica ll y 111 one of the Bible rel a ted fie lds.
arc faithful in C hri stian scrv,cc, and in whose life the 101 c: of Jesus is reflected . Sa11dv Ford l.mrknhip . \w'{lrd - T o a s tudent with outstanding leadership potent ial , spiritual mat urit y and c haracter,,, ith a st rong ht.; c.trt and min ist ry com mitment in the areas of cn1ngcl isrn/ 111i ss ions.
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