SAMPLE PROGRAM- Psy.0. Track First r ear Fall .\ch:mn:d Sr:Hi\ri c,
Seco11d ) 'ear
Fo,111/i )ear
/.'1jih l"mr
11/iird l'ear
I1Hcm,hip 0
\h::a,urcrnrnt :mc.l \v,c.;;:,mcm II Pr:icticum I P1rchorhcrap\ Lab Elccrirc
Clinical Supcn i"l ion/( '.nll'iuh.uirn,• Practicum Ill P,~c hocher:ipy I ,ah Elccciq: lnu;grarion Ekrr1,e,
Pwcholo.L,~ Elccti,c Practicum\ l\,chorhc r:i p, l,Jb Elcui, c, lntcgrJCIOll Elcn1, e, Doctora l lk'lc:irchScnmw I
\lt::htircmcnr and \v,t,;..,,rm:nt I ln_croduccion co P\, cho1u rholog, H1,wn Jnd S,, tcm, ol P,, cholo,g, Thcolog1 I
I nregr:nion Ekni, c
Thcolo10 I\
,\d\'anccd De, dopmcnral P,ycholog,
P,ycho!og) Ek:cti,e
lnterterm Prc pract icum I Introduction to I\H: hor hcrap,
lnH:grarion Electi,c
Pwcholog~ / In tegrat ion Ekcti,c
Spring Re\c:1rcfi Dc,1gn
Ethi c:11 & Profc,)1Un:1\ l,,ue\ \ka':iureml:nt and .\,,r.:-,,mcnc Ill Pracri cum I I P\ychothcr:tpy Lah Elt.:ctin: Thcolog1 III
Social P), dwlog, Pwchol o_g~ ElccCi, c Practicum[ \
Cro,,-cultural l"uc , l\~dwloh~ Electi,c \curop'!ycholo~~' or ('. linical \l,,-c hopharmKnlng~ P"chmhcrap, L:1 b Elcc tiH: ,\d,anccd lntcgri1t inn l•: lcui ,e Doerun! Ik,carchSemina rI I Practicum\ I
I ,car ni n_g, Cogni tion & .\ fftct '\ac11rt.: :ind Sn Jpl: of lnrcgr.ttion Prepracri cum II P,~ chorhcrap, :ind lh: ligion l"hrnlo,g, II
l\ychmher:qn Lah EkctiH.:
3 -l
Thcolog1 \
.\ ',,tr . Sl!u/011,· ..,.. ;tlmut 1111dn'!-[.11Nlt1fl f1 ' ph_rsi t,/flgiml psyrholof.....'l' ft.' i ll h 1fr .\'/1)'61 17 / 1 .,y,hophr,·i o/o_!!.i t fl l Pmrl-s.w•s 11n tmrl 1J/ SP} . t.i7tl .\·m mp.q•,holtJf!.)' r,r ,\p)· 7cl5 ( ,'/i11 irr1/ F\-_rrhoph,1n11am/,,.1.._rr. l'hr•t f//tnm11rz·1· 11Jflt:--I·, .-.--ill f!.t'll l'f 'fdh· /11 1,dm t/f(ri ng !hr 1p, i11g ,if 1hr .,no11rl or thi,y/ )'alt. ~. \II .--1111k111.1 ,,n, n'11111ral t o m111p/1'!(' 111 /msl .! 1111its ,if r tNt l"Sffi"n,J; in d i111ml .wp, ·1t,• i.iio11. '/I/ is n ·1111It'f'lllt11l 11!f1 r /Jr md h_1• tr1lt11g St.n 7,1! /',-i,mpk, f/llfl J)nut 11ts i11 ( iH1· .\'11;,1·1r..'i.1i1,11 trJ 1irI1r.·,, 11r1!t1 j111·.111pnt·i,i1111 ...•·Ith 11s11•.i.I111I·111. /11/, 01·priJ1m,1irn111 m11rsI·.I·. '/'/,r 1w111 i nmm1 lllf/.\' 11/.m /,,· m d hr 111i-t11,r!, ,\'P) ' 71 .1 (.'/i11 iml ,\'11p1·1r..·1.Jo11 f/ llt! D111s11/1a111111.
' l'h c~<.; ex,1 mi nar ion-, ar<.; gin.. :n twi ce ctn nu a ll y and se rve as the major mcanl.i of cqiluat ing <.l l.itu dent's ,uirabiliry to conti nue swd ies toll ard the doctorate. ' n,c examina tions rna, be ta ken after comp letion of 7S 'lc ( 100 units) of rhe course 11ork and mu,r be s1 1ccc,,fully com p leted prior to the P ro fessional Qualit\ ing Exarn ination. Only one retake of the cxarni nati on is ,ii lowed. T he dares o f the Cornprchcnsin: E "rmina rions arc specified in t he ,\ cadc mic Calendar. (4) Admission to Candidacy Officia l ca ndid ac, for the doctorate signifies an .:H..l\'ctnccd ,rage in the stu dent\ progre». In order to be admitted to ca ndi dac,· the stude nt must ha, ·c: ■ Successfulh· corn plc tcd t he Pre li minary Oral lntcn icw ■ Passed the C:omprchcnsi,·c Examinati on, ■ Rccc i, eel ap pro1·al of the dissertation proposa l b) the Doctoral Co rnmittcc or com pleted the r11 o-scmcster. fi, c c rcdir Doctora l Research Sem inar and comprchcn, i, ·c profi ciency researc h exam ination ■ Compl eted train ing therapy (5) Professional Qualifying Examination Al l doctora l srndents rnust succcs, full) complete an exami nation that c, a Ju ares the stu de n t's rea din ess fo r a full-time internship . It ma) be taken any rime aft er th e comprchcnsi,·c examinati ons ha, e been passed
and rn ust be cornplcred prior to acceptance of an internsh ip. The examining committee ma~ require rhc student to cornp lctc additiona l course 11ork. practicum. or other professional gro\, th c,pcricn c c~ pri o r to beginning the in ternship. Sec the P rofessional Qua Iif, ing 1;,arnination Guide lin es in stu dent handbook for further derail. (6) Internship All students arc required to suce<.: ssfulh complete a one-, car, full-rirnc cl inical internship prior to grad uation. \II internships arc to he apprm cd in arh·ance b, the C lini ca l Trainin g Committee. Fo r further derai ls. refer to t he Intcrnship Cu idc li ncs in swdcnr handbook. In terns hi p fees arc li sted in t he p\\cholog, course sect ion (ST ;\ 7.,1 Inrcrnship). There is ,ornc prO\ is ion for stu dents to complete chis require ment in t110 ,cars at half-time. (7) Completion of Training Therapy ,\II srndents rnust rccc i, e ccr riticarion of completion of train ing thcrnp, frorn the director of clin ical train ing. ,\ rninimurn of SO hours of _group tl1crap,· plus .'iO hours of indi, idua l rhcnq1, is n.:quircd. Sec Trainin.~ Thcrap, Guideline, in the ,rndcnt hand book for further derails. (8) Dissertation OR Research Consumership Sequence ,\JI P s,. I). students must demonstrate docroral- lc1 c l mas ter~ of a rc~carch arci.l in clinical
ical and ps yc hol ogica l concepts in resea rch, theory and practice.. Dissenatioo Resmnh: Students in Roscrnead· s Ps,. I) . crack rn a, fultill the research component of their rrogrnm eit her b~ wr iting a dissertation o r by succcs,fu lh· compl eti ng a research consumer ship se qu ence (5 units ) which in cl ud es a yea r-l ong docto ral r esearc h 1.icmin,1r, a doctoral paper c on s isting of a c ri t ical re\ ic\\ o f rcsca rch li teratu re on a c lini ca l topic, an d a p rofic ie ncy examination for consumcr!:t of clini ca l research. (2) Preliminary Oral Interview All s tudent s have a n ora l interview II ith a fa culty comrnit rcc to cnr luare their progress and pot e nti a l fo r successful comple t ion of the d octo ral prograrn. T his in te rview i, schedu led after t he cornp lc ri on of t hree semes ters in re si den ce, in clud in g at least one practicum ass ignme nt. T he res ults of th is inre n ·ic11 arc repo rted co faculty, whi ch votes ( I ) a llo,ring the student to con t inue, (2) cont inue studi es with a l'r cl imina\'\ Oral Inter, ic11 re examin at ion t he fo ll o\\' in ~ yea r. o r (3) not all owing the st udent to cont inue in the docrora l program. (3) Comprehensive Examinations 1\II students rnu,r pa ss a ,e r of doctoral- le1·e l comprch c nsi1·c exam ination s co \·c rin g thc fol lowin g areas: ( I ) ps,·c ho logica l inte rvention and (2) psychol ogy and rhco log,·.
Psy.O. in Clinical Psychology (1) Residence and Course Work :S-:ormalh . fou r ,ca rs of rc,i dc nc\ arc required unless trans fer of credit is brought in and arh·anced standing g ranted. \\ ' hile the doctc>rarc is no r a,rnrded sim ph for comp leti on of stated course 11ork. there arc basic unit requi rements for rhe degree ( I 33 semeste r hour s). ~:ach student is assigned ,I facu lty ad, is o r II ho ass ists in t he plan ning of each scmesrc r's schedule of cou rses and supcr1·ises th e snr dcnr\ progn.:ss in the program. For rransfrr cre dit. sec General Academic Informat io n. Ayrholof.~. ': Psy.D. students must complr:tc a minimum of 76 semes ter hours of p,ycholog1. These 76 units must incl ude -+6 required psy cholog, units. I 8 units of pract icum and 12 units of ckcti\e psychology courses. Students may ap pl v up to 6 units of graduate coursework from the School of lnterc ultu ral Studies roward the total P"chology hours requi rement. Ps\'lhoth,,mpy l .ahom101y: Sru den rs in the 1' ,y.D. crack must complete 21 units sc lec red from psvchothcrap, lab co ur ses . Th ese arc take n in t he seco nd , third and fourth Years. 'f'heology: r\11 students must comple t e a minor in theology 11 hich includes a minimum of I 7 semeste r uni ts. l// teirr11ir111 Se1//i//r11:c All srn d ents participate in a se ri es of seminars ( 1-t units) dc,·oced ro the integration of a ,·aricry of rheolog-
R-4 · Rosemead School of PDJc hology
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