SLB 718 Advanced Gestalt (3) This course is open to srndents 11ho h,11e complctt:d SLB 717 and focuses on the applicat ion of Gestalt thernp, and techniques to group ps,chothcrapy. Enrol l ment is limi ted and the permis sion of the instructor is required. SLB 725 Multigenerational Therapy (3) The course focuses particularll' on famil,-of-origin theories and 1~rac tic:d approac he s that share both ,111 am:ntion ro famil, lh namics across thrcc or more generations and a hisrory in psychod, namic theory. t\ , idcornpc series II ill be used to <.kmon"itratc conduction tran...,gcn crationa l sessions II ith clients. Students II ill also appl) exper ien tial I, these theories to t heir 011 n famih of origin. The lab segment 11 ill use \\'illia,mon\ famih-ot~ori gin group thcrapl' model 11·hcrc co therap, teams II ill help clients achic1c the goal of de1cloping an authentic self within the original famih. Prcn;quisitc: Permission of instructor. Elccti,c. Theology/Biblical Studies This series of cou rses pro, ides students II irh csScntial biblirnl and thcological understandin g prereq uisite to effecti1 c integration of the disciplines of psl'cholog,· and the ology. ( 17 un its required.) STH 521 Theology I: Revelation, Theology-Integration and the Nature of God (4) This cours<.: i, designed to inte grate traditional themes and c1tc gorics in "stt:matic theology 11 ith psycholog, and spiriwal for mation.. \n c .,ploration into the narnrc. method and rationale of Christ ian theo log) interfaced ll'ith the practica l emphasis on spiritual thcolog). 1d1ich has as its end the lo1·c of (;od. l'.mpha sis is gi, en to a study of re1·ela tion. both general and spt:cial, insp iration, canonicity and illumi nation of Scripwrc in t ht: life: of gro11 t h. Attention II ill also be gi1 en to the nature of th co logs·. spiriwal tht:ology and the ir mcrn intcgration II ith thc manifold creation disciplines (pS1chologs·, "ICicncc"I, art"I, humanities t.:tc.). Particular atte nti on gi,·en to the doctrine of God. his existence, atrributes. Trinitarian nature and knrrn ledge of God in the light of the belie, er\ deep bclicfs of the heart and unconscious theology 11 hich may hinder spi ritual gro11 t h. /\ttcntion is also gi, en ro
Formal registration for credit is usua l! , in the spring semester, but actual learn ing e,pcriences b eg in in th<.: fall semester to allow ample time for mastcrin ,g th e t<.:<.:hnica l equipment neces sary for use "ith c li ents . Stu d ents rccei1e 10 hours of p<.:r son,11 biofeedback. Course size is limited a nd requ ires the adnince permission of the instructor. SLB 707 Cognitive Behavior Therapy (3) Thi s cou rse "ill present a cogni ti1 c beha1 ioral model of treatment for depression, anxiet,, and the pcrsona li tY disorders. The theo r ies of Aaron T. Beck, Donald 1\l eichc nbaum anti Christine Pade,kY ll'ill be considen.:d. Stt1- dent, ll'i ll learn hcn1 to appl, this approach" ith indi1 iduals and" ith couples. Prerequisite: SPY 60.,: pcrmi,,ion of instructor. Elccti1 c.
biblical in terpretation, st11d1, mediation and pS1chological issues i111oh-ed in its app li cation to life. Required of Psy.D., Ph .D. STH 522 Theology 11: Works of God, Wisdom, Humankind and Sin (3) An i111 est i,gation into God's t:ternal plan including his kingdom purpose and redempti ve focus, I lis work of c rc ,t ti on and conrinucd acti1·ity "ith creation, an.gels both good and c,·il including their origin. present state, 11ork and destiny. This also i111ohcs an in-depth discussion of natura l h111. integration and the ll'is dom of God t:I idcnt in the works of God (OT 11isdom li tcrawrc) . Par ticu lar cmphasi, is gi,·cn to the cre ation of human~ in God'~ image, human nature, the fa ll and effects of sin upon humanity. human life in rclarion to the di, inc institutions of the fam ill' and ci, ·il governmcnr as this interfaces Spiritual Thco log,. integration and the encl of lo,·ing Goel. Requi red of l' sy.D.. Ph.D. STH 603 Theology Ill : Christ, Sa lvation and the Spirit (4) An inn:stigation into the person and sa1 ing work of Christ, particu larh· the narnrc mid application of salvat ion and their relation to ,pi r itual formation. i\ttcnrion is g il'cn to the person and m ini stn of the I l oly Spirit. parrieularls as it re lates to I li s inrh1clling ministry 11ithin the psl'chological dYnamics of the human soul. Special emphasis on the practice; of san ct i fication in personal Christian li,· ing. Rcquircd of Psy.D.. Ph.D. STH 604 Theology IV: The Church and Eschatology (3) The swd, of the broad kingdom purpose of God and the furn re c1·cnts related ro the dcstin) of hi s tory and indi, idu als including Ch ri st's coming in its phases. the mil lenn ial re ign of Chris t, the res urrections. the judgmcms and eter nal srntc. Emphasis wil l a lso be gil'cn to the ir rclcl'ancc to spiritual formation and human gui lt, anx ietv and rcprt:ssion of these realities. The inception and nawrc of the church as the 11e11 kingdom com munit1. both as a Ii, ing organism and an organi1.ation, irs function, ord in ances and p lace; and mission in (;od\ purpose and human hap pincs,. Required ofl's,.D., Ph.D. STH 625 Theology V: Christian Ethics (3) ;\n introduct ion to ethi cs including the narnre of personal c haracte r, l'irtuc, and l' ict:s, and their rcbt ion-
ship ro the spir iwal disciplines as means of spir iwa l groll'th into the image of Chri"it. ;\ttcnrion i'> given to understanding thc persona l rh·namics i111oh-cd in good and bad character in li ,e;ht of ,in , common grace, rt:li gious defe nses and the Spirit-infused l'irwes of faith. hope and Im c transforming the so cal led "natural , irtuc.s.· 1 Particu la r crnphas is i, gi, e n to an inttoduc tion to the spir itu al d iscip lines and their rolc in Chr istian spi riwal for mat ion and the developme nt of 1irrue. ,\ttcmion a lso given ro t he history of ethics in light of the con temporary mi lcu and practical ethi ca l issues such as cJivorcc, abortion, homoscxualit), cuthana,ia and the hum,1n cont rol of human beings . Required of Ps, .D., Ph.D. STH 730 Independent Study (1-3) lncli, idual work, directed reading or special problems in theo logy. Such stlllh must be done II ith the approntl and supcn·ision of a fac ulty professor of record. The s tu dent is expected to subm it a derailed course proposal and a bib liography on a lea rnin g contract form a, ·ai lab lc from the Registra r's Office. Rcquircd courses ma,· not bt: taken th rough independcnt swdy. 1-: lcct i1·c . Integration of Psychology and Theology Roscmcad's curricu lurn is clis tinguishccl b, a series of sem in ars designed to in, cstigate the mutual re lationships bctwcc n theo logica l and p>1·c h ologica l concepts and data. These sem i nars constirntc an csscntial part of Rosemead training and offe r swdcnts an opporwnity to become i111oilcd in a crc,;ti,·c applica tion of shared in s ig hts from these related disciplines. Each srndent must rake STP 500 and 72 1, and additional integra tio n sem inars tu total 1-1 unit s . STP 500 Psychotherapy and Religion (1) An introduction to the con tribu tions a biblical understanding of human nature can make to the psychological practitioncr 1 s unclcr,rnnding of the therapeut ic process. Special attention is g iven to the relational dimension of human groll'th and develop ment. Required of al l first \'Ca r swdents to be taken concurrc.nt ly 11·ith S PY 680 (l'rcpracticurn). STP 705 Psychology of Religion (2) A survcY of the psYeholog, of reli gion resea rc h both
SLB 709 Therapeutic Approaches to Sexual D ysfunction (3)
This course focuses exclmi1·el, on clinical app roa cht..:s to asst.:ss ment and therapeutic intencn t ion in relation to sex ual d1·sfunc tion "ithin the marital dl'ad. P rerequisites: SPY 66J: permis sion of instructor. Electi1 e.
SLB 710 Existential Psychotherapy (3)
Srnd , and practice of the thera peuti c relationship and the proce" of therapy from a gro" t h or acrnal ization pcrspecti, ·c. including the approaches of selected theorists suc h as Rogers. Gcndlin, and sclccrcd existential therapists. Prerequisites: SPY S IS: permission of instructor. Electi, e. SLB 715 Current Psychotherapies (3) Thi s course focuses eac h t ime it is offered on a specific therapy not regularly included in Rosemead\ curriculum. Teaching personnel a rc drawn from the professional comrnunit) of acti1·c practitioners of the specific modalit, ro be con sidered. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Elccti1 c. SLB 717 Gestalt Psychotherapy (3) The focus of this course wi ll present the theory and app li cat ion of Gestalt therap) for use with indi, iduals and g roups. This therap,, created b,· Pcr ls and dcl'l.:lopcd b, Zinkcr & Polster. focuses on personal grcl\l th and sclf-acwali zation. Prereq ui site: Pe rmiss ion of instructor. l~lcctive.
Ro semead School of P~chology • R~13
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