
gious perspecti I e on the true and false self is presented. Elective. SOS 718 Doctoral Research Seminar I (3) Thi s is the fi rst of a two co urse sequence which Psy.D. nnn-dis­ scrtation s tud c ncs can rnkc as a partial fulfillment of th eir doc­ coral resea rch competency. Thi s course includ es an in-depth swdv of research methods in clinical psvchologv an d ex peri­ ence in crit ica ll y re, ·iewi ng cur­ re nt clini ca l research. SDS 719 Doctoral Research Seminar II (2) Building on SPY 718, this cou rse invoh·es writing an in-depth criti­ ca l review of the research literaw re on a se lected topi c in cl ini ca l psl'­ ehologv. Prerequi site: SOS 718. SOS 721 Dissertation Research (1-10) Planning and implementa ti on of a researc h project including litera­ ture review, problem definition. hypothes is formation, dcsi!(n. and impl ementat ion of field research. darn anal ys is, and repo rt writing. The swdent 's dissertation research is supen·iscd b, a faculty chair and committ ee. The fin a l srnge requires the student to successfulh susta in an Orn ! Defe nse of the dis­ se rtation. Required of Ph.D. Per­ mi ss ion of inst ructor. STN 731 Internship in Clinical Psychology (0) Profess iona l e,pericnce of a one yea r int erns hip in a faci lit y app rm·cd bv the Professional Train­ ing C:ommirrec. Pre requ isites: Suc­ cessful comp let ion of comprehcn­ si, ·c l.!Xamina tion ...,, course rcqui rc­ me n ts, profc,sional qualifving examination. and approval of a dis­ se rta tion proposal. STI\.' 73 I or STN 732 is required. In te rn ship fee: $ I ,ZOO pe r semester. STN 732 Half-Time Internship (0) Profess ional ex per ience of a rwo­ yca r internship in a faci lit y approl'ed bv the P rofessio nal Train ing Committee. Prcreq ui ­ s it<.: s: Successfu l completion of comp rc lH.:ns in: ina tions. course requirements. professional qualify in ~ examina tion , and an approl'al of a dissertation prn­ posa l. STi',,' 7.11 or ST'-: 7.12 is re quired. Internship fee: $600 per semester. Bv permission of Oirccro r of Clinical Training. Psychotherapy Laboratory Thi s series of elective courses is designed ro effect a working

integration o f conceptua l and t:, per im e n rnl as pt: cts of p,y­ chorhcrap y. Ph.D. stude nts a rc requirt:d to take I Z units of SLB co urses and Psy .D. students, 2 1 units. l~ac h cou rse includes both course work and supe rvi sed clini­ ca l exper ien ce 11·irhin the psv­ c hoth c rap y model followed in rhc spec ific co urse. Completion of SPY 50 1, 5 15 and 680 or 68 1 a nd 682 o r the ir e quiv ale nt i, required befo re e nr o llm e n t in these cou rses is pe rrnirred. t\11 SLB cou rses ha,·c limited e nrollmen ts and require permis­ s ion of the in structor. Stu dents need to hal'e access to appropri­ ate cl ie nt pools through th e ir pracrica un less c li ents arc obta ined through the S LB cou r,e. SLB 605 Behavior Therapy (3) The obse rn 1ti on. assessment and modification of human beh avio r, including operant. respondent and social learning models. limpha ,is is on supen·ised client interaction. Pre requ isite: SPY 60., and permi s­ sion of instructor. Elective. SLB 613 Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (3) ,\n introdu ct ion to the basics of thcrap,· with ch ildre n and adoles­ cents. The cuursc wil l emphasize a sun·c,· of dc1·elopmenrall v ap pro­ priate imli\-idual and system ic ther­ ape ut ic approac hes. Secondafl supc fl ·is io n is pro,·idcd in t he req uired lab component. Elecri,·c. SLB 631 Psychodynamic Therapy I (2) An in-depth study of the process of rhcrapv based on psvehoana­ lyr ic de, ·c lopme nrnl rhcorv and givin,e; spec ial atte nti on to rhc co nce pt s of tran sfe ren ce. co un cer-cransf't..: rcnce and inccr­ prerario n. A lab gro up is included for both 63 1 an d 632. Pre req ui s itc: SPY S15, parrici pa ­ rion in indi, idual tra ining th er­ apy and perm iss ion of in structo r. Enrollme nt muse be planned for both SLB 63 1 and 6.,2. Electi,·e . SLB 631 L Psychodynamic Therapy Lab I (1) .\ lab group is includ,xl for both 631 and 632. Pre rcq ui sin:: SPY 515, par­ ticipation in individual training ther­ apy and permi ssio n of instructor. l•: ,uollmcnt must be planned for both SI,13 631 and 632. Elective.

from the first semester u sing obscn·arion. ,imularion, and thcr­ ap) expe ri ence 11·irh superv i,i on. Prerequisites: SLB 67 1. SLB 676 Psychotherapy With Couples (3) Scud,· of theory and practice of' cun­ joim therapy II ith couples . .\ num­ ber of theoretical pe rspecr i, cs and related clinical technique, will he ,tud icd including cogn iti, ·e-behav­ ioral. emoriona ll v focused, ego-,111a­ lyric. and psychoLh·namic approaches. Th e in ten enr io n techniques can be app li ed \I ith pre-marital co up les, for couple enr ichment and as part of psv­ chotherapy with distressed couples. Swdcnt, "ill sec a couple thro ugh­

SLB 632 Psychodynamic Therapy 11 (1)

Con t inu at ion of SLB 631. Pre­ requisites: SL B 63 1 and permis­ sion of the instructor. Elccri, e. SLB 632L Psychodynamic Therapy Lab II (2) .\ lab group is included for both SLB 6.,1 and 6.32. l' rerequi,ite: SLB 63 1. 1-:lccri, c. SLB 641 Psychotherapy with Groups (3) Th e essen ti als of t he gro up psv­ chmhe rap, procc,s arc examined and rchtted co cur rent modal ities in psvchothcrap, and genera l

group phenomena. Ek:cri,e. SLB 642 Advanced Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (3)

out the ,cmc,rer. Elccri, c. SLB 681 Special Issues in

,-\ co ntinu ation of SLll 613. this cour,c offer, ath·anced rraining in therapeutic techniques 11·irh chil­ dren and adolescent,. In part icu­ lar, dynamic and ">ystcmic orie n­ tat ions "ill be emphasi;,cd. Spe­ cia l focus "ill be gi, en to tech­ n iqu es of pla, thcrap,. Sec­ onda r, supcn i,ion is pro, idcd in tht: required lab component. Prereq ui site: SLll 6 J.'\. J--:lecti, c. SLB 643 Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy with Children (3) Thi s course cmphasi1.c, the trc,tt­ ment of children ,111d families from a behavioral perspecri, e includin,g operant. respondent. cogni ti,·c and soc ial learning thcor, modcb. Graduate students mu,t cam at least th ree clients during the course of the semester and II ill he afforded the opporrunir, to conduct parent workshop, in lieu of one c li e n t. Prerequisite-: SPY603. SLB 671 Marriage and Family Therapy I (3) 1\ swd, of the literature ,111d prac­ tice of rnarirnl ,111d fami l, rhcrapy. ' l 'hc course pre)\ idcs an oven iC\\ of I a ri ous approachc, to famih rhcrap,· 11 irh a ,pccial emphasi, on t he ,truccurnl fam ih t herapy modcl. \pplicatiun of clinical technique, is accomplished through obse1Yat ion . simulation,. and at least one marital or fam ih· case usinµ; a team moc.kl of intc r- 1·cnrion supen is ion in the school clini c. Pre requisites: SPY 650. SLB 672 Marriage and Family Therapy 11 (3) Conti nuat ion of SLB 671. ,\lajor consi derat ion is gi, en to exper ien­ tia l and ps\'choth nam ic pe r,pec­ t i n~:s on in ren·cnt ion ,,·ithin a structural frame"ork. ,\pplicarion of c lini cal technique., i, continued

Psychodynamic Therapy I (2-3) :\n ad, ·anccd course in pS\chodv­ namic p"chothcrap, dea ling" ith issues ,uch as impairments of the thcrapeu tic re larion ,hip, acr ing our, le, els and riming or interp re­ tation, and P"chotherap, 11 ith indi, idu ,tls ,uffering from d istur­ bances in earh object rclarion­ ,h ips. l'rerequisitc: SLB 632; per­ mi"ion of instructor. IC:lccti, e. SLB 682 Special Issues in Psychodynami c Therapy II (2-3) Continuation of SL ll 68 1. Pre­ requisite: S!,13 68 1 and pe rmi s­ sion of in,tructor. IC:lecri, e. SLB 702 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision I (1-3) ,\ 'ICminar in case )Upcn ision. Student, arc re,pon, ihl e for supen ·i,ing the professional ex pe­ rience, of less ad, ·anced ,t11dcnt,. Prerequisite,: admission to doc­ toral swdics. Thi, course or SPY 71., i, required of l's,.D., Ph.D. SLB 703 Principles and Practices in Case Supervision II (1-3) Continuation of SLll 702. Prc­ rcqui,ircs: S I,B 702 and permis­ sion of instructor. l!lcct i1·e. SLB 705 Brief Psychotherapies (3) :\ lodcls and approac hes in b ri ef in ten cnrions ,, ich specia l atten­ tion ro cri~is intcrn;nt ion. ' J'ht;o­ ri srs include \Jann, Sifneo,. ,\blan and Darnnloo. Prereq ui ­ sitt:: permi"i"'lion of instructor. Elccti,·c. SLB 706 Clinical Biofeedback (3) T hi, course i, an introduct ion t0 concepts and techniques of biofeedback a, applied to seres, managt.:mcnr. an,icry disorder...,. J)S\Cho,omat ic s, mprnms, a nd ot her psvcholo ,[!;ical problems.

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