

Fifth f m r

Fo1111h f m r

Third Year

Fall \dranet.:d St,ni,cic..,

lnt crn,hip

lntcgr:nion Ek:L'li\c IJ,ycho logy Ekcti,·c Pr:1ct1rum Ill 1'11chothmp1 L,b Ekctllc

\dYann:d Rclit.:arc.:11 De,ign \lca, tirt:mcnr &: \, ,cv'lmcm II Rc,c.: Jrch ..\ pprcn t1 cc..,h1p Prart1cum Elccnn:

Clinical SupcrYi'i ion/Consultation• Practicum I P11·chothc rapr Lah Elective I ntcgration Elccti\ cs Thcolo.~· I\"

\lt: .1,LHLlllLnt and h,L· ,,nH:nt I lmrotluccion to I\H·hopatholog~ 111,ton .ind S~\tLlll', of l\~d10log~ rl1t:olog~ I

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l) i,,cna rion

l1m:gra1ion Elt.:ct in:



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lnterterm Pr t.: pranicum 1 lnrrntluninn to P,H·hmhc r:q)\

Di s~c rtation

l\~cholo,i;, Elcct1n.:

Spring Ri:..,c:.m..:fi l..1b Ri:,1.:m:h l)e,ign

Ethic;1] and Profc,,imul l,,ue, Structural Equ,uion \l odl:lin.g Rt.:~c.1rch \ pprcntin.:,hip Practi cum Elct·ri, e P,ychothcr:.1p~ Elec.:c1, c Theolog, 111

Cr<h,-cultural ls,uc, Practicum I\ '\c11rop\~cholo~' or Clinical P,\choplrnrmarnlog:~ P\ychot hl'rapy Lab Ekcti\ c


Social l\vcho log) Thcol og)· \ ' Practi cum II Psvchothcrapv Lab Elective

L1.:arning. Cognitmn & \ ffoct \ atun.: ;inti Scope nf lnregr:1t1on Prr.:pr.1ctitum I! p..,,. <.:hmhn:11w and Rdi,gion l'hcolog, II


Integration Elct: tives


Di s~cnation

P,~-chology Elcrti\ c





.l 16

\ok: .\'tutlmrs ...·irh,11111111rln'J!,rrJfl11111, phrsf(JlfJ,:,iml p.,yrhrJlrn..._'1· roll rrd, SfJ} ·~,17 A_l'rh()phyJiolo.rz.iml Protl'Hr's itJJfMrl ofSP}' 67t1 .\'mrops_rrholOf!:i' or S P} ' 711:i Cli11iml l\rdwph111111r1n1lr1gy. '/llr•1· t1lremt1ffn• m11rv.1· ;,::ill .:, 111 r,t/fr /Jr 1,,1-, 11 dtlfutg rhr spl111J! ofrhr Jrmll(/ 111 third 1n11. • \// a11rlm1., ,m l"llfllll1tl lo ,omplrll' 11/ It'll.if! 1111it1 Qju111nru•·od III rli11int!.111pot-i.~ir111. '/ll is n·q1111't'lllml NJ(l_l' bt met by l/lhllf!, S l. /1 7(1! Pti11riplt•s 1111d Pmrtirr·, UI Ctt.ft S11pnr.·i,itw ro no-Krt11ditftJr.wptri..'isio11 U."ilh ,1_11t\.i-1111111, lt1b ,,,. pnpmrtiwm m111,·r.1. Thr n·11ru'r,·111mt 11u1y td,,, ht mt! hr 1a/,-i11.1.!. SJ'}' 7 /3 (Ji11iml S11pnr.:isio11 t111d Co11s11/1111io11.

seminars ( 1-t units) den>ted to rhe integrat ion of a , ·arict, of rheolog­ ica l and psvchological concepts in research. theory and practice. Dirn•11ario11 l?esmrrh: 12 units of dissertation rc,e:irch arc required prior to granting the Ph.D. (2) Preliminary Oral Interview All students hal'e an ora l inter­ , it:\\ ll'ith a faculty committee to eq1luare thei r pro,e;rcss and poten­ tial for success ful completion of the doctoral program. Thi s inter­ , it.:\\' is schedukd after the com­ pl e tion of three semesters in resi­ de nee . in c luding at least o ne pra ct icum assignm<.:nt. T he results of this intcrl'iell' a rc re port e d to the facults. ll'hich , ores ( 1) allo" ing the srudc nr to con tinu e. (Z) co ntinue stud ies \\ ith a Prclirninar) Oral lnrcn·iell' rc-t:s:irnination th<.: following year, or (.,) nm alloll'ing the student to conrinuc in th e doctoral program. (3) Comprehensive Examinations ,\II students mu st pass a scr of clo cro ral-le, cl co rnprchen s i, ·c csaminario ns COl'cr in g the fol­ lo"·in g areas: ( 1) psychological intcncnrion :ind (2) psvchology and th colog,. These ci-arninations are gil'cn t\\ o time,;; annually and sc r\'C as the rnajor means of cl'aluat ing a student's suitab ili ty to con tin ue studies ro\\ard the doctorate. Th e e,a rnination s rnav be taken after completion of 75 % ( 100 units) of the co urs e \\'Ork and must he taken prior ro rhe Pro ­ fessional Q ualifying E,arn.

Only one retake of the examina­ t ion is all owed. The dates of the Corn pre he nsi vc Exarn inations arc specifi ed in the Academic Ca lend ar. (4) Admission to Candidacy Offic ia l ca ndid acy for t h e docrorarc sign ifies an adrnnccd stage in rhc student's progres s . In order ro be admitted to candi­ dacy the stu dent mu st hal'e: ■ Success full y compl eted the Prel im inarv Ora l ln te rl' iCII'

C lini ca l Trainin g Committee. Fo r furth er dcrnih. refer to the l nre rnship Guideline, in ,rudcnt handbook. Int ernship l;e t.:s arc li s ted in the Psyc ho logy course section (STi'\' 73 1 Internship ). There is some pro,· ision for stu­ dents to complete thi s require­ ment in t\\ o yea rs at half-time. (7) Completion of Training Therapy t\11 srudcnts must recei, <.: ce r­ tifi cat ion of completion of train­ ing therap, from the directo r of c linica l t raining. A minimum of SO hours of group therapy plus SO hours of incli,· idual therapy is required. Sec Training Thcrapy Guidclincs in the st ud ent hand­ book for furt her dera ils. (8) Dissertation A d issc rration cviclcnci ng high acrainmcnc in original ~c h0Ltr1.;hip must he submitted 11' all Ph.D. candidates. All di ssertation units mu st be acc ru ed prior to intern­ s hip. Thrcc ll'ccks prio r to expected graduation rhc candid ate mu s t s ubmit to the Ro semead dean rhc original and four copies of the di sse rtation apprm·ed b\ the d isse rtarion committee and Bi ola librarian. Detailed information i, found in the Student Dissertation Guidelines. (9) Final Oral Examinat ion Th e final examination is an o ral defcn sc of rhc dissertation befo re the doctoral committ ee and other inl'ited profess ionals.

Ph.D. in Clinical Psycholog y 1) Res idence and Coursework '\ornrnlh. fo ur ,cars of rcsi­ dt.:nn arc required unless transfe r of c red it is brou g ht in and alh-a nccd srnndin _g grn nrcd . \\"hilc the docmrarc is not ,l\rardcd simpl ) for completio n o f scared co ur, c \\ork. there arc bas ic unit req uirc- 111cnr, lc,r rhc dcgn.:c ( L\3 ".:111csrcr hours ). Each srucknt i., assigned a facult\ ad , ·iso r "ho ass ists in the planning of each scmc.srcr·s sched­ ule of courses and ,upcn·iscs the ,rucknr's progress in rhe progrn111. For trnnsfcr cred it, sec General ,\ cadc111ic I nformarion. Aw/10/ogy: Ph.D. students mu st co111p lctc a 111in imum of 78 semes­ ter hour, of psycholog, in addition to a docro ral di sse rtation. These 78 units include .'iO required units. 12 units of pr,1cticum rhm must be taken in residence, -+ uni rs of;-,, las­ rer's-lc,cl research apprent iceship, and 11 units of psychology clcc­ ri, ·cs. Students ma) appl, up to 6 units of grad uate course\\ork from the School of lnrcrculrural Studies tO\\ ard the weal pss chology hours rcquircmc:nt. Psyrhorh!'m/1y / .r;/1omro1y: Sm­ dents in the l'h.D. track must complete at least 12 unit, sc.:lecrcd from psschmhernp) lab courses. Th ese a re taken durin g the sec­ ond, third and fourth years. l '/irolof<y: ,\11 students must co mplet e a min o r in t heology \\ hich includes a minimum of 17 "ICl11C\tcr unit"I. lll1tgmrio11 Sm1i11an: r\11 srn ­ denrs participate in a series of

Passed th e Comprchcnsil'c Examinat ions Received approval of disse rta­ tion pro posa l bv th e Doctoral Commi ttee

■ Compl eted train ing therapv (5) Professional Qualifying Exam All doctoral st ud e nt s musr successfull y complete an e~ami­ nation rhat eval uates rhe sru cl cnr's read in ess fo r a fu ll-time intern ­ ship. I t may be ta ke n any rirnc after the comprehensive examina­ t ions have been passed and must be cornplctccl prior to acceptance of an internship . T he examining committee mav require the sru­ d cnr to complete additional cou rsewo rk , practicum, or orher pro fess ion al growth exper iences prior to begin ni ng rhc internship. See the Profess iona l Qualifying Exa rn G ui del ines in the student handbook fo r furt her derai ls. (6) Internship All stude n ts arc requi red ro success full y comp le te a one-yea r, full-time cli n ical internship prior ro graduation. All internships arc to be approved in advance by the

Rosemead School of P~chology • R ~ 3

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