SPY 631 Principl es of Health Psychology (2-3) T his course provides an m ·crv ie11· of t heo ry, resea rch and roles o f ps,chologiscs in rhc dissem in ation of ps,chological knowledge inrn t he hea lth care s, stern. ,\reas of focus includc conccrns of the farn i ly physician for which refcmtl m ight be made, adj u stme n t t o phvsical disahi \i cics, coping wit h chronic i l lness, stages of adjust ment lJ\' indi, ·id ua ls and the ir fam ilie, to death and dying, pn;1·en t ive -cducati1e and rnoci, ·arional issue, in rnedic.1 \ crcacmcnc. P re req u is ites: SPY 607 a nd /or S LB 605 recommended. 1-: lcctivc. SPY 632 Research Probl ems in Psychotherapy (2) Considerncion of research approaches to studying t he p rocess and outcomes of psyc hot herapy. Special emphasis is p laced on measurement of process and out comes, de,ign and cxccucion of n.:scarch and scams of psyehorher apl' research rn date. Students arc acc i\ cly in\ ·oln:d in rcv ic\ring and eval uating psYchothe rapy resea rch in selected areas. Pre requ isite: SPY 601. Elcccin;. SPY 633 Advanced Seminar in Psychopathology (3) .\ sun·cv of the de, ·c loprne n t, dynamics and c lassificat ion of t he psychological d isorders from a psv cho,mal\'Cic point of vic,I'. Special attentions gi\·cn to the neuro-;c~ and the operations of ego defense mechanism,. Elccti,·e .
SPY 642 Measurement and Assessment 11 : Personality (3) Use of ob j ect i ve p e rso n a lit y in strume n ts w it h e mpha s is upo n the l\ l l\ l P l - 11 and l\,ICI\ 11 - 11. Incroducc io n to m o re st ru c tured proj ecci,·c in str um e n ts s u c h as the TAT a nd Se n te nce Comple tion . Pr e re qui s i te : SPY 6 -t 1. Cos t of m a t e ri a ls re qu ire d fo r chi s co ur se is a p prox im a t e ly $ 15 0. Req uired o f Psy.D. , Ph.D . SPY 643 Measurement and Assessment Ill : Proj ectives (Rorshach) (3) An introduc ti o n to t he use of p ro ject ive tec hn iques in p e rsona lity assessme nt wit h s pec ia l e m ph as is o n che admini s trat io n, sco rin g and in cerprecar io n of th e Ro r shacl1 using l: x ne r's comp re he n s ive Svscem . Prereq ui s ite : S PY 6-t 2. Requ i re d o f Psy. D. SPY 644 Measurement and Assessment IV: Advanced Pro jectives (Special Issues) (2) Ach·a nccd in ce rp reca ci o n of t h e Rors h ac h inclu d ing spec ia l iss ues as fo re ns ic cva lu acio ns, c hild a nd ado lesce n t p e rso n a lit y a ssess mcnt, assess me n t of th o ug h t d is order. Oc h e r bas ic pr o j ec t ive i nstr u ments s u c h as t h e T AT, CAT and Sentence Com p le ti on rests are a lso covered. P re req ui s ite: SPY 6-t3 . E lect ive . SPY 645 Measurement and Assess ment V: Neuropsychological (3) This co urse p rovides a n ove n ·iew of the basic iss ues in n e urnp sv cho logy, and examin es t h e key cognicive- p syc h o log ica l a b ilit y a reas ch ar arc assessed in a nc u ropsyc h o log ica l eva l u a t ion. Assessme n t fro m a fl ex ibl e, h,·pot h es is - rcsr in g a n d c l ini ca l perspect ive is em ph as ized. S pe cia l atte ntio n will be g ive n to b ri ef ncuropsyc ho logica l sc reenin g p ro ced ures w hi c h he lp to d iffe re nt i ate be twee n o rga ni c a nd psych o logical diso rders . Prerequ is ite S PY 607 , 670 o r 705 . Electi ve. SPY 647 Advanced Assessment of IndividualsW ith Disabilities (3) A n a d va nced di ag n os ti c co ur se w h ich foc uses o n t he assess me n t a nd d iagnos is of except io na l c hil dren as we ll as lega l a nd advocacy iss ues req uire d by the Ind ividuals w ith Di sab iliti es Ac c. S pec ific d iag nost ic po pul a ti o n s in c lu de mcnra ll y reta rd e d , lc: a rni ng d is ab led. e mo t io n a ll y di sturbe d a nd g ifted c hildre n. Attent io n is a lso g iven co low in c ide nce ha ndi caps such as visio n im pai re d , hea ring
on-campus practicum experi ence,. Required of adrn nced fi"c yc,tr student~ to be rnkc..:n concur renrl, 11 ich STP 500 P svchothcr ap, and Re ligion. Fall. Fee: $SS. SPY 681 Prepracticum I (1) The first of a two-cour,c sequence..: designed to facilitate the de, eloprncnt of c:mpathic lis ten i ng, interpersonal skills and basic therapeutic techniques including an introduction rn ethic,. Thi, first course crnpha siLCS a sma l l. inceracci, ·e group format for the dc,·clopmcnr of skil ls. l ntertcrrn. Fee : $55. SPY 682 Preprac ti cum II (2) The ,econd of a rno-cour,e sequence designed co facilitate the dc, ·elopmcnt of empathic listen ing. interpersonal ,kills and basic thcr,1pcucic techniques. During this course, direct obser1mion and , ideornping of the: srudcnc·, first clinical pract icum in the: l ni, cr sit, 's counse ling center arc utiliLcd to pro, ide ,1 close\, ,upen iscd intrnduccion to the therapeutic p rocess . Spring. Requircrm; nt: To be ta ken concurrent\\ 11 ith STI' SOO. P rerequisite: S PY 6H I . SPY 688 Practicum Supervision (0) Small group supcn is ion coordi nated b, director of clinical training. This course i, taken concu1-rcntl) with all prnct ica (Sl'Y 689, 691 -699). Requ ired of Ph . I)., Psd). SPY 689 Prac ti cum Cont inuous Enrollment (0) Students continuin g a fall or spring practicum through Intcrt erm or summer will register for this 0-unit course. Rcgi,cration in a fa ll or spring practicum and SPY 688 is required. Prerequi site: Si'Y 69 I and permi"ion of the director of clinical training. SPY 691-696 Practicum I-VI (1-3) Supe rvised cli ni cal c .,pcr icncc, includ ing diagnostic and thera peutic acti\ i tics ,, ith inpatient and outpatient cliencclc. I lo,pi rnls. pri, ·atc and public clinic,. mental hea l th organi1.acion,. schoo ls and co l lege counseling centers arc utiliLed. l' rcrcqui,ite: successful comp le t ion of SPY 680, or apprm·al of chc Clinical Training Committee:. Co-regis tration in Sl'Y 688 required. Required fo r Ph.D. and P,y.1). SPY 69 7-699 Practi cum El ective (1-3) For students desiring ,upc1Yi,cd clin ical c,pcricnccs beyond the rcquircn1cnt"i for their degree.
impa ired, m u ltiple ha ndicapped, ere . Pre rccp1isircs: SPY 6-t I, and pe rm iss ion of instructor. SPY 650 Famil y Psychology and Psychopathology (3) Emp has iLcs t he consrruccion of a concepcua I fra rne11 o rk for S\ stern c hange as a foundation for clini ca l inccnent ion. Su 1Tcl's major ap proac h es to svsccms-oricnced fa mi lv t herapv and includes such related issues ,is the fam il y l ife cyc le, object n.:lcicions integration, farn il l' pathologl' / dssfuncr ion, fam ih- assessment, cchnicitl' and re li gious in fl ue nce,. l,lecci,·e . SPY 651 Seminar in Psychody namic Theory I (2) An in-de p th scud, of the process of therapy based on p\\choana lycic dcn;\opmcntal rhc:or, and g iv in g specia l attent ion to the concepts of transference. counter transference and imcrprcrar ion . Th is cou rse is only arnilab\r.; 11 ich the initiat i, c and apprornl of the i n structor 11·hen an appropr iate cl ient is una, ·ailablc: co the stu de nt for lab requireme n ts. SPY 652 Seminar in Psychody namic Theory 11 (1) Cont inuation of RSL B 6S 1. T his cou rse is on\) a, ·ailablc II ith the in i tiative and appro,·,il of the in s tru cto r when an appropriate cl ient is unarn il able tu the st11- d c nt for lab req u irements. SPY 663 Human Sexuality (2) An exam ination of the areas of h u man sexua l functioning, be hav ior, relationships and kcl ings . Iss ues of scxu,tlity arc d is c ussed w i t h in spirit u al, ps,cho log ical, cultural and medica l/ hea lth pcr,pecci, ·cs II ith impl ica t ions for clinical treatment of sex ua l issues. E lccci, e . SPY 670 Neuropsychology (3) Con s ideration o f behavioral and inte llectua l disorder, of neurolol(i ca l o rigin. Clinical and experimen ta l e,· ide n cc is considered as it re laces co the majors, ndromcs. Pre requis ite: Phys io logica l Psvcho l ogy. Eiche r chis course or SPY 607 or 705 is required of Psy.D., Ph. D . SPY 680 Prepract icum (3) .\ cnndcnscd ,ersion of Prcpracticum I & 11 for students wit h sign ificant pre:, ious graduate study in psychology. T h is course is des ig ne d co fac ilicarc t he deve l opment of empathic li,ccninl(, interpersonal skills and basic t he r apeutic techn iques through group interaction and closcl) ,upcn iscd
SPY 641 Measurement and Assessment I : Intell ec t (3)
The first in a sequence of cou rse, d irected coward competence in ac.lminisuacion. "iC.:oring and intcr prcracion of p,vchological tests. The course invo lves a sun-ev of basic concepts and p rinciples of psychologica l measurement, including factors in flu enc i ng , alid it\ and reliabilit,·. \C:rnphas is is placed on the Child ,rnd Adult I ntelligence scales as well as measures of achievcrnc n c, adjusr men t, and adapc i ,c b c h aY io r. Craduace student wi l l ad min iscc r rest batteries to sc hool a nd cli n ic populatinns and also engage in diagnostic and report II rici n g acci, ·icics. Graduate students 11· i\l aho learn diagnostic criteria fo r handicapped ch ild ren as 11e l l as the ir legal rights as sec forth by Public L.111 9-t- 1-t2. Cost of mate rials required is approxirnatch· $ISO. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D.
R- 1 O • Rose mead Sc hoo l of P~c hology
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