School of Intercultural Studies
6. Th e app li cat ion deadl ine for the fall is April l S and for the sp ring is Occobcr 15. t\ppli ca cions Illa)' be subrnine d after chis deadline ( late app li cati on fee of $55), but will be cons id crcd and processed only if space is a\'ai lablc and time al lows. .\'otr: Offiri(I/ rlou111te11ts presenter! for (lr/111ission or mrt!11atio11 bPro111e part r~f t!te sllrrlmt's amrle111ir }ill' (111r/ 1rom1(1/fi, r,11r1rot be ret11merl or mpiNIfor rli.;trib11tio11. Doctor of Missiology /\ n accredi ted master's degree in l ncerculcural Studies, or a related field, of which 15 units will be in biblical an d theological scudie,, and 18 units in socia l organ i1.ation. in rcrcu \tu ra I cnm m u n ica cion, cultura l c han ge. dynamics of religious experience (or fo lk rcligions). cheologv of rnis s ion, and applied ,1nch ropology. as described in this cata log. A 3.30 GPA in their previous s tudi es rs
ca l h ·, ic seeks : ( l ) co dc,·clop research prokssiona ls in lingui sti cs, Bibl e translation, anthropology. d111rch planting, etc., co aid in ,i nd suprorc the missionary enterprise; (2) co hel p prepare nati o n a ls of c, ·crl' nation for formal education sen ice.: in their 011 n cu lcure; and co prepare educators and scholars from c.:1 e r, nation at the ven· high est lel'cls of education co teac h in schoo ls of higher learning: (3) co train teache rs fo r educatio nal. developmental inscicucions, agen c ies; ,ind (4) co cr,1in consulcancs for Bibl e trans lat ion , church planting and corn 111unirv del'eloprnenc. Doctor of Philosophy The Doctor of Philosophy degree in lnccrculcural 1-:ducacion is designed co equip highh- corn perenc professionals co conduce re,carch, publish and teac h. The degree emphasizes the c ultural co111ponc nc s of education and places a strong emphas is on cross c ulcurnl educational research.
Dean: F. Douglas Pennoyer. Ph.D.
FACULTY Professors: Cook. Dollar, Douglas, I laywa rd , Kra ft . Purnell A"ociacc Profc.:ssors: r\lcxander,
MISSIOLOGICAL STUDIES Chair: l)ougL1s I la\\1ard, Ph.D. FACULTY Prokssors: Cook, Dollar. Douglas, 1layward. Kraft .\,sociace Professors: Alexander. Lingenfelter. Pennovc r. Russell, Steffen ·
Lingenfelter, Pcnno,·cr, Purgason. Ru"ell. Sieffen
Assiscanc Professor: Decker ;\d juncc F,1cult\'. \lan·in K. ,\laicrs, Ph.D.
The School of lnccrculcural Studies cons ists of clircc deparc mcn cs: the l)cparcmenc of llndergraduace Studies: the l) eparcrncnt of .\nchropologv, l nccrculcural l~ducacion and i\lis siolog, ( ,\1\1): and the depart ment of Teaching English to Speakers of Ocher Languages and 1\ppli cd Linguistic, (Tr\L). Th e Deparrrncnc of Al\ ! (i\nc h ropologi. I ncercultural l•:ducacion and \lissiolog) offe rs graduate p rograms ic,1ding co t\\o master's degrees and mo doc coral degrees. These programs e111phasi1.e the social sciences and their relation co inccrcultural understanding. \\orld mission, education and a number of tech ni ca l spc.:c ialcies relaccd co these topics. The Department of TESOL (Tcaching English co Speakers of Ocher I ,anguages) and Applied Linguistics offers t\\ o ma"ttl'.r's degree program\. Th e graduate prograrn in TESOL pro, id es profcssion,11 preparation for 1,nglish lang;uage teach ing among speakers of other language,. The graduate pro gram in Applied Linguistics deals "ich issues 111, oh·ed in second lan guage.: lc.:arning. anali sis, teaching and resc.:arch.
Assi,canc Prolc:ssor: Decker Ad junct Fac ul cv: l\ larvin K. l\ la,crs. Ph.D.
Th e objccci1e of the Ali\! deparnm;nc is co prm·ide academic cxcc.: llcnee "ichin a Ch ri stian con ce,c for ,cudenc, prepar in g for careers in mulciculcural or crosscul cura l enl'ironmcnts, or in programs of acci, icy that transcend the bound aries of ,i nglc.: culcurcs. Our goal is co 1) prepare gloha lh· concerned Christians co li, ·e and ;vork succcss fu II, in ocher cultures: 2) eq uip internat ional scudencs for leadership and mini,cr, roles in chcir O\\ n or ocher cultures: and 3) enable tcach cr, to can, out their cask, in cross culwral or rnulci-culcural conccxcs. Biola\ ;\I\! department fea cures a faculci \\'ith special i,acion, in anthropolog,, missiology, inter national c.:ducacion. health and dcu.::lopmcnt. and int ernational business. The department cmpha sound research and the appli cation of learning co ex pe rien ce. DEGREES OFFERED Master of Arts in lntercultural Studies The \lastc.:r of ,\res in lncer culcural Studies is designed for chose anticipating crossc ulcu ral ca reer, and "ho desire training skill, associated II ich incc.:rcu l tura l communication and "en ice. It is a -l2-unic program. Master of Arts in Missions The 1\ lastcr of Arcs in ;,,, 1is sions is designed for indil'idual s ll'ho h,n c bccn in missions rnin i,crv for a number of Yea rs a nd ha,~ not had the opp<ircun icv co earn a baccalaureate degree. Doctor of Missiology The Doccor of l\ li ssio log, degree is designed co prepare pro feS>ionab for the highest lcl'el of se rl'iee in missions. \lore spccifi-
required for admission . Doctor of Philosophy
An accred ited rnascc r's degree or its cqui, ·alcnt appropriate co the Ph. I). is required for adrn iss ion. Students muse have a GPA of 3.30 in their pre, ·ious graduate studies. Thrce \'cars of crosscu lcu ral expe ri ence, or its equi"alcnt, is required for entrance co the program. In addition, proficienc\' in a second language is expected of studen ts \\'Orking in ccosscu ltu ra l scccings. Admission of International Students Sec Admission, Regis tratio n a nd Req uircrncncs sect io n. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS M.A. in lntercultura l Studies The \I.A. in l nccrcu l tural Studies is a -l2-unic program. For the qualified applicant with c:xn.;n:-.i\'c; undergraduate work in inccrculrnral srnd ics/missions, it rnav he.: reducc.:d co a 111inirnu111 of 32 units. Students w ith linle or no academic preparat ion for g rad uate ,rndics in biblical and theo logical areas may be required, at the d i,crecion of the academ ic adl'isor and in consulcat ion with the student, co cake addit ion,tl units, such as BE 5 17. 519. 520, o r Tl I 5 11 . S 12. 613. 6 1-l. In order co graduate t he sc u dcnc must do che fo ll o11·ing: I. Corn pl ece the req uired courses listed bclo\\':
All \l. 1\.I.C .S., D.i\liss. and Ph.D. scudcnts muse meet the fo llcl\l ing rcquircrne ncs: 1. r\11 app li cants must possess a baccalaureate degree frorn an accredited col lege or uni, crsicv 11 ich a 3.0 (on a -l.0 sca le) grad~ point al'erage. Graduates frn!ll appro,·cd un acc red it ed col leges. if accepted, wil l be granted provis iona l acceptance, if GPA is 3. -l or high e r. Gradu ates from approved unaccred ited co ll eges rnay be required co take cercain additional liberal a rcs course 11·ork (not app li cable to\\ard chc graduate degree). if their undergraduate program did not include these courses. 2. Those \\'ithout inccrculrnral/ missions or Bible/theology 111,1\ ha, c additiona l coursc \\'ork added co their program. 3. All appl icants rnusc submit a \\'ricccn statement outl inin g their ,·ocacional nbjcctil'CS and how the degree will relate to chose o bj ectives . Appli cants sho uId attach a one-page. rypc " ricccn lccccr co the ap pli cat ion. -l . .\II ,1pp li cancs arc required co ,ubrnic th ree letters of rcfcr cnccs on for!lls supp li ed by the sc hool. 5. All applicants arc required to submit official transcr ipts of a ll pre, io11s schools ,mended.
School of Inter cultural Studies • I~ 1
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