SPY 51 3 Sensation and Percept ion (3)
\\" ith emphasis 11 pon rh c swd ) of cogni ri, ·c. affccti l'e and psYchomo ror changes manifested in ch ild hood and adolescence. Elect ive. Psychophysiologica l Processes (3) An int rod uct ion co biologica l/ne u ro log ica l mec han isms and t he ir rc:l ac io ns hip co ps s·c holog ica l processes. PhYs iologica l processes und e rl ying borh hca lrlw and pacho log ica I bc ha , ·io r a rc exa min e d. lcirh c r ch is co urse o r S PY 670 or 70.'i is req uired of Psy.D. , Ph.D. SPY 608 Soci al Psychology (3) Prob lems and t heo ri es o f t he pe r son in rh e soc ia l conrcx r, inc.:lud ing pe rso n pe rc e pt ion, inte rp e r so na l re lat io ns . ro le for mat io n and d iffercnci ac ion, attirud c fo r mati on. mainte nance and change . Required of Psy .L). , Ph.D. SPY 61 0 D eve lopment of Religious Understanding in Children and Adolescents (2) r\n assess me nt o f th e cog n iti \'C and a ffcct i \ ·c mea nin g w hi c h chil d re n and adolcscc nr, accr ib ucc w re li g io us co nce pt s, prac t ice s and cx pc; rit: nccs, ,111 d rh c ir changcs in me anin g d ur ing chc co ur se o f indi , idu a l d e , c lo p mc nc. Th e bibli ca l per,pccr i, c of re li g io us de , ·cl opmc nc is a lso examined. l·: lccr i, ·e. SPY 615 Advanced Deve lop mental Psychology (4) Co ncepts and p rocesses in \'o h cd in rh c dc , ·elopmcm of rhc pe rson rh ro u.e; ho ur t he l ifes pa n a rc rc,·ic\\c;d \I ich em ph as is on cul wral , ·ari arions. \ lajor th eore ti ca l syste ms rc lc , ·anr rn indi,·idu a l dc\'c lop111cll[ arc exam ined " ·irh emphas is upon the srud y of ncuro biologica l. cogni ci, ·c. affecri, c, and psychomoro r changes manifc, rcd in c hi ldh oo d and ado lc scc ncc . \ 'ariou s t heo ri es on rh c dc1·clop- 111 e nr of psvc ho pac ho log, a rc addressed. wirh a foc us on psvcho dvnamic theor ises including Freud. r\dl c r, Jun g, Kl ein , \\linn icorr, Fair bairn , Kohut. and Scolo ro". Pre req uisite : A sun c, course (gradu ate or undergraduate in dcvc lop mcll[a l psychology, and RSPY 51~ Requ ired of Psy. I) . and Ph.D. SPY 618 Communi ty Mental Hea lth I : Communi ty Systems and Resources (3) r\ stud v of s, ·sccms ch co rv "i rh a foc us on commun it ies. sc hoo ls, h ea lt h agc nc ic o:; 1 go\'e rnm c ncal human St; rvicc age nci es, churches and familie s. Provides a conccp rn a l bas is for und e rsta nd ing t he
SPY 601L Research Design Lab (1) Thi , lab is a co 111 p lc 111 t: nt ro SPY 601 fo r Ph I) swdcms. Ir focuses on chc dcvc lop111 c nc of a spec ifi c resea rc h p roject in co nj u nc ri on " ·irh th e stu ch· of Resea rch Design. Pre req uis ite : SPY 502. Requ ired fo r Ph.D. swdcncs onh-. Co-regis rrari on in SPY 60 1 is required. SPY 602 Cognition and Affect (3) Sun cy o f contemporary p5vcho log ica l t heori es as th ey re late co cogn iri, ·c and affcc ti \'c proce sses. Info rmation process ing modc l5 of cog ni t i,c fu nct io nin g an d t he in rc rac ri o n o f cog niti o n and affec t arc explored. Expc rimc n rn l a nd c lini cal a p proac hes arc utili 1.cd. S rud c n rs ma v c hoose e ith e r chi s co u rse, S PY 60., o r 60-1 . Required of PsY.D ., Ph.D . SPY 603 Learning, Cogni tion and Affect (3) S ur, ·cy of e mpiri ca ll y d c ri , ·ed psyc hol og ica l principl es as rh cy re late to learnin g, cognit i\ 'C.: ,ind ,1 ffcc ri , e p rocesses . Theo ry and resea rch on opera nt and rcspo n d c n t con di t io n i ng, mode lin g , cogni ri,·c t heories, and affcct il" c processes a rc d iscussed . Th e re lat ionship of these p rincipl es ro c on tc ffl por a r y cog niti \ ·c and bcha , ·ior t hera p ies ,ire examined. S tude n ts 111 aY choose e it her thi s co u rse. S PY 60 2 o r 60-1. Requ ire d for Ps, .D.. Ph .D. SPY 604 Learning and M ot ivati on (3) A sUf\ 'e) of th e processes, theo ri es and rc!-iea rch in learning and moti n ni on. Emphasis on rhc specifi c conr c nc ma y \'a ry fr om yea r ro Yea r. Swdc ncs mav choose e ithe r ch i, co ur se. S PY 60 2 o r 60.,. Req uired of Psy. D.. Ph.D. SPY 605 Psychology of Religion (2 or 3) A sun ·e, of the psvchologY of re li g ion research e mp has iz in g bo th conte nt and me thodologica l iss ues. T opi cs covered includ e rc li gios ir,· a nd me nta l hea lth , meas ures o f rc li gios itv. re li gious dc\'c lop111 cnc. corre lates of rc li gios it) and psi cl10- log ica l as pec ts of conve rsion and oche r rel igious expe rie nces. El cc ri, e. (Same as STP 705) SPY 606 Developmental Psychology (3) Concepts and processes inYoh-ed in t he und e rsta nding of rh e ps, ·cho logical de, c lopmc nt of rh e pe rson throughout the li fes pan. i\ lajor chc orcr ica l svs rcms rc lcnrnc ro Dcl'cl op111cnrn l P5Ycholog, · arc examined
i n t<.;rac t io n \ among ind i \ ·i d ua l <-i and ss·scc ms. Prncr ica l ap p lica t ion s in c lud e kn owin g how ro e n te r syste m<; ,:tn d max imi z in g an1il ab lc resources fo r cli ents, par ti cul arl y chose " ·ho arc d isad \'a n cagcd or handi ca pped . El cct i\'c. SPY 619 Community Mental Hea lth II : Psychoeducat ional/ Preventi ve Psychotherapy Models (3) T he co urse foc uses on rhe d t: 1·e l op 111 c n r o f ps)choc du car io na l a pp roac hes a imed ar p re , c: nci on of cmoc ional d iffic ul t ies o r carl v scco nd ,HI" incc n -c ncion of di ff i cu lti es . l ntc n ·cnt ions su ita bl e ar strateg ic de , elo pmcnra l p has e s or c rit ica l s iwac ions . Th e s ru dc nt will be as ked co de, c lo p a seminar or " ork shop, dc li\'c r ir w a s ui ta b le pop u lation and cn1 lu arc irs cffcc ri , c ncss . E lccri, c . SPY 62 1 Community Mental Hea lth IV: Needs Assessment and Program Eva luation Method (3) Th cor\" a nd ap pli cat ion o f p ro gram c , ·al uar ion met hod s. Sw dc ncs will be t:, pccccd co coope r ate in a group project in an ac tu a l nee d s assC\"i t11 Cnt or p rog ram c, a luari o n in a c lini c, hos pi ta l. sc hoo l, churc h o r oth e r agcn cv ,e rring. El ective . SPY 622 Att itudes, Va lues and Beli efs (2 ) T he psychol og ical narnrc of ,mi rud cs , va lues and bel ief as t hcv relate m soc iali 1.arion. confo rm ity, be li efs s,·scem, and soc ia l in nu cncc . Spec ial emphasis is gi , en ro Y:ilu cs in rhcra p) and rhc t he ra pis t as , ·al ucs pun t:i·or. 1-:i ccci , c . SPY 625 Cross-cultural Issues in Clinica l Psychology (2-3) A consid e ra t ion of the impac t of soc ial and cul rnra l facco rs upon the uril i1acinn and ch namic, of rnc.: nrn l health sc1Yi ces. Focuses on de , e l o ping the srud c nr' s scnsic i, ·ity m th e; culrnral d,·nami cs ill\ oh·cd in rh e rh c ra pc uric process . Req ui red of Ps\" . D., Ph .I). SPY 630 Psychology of Women (3) r\ d isc uss ion o f hi srnrica l a nd co nt e mpo rary \ ic \\ ~ of \\ ·ome n and a look ar resea rch on b io log i cal and psycho logica l di ffe rence s b etwe en m a le, a n d ft:ma les . Al so in c lud es disc ussion of ps1· chorh crapcucic issue s. the ro le of \\'0111 c n in t he church, and ch c.:o log ica l pc rspccr i, ·t:s on wome n' s iss ues . Elccr i\'c.
' l 'hco ry and rc~ca rch rcgard in,g t he process of se ns,1tio n and pe r ception and their rt:lation co mori \'arion and lea rn ing. E lccti, ·e . SPY 51 5 Introduct ion to Psychopathology (3 ) Thi s cou rse p rm·idcs a comprc hcns i, c srud, of rhc cur-rt:nt Diag nost ic and Stat istics ,\l a nu a l of ;-.. 1cnrn l Di so rd ers (DSi\l ). Thi s includes train ing in d iagno) i..,, and t he , ario 11 , p,)c hopatho logica l proce,st:s CO\ e rcd in tht: l)S\ I, as \\ ell ~1" honing di agnost ic ab i li t~ and fami li ,1ri1i ng students with ,1 range of ps,c ho pacho log,. Requ ired for Ps'-1)., Ph .D. SPY 530 History and Systems of Psychology (3) ,\ n 0\ er, ie" of rht: hismr, of P" cholog, and class ica l S\S tcm s in psscholog,. ' I 'he class also cons id ers issues in the phi lchoph, of sci e nce rclc, anc ro psychologica l "'s tems, research. theory, and prnc cicc. Req uired of l' s). D., Ph .D. SPY 600 Resea rch Apprenticeship I , II (3-1 ) S upen iscd t:Apcrit:ncc in pl an ning. co nd ucting and rc porr in µ: P" chologica l resea rch . T he spe c ifi c nau rrt: of rhc resea rch project "i ll be derc rr nincd b) rht: srndcnt \\'i th hi , or he r ach isor. St udents " ill be req ui red to su bmit a \\Tir ren re, ic" of li rcrar ur c an d research p roposal. conduct darn gat he ring act i , it ic1.i , :t naly1.c t he darn and su bmi t a fi nal rc pon of rh t: p roject in t\ l' i\ for mat co his/ he r ach iso r. The req ui red cora l of -I uni rs muse be comp leted b, the begin ni ng of the fi rst semes ter ofrhc third scar in rhc program. SPY 601 Resea rch Design (3) Cm e r, rh c des ign and anah s is of C>- pc ri mcnta l and non-c, pc rimc n ra l resea rch. Bas ic p rinc iple s of -,amp li ng, mca\tircmc nt. Uc'.'> ign , ·a lid it). a nah sis, and research et hi cs a rc p rese n ted . Des ig n, u":i ing mul ci, ·,1r i,uc app roachc'.-i arc a lso d isc ussed. Defin itio n a nd examp les of q ualicar i,·c researc h mode l, arc ,1 ls o p rese nted . Th e ro le of resea rch in clini ca l psychol ogy and in the integrat ion of psy c ho log) and rhco log) arc explored. t\ onc- uni r lab compo ne nt is requi re d for l'h. l) _ sw d c nc,. Pre req u is ite: S PY 502. Req ui red for P, d ).. Ph .D.
Ros eme ad Sch ool of P~chology • R ~9
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