
These arc u,ed a, clcccin: prac­ cica. Prerequisite: apprmal o fch c director of c lini cal training. Co­ regiscracion in SPY (,88 requi red. SPY 700 Clinical Case Conference (1) Small gro11p superv is ion of o ngo­ ing ps,-c ho logica\ cascs. Elect ive. SPY 701 College Teaching of Psychology (2) f\ sem in ar on teac hing methods in cludinp; the de, clopmcnt of co urse objecci, ·cs. outlines. lec­ tures and c,aluacion,. ;\ \ajor emp has is i, placed on thc exami ­ nation of the ,ario11, ccac hi ng method, a1·ailable w the teacher of psvcholog,·. Elccti\l.:. SPY 702 Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes (3) Focu,c, on thc socia l p,ycholog, of interpersonal relacion,hips \I ich special emphasi, on incimace rela­ tion~. Prc:rcqui".iitc: a \ Li l"\ C:) course (undergraduate or g rad11- ace) in ,ocial psYcholog) and pe r­ mi ss ion of the instructor. [ichcr chis co 11rsc. SPY 608 or S PY 62.'i rcquired of P\\.D.. Ph.\). SPY 703 Organization and Administration of Psychological Services (2) A seminar dealing \\ith admini,­ craci1 e i"ucs ,uch as per,onnel. finance,, commun i ty rc lation1., and supcn ision . Elccri1 e. SPY 704 Advanced Research Design (3) f\ continuation of SP Y 60 1 for Ph.D. srud cnrs. ;\ la jor emphas is i, g il'(;n to multiple rcgrcss ion ana l,·­ s is, includin_g , ·a\idicy of ass ump­ tions, diagno"tic".l, outl ier".>, tra n"ifor­ mation of quiahlc\, and c.1tc:,go ri ca l depend cnt , ,11-i:1ble, . Introd 11ccion i, givcn co esp lorator) and ennfir­ matory facto r analysis. and str uc­ tu ral cquac ion model,. Cornp11cer impl emcnrncion and app li cations arc empha,i1.ed. Prcrcqui,icc: SPY 60 1. Requ ired for Ph.\). on l, . SPY 705 Clinical Psychophar­ macology (3) A ge neral o,·cn·ie\\ of cu rrent rescMch on the use and cffecc i, e­ ness of ps,-chotropic medication in the creatmenc of the psychoses. ne uroses and ocher emotional dis­ orders . Consultat ion and class presentations b, a rc.:a psvchia­ triscs. Prerequi s ite : SPY 607 or eq uirnl cnc. l·:icher thi, coursc or SPY 607 or 670 is requ ircd.

rc qui sice : SPY 70-t. In structor's s ignatu re required. Elecci, c . SPY 724 Self Psychology: The Theory of Kohut (3) Thi, cou rse.: focuse, on che chcor, and clinical \\Ork of I lein;, Ko hu t as" cl \ as ocher contcmporarv ,e lf psyc.:hologv theo ri sts. In addition co discussing the.: place of sc.:lf ps,·­ cho log) in broader pwchoanalytic chinking, spec.: ial cmphasi, is placccl on the c lini cal ap pli cat ion a nd practica l relc, ancc of chis ap proach . Prerequi,ices: SI 5. 615. SPY 729 Alcohol & Substance Abuse (1 -2 ) Diagnosis, treatment planni ng. and recover,· proc.:ess for the alc.:o­ hol ic/ add ict and familv mcmbcrs wi ll be t he focus of the class. The di sease mock\ of add ict ions treat­ ment and the utilization of 12-stcp support group, in the treatmcnc of the reco,·cring person and t h e fam il ) members \\'ill be prescmcd. Ochc r compu lsi, c diseases "ill be discussed such as sexual addiction, eating disordcrs. etc. Class lcc­ rnrc, special spcake"'. a n d ass ig ned reading " ·ill be the pri­ m,1r) met hods of instruction. SPY 730 Directed Research (1-3) Swdents may cake spec ial courses o f study a nd/or p ursue rc,cHrch projects chat t he,· design and car1Y out under the gu idance of a rc~i­ denc facu\t, mcmbcr. lndi, idual or -;ma ll group participation in a resea rch project in psvcholog, muse be under the supcn·i,ion of a facu lc,· membe r. The studcnt mu~t subn1ic an arranged course pc rmission form gi, ing a clcwiled outl ine of thc rcscarch and othcr learning experie nce, of the cour,c. Required course, ma, not be taken through Dircctcd Rcsearch . Apprornl of factl it, ach isor and aca­ demic clean i, rcquired. I-:lccci, c. SPY 733 The Self: Theological, Philosophical, Psychologica l and Crosscultural Perspectives (3) Thi s course looks at philosophi­ ca l, theo logica l. p,)chological. and crosscultural , ic\\ s of the naw rc of th c se lf. The course c,plo rc, some.: of the biblical and philosophic.:a l ter­ minology. It also e,plores the his­ torical e mph as is on the sci( "ith a focus on its cur rent cmpha,is in psychoanah'tic p,ycholog\. and its dcvclopmcncal a~pect. and a psY­ c h o logica l , ic\\ of thc true and fa lse sclf. Th e \\estcrn c ulrnre pc rspecri,·e on the self is compared "ith other c.:u lcure,. Fimll,. a rcli-

SPY 706 The Professional Practitioner (3)

111 ajo r technique, for examp le the Halsccad-Reiran Ad ule ;\:europw­ cho logical l3 atter), cl ini cal hypno­ s is, o r 111ul ci-gc ncrac ional t herapy will be the foc.:us each time this cou rse is offe red. Elcccin:. SPY 711 Seminar in Ethical and Professional Issues (3) f\ s tud v and discussion o f the echic.:s of professional psvc.:ho log,· with a n emphasis o n the Ameri­ ca n Psyc holog ica l Association ·s Codc o f Ethi cs, g uid c lin cs. and la\\'s chat go, ·crn the profession. Prepa ra t ion for t he ora l and writ­ ten portions of t he li cens ing cxam in chc state o f Ca liforni a is a lso g ive n e mphas is. The challe nge to integrate a professional. Christian. and pe rsonal ethica l code is dis­ cussed. Required of Psv. D , Ph .D. SPY 712 Independent Study (1-3) Indiv idu a l wo rk , direc.:ced reading o r spec ial prob lcms in psychol­ ogy . Such work muse be done with t he a ppro, ·a l a nd s upervi­ sion of a fac ul t) pr ofessor of reco rd. The swdc nc is expected to s ubmit a derailed cou r,c pro­ pos,il and a bibliograplw w ith an a rranged cou rse permission form an1 il ablc f rom t h e Registrar's Office. Req uired courses may not be rnkcn throug h inde pe nd­ ent s rucly. Elccci, ·c. SPY 713 Clinical Supervision and Consultation (1 -3 ) f\ co urse dcsigncd cu g i, e stu­ de nt s tr ai nin g an d pn1cr icc in su pcrvisorv and consu ltation ro les. I\ Iutual supc1Yision and case prc­ sen ca cions a rc used to deve lop ski ll s. Thi s coursc or S LB 702 is req uir e d of Ph.D. and PS\.D.

In tensive c.:o n s id eracio n of the i111pa cc of psyc hotherapeutic practice on the personal life a nd rela ti ons hip of thc c lini c ia n a nd t he interact io n bct\\'een the pro­ fess ional and private life. b s ucs addres,ed include ca ree r sat isfac­ t ion, profcssional decoru111, inter­ d isc i pl i nary re la t io ns hip s a nd the rapist impairm e nt and burnout, a nd steps invoh·cd in deve lop in g an d maintainin g a clinical pract ice. El ective. SPY 707 Fee For Service (1-3) Thi s co urse o ffe rs s rndenc s th e op ti on of fl ou ris hin g in private practice without s ub s id y fr o 111 managed ca re. Swdcncs learn co: (a) place a monetary value on t heir clinic.:al se rvices. (b ) exa 111ine their O\\'n family hi stor ies co ncerning money, and (c) formulacc a 111i s­ s ion scacc111enc about what th ey' re offering c li ents in outpa ti e nt psv­ chothc ra py. S tudents see li ve or ca ped imc n ·iews of thri ving practi­ t io ners \\'ho have no part ic ipation " ·ich managed care. Opt io nal lab provided by in str ucto r, "'ho coaches srndcn cs "ich , ·ig nettc, des igned to he lp student de,·c lop c.:ompctc ncies as fec-fo r-scrv ic.:e p ractit ione rs. Elec.:ti1·e. SPY 708 Structural Equation Modeling (3) lmroduc.:t ion w 111 odc ls and meth­ od s for anal ys is of darn hvpo ch e­ s izcd to be ge nerated bv unmea­ sured late nt rn ri ab les inclu ding late nt rnr iablc anal ogues of tradi­ tional m<..:t hods in mulci va ri ,n c. a nal vsis. l~mpha sis is given to measuremem models suc h as con­ fi rmato ry and higher-order facto r a nal y ti c mode ls and st ru ct ura l e quat io n mode ls, in c luding pat h and s imul ta neous equation 111od­ cls. Parameter est inrnt ion, hvpoch­ es is test in g, a nd oc he r scatist ic.:a l iss u e, arc co,·c red. Compute r imp lcme ncaci on and ap plicat io ns. IC: \ccti, ·c . Pre requi s ite : SPY 70-t. SPY 709 Current Issues in Psychology (1-3) l ncensivc focus is given co a sclcc.: ced copic of contemporary imcrcsc such as grief therapy, foremic psvchol­ ogy, ~acional Health Care and Psy­ chologica l service. Elective. SPY 710 Special Techniques in Clinical Practice (1-3) Im cns ivc cons id e rati on of a spe­ c ific.: techn ique ut ili zed in modern c lini ca l pract ice an d requiring spce ia \i ;,cd training. f\ s in g le

Prerequisite: SPY 69 1-692. SPY 715 Training Therapy (Group) (0)

For offic ial indi cat ion on thc st u­ dent's transcrip t of required pcr­ son,il g rO\nh expe ri ence t h rough gro up training th cra pY. Req u ired of al l doctora l swdencs. SPY 716 Training Therapy (Individual) (0) For official indi ca tion o n t he scu­ d c nc 's tramcript of re quire d pe r­ son.Ji gro,nh expe ri ence throu gh a n indi vid u a l training t h crap,·. Requ irc d of a ll doc.:coral srude nts.

SPY 722 Advanced Topics in Quantitative Methods (1 -3)

[ncensivc foc us is gi ,·c n co a parcic­ u lar quanciracivc mcchodologv such as Strucrnra l l~quaci o n l\ lod­ c ling, 11 icrarchi ca \ Linear i\ lodcl s. and GrcJ\, ch Curvc Analysis. Pre-

Rosemead School of Pryc hology • R~ll

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