
content and mc.:chodologica l issues. Topi cs cm ered include reli gios ir\' and mental health, measures of re li g ios ity, religiom de, e lopmell(,

which ill(cgrac ion ol' the t heolog iSTP 741 Guilt, Conscience and

STP 750 Perspectives on

Human Nature (2)

ca l and psychologica l can occur,

Socialization (2)

as well as a frame\\'Ork for co nA di sc u ss io n of g uilt and co n1\ cri tica l examination of, arious the­

cep rnalizing the scope o f integ rascience, in c ludin g both biblical

olog ica l and ps\'cho logica l anthro­ pologies. 1•:ach student is expected to conduct an in-depth re, icw of

corre late, of re ligios itv and psvc hotion. Prer eq ui s ite: STII 52 1.

and psvchologica l theories on the

log ica l aspects of com ers ion and

Required of Ph.D., l' sy .l).

origins of guilt and co nscience oc her reli g iou s aspects. Prerequiand the expressions o f these theone theoretical perspect i\'e. Prereq­ site: STP .'iOO. 1, lect i, e. uisite: STP 72 I. b'.lecci, e. STP 722 Systems of Integration (3) ories in therap\'. Prerequi s ite: STP 710 Sin and of s pecifi c theolog ians and psv STI I 604. l~lect ivc. STP 760 Independent Study (1-3) Psychopathology (2) chologists \\'ho ha"e attempted t0 lmli, idual ,cud). directed reading A c ritical e, ·aluation of the works STP 742 Anger, Aggression and An ad,a nced semi na r ex pl ori ng integ rate the di sc ipline s of ps,· o r spec ial problems in integration. Hostility (2) the concepts of s in a nd p sychology and thcologv. Attent ion S uch swd, must be done with A co n s iderati o n of an ge r and chopat ho log,. Includes a discusis gi,·en tO th e approaches of such the apprm·a l and supen is ion of a rel ated emotions and bcha\'iors. s ion of the nawre and essence of thcorists as Brownin g, Crnbb , faculcv professor of record. The including the ca th ars is hypothe­ p sycho p atho logy and the rela'\Jarramore, Ri z uttO and T ournic r. srndcnt i, expected ro subm it a ses a nd agg ress ion in fanrns,. tionship of personal, parell(al and Prerequisite: STH 52 I. Elective . derai le d co urse proposal and a Prerequisite: STP 72 I. Elccti\'e. soc ie tal responsibilit\' in personbibliograph, on a learning co n­ STP 725 Psychotherapy and ality d e\'elopme nt a nd functio nSTP 744 Integration and tract form a\'ailablc from the reg­ Spir ituality (2-3) ing. Prerequ is ite: STP 72 1. Therapy (2) istrar's office. Required courses Thi s co ur se is dc s ign e d co The focus o f this semin a r 1s o n may not be raken t h rough inde­ STP 714 Conflicts in the Integration incrcao:;c <.;t ud c ncs' a\\'arcneo;;s of "ex pli c it inte g rati o n' ' in psypendent study. Eicl'ti, c. of Psychology and Theology (2) the integra l process of g rnwth in cho therap\'. Th e distincti, cs of t\ cons id eration of tensio ns psyc h ot herap\' and s piriwalit\'. lntercultural Studies th e Christ ian th e rapi st and thera­ between psychology and theology Co ur s e material focuses on an Srndcnts ca n app l) up co s ix peut ic conce ptualizations and in area.., ~uch as sdf-cstccm, corpounderstanding of the nature o f units of the fo ll tJ\\ in g courses int c n ·e nti on a rc cxan, in c d. ral punishmem, sex ro le,, egal itari p syc hol og ica l and s piritu a l toward the psscholog) graduat ion (Co urse ma) be rcpe,1t e d with anism, and d i\Circe. i\ s, nth es i, g ro ,, th, and an exper iment a l requirement. These courses arc nm model is w,ed for th inking construcawan..: ncss of that growth process . different emphasis.) Prcrequi subsrimtcs for required Rosemead ri\'d\' abo ut such tens ion, and ide nPre re qui site : S'l'P 72 1. [ lccti\'C si re: STP 721; perm is,io n of co urs es. Course descriptions arc in structor. Ekcti ve. tifying strengths ,ind ,n.:aknesses of gi\'e n under the School of Intcrcu l­ STP 730 Mental Health Issues rnral Swdic, section of the catalog. trad itiona lI\' conflict ing , ·ie" poi ms. STP 745 Maturity: for Crosscultural Sojourners (2) SCL S20 Interpe rsonal and Prerequisite ST!' 72 1. likcti, e. Psychological and Theological .\ s tudy of the cont ribution s psyl ntcrculrnra l STP 715 Contemporary c ho logists can make co the mi sPerspectives (2) .\dju stmcnt Psychoanalysis and Religion (3) siona" · emc rp risc including cross\ 'a ri ous approaches to the concep t SCL S6 1 T opics in Cultural Th e hi stof\ of t he concept of c uIm rnl adjustmcm iss ues fa c ing of maturity arc re, icwed, including Ant h ropo logy transference is traced, particularly sojourners. Additional t0p ics n 1ry t h e pS\ c hol ogica l. biblical a nd SCL S63 Gende r Role, in m, pcrrains to cont ro, cr"iics in confrom se me s te r to se m es ter but dc \'0t iona l. r\ major focus is p laced Intcrnational Settings temporn"· 1»ychoanal\Sis mer hi sinc lude content such as the se lecon the s imilariti es and differences SC L 622 lnccrcu lrn ral torical truth \S. narrati, ·e truth. and tion and t.:\'a luation of mi ss ionar\' bet\\'ccn biblica l and psychol ogirnl Comm unication reality ,·s. illu sio n. "ith specia l cand id ates; pre-field o rientation maturity as seen by such integraSCL 702 Socia l Organitation attenti on to the format ion and u~c and training; on field training and tion theorists as Career. Clincs, SCL 7?..'i Culrnral C:ontinuit,· of God as a foregro und and backintcrYcncion scn·iccs co soj ourners; G round s and Oakland. Pre requi and Change grou nd object in light of modern co pin g \\ ith transit ions; and the site: STP 721. Elccti\'c. SCL 747 Chri,tian it\ and C ulrnre in fant obse1Ya ti onal research. Preuniqu e id e ntity and adjustment STP 746 Selected Topics and requ isite: ST!' 721. Ekcrin:. issues of Third C ulture Kid s. Pre­ Issues in Integration (2-3) requi s ite : STP 72 1. Electi, ·e . STP 720 Psychotherapy With Occasional sem in ars arc offered Religiously Committed Patients (3) STP 731 Theological Contribuund e r thi s co ur ,c d es ig n at ion Thi s course is a chance to share tions to the Practice ofTherapy (2) with focu s on some contemporary practical wa,·s of addressing c liniA cons id e rat ion of sc ripwral pa sinccgracion i r.,s uc. contro\C; rsy or cal themes, as \\CII as broader sages a nd th eo log ica l doctrine s special rese arch inte rest. Prereq­ conccpma l issues like de, e lop ing relating to a n uicty of clinical probuisite: STP 72 I. Electi,·c. a personally meaningful. onlems and issues. Includes a bi blical STP 748 Christian Community (2) go ing theo log, of thc rapv. di scussion of mpics such as idemity , A studv of the pote ntial impac t of Certain t hemes if handled one self esteem, guile, anger. depres­ the c hur c h as a socia l s,stem \\'ay all cl\, the rap, "ic h rclisio n, an,i c cy and a".ts crti\ cnc.;ss. upon the gro\\'th and mawrir, of g iou sh comm ine d patients to Pre requi site: ST!' 721. E lccti\'C. rnke on more depth: if handled in its members. Prereq ui s ite: ST I I STP 735 Perspectives on the 604. Elcct i\'c. other \\ avs the \\O rk ass ume s a Self (3) m ore superficia l qualit ) and STP 749 Values in Thi s cove rs an o,·c n icw of philo­ me ets "ith a kind of therape uti c Psychotherapy (2) 'itale macc . cn.:n ,, hen ch cra pi '>t so phi c. theological. psycholog ical, cross-c ulrnral and sp iritu a l pc r1\ co ns idcrnt io n of the role of , a l­ a nd patient arc bot h persons of spcct i\'cs o n t he se lf. I t a lso co nucs in the psychothc rap, process. faith. Elccci, e . s iders the hi s tori ca l transition Includes discuss ion of the pres­ STP 721 The Nature and Scope from focusing on the soul t0 t he ence a nd impact of the implicit of Integration (3) co nt emp ora ry focusing o n the and explicit "dues of both thera­ Thi s course includes a discussion se lf. Pr e re qui s it e: STP 72 1. pist and c lient . Prerequ isite: of the models, lc,els and areas in Elccti, ·c. STP 72 1. E lccti vc .

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