In s t it ute for Spiritual Formation
facu lt, and other out,ide trained spir itual di rectors. t\s a center for pro"id ing opportunities for freshman in the undergraduate "Spiriwal Format ion and the Bible"
The: Instirute for Spirirnal For mation (ISF) is an interdisc iplinary cndca, or emerg ing from Talbot School of' I'hcoloi:.," and Ro,emcad School of Psycholo~ to sen ice ,ar ious training ,111d 111<.:ntoring needs in spiritual fo r111ation at Bio la lln i vcrsir, and the rn111munit) beyond through srudent/ facult\ training and spirirnal direction. the de, ·clop ment of academic programs and the dc\'elopmcnt of lay-church training. l r.s centra l aim is co intt.:grace an in depth inrcgnui, ·c theology of spiri tual formation "ith an understand i ng of the human and Di\' inc processe, and th n,unics invoh ed in spiritual grm, th. soul care and men toring in the church. Its ministries focus on \\·a,·s ro deepen belie, ers · knowledge and openness to Cod and 11 is \\ ork as \\ ell as an under standing of one\ ,elf and Others in order to grow tmnird conformity of character and inner life in the image of Chrisr. Thus, ISF :mempts to train a generation of 'icn·ant<; \\ ho arc equipped bmh to understand and participate in the process of spir itual grm, th from a theo logical. intcgrati, c and experiential pcr spect i, e, "ithin the contcH of a de, eloping mentoring communit, , with the end that students arc bet ter eq uipped to help others in the church in this process. To accomplish these goals, ISF d ra" s upon the c:-.pcrtisc of an ime gratin: facultv from Talbot (whe re
ncss etc. for the sake of furt her academi c programs and co urses. CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL RENEWAL Th e Cente r fo r Sp irit ual Re newa l is t h e a rm of t he ISF designed to sc1Tc the trai ni ng and mentori ng needs of facultv. ISF graduate studcnls. the Biola student popu latio n a nd the community at la rge. T he Center is the very heart of its graduate training programs, offering the fo llowing ministries: 1. Mini stering to and Training Graduate Students ■ As a center for rraining. men toring, de, eloping commu nity and research for !SF graduate students .
!SF is adminisua ti vcly housed). Rosemead School of Psycho log,· and e\'cntually a host of c reat ion discip li nes, schools and depart ments in the un ivc rsit~ in creating a \'a riety of related miniseries: ACADEMIC PROGRAMS The Institute of Sriritua l Format ion is fumbmentally com mitted to develop ing academ ic programs in sp ir itual formation and soul care-mentoring across t h e uni, crsitv in conjunction \\'ith Talbot School of Theology. I . Offering i\ lastc r of i\rrs in Sp i ritual Formation and So u l Care, \I.\ Emphasis and Certifi cate in Spirit u ,il F ormat ion at T a lbot School of T hcologv (sec T albot catalog). These arc one and two year training programs in spiritual formation and spiritua l direction or mentoring. 2. T eaming rogct h er \\'it h Ta lbot\ lntenrional Character De, clopmcnt Programs. 3. De\'clnping \ !asters of Di, init) in Sri ritual Formation at Ta lbot School of T heology. -l. De,·clop ing Spiritua l i 0 or mation and Soul Care and \ I t\ Emphasis for gr,rduatc Rosemead School of Ps,cholog,· studen ts to complete at Talbot. .'i. E, entuall, partnering \\ ith ot h er creation d isc iplines at S ICS, Arts and Scie nces, Busi-
course co receive an int roduc tion to sp iritual mentoring at a more rcr,onal le, cl "ith ISF \ IA Pre-practicum ,tudents. 3. Faculty and Campus Resource and Community Development ■ As a center for faculty com munit, and dc\'elopm<.:nt in spiriwal fornution and di rec tion at the personal, c u rricu lar. academ ic and training levels.
As a center and rc~ourcc fo r Biola's dorm resident directors and resident ,1ssisrnncs regard ing training and referrals in spir itual formation and sou l care.
,\ s a center for traini ng 1\ 11\ students in Sp iritual Forma t ion a nd Soul Care in super- , ised prcpracticum and practicum cxpl'. rienccs in spi r itual I\ mentori ng students. As a cemcr for spiritua lly men to ri ng graduate students by !SF graduates, facult) and other out side tra in ed sp iritua l directors.
4. Research Development in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care ■ f\, a center for spiritual for mation ,ind soul care rc".>carch including the creation of the The E, ·angc lical Journal of Spirirnalit,· and Soul Care. 5. Church and Beyond - Riola Resource and Communi ty Development ■ As a center for resource devel opment ro the church and com munir, outside Biola including lay trctini ng in ..,piritmll forma t ion and dircction-mcntoring.
■ As a cente r fo r teaming" ich Ta lbot's Intentional Charac ter De\'clopment program. 2. M inistering to and Training Undergraduate Students ■ As a cente r fo r ,pi ritual tlircc tion and mento ring of under grad ua tes by ISF grad uates.
Institute for Spiritual Formation· F~ l
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