
Rosemead School of Psychology

t he l,rrgcr p rofcs,io na l co mlllu­ nity in its academ ic and c lin ical programs. \\ "hethcr as part-time faculty o r as consul ta nt s, thi s ros­ ter is multidi ,c iplinar y and enables Rose mead w enric h its training programs. Academic and cl ini ca l consu ltants do not serve as ad, isors to Rosemead swd e nts o r c ha irp erson, o f di sse rtation com111 ittecs but the\' do pa rti c i­ pate in all other acade mi c activi­ tie s. The following profess ional perso ns arc eithe r cu rrent ly or reccntl v in \'o h cd in some aspect of Ro,cmead\ acrdcmi c o r c lini­ ca l program s: Christal Dac hnen. Ph.D. Rosemead Schoo l of Psyc hologv: C lini ca l Supc r\'i sion James l)ach nert, Ph.D. Rosemead School of Psyc hology: Ctaup Th e rap, C lini ca l Su pen ision \\'illiam I ,. Ed kin s, Ps\'. I)_ Rosemead G rad uate Schoo l of Professional l' s, cholog" : Pri\'ate Practi ce Ea rl I lensli n, PS\·.D. Rosemead School of PsYc holog\' : Drug and Alcohol Abuse Ru th Ann Gravbill . f\ l.S.\\ '. Rutger, l ' ni \'crsity: Family S\'stcms ' I'hemp,· and Supcn·ision A\'edis l' anajian. Ph.D. l ' nitcd States Internationa l l lni \'crs ity ABPP: l,a rlv Object Relationsh ips, Indi, idual Psvchoana l\'t ic Psvchochcra p\'


Dean: Patricia I,. Pike. Ph .D.

debate and innm·ation. graduate trai ning programs in clinical psy­ cholog~ IHJ\\ co, ·cr a broad range of emphases from highl y profcs­ sion ,rl w hi ghh scicnritic. Ro sc m ca d 's ducrnral prn­ _grams continue in t he profcs­ s ion ,rl orientation tradition wit h the l'h D following a practitioner­ scientist model. and the l' s, l) fo li o" ing a practitioner model.

FACULTY Profc,scm,: Du , al l. E<h1 ards. I Jill. Ingrarn, \ lcQueen. '-.arramore. l'oclsrra. Sorenson. \\"o rden Associate Professors: 1\nderson. Coe. Crace, \I. I la ll . T. I lall. Jones, Kelle,. Pike. Steinrneier. Strauss. Stroup t\s,isrnm Professo rs: Cimhora, \"asquc1. \\"illiams

Rosc..:mcad maintain\ an ouc­ pati e nr psyc ho log ic;rl sen ice and training ce nter on the BioLl cam­ pus. The c lini c offer, a wide ra nge of psychological sen-ices ta adults and ch ildre n. It also pro­ , ide s on-ca mpu s t r,rining o ppor­ tunities for students. Th e c lini c is equipped with ,· id eo-rnpin g fac ili ties fo r case ohscrnrtion. Students al,o rccci,·c s uper­ ' ised clinical ex p e rien ces in a \'a ri ety of pract icu m placements in t he Greater Lo, Angeles ,\rca. These agencies present srndcnts "ith o ppo rtuniti es to work "ith clini ca l profc~sionals in a \'Hricty of therapeutic orienta ti ons sen - ing di, crsc popul,nions. Th e age n c ie s that regu larl y train Rose mead students - su rrou nd­ ing sc hoo l district,: co111m unit , mental hc,rl th centers: c hild , ado­ lescent an d ad ul t trcatmcnr cen­ ters; out pat ient c lini cs : and pri­ \CltC and public ps,chiatric hospi­ tals - emure th at Rosemead sw­ dcncs "ill gain a breadth of c lini­ ca l experiences in pro fess io n al se ttin gs \larking with cthni calh· and rnc ia lh di\'ersc popu lati ons. Students rccci, e s up en is ion both a t their tra ining sites and on ca mpu s "ith Rosemead f:rcult\'. Th e o n -camp u s supen ision ensures a n integration of c lass­ roo 111 tra ining and field ex pe ri­ e n ce. Recent and curre n t pracr ic un1 agen cies arc l isted late r in thi s cata log. Bi o l,1 has ,1 co m111i cmen t to academi c com pu t ing \,·hi ch pro­ , · idc s s u bsta n tia l computing resource s fo r Ro.scrncad ,tudents a nd fac ul tv . Bi o la has two co111- purcrs and a colllp utc r process ing laborator\' whi ch arc the co re of a Campus l nfor111 ar io n Sntcm. Our st ud e nt la b s are equipped \\ ich num crou~ Pen tium and Apple Powe r PC " or kstat io n s . \\"c al;,o h,l\ c a Co illpu tcr Sci­ e nce t\lcmc equi ppe d \\ith the lates t Pcnr iulll, Pentium Pro and Pc n tiulll 11 platforms runnin g e ither \\"i ndows :\'Tor Linu x. Academic and Cl inica l Consultants As a professional school located in a lar ,e;e Jllctro politan are a. Rosemead utilizes the sc r\'­ iccs of a nu 111 ber of persons from



t\ mai;;tc.:r\ degree j.., awarded as a student progresses in the doctoral program. Spec ia l ap pli­ ca lion fo r a termina l ma,rcr\ degree must be apprm ed on a n indi, idual basis. Doctor o( Psychology and Doctor o( Philosophy Ro,emcad', doctoral pro­ _grnms in clin ical ps\'cholog, a rc designed primarily to trnin practi­ tioners in professional ps,chol­ og,. The, arc designed for ,tu­ d c n ts interested in pu rsu in g careers ,n app lied area, of cli ni ca l pS\cholog,. \\"hilc all students rccci H .: traini ng in the bas ic ureas of sc icmific pS\cho log, relc, ant to the practice of pS\cholog,. the focus of Rosemead 's docrnral training is on the dc1·e lopment of profc,sional skills and the utilita­ tion of thcor, a n d research i n professional practice. \\'ithin t h is focus students m,l\ select e ithe r the I'". D. or the Ph.D. program. :\ppr oxi m ateh 67 % of Rosc­ me,id's stude n ts ,ire enrolle d in the Ps,.D. and .B % in the Ph.D. E\ccpr in unu~ual ci rcumsta nci.;s. studcms do nm change programs after admission. \\"hilc both the I'".!). and Ph.D. ha,c a common co re of basic science and clin ical courses. students selecti ng Rosemead's l'SI. I). arc gcnc r,rl I, prepa ring for full-time positions as psychologi­ cal practitioners. Those c hoosi ng l{ oscmcad's l'h.D. arc interested in combining clin ical ,,ork ,,ich o ther P" cho lo_gical competen­ cies, such as teach in g and rc".icarch. Rc'icarch training in Ro,cmead's P h. D . program is strong in selected a rea, of o ngo­ ing focu lc, researc h. Thu s the Ph. I) . i, p,rrticularh ap propri ate fo r studcm, "ho desire both ro dc,clop qualit, cli ni ca l ski ll s and to develop research skill s related to clin ical practice.


The Rosemead School of Pw­ cholog, of Biota l lni\'crsit\, in addi­ tion ro its undergraduate work. offers graduate \I ork leading tel\\ ard the Doctor of l'wcholog, (l'w. l).). and the Doctor of l'hilosopl1' (l'h.D. ) degrees in clinical pwchol­ ug\'. Rosemead\ doctorn l programs arc accredited h, the. \ rncrican Ps\'­ chological ,\"ociation. TRAINING MODELS IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY In the pa,t -W vcars there has be en discuss ion and debate b, P" cho lo _giscs o, er appropriate training models and dcgrcc"i in c lini cal p>'cholog,. During the 1950s and 1960s. 1110,t doctoral tr:iining in pS\cholog, fo!I0\1 cd the sc ien ti st prnfc>Sional model and culminated in the .l\\ ·ardinµ; of the Ph.D. These programs \\ ere designed to train scientifi ­ cally o ri en ted researchers a nd professionals. During the 1960s and 1970s the.: need for tra ining progralTl\ ,rich stronger profcS>ional o ri e n­ tation.., became apparent. I n"ititu­ ti o ns lik e the l ni n;rs ity of Illi ­ nois. the Ca li fornia School of l'ro­ fc»ional Pwcholog,. the l · ni, cr­ sit , of De ,wc r, Bay lo r l ' ni,ersic,·. Rutgers l 1 ni1c rsicy and the Rose­ mead Graduate School of 1' ,,­ c ho log, were among the first ro offe r programs de, ign e d cxp li c­ ith to pro, idc docrnral training follcl\1·in g e ith e r a professional ( pract ition e r) or a profcssional­ sc ic n t is t ( p racci cio nc r-scic n tis t) mode l of training. \\'i chour rejecting t he need for rrnining in the ba .... ic ..,cicncc a reas o f pS\cho log\', these pro­ gra ms began placing proport ion­ a tcly g re ate r emphasis o n th e professiona l aspects of training. t\frer th ree decades of d iscussion .


Ro sc mc ,1d ' s m ajo r e du ca­ tional disti ncci, ·cs are it s st rong profc~sional tra ining o ri entation and its _goal of relating t he data a nd co nce pts of ps\'chology tO t hose of C hri st ian r h co log\'. Since both pS\chology and th eo l­ og\' add ress the human condition. Rosc mead' s fa c ulty b e li eves t he re is a great deal to be gained b \' a n incerdisc iplinarv swd y o f th e n at ure of perso ns . Consc­ quenth·. a ll srud cnrs cake a se ries of thcolog\' co urses and integra­ tion sem inar~ Lks igned co study th e rela t ion ship of ps \'cholog ica l and theological co nce ption s of human fun ct inn ing. Thi s se ries of courses length e ns Roscmcad 's d octo ra l program b y approx i­ rn a teh o ne , car b c\'o nd mo s t four-,·car c lini ca l programs. \\'hil e re cogni z in g that the disciplines of p svc ho logv a nd

Rosemead School of Pryc hology • R~l

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