Credit by Exam ination and Course Validation No grad uate c red it in psyc ho l ogy will be g ive n by exam inat ion or va lidat ion. Students who pos sess an exce ll e nt but no n -tran sc ri pccd background in an area of study may, with th e pc rmi ss ion of the adviso r and cha ir of the Com m icccc on Academ ic Q ualific a t ions, va lidate by exa m inat ion co rece ive a wa ive r for a req u i red course. No unit c red it is g ive n for such va lid at ion. Successfu l va li dation a ll ows che srnclent to cake add i tional eq ui vale nt elect ive ho urs in the prog ram. Time Limi t for Degrees A ll cou rse and academ ic requi rements mu se be completed with in eigh t years for the Psy .D. and Ph.D. degrees, beginn ing on t he date of the st udent 's first reg ist ra ti on for graduate s t ud y at Rosemead. Nore: If the progm111 is 1101 ro111- ple1ed wi1hi11 the eight-year li111i1. the s111de11111111st re[(isler ogoi11 as a f 11!!- 1i111e s11ide111. Req11ire111e111s i11 Sr11- de111 Ha11dbooi'. Student Academic Load T he normal full- ti me load for a Rosemead student in psyc hol ogy is 12 to 16 hours pe r semester, bu t not less than nine hours . Witho ut t he adviso r's approval, a s tudent may not ca rry over 16 units in any semes ter. Doc tora l s tud e nts a rc conside re d fu ll time for a max i mum of cwo vca rs in the cl isscrca cion phase of their program. Pa re time regi stra ti on of less than nine units is pe rmitted only with per m ission of th e clean. Rosemead does not admit pare- t ime students to its degree programs. Forf11!! s1O1e111e111 011 S(1/isfarro,y ocade111ic progress see Acode111ic S1r111rla1ds sec1io11 ofmtolog. Pre-Internsh ip and Dissertation Students Prc- intcrn ship, internship and d issertation (ABO) statu s students muse continue to reg ister and pay t he re q u ired fees each semes ter appropr ia te co their sta tu s. Stu dents un able co registe r in pe rson for internship or ABO status wil l be c harged a spec ial regi s tration fee and be rcg isce rccl in absentia by the Offi ce of the Registrar. (See fee schedule.) Srndents in dissertation sta tus who have complececl their req ui red unit s in d issertation research and all pre- inte rns hip stu de nts muse register fo r three aclcl i-
Readmiss ion Procedures
and Ac ademic Qualifications Committee. Unofficial Withdrawal A scudc nc who fa il s co regis ter in a n y g ive n semester without arra nging for a lca , ·c of absc..:ncc or forma l withdrawal is e limina ted from the program by defaul t. Leave of Absence Inacti ve st ud e nts arc those who h ave requ ested and been g ranted a leave of a bsence from the ir progra m. A lea ve of absence may be gra nted upon pe tition for c h ange of s tatu s if the re is d ee m ed s uffici e nt reason for interr u pting th e pro gra m and intent ion to re curn to th e program. Change of status forms arc avail ab le from the Rosemead Office. A leave of absence must bc renewed by petition each semes ter and ma y not exceed two con sec u ci, ·e semester~. A leave of absencc longer th a n cwo semes ters wi ll require withdrawal from the prog ram and a petition for readmi ss ion if the s rnd cnt la te r wishes to rega in active ';tat u s. T he commicccc respo ns ible for process ing re admi ss ion requests is t he Admissions a nd Academic Qua lifications Committee . Each lea ve of absence must rece ive the approni l of th e srnclcnt' s advisor and th e final apprm·al of th e clean. Terminated Students A person who has been te rmi nated from Rosemead ma y make rea pplication to the program a min imum of cwo yea rs after tcr m111ar1on. Th e reapplication s hould be in t he form of a lette r and include a new a ppli cat io n form, at least two current refere nces and any des i red s upporting mat e rial s. Th e le tter s ho uld be add ressed co the Ro se m ead Admissions Committee sca rin g the reaso ns for rcq uest ing rea d mi eta nee as we ll as an y ot her iss ues deemed re leva nt by th e ap pli ca nt. Th e lette r should clirccc ly add ress the ca use s for di smi ssa l. '!'he ap pli cation will be conside red with th e regular admissions pool. T h e admi ss ions com mittc c will re , ·icw th e request a nd may cake one of two actions: (A) dcny the re qu est; o r ( 13 ) appro,·c the req ue st a nd refer to facu lt y for final apprtJ\ ·al or disappro\'al. T he res ults of the facult) deci sion wi ll be communicated co the app licant by th e d ean .
ciona l units each semes ter until the di ssertation is complctccl . Transfer Credi t Doc toral students may tran sfer up co 30 semes te r hou rs of app li cab le graduate- level courses in psychology (nine of these may be appl ied to mas ter's- lcvcl courses) and/o r up co 1-1 hours of theology a n d Bib le app li c able to Ro se mead' s prog ram (nine of these may be app lie d co mas te r' s-l eve l courses) from an accrccl iced grad u a te schoo l or theologica l seminary. Graduate courses with grades of 13 o r above at accrecl itecl insci rn cions a re consiclerecl as acceptable on a transfe r bas is. Practi cum c redit in t he amo u nt e qua l to o ne Ro se mead practi c um of t h ree ho urs may be tran sfe rre d by Psy.D . stu dents after complet ion of Rosc meacl 's pract ic um pre requis ites. T h ese hours wi l l be counted coward the 30 hour transfe r max i mum. Practi c um transfer cred it w i ll be granted o n ly wh e n it is shown as practicum on an offi c ial graduate transc ript. P h .D. srn cle n ts a rc requ ired co cake a ll 12 practicum hour s whi le in resi de ncy. Rosemead will not eval u ate no n -tradit ion a l learni n g o r non -tran scriptecl work exper ience fo r academ ic o r pract icum cred it. \ .I/ h e n scucle nc s wish co use tran s fe r c redit fo r a required cou rse in the Rosemead c ur ri cu lum, it is their re spons ibilit y co provide docume ntation assuring the eq ui valency of course content. Competen cy examinat ions ma y be g iven co ve ri fy eq uiva lence to Rosemead requ ired cou rses. Doc umentation may include catalog descri p t io ns, syl la b i a nd ot her support ing materia ls from the pro fe ssor of reco rd o r department, as deemed necessa ry. Theology Reduction Students entering Rosemead wit h a m inimum of 30 uncl c rgracl ua te un its of Bib le and/o r T heol ogy from acc reclitccl C h ri s t ian col leges o r un ive rs iti es are el ig ib le for a rccluctio n of up to 8 uni ts of require d Th eo logy courses. T o q ua lify fo r chis reduction students must have earned no lower than a 8- grade in the underg raduate cou rsewo rk. Content of the unde rgraduate courses mu st be compa tib le \l'ith the T heology cou rsc(s) being waived . Red uc tion units will be de term ined by the Regis trar's Office in consul ta tio n with Roscmeacl 's Ad miss ions
A srnclcn c who has acce nclecl Biola Un ive rs ity and has dropped o ut fo r o ne semes t e r or lon ge r wil l be req uired co fil e an app li ca tion for readmi ss ion and pay a fee of $ 15. S tudents e nroll ed for any semes te r, b ut " ·ho fa il to pre register fo r the fo llowing semes te r, wi ll be charged a $-IS rea ppli cation fee shou ld th ey choose co rernrn for chat scmcs cc r. Readmission re quir es t h e s ubmi ss io n o f a forma l pe tition for rcadmission, action b y the Admissions a nd Academic Qua li fications Committ ee, a nd fina l app rova l of th e dean. T his po licy is in effect for s tud e nts in any sta tu s. including inte rn s hip and di sserta ti on. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Graduate Psychology Co urses under t h is d es ig na tion provide the essent ia l sc ie n tific and theoretical data base for advanced gradu ate s tud y in c lin i ca l psYchologv. SPY 501 Introduction to Psychotherapy (2) An introduc ti on co the theory and te c h niqu es o f p syc ho therap y . Includes an emphas is on the re la tionship between mod e ls of psy c hopa tho logy and psychoth era py. an ove rview of var ious approaches co psvc ho th erapy, a nd a discus s ion of foundational therape uti c techniques . Thi s cou rse is graded o n a pass/fa il basis. Req uired of Psy.D., Ph .D. SPY 502 Advanced Statistics (3) Co nce pt s an d techn ique s in, ·ol ve d in the a n alys is a nd interpr e t at io n of c l ini ca l a n d research data . Lcccu re and labo ratory dcsc ripci,·c and infe rential stat istics. l\ lajor co pi es inc lude cor relat ion a nd regre ss ion, tes ts of s ig nifi ca nce a nd introduct ion co a nal ys is of , ·ar ia ncc . Boch param et ri c and non-parametric approaches a rc co,·cred. lnst ru c t io n assumes unclcr g raduHc ba c k gro und 111 stat is tic s .
Required of Psy. D .. Ph.D. SPY 510 Motivation (3)
Plws io log ica l, psychological and soc ial bas is for morivac ion. Top ics includ e drives, obcs itv, sex ua l mo ti vat ion , ne e d fo r ac hi eve ment a nd aggress ion. Elect ive.
R~8 • Rosemead Sc hoo l of Pryc hology
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