

• l'niversitv of \ 'irgini a !~Ison

• Patton State I lospical, Patton,

• UCLA Student Psychological

Services, Los Angeles, CA


Student Health Center, CharREQUIREMENTS

• Philhaven I lospirnl, i\lt.

• Ulster County i\lcntal Hea lth Ch iId Adolescent Scrv ic<.:s, I\,')'

lottcsvi li e, \ 'A * l'niversitv of

Rosemead seeks to adm it app licants whose backgrounds clearly demonstrate scho la rl y aptitude. a commitment ro the hist0ric Christian faith, personal character and integrity, and a

Gretna, PA

• Pinc Rest Christian I lospital,

• Un ited States Ai r Foret: i\lal\\ 'ashingron/Psychia t ry and

i\ II

co lm Groll' i\ lcdical Center,

Bcha, ioral Sciences, \\'A L' pland School District.

Preslwterian Hospital, TX

Andre\\'s AFB, i\lD


• L'ni tcd States Air Fore<.: Wil ford Hall i\ ledica l Center, l,ack land

• Psychological Center-Fu ll er,

Up land, CA

Pasadena, CA

l 'SC t\ 11.hcimcr's Di,cas<.:


positi, <.: scn·ice-oricntcd motiva­ Research Center, Los Angetion rowa rd the fi<.:ld of c lini cal

P,ychological I lcalth Care,

AFB, San Antonio, TX


Lakewood, CA

• Llnitcd States Air Force

les, C.\

psychology. As an cnrnge lica l Christ ian institution. 13i o la llni­ , ·crsit,· requires that an app li can t has been a Chr istian fo r at leas t one year prior to adm iss io n. Biola does not discriminate on the basis of the applica nt 's race, co lor , s<.:>-, handicap, o r nat ional

• Psvchological Scn·ices Cen\\'righ t Patterson AFB,

• USC Children's Hospital, Los

ter, Portland, OR

Toledo, OH

Ange les, CA

• United States Army Dwight

• Ri chmo nd \ laxi-Ce nter,

*+ \ '.A. r\mbu lator\' Care C lini c,

Richmond. \ 'A David Eisenhower i\lcdical • San Bernard ino County 1\lenCt:n tcr, Ft. Gordon, GA

Los r\ngclcs, CA

* \ ' .r\. Center. Temple, TX \'.A. Gulf Coast \ 'ett:rans

tal Health , San Bernardino, CA

• United States Arm\' Tripl cr

+ San Fernando \'alley Child

1\lcdical C<.:nt<.:r, I lonolulu, 111

Hea lth Care System, Biloxi.

Guidance Ct:nte r, ~o rth" Un ited States Arm y \\/alter

or ethnic ori gin.

Recd \lcdical C<.:nte r, \\'ashi\lS

ridgc, CA

\·.A. Hospita l, Portland, OR

Persons inte rested in attt:nding

+ San\ larino School District,

ingron, DC

"' \'.A. i\ lcdical Center, Amt:riRosemead shou ld request applica­

" l lnitcd Stares Arnw William

San i\ larino. CA

tion fo rms frolll the Director of

can Lakt:, \\'A

+ Santa Fe Springs School DisBeaumont i\ledical Center. TX

* l ' nitcd Stares Navy ;\arional

tr ict, Santa Fe Springs, CA

• \ ' .A. i\lcdical Center, CincinAdm issions of Biola Unive rsity.

i\ lcd ical Center, Bethesda, i\ ID

As in most µ;raduatc programs

+ Sarah Center, Long Beach, CA

nati. OH

• Seacoast 1'-icntal I lcalth Cen.. Un ited Stares 1",l\·y i\ led ical

" \ ' .A. i\ lcdical Center, Clevein psvchology, COtllpctitio n is

Center, San Diego, CA

ter, Portsmouth, N H

kt:cn and enroll me nt is limi ted. In order to be adm it ted to full grad uat<.: standing the app licant must comply with the fo ll owing: ( I ) Possess a baccalaureate ckgrcc frolll an accredited college

lan d, OH

• Shasta County i\lcntal Health

l ' nivcrsit) of California Coun" \ '.A. :\leclical Center, Dallas,

Service, N l;\11-1 . Shasta, C t\

s<.: ling C<.:nter, Irvin e, CA University of California Counse ling Center. Santa


• Sharp I lcalthcare, San Diego.

"'+ \'.A. l\lcdical Ccnrcr. Loma


Linda, CA

• Sila, B. Hayes Army CommuBarbara, CA

*+ \ ' .A. i\lcdical Ccntt:r. Long

nity I lospirnl

" University of Californ ia Counor uni,ersitv with an average grade Beach, C:A "+ Llni,·crsity of Ca liforni a Counsen ior y<..:a rs) i.e .. 3.0 an a -t-. 0 sca le. phis, T N of at least "13'' for the junior and * \ '.A. i\lcdical Center. i\lcm­

+ Skidrnll' i\lental I lcalth Serse ling Center, Los Ange les

vict:s, Los Angeles. CA

+ South Coast Counseling Censeling Ce nter, Ri,·crsick, CA

(2) Present an undergraduate program with either a lll ajor in

" \ '.A. i\lcdical Center, P<.:rry

.. l lni,·crsity of California

ter, Irvine. CA

Point, i\ lD

* + Southern Californ ia Edison,

Coun seling Center, San Franpsvcholog,· or

• \'.A. i\ lcdical Center, Portits functional equiv­

San Clemente, CA

cisco, CA

alent (30 sctllcster hours of credit in ps,chologv). Thi s sho uld include at least one course in: General (int roducw rv ) psychol­ ogv; stat istical methods; experi­ mental psychology; abnorma l psy­ cho logv; theories of persona li ty; and learning. Also ,t rongl y rec­ ommended arc cou rses in devel­ opment, measurement theory, history of ps,chology; physiologi­

land, OR

• Spokane Cornmun it v i\lental

L'nivcrsit,· of Colorado I lealth Sciences Center,

" \'.A. i\ledical Ce nter. Salem.

Health, Spokane. \\'A

\ 'A

• Spring GrO\e I lospital Ce nDenver. CO

* llniversity of Colorado \\'ar*+ \ '.A. i\ lcdica l Center, Sepul­

te r, Cacons\'ille, \ID

veda, CA

• Spring Shadows Gkn. TX • St. Elizabeth's Hospital N l;\11-l , \\·ash ington, DC • St. John's Chi ld and Fami ly De,·c lopmcnt Center, Santa

dcnburg Hea lth Center,

\ '.r\. i\ ledical Center.


Boulder, CO

" Unive rsity of Denver CounTopeka, h: S

se ling and Bcha, ioral I lcalth

\l .r\ . i\ lcdical Center. \ 'andcr­ bilt l ' nivcrsitv, Nas lwillc.


Center. Denver, CO

;\ foni ca, Ct\

• Unive rsi ty of Illinoi s CounT N

• State Of ~ell' Jt:rst:) Departse li ng Center, IL

" \ '.A. Puget Sound ht:althcarc

ment of ;\lcntal I lea Ith, NJ • Stony Brook State University of New York. Swny Bronk, NY • Switzer Ct:ntc r, Torrance, CA

"' Unive rsity of Kansas Coun cal psychology or a year of biol­ Syst<.:m, Tacoma. \VA se li ng and Psycho logica l Se rogy/1.onlogy. If possible, under­ " Vanderbilt Llniversity, T ~ graduate courses in Old and Nell' "' Unive rsity of i\laniroba, \\' inTestam<.:nt survey and hermeneu­ + Whi tt ier Arca Coopcrar i, ·c- t ics will strengthen the student's vices. Lawrcnct:, KS " \\'estcrn Stat<.: Hospital, \\ 'A

• Tcrrt:11 Seate I lospirnl Connipcg, t\ lan itoba, Canada

Special Education, \\'bittier,

preparation fo r Rosemead .

" llni, ·e rsity of i\lassachusctts,

sortium, TX


Submit sco res on th e


• Texas Tech Uni, ·crsitv CounAmhe rst, i\lA

+ Whi tt ier C ity School District.

Graduate Record Exalll in at ion 1\p titudc Test, \\'riting Test, and i'svchology Advanced Test. In fo rm ation regarding testing dates and location may be obta ined by writing to the Educa­ tiona l T<.:sti ng Scn·icc, Box 9SS, i'rincccon, New Jersey 08540. No applicant is ci-cmpt from sublll it­

• Lln i,·c rsitv of South Caro lina,

sel ing Center, Lubbock, TX • Torrance State Hospital, PA + Tri-Citv Family Gui danct:,

\\ 'bitt ier, Cr\


+ \\'bi tt ier College. \\'bittier,


Llni, ·crs ity of South Florida Counseling C<.:nter for I luman


i\ la ywood, Cr\

+ Whi tt ier L 1 nion High School,

+ Tu,tin Rehabilitation HospiDevelopment, Tampa, FL

Whit t ier, CA

tal. Tustin, CA

" Uni, ·c rsity of T cnnessc<.:,

" Yale Un i, ·cr-itv Schoo l of

h:nox,·ille, TN

l iC I Counseli ng Center,


i\Jcdic inc, /\:cw Ha, ·cn, CT

l\'i ne, CA

• l ' nivcrsity of Texas i\lcdical

UC I :\ledical Center, Orange

School, TX


* Llni,·e rsity of Utah, Neuting GRE scores ll'hic h mu st be


Practicum Agencies


received pri or to the dt:adline date

0 + UCLA 1'<.:uropsyc hiatri c

ro psyc hiatri c Inst itute, Sa lt

Institute, Los Ange le s, CA

l,a kc City. l 'T

" In ternship Agencies

of January 15.

R~6 • Rosemead School of Prychology

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