
In s t it ute for Spiritual Formation

facu lt, and other out,ide trained spir itual di rectors. t\s a center for pro"id ing opportunities for freshman in the undergraduate "Spiriwal Format ion and the Bible"

The: Instirute for Spirirnal For­ mation (ISF) is an interdisc iplinary cndca, or emerg ing from Talbot School of' I'hcoloi:.," and Ro,emcad School of Psycholo~ to sen ice ,ar­ ious training ,111d 111<.:ntoring needs in spiritual fo r111ation at Bio la lln i­ vcrsir, and the rn111munit) beyond through srudent/ facult\ training and spirirnal direction. the de, ·clop­ ment of academic programs and the dc\'elopmcnt of lay-church training. l r.s centra l aim is co intt.:grace an in­ depth inrcgnui, ·c theology of spiri­ tual formation "ith an understand­ i ng of the human and Di\' inc processe, and th n,unics invoh ed in spiritual grm, th. soul care and men­ toring in the church. Its ministries focus on \\·a,·s ro deepen belie, ers · knowledge and openness to Cod and 11 is \\ ork as \\ ell as an under­ standing of one\ ,elf and Others in order to grow tmnird conformity of character and inner life in the image of Chrisr. Thus, ISF :mempts to train a generation of 'icn·ant<; \\ ho arc equipped bmh to understand and participate in the process of spir itual grm, th from a theo logical. intcgrati, c and experiential pcr­ spect i, e, "ithin the contcH of a de, eloping mentoring communit, , with the end that students arc bet­ ter eq uipped to help others in the church in this process. To accomplish these goals, ISF d ra" s upon the c:-.pcrtisc of an ime­ gratin: facultv from Talbot (whe re

ncss etc. for the sake of furt her academi c programs and co urses. CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL RENEWAL Th e Cente r fo r Sp irit ual Re newa l is t h e a rm of t he ISF designed to sc1Tc the trai ni ng and mentori ng needs of facultv. ISF graduate studcnls. the Biola student popu latio n a nd the community at la rge. T he Center is the very heart of its graduate training programs, offering the fo llowing ministries: 1. Mini stering to and Training Graduate Students ■ As a center for rraining. men­ toring, de, eloping commu­ nity and research for !SF graduate students .

!SF is adminisua ti vcly housed). Rosemead School of Psycho log,· and e\'cntually a host of c reat ion discip li nes, schools and depart­ ments in the un ivc rsit~ in creating a \'a riety of related miniseries: ACADEMIC PROGRAMS The Institute of Sriritua l Format ion is fumbmentally com­ mitted to develop ing academ ic programs in sp ir itual formation and soul care-mentoring across t h e uni, crsitv in conjunction \\'ith Talbot School of Theology. I . Offering i\ lastc r of i\rrs in Sp i ritual Formation and So u l Care, \I.\ Emphasis and Certifi­ cate in Spirit u ,il F ormat ion at T a lbot School of T hcologv (sec T albot catalog). These arc one and two year training programs in spiritual formation and spiritua l direction or mentoring. 2. T eaming rogct h er \\'it h Ta lbot\ lntenrional Character De, clopmcnt Programs. 3. De\'clnping \ !asters of Di, init) in Sri ritual Formation at Ta lbot School of T heology. -l. De,·clop ing Spiritua l i 0 or­ mation and Soul Care and \ I t\ Emphasis for gr,rduatc Rosemead School of Ps,cholog,· studen ts to complete at Talbot. .'i. E, entuall, partnering \\ ith ot h er creation d isc iplines at S ICS, Arts and Scie nces, Busi-

course co receive an int roduc­ tion to sp iritual mentoring at a more rcr,onal le, cl "ith ISF \ IA Pre-practicum ,tudents. 3. Faculty and Campus Resource and Community Development ■ As a center for faculty com­ munit, and dc\'elopm<.:nt in spiriwal fornution and di rec­ tion at the personal, c u rricu lar. academ ic and training levels.

As a center and rc~ourcc fo r Biola's dorm resident directors and resident ,1ssisrnncs regard­ ing training and referrals in spir­ itual formation and sou l care.

,\ s a center for traini ng 1\ 11\ students in Sp iritual Forma­ t ion a nd Soul Care in super- , ised prcpracticum and practicum cxpl'. rienccs in spi r­ itual I\ mentori ng students. As a cemcr for spiritua lly men­ to ri ng graduate students by !SF graduates, facult) and other out­ side tra in ed sp iritua l directors.

4. Research Development in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care ■ f\, a center for spiritual for­ mation ,ind soul care rc".>carch including the creation of the The E, ·angc lical Journal of Spirirnalit,· and Soul Care. 5. Church and Beyond - Riola Resource and Communi ty Development ■ As a center for resource devel­ opment ro the church and com­ munir, outside Biola including lay trctini ng in ..,piritmll forma­ t ion and dircction-mcntoring.

■ As a cente r fo r teaming" ich Ta lbot's Intentional Charac­ ter De\'clopment program. 2. M inistering to and Training Undergraduate Students ■ As a cente r fo r ,pi ritual tlircc­ tion and mento ring of under­ grad ua tes by ISF grad uates.

Institute for Spiritual Formation· F~ l

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