
Independent Study/Arranged Cou rse Ind ependent Stud ies arc an integral part of the Biola Unive r­ sicv experience. An l ncl epcnclenc Srndy is a course wh ich is in iti­ ated b v the student, w ho rh en works indcpcndcnt l\' to\\ar<l the goa ls and objccti\'CS outl in ed b" t h e professor on the Ar ra n ged Course form. Srndcnrs who arc in good standing and not on pro­ bation arc eligible to e n roll in an In dependent Study . Required courses may not be ta k en bv inclepc:ndcnr ,Wd). Permission of the dea n is required fo r st u dents ro rake more than six (6) units of incle­ pcndcnc st ud y a n d/o r a rr anged coursework <luring the ir prograrn . Professional Standards and Student Conduct Th e academ ic prog ram at Rosemead is des igned to p repare graduates for licc nsurc (o n th e doctoral le, e l) bv the professional li ccn,ing boards of th<.: , ·arious states. Because of the profes­ s ional narn rc of Roscmcad's pro­ gram. students arc required co rnainrain rhe standards of rhc ps,·­ chological profession a, defined by t he f\rnc ri can Psvchological Associat ion . the state of Ca li forn ia and rhc p rofessional psvchologiscs who co rnpri sc I{oscrncad's fac­ ulcv. As a part of Biola Uni, crsicv, which se rves a broad spcccrurn of eva nge li ca l c hurches, Roscrncad also has both a doctrinal statement and a statement of conduct (See general information section of cat­ a log). l'ro spcccivc app l icants should be familiar with che stan­ dards. Scu<lcnrs \l"ho do not abide by these srnndar<ls o r ot her inst i­ tutional policies and procedures rnay be subject co probation or dismissa l from the prograrn. Academic Probation A swdcm fa iling to rnaincain the rnin imum grade point average of 3.0 " ·ill be placed on academi c probation. The following semester, sho ul d the srudcnc nor meet rhc rninirnum c urnuh1t i, ·c grade point average (3.0), he or she will auto­ rnacically be disrnisscd. r\ swdcm ca nnot grad ua te while on probation. Academic Dismissal A srndcnc rnav on!\' be allowed a co rnbin ac ion of' r"·o · "ll"s, "F"s and/or "C' 's (understood ro incl ud e both C+ or C-); a third "C", " l "' and/or " F" brings aucornacic c lirni­ nacion frorn che prograrn.

(-t) Submit compk:tc<l profile ( not answer sheet) of the i\lin­ ne soca i\ l ulciphasic Pcrsonalicv In ventory (i\ 11\IPI). Thi s test should be taken at a co ll ege test­ ing se rvice or frorn a licensed ps)­ chologisc. Since chis test rnacerial is confid entia l, Roserncad will not rn akc copies of tests ,e nc for adrnission purposes at a ny cirnc . App li cants arc referred co the agency frorn which the testing was adrnini scercd if t hey desire a cl inical inrcrprccacion. (.'i) Subrnir fi"c letters of rcc­ o rnrnen dacion on forms supplied by the sc hool. Three of these arc acadernic references and rwo a rc c haracter references (pastor and perso nal fric:nd ). (6) Appear for a personal inccn iew with the i\<lrnissions Corn mi ttcc or its representative. Arrangcrnencs arc rnade by rh c corn mi ncc fo ll ow ing a prelirni­ nary screen in g of applications. Only t hose who arc fina li ses in Roscrnead's admi,sions proce­ dure, determined bv the prclirni- . na ry screening, will be sched ul ed for a personal interview. F or finalists frorn the general South­ ern Ca liforni a area. intcn·icw~ a rc held on cam pu s at La i\ li rad a. Arrangements w ill be rnadc by the chairperson of chc Rm.cmca<l Adrnission Commim.:c for chose o uts id e t he Southern Ca li fornia a rea . lnccn·iews arc conducted in a nurnber of c iti es throughout th e country, gcnc rall) between J a nu ary 15 and February 28. A non-refundab le fee of $75 is <luc a nd paya bl e followi ng arrangc­ rncncs fo r the inrcn·ic\\ . le is chc rcsponsibilit) of rhc app li ca nt co make s ure char al l application rn acc ri a ls have been rece ived. If there i, any <loubr, chc applicants should writ e to rh e Uni vers ity A<lrnissions Office for ve rifi cat ion. Nore: Offici11/ rlom111e111s prF­ se111erl for ar/111issio11 or l"iHt!11a1irJ// beco1111' p1111 of the strrrlmr's amrln11i, file a11rl 11on11all1· a1111101 bl' 1d11ml'rl

scrnesccr each year. App li cations rccci"cd after the Januarv 15 dead­ line will ra re ly be considered for the fo llowing fall scrncsccr. Notice of Decisions Th e Admiss ions Cornrnicccc wi ll process applications as quick lv as possib le fo ll owing rhe Ja nu arv 1 .'i dead li ne, though time rnusc be a ll owc:d fo r comp letion of personal imcrvic\\·s. Ccrr ifi ­ ca ccs of Acceptance w ill be rn ai lc<l on o r before Apr i l 1. ln forrna ri on concerni ng the Sta­ rns of an application ll"ill not be g iven except hv letter frorn the clean fo ll owing action bv the Adrni,s ions Cornrnicrce . Because of the la rge nurnbcr of app li ca nts, in forrnac ion cannot be: g iven by te lep hone. In chc e, ·cnc chat an applicant has nor heard frorn the cornrnicrcc by i\ l ,1y I , writte n inquirv may he made. Admission of International Students Sec l i nivcrs i ty t\clrnission and Registration sections of t hi s cata log. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classification of Students Graduate psvchologv stu­ dents rneccing a ll e ntran ce requ irements ll"ill be class ified as regular grad uate srndcncs. Srn­ d cncs who do not fulfill a ll entrance requirements may be admitted on a pro\'isional status until they co rrect the deficicncv. Any such defic iencies mu ,c be removed "ichin one ca len d ar year of a srndcnt's adrnission as a provisional student. l e is only in rare instances that a student will he accepted on provisional srarns. Srnclen cs will be classified in chc p rograrn as follows: First year 30 graduate units or less cornplcrcd Second year 60 graduate units or less cornp lctcd Third scar 90 graduate units or less cornpktc<l l'ourch yea r 120 grad uate units or less cornplcccd Fifth yea r Class work complete and internshi p in progress Disscrcacion All requirements rnct (ABO) except fo r dissertat ion. Grading System Students ll"is hing co obtain a graduate dc~rec must ma intain a cons isccnclv hi g h academ ic per-

forrnancc throughout their pro­ grarn. An O\'erall 13 average, i.e.. 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, is required for a ll degrees. Only grades o f "A," " 13 ," "C" earn graduate credit. Grades of a ll st ud ent, arc recorded in rhc registrars office. Grad ing is on rhc follo"·ing basis: Cmrle Cmrll' poi111s A Super ior achievement 4.00 A- 3.67 B+ Abo, ·c a, ·eragc achi cn.:mcnt 3.33 13 Average achievcrncnc 3.00 13- Lo" a"crage ac hi evcrncnt 2.67 C+ i\ li ni111u111 passing pcrfo rrn ancc 2.33 C \ l inimu111 pass ing performance 2.00 C- i\ li nimum pass ing performance 1.67 F Fail ure 0.00 A ··w" indi cates a n offic ia l ,, ithdrawal from a co ur st; and docs nnc affect the student's grade a,·crage. A ' 'l' \\ '" indicates an unoffi­ c ia l wichclrawal. Student, w ho register for a class but d o not attend it arc auromacica ll y given the grade of " l . \\ · ·· which w ill inllu ence rhe g rade a\'cragc the same ,1s an "F. " A cernporarv rna rk of "RD"' (Report Delayed) wi ll be used in specia l cases of extreme ha rds hip where an extension is wa rran ted and approved bv the clean. A sw­ <lcm rnusc ,1ppcal fo r a n " RD " grade before the e nd of the scrncs­ ccr. l\orrnally, a grade inc urred in one scrnescc r rnusc be made up by the end of the first six (6) weeks of the next semc:sccr or the grade wi ll aurnrnacica ll y becornc a " \\ '." A " \ \ ' "' can be rnadc up un iv b\' re p­ etition of the course. No grade ocher than an ·' RD" rnav be altered once ir has been reported to the registrar's office unl ess an error was mad e in grad ­ ing or recording. These cha nges can on ly be rnadc upon written app ronil of the i nsc ru ctor, chc Dean and chc Registrar. The following grades arc a lso used in Rosemead reco rd s w ith special signifi cance for the pro ­ fessional aspects of the programs: S Sat isfactory 0.00 points l. Unsat isfactory 0.00 po ints Al"D Audie 0.00 po ints R Dissertation Research in Progress 0 .00 points IP Inte rn ship in Progress 0.00 points

or copier!for rlis1rih111io11. Application Deadline

Since c nrollrncnc is lirniced and adrnission is o n a selective bas is. app li cations shou ld be rnadc as early as poss ibl e. Applications rnu st be received in the Office of Graduate Admission by Januarv 15. Dec isions arc made onlv on corn­ pi eced a ppli cat ions . Roscrncad currently ad mits new srndencs for the degree prograrns on ly in the fa ll

Rosemead Sc hool of Pryc hology • R~7

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