
School of Intercultural Studies


6. Th e app li cat ion deadl ine for the fall is April l S and for the sp ring is Occobcr 15. t\ppli ca­ cions Illa)' be subrnine d after chis deadline ( late app li cati on fee of $55), but will be cons id­ crcd and processed only if space is a\'ai lablc and time al lows. .\'otr: Offiri(I/ rlou111te11ts presenter! for (lr/111ission or mrt!11atio11 bPro111e part r~f t!te sllrrlmt's amrle111ir }ill' (111r/ 1rom1(1/fi, r,11r1rot be ret11merl or mpiNIfor rli.;trib11tio11. Doctor of Missiology /\ n accredi ted master's degree in l ncerculcural Studies, or a related field, of which 15 units will be in biblical an d theological scudie,, and 18 units in socia l organ i1.ation. in rcrcu \tu ra I cnm­ m u n ica cion, cultura l c han ge. dynamics of religious experience (or fo lk rcligions). cheologv of rnis­ s ion, and applied ,1nch ropology. as described in this cata log. A 3.30 GPA in their previous s tudi es rs

ca l h ·, ic seeks : ( l ) co dc,·clop research prokssiona ls in lingui sti cs, Bibl e translation, anthropology. d111rch planting, etc., co aid in ,i nd suprorc the missionary enterprise; (2) co hel p prepare nati o n a ls of c, ·crl' nation for formal education sen ice.: in their 011 n cu lcure; and co prepare educators and scholars from c.:1 e r, nation at the ven· high­ est lel'cls of education co teac h in schoo ls of higher learning: (3) co train teache rs fo r educatio nal. developmental inscicucions, agen­ c ies; ,ind (4) co cr,1in consulcancs for Bibl e trans lat ion , church planting and corn 111unirv del'eloprnenc. Doctor of Philosophy The Doctor of Philosophy degree in lnccrculcural 1-:ducacion is designed co equip highh- corn­ perenc professionals co conduce re,carch, publish and teac h. The degree emphasizes the c ultural co111ponc nc s of education and places a strong emphas is on cross­ c ulcurnl educational research.

Dean: F. Douglas Pennoyer. Ph.D.

FACULTY Professors: Cook. Dollar, Douglas, I laywa rd , Kra ft . Purnell A"ociacc Profc.:ssors: r\lcxander,

MISSIOLOGICAL STUDIES Chair: l)ougL1s I la\\1ard, Ph.D. FACULTY Prokssors: Cook, Dollar. Douglas, 1layward. Kraft .\,sociace Professors: Alexander. Lingenfelter. Pennovc r. Russell, Steffen ·

Lingenfelter, Pcnno,·cr, Purgason. Ru"ell. Sieffen

Assiscanc Professor: Decker ;\d juncc F,1cult\'. \lan·in K. ,\laicrs, Ph.D.


The School of lnccrculcural Studies cons ists of clircc deparc­ mcn cs: the l)cparcmenc of llndergraduace Studies: the l) eparcrncnt of .\nchropologv, l nccrculcural l~ducacion and i\lis­ siolog, ( ,\1\1): and the depart­ ment of Teaching English to Speakers of Ocher Languages and 1\ppli cd Linguistic, (Tr\L). Th e Deparrrncnc of Al\ ! (i\nc h ropologi. I ncercultural l•:ducacion and \lissiolog) offe rs graduate p rograms ic,1ding co t\\o master's degrees and mo doc­ coral degrees. These programs e111phasi1.e the social sciences and their relation co inccrcultural understanding. \\orld mission, education and a number of tech­ ni ca l spc.:c ialcies relaccd co these topics. The Department of TESOL (Tcaching English co Speakers of Ocher I ,anguages) and Applied Linguistics offers t\\ o ma"ttl'.r's degree program\. Th e graduate prograrn in TESOL pro, id es profcssion,11 preparation for 1,nglish lang;uage teach ing among speakers of other language,. The graduate pro­ gram in Applied Linguistics deals "ich issues 111, oh·ed in second lan guage.: lc.:arning. anali sis, teaching and resc.:arch.

Assi,canc Prolc:ssor: Decker Ad junct Fac ul cv: l\ larvin K. l\ la,crs. Ph.D.


Th e objccci1e of the Ali\! deparnm;nc is co prm·ide academic cxcc.: llcnee "ichin a Ch ri stian con­ ce,c for ,cudenc, prepar in g for careers in mulciculcural or crosscul­ cura l enl'ironmcnts, or in programs of acci, icy that transcend the bound­ aries of ,i nglc.: culcurcs. Our goal is co 1) prepare gloha lh· concerned Christians co li, ·e and ;vork succcss­ fu II, in ocher cultures: 2) eq uip internat ional scudencs for leadership and mini,cr, roles in chcir O\\ n or ocher cultures: and 3) enable tcach­ cr, to can, out their cask, in cross­ culwral or rnulci-culcural conccxcs. Biola\ ;\I\! department fea­ cures a faculci \\'ith special i,acion, in anthropolog,, missiology, inter­ national c.:ducacion. health and dcu.::lopmcnt. and int ernational business. The department cmpha­ sound research and the appli­ cation of learning co ex pe rien ce. DEGREES OFFERED Master of Arts in lntercultural Studies The \lastc.:r of ,\res in lncer­ culcural Studies is designed for chose anticipating crossc ulcu ral ca reer, and "ho desire training skill, associated II ich incc.:rcu l­ tura l communication and "en ice. It is a -l2-unic program. Master of Arts in Missions The 1\ lastcr of Arcs in ;,,, 1is­ sions is designed for indil'idual s ll'ho h,n c bccn in missions rnin­ i,crv for a number of Yea rs a nd ha,~ not had the opp<ircun icv co earn a baccalaureate degree. Doctor of Missiology The Doccor of l\ li ssio log, degree is designed co prepare pro­ feS>ionab for the highest lcl'el of se rl'iee in missions. \lore spccifi-

required for admission . Doctor of Philosophy


An accred ited rnascc r's degree or its cqui, ·alcnt appropriate co the Ph. I). is required for adrn iss ion. Students muse have a GPA of 3.30 in their pre, ·ious graduate studies. Thrce \'cars of crosscu lcu ral expe ri­ ence, or its equi"alcnt, is required for entrance co the program. In addition, proficienc\' in a second language is expected of studen ts \\'Orking in ccosscu ltu ra l scccings. Admission of International Students Sec Admission, Regis tratio n a nd Req uircrncncs sect io n. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS M.A. in lntercultura l Studies The \I.A. in l nccrcu l tural Studies is a -l2-unic program. For the qualified applicant with c:xn.;n:-.i\'c; undergraduate work in inccrculrnral srnd ics/missions, it rnav he.: reducc.:d co a 111inirnu111 of 32 units. Students w ith linle or no academic preparat ion for g rad­ uate ,rndics in biblical and theo­ logical areas may be required, at the d i,crecion of the academ ic adl'isor and in consulcat ion with the student, co cake addit ion,tl units, such as BE 5 17. 519. 520, o r Tl I 5 11 . S 12. 613. 6 1-l. In order co graduate t he sc u­ dcnc must do che fo ll o11·ing: I. Corn pl ece the req uired courses listed bclo\\':

All \l. 1\.I.C .S., D.i\liss. and Ph.D. scudcnts muse meet the fo llcl\l ing rcquircrne ncs: 1. r\11 app li cants must possess a baccalaureate degree frorn an accredited col lege or uni, crsicv 11 ich a 3.0 (on a -l.0 sca le) grad~ point al'erage. Graduates frn!ll appro,·cd un acc red it ed col­ leges. if accepted, wil l be granted provis iona l acceptance, if GPA is 3. -l or high e r. Gradu­ ates from approved unaccred­ ited co ll eges rnay be required co take cercain additional liberal a rcs course 11·ork (not app li cable to\\ard chc graduate degree). if their undergraduate program did not include these courses. 2. Those \\'ithout inccrculrnral/ missions or Bible/theology 111,1\ ha, c additiona l coursc­ \\'ork added co their program. 3. All appl icants rnusc submit a \\'ricccn statement outl inin g their ,·ocacional nbjcctil'CS and how the degree will relate to chose o bj ectives . Appli cants sho uId attach a one-page. rypc­ " ricccn lccccr co the ap pli cat ion. -l . .\II ,1pp li cancs arc required co ,ubrnic th ree letters of rcfcr­ cnccs on for!lls supp li ed by the sc hool. 5. All applicants arc required to submit official transcr ipts of a ll pre, io11s schools ,mended.


School of Inter cultural Studies • I~ 1

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