Fifth f m r
Fo1111h f m r
Third Year
Fall \dranet.:d St,ni,cic..,
lnt crn,hip
lntcgr:nion Ek:L'li\c IJ,ycho logy Ekcti,·c Pr:1ct1rum Ill 1'11chothmp1 L,b Ekctllc
\dYann:d Rclit.:arc.:11 De,ign \lca, tirt:mcnr &: \, ,cv'lmcm II Rc,c.: Jrch ..\ pprcn t1 cc..,h1p Prart1cum Elccnn:
Clinical SupcrYi'i ion/Consultation• Practicum I P11·chothc rapr Lah Elective I ntcgration Elccti\ cs Thcolo.~· I\"
\lt: .1,LHLlllLnt and h,L· ,,nH:nt I lmrotluccion to I\H·hopatholog~ 111,ton .ind S~\tLlll', of l\~d10log~ rl1t:olog~ I
3 ±
l) i,,cna rion
l1m:gra1ion Elt.:ct in:
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\ thance<l l'"cholo_g,
lnterterm Pr t.: pranicum 1 lnrrntluninn to P,H·hmhc r:q)\
Di s~c rtation
l\~cholo,i;, Elcct1n.:
Spring Ri:..,c:.m..:fi l..1b Ri:,1.:m:h l)e,ign
Ethic;1] and Profc,,imul l,,ue, Structural Equ,uion \l odl:lin.g Rt.:~c.1rch \ pprcntin.:,hip Practi cum Elct·ri, e P,ychothcr:.1p~ Elec.:c1, c Theolog, 111
Cr<h,-cultural ls,uc, Practicum I\ '\c11rop\~cholo~' or Clinical P,\choplrnrmarnlog:~ P\ychot hl'rapy Lab Ekcti\ c
Social l\vcho log) Thcol og)· \ ' Practi cum II Psvchothcrapv Lab Elective
L1.:arning. Cognitmn & \ ffoct \ atun.: ;inti Scope nf lnregr:1t1on Prr.:pr.1ctitum I! p..,,. <.:hmhn:11w and Rdi,gion l'hcolog, II
Integration Elct: tives
Di s~cnation
P,~-chology Elcrti\ c
.l 16
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seminars ( 1-t units) den>ted to rhe integrat ion of a , ·arict, of rheolog ica l and psvchological concepts in research. theory and practice. Dirn•11ario11 l?esmrrh: 12 units of dissertation rc,e:irch arc required prior to granting the Ph.D. (2) Preliminary Oral Interview All students hal'e an ora l inter , it:\\ ll'ith a faculty committee to eq1luare thei r pro,e;rcss and poten tial for success ful completion of the doctoral program. Thi s inter , it.:\\' is schedukd after the com pl e tion of three semesters in resi de nee . in c luding at least o ne pra ct icum assignm<.:nt. T he results of this intcrl'iell' a rc re port e d to the facults. ll'hich , ores ( 1) allo" ing the srudc nr to con tinu e. (Z) co ntinue stud ies \\ ith a Prclirninar) Oral lnrcn·iell' rc-t:s:irnination th<.: following year, or (.,) nm alloll'ing the student to conrinuc in th e doctoral program. (3) Comprehensive Examinations ,\II students mu st pass a scr of clo cro ral-le, cl co rnprchen s i, ·c csaminario ns COl'cr in g the fol lo"·in g areas: ( 1) psychological intcncnrion :ind (2) psvchology and th colog,. These ci-arninations are gil'cn t\\ o time,;; annually and sc r\'C as the rnajor means of cl'aluat ing a student's suitab ili ty to con tin ue studies ro\\ard the doctorate. Th e e,a rnination s rnav be taken after completion of 75 % ( 100 units) of the co urs e \\'Ork and must he taken prior ro rhe Pro fessional Q ualifying E,arn.
Only one retake of the examina t ion is all owed. The dates of the Corn pre he nsi vc Exarn inations arc specifi ed in the Academic Ca lend ar. (4) Admission to Candidacy Offic ia l ca ndid acy for t h e docrorarc sign ifies an adrnnccd stage in rhc student's progres s . In order ro be admitted to candi dacy the stu dent mu st hal'e: ■ Success full y compl eted the Prel im inarv Ora l ln te rl' iCII'
C lini ca l Trainin g Committee. Fo r furth er dcrnih. refer to the l nre rnship Guideline, in ,rudcnt handbook. Int ernship l;e t.:s arc li s ted in the Psyc ho logy course section (STi'\' 73 1 Internship ). There is some pro,· ision for stu dents to complete thi s require ment in t\\ o yea rs at half-time. (7) Completion of Training Therapy t\11 srudcnts must recei, <.: ce r tifi cat ion of completion of train ing therap, from the directo r of c linica l t raining. A minimum of SO hours of group therapy plus SO hours of incli,· idual therapy is required. Sec Training Thcrapy Guidclincs in the st ud ent hand book for furt her dera ils. (8) Dissertation A d issc rration cviclcnci ng high acrainmcnc in original ~c h0Ltr1.;hip must he submitted 11' all Ph.D. candidates. All di ssertation units mu st be acc ru ed prior to intern s hip. Thrcc ll'ccks prio r to expected graduation rhc candid ate mu s t s ubmit to the Ro semead dean rhc original and four copies of the di sse rtation apprm·ed b\ the d isse rtarion committee and Bi ola librarian. Detailed information i, found in the Student Dissertation Guidelines. (9) Final Oral Examinat ion Th e final examination is an o ral defcn sc of rhc dissertation befo re the doctoral committ ee and other inl'ited profess ionals.
Ph.D. in Clinical Psycholog y 1) Res idence and Coursework '\ornrnlh. fo ur ,cars of rcsi dt.:nn arc required unless transfe r of c red it is brou g ht in and alh-a nccd srnndin _g grn nrcd . \\"hilc the docmrarc is not ,l\rardcd simpl ) for completio n o f scared co ur, c \\ork. there arc bas ic unit req uirc- 111cnr, lc,r rhc dcgn.:c ( L\3 ".:111csrcr hours ). Each srucknt i., assigned a facult\ ad , ·iso r "ho ass ists in the planning of each scmc.srcr·s sched ule of courses and ,upcn·iscs the ,rucknr's progress in rhe progrn111. For trnnsfcr cred it, sec General ,\ cadc111ic I nformarion. Aw/10/ogy: Ph.D. students mu st co111p lctc a 111in imum of 78 semes ter hour, of psycholog, in addition to a docro ral di sse rtation. These 78 units include .'iO required units. 12 units of pr,1cticum rhm must be taken in residence, -+ uni rs of;-,, las rer's-lc,cl research apprent iceship, and 11 units of psychology clcc ri, ·cs. Students ma) appl, up to 6 units of grad uate course\\ork from the School of lnrcrculrural Studies tO\\ ard the weal pss chology hours rcquircmc:nt. Psyrhorh!'m/1y / .r;/1omro1y: Sm dents in the l'h.D. track must complete at least 12 unit, sc.:lecrcd from psschmhernp) lab courses. Th ese a re taken durin g the sec ond, third and fourth years. l '/irolof<y: ,\11 students must co mplet e a min o r in t heology \\ hich includes a minimum of 17 "ICl11C\tcr unit"I. lll1tgmrio11 Sm1i11an: r\11 srn denrs participate in a series of
Passed th e Comprchcnsil'c Examinat ions Received approval of disse rta tion pro posa l bv th e Doctoral Commi ttee
■ Compl eted train ing therapv (5) Professional Qualifying Exam All doctoral st ud e nt s musr successfull y complete an e~ami nation rhat eval uates rhe sru cl cnr's read in ess fo r a fu ll-time intern ship. I t may be ta ke n any rirnc after the comprehensive examina t ions have been passed and must be cornplctccl prior to acceptance of an internship . T he examining committee mav require the sru d cnr to complete additional cou rsewo rk , practicum, or orher pro fess ion al growth exper iences prior to begin ni ng rhc internship. See the Profess iona l Qualifying Exa rn G ui del ines in the student handbook fo r furt her derai ls. (6) Internship All stude n ts arc requi red ro success full y comp le te a one-yea r, full-time cli n ical internship prior ro graduation. All internships arc to be approved in advance by the
Rosemead School of P~chology • R ~ 3
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