
in mo st cases it i s a t e rmin a l degree. However, cxcepti onal s tu­ dents may petition for probati on­ a ry e ntran ce into th e Doctor of 1' 1i ss io logy prog ra111. Pl ease see t h e ad111issio n re quireme nts fo r the Docto r of 1'-1iss io logv program.

111i ss io n work in language ana ly­ sis/Bible transla tion. Thi s 21-unit progra111 combi nes fi ve lingui st ics courses (SAL 520 or 646, 52 1. 523 o r 622, 525 o r 624. 654) a nd two an thropology co urscs (SC L 520, 640) (Fo r fu ll d eta il s on the se cou rses sec th e course descr iptions in th e lncc rcultu ra l Srn di es and TESOL & Ap pli ed Lin g ui st ics

a. 16 units of core consi st ing of: SCL 500, 50 1. 503 o r 560 or 702, 520 o r 622, 725, and 75 1. b. 6 units of Bible/theo logy. c. 20 units of advisor-approved e lectives. Students who do not ha ve co cake required e lecti ves are e ncouraged co c hoose a com bi nat ion of e lec ti ves most s uitabl e for the ir ca reer goals. Swdcnts ma y a lso c hoose co foc us electi ves in areas of special­ iza tion s uch as ant hropo l­ ogy, m iss io logy, crossc ul ­ wral educat ion, Bible a nd th eology, Bible trans lation , lingu ist ics, TESOL, ch urch plant ing. c rossc ulcural health ca re, urba n 111in­ istries, ccc. Students des ir­ ing a ccrcificacc in TESOL in co njun ct ion wit h t he ir intercu lcural studies degree mu se a lso a ppl y co the Depart111ent of' r'AL. Stud e nts who have not previous ly taken a course in cultura l anthropo logy will be required co cake SC L 640 as a required elective. Students who arc not profi c ient in a second lan­ g uage wi ll a lso be requ ired co ra ke ISAL520 o r 655 as a required c lccc ive. (Profi­ c iency sta ndards for a sec­ ond language w ill be det e rmi ned by the i\ lA advisor in consu ltatio n w ith inccrcultura l studies faculty. See student hand ­ book for sta nd ards.) 2. Successfu ll y pass a co111prc­ hen si vc ~xam in at i o n O\'C r coursework. 3. Maintain a 3 .0 g rade po int average on a 4.0 sca le. Mas ter of Arts in Missions Objectives The /\ l aster of Arts in 1'lis­ sions is designe d for indi vidu a ls who have been in m iss ions min­ is try for a number of yea rs a nd have not had th e opportun ity co ea rn a bacca laurea te degree. The program a ims co prov ide grad uate le ve l training in three a reas: Corc C urri c ulum o f 1'li ss io logy an d lnce rcultu ra l S tu dies; Bib le/The­ o logy , and E lect ives. Students admi tced witho u t the B.A or its equiva le nt 111ust have a t least 3 yea rs of Bible Schoo l training, o r 2 yea rs of co lle ge equ ivalen cy courses . T hi s deg ree is not a ste p­ ping scone co a Ph.D. program and

D. Compl e te the ent ire pro­ gram in no more than s ix yea rs. F.. Scud e n cs who arc pl aced on proba tion after th e f irs t 15 cred its, a rc g ranted one semester in whi ch co bring th e ir acad emi c wo rk up co the re qui red level for cont in uance in the prog ram. A s tudent cannot g raduate wh il e on probation. F. S uccessfu ll y pa ss a com ­ p re he nsive c..:xamination over cou rsewo rk. G. Students who a rc not pro­ fi c ie nt in a second language will be required t0 cake !SAL 520 or 655. Profi c iency sta nd a rd s fo r a second language wi ll bc dece r- 111in cd by the progra111 d irector in co n s ultation w ich th e facult y. The sta nd a rd s a rc g ive n in the s tudent handbook. Curriculum Th e f\ l asccr of Arts in 1' 1i s­ sions curriculum includes co urses in: J) core c urri cu lum, 19 un its, 2) Bibl c/T'hco logv, 2 I units 3) e lec­ ti ves, 18 units. The tota l re quire­ me n t is 58 uni ts . Core C11rrim!t1111 ( 19 1111i1s) SCL 520 Inte rpersona l Adjust- ment (3) SCL 555 Introduct ion co World 1' Iiss ions (3) SCL 622 lntc rc ul tural Communi­ cat io n (3) SCL MO App li ed Anthropo logy (3) SCL 727 Princ ipl es of Church 1' 1ultip li cat ion (3) SCL 747 Christ iani ty and C ul - ture (3) SCL 500 Library Resea rc h ( 1) Bible r111rl 7!teolog:y (21 1111i1s) SCL 75 1 Theo logy of i\ li ss ion (3) SC L 752 Aces: Biblical and 1'li ss i- o logica l (3) SCL 724 Issues in Sp iritua l War­ fa re (3) Four Talbot Schoo l of Theo l­ ogv co ur ses ( 12) unit s to be selec ted with the Program Direc­ tor's concurrence. Elerrives i11 lnte1rn/111ral S111rlies/1llissiologJ' ( 18 1111i1s) Each student will se lect inter­ cultu ra l ~tudi es/mi ss iology courses as c lcccivcs under chc supervision of th e program direc to r. T hese mav be d es ig ned to fo rm a n emphasis or specia li za ti on. Summer Institute of Lingu istics In cooperat ion wich th e Sum­ mer Inst itute of L ingui st ics Bi o la o ffers a number o f lin g uistics courses whi ch ca n provide a con­ ce ntration fo r students planning for

Admission Requirements A. Peuo11al Q11alijica1io11s

I. Co111p le cion of five vea rs in mi ss ions mini stry and prese ntl y in a mini stry. 2. Parti c ipation in th e 1' lasce r of Arcs program in 1' 1i ss ions pre­ su 111 es a signifi ca nt leve l of min­ istry expe rience and pe rsonal mat­ urat ion. The progra111's intent is co prov id e an o pti on for chose who des ire co e nhan ce t he ir mini s try b ut whose circumstances of age and fin ances n1ak c a re turn to a bacca laurea te program detrimental to the ir ongo ing mi ss ions minis try. 3. App lica nts usuallv wi ll no t h ave the 13.A. o r equ iva lent de g ree. S ICS offe rs ot he r pro­ gra ms for app li cants who have th e baccalaureate degree. 4. Three reference s arc requir ed: c hurc h o r d e nomina­ t iona l e ndor se m e nt; pe rso n a l friend; and mini stry co ll eague (or employer if c urrent ly e mploye d outside the mi ssions co111munity). B. Amrle111ir Q11fllijira1io11s I . Equi va le ncy of two yea rs of co ll egiate level s tudie s o r thre e yea rs of Bible Schoo l tra ining. 2. Proficiency in E ng li sh lan­ g uage. C. Ar/111issio11 Prorer/11/'f' I. Th e app li cant's potential co compete s uccessfu ll y in a g rad u­ a te program wi ll be d etermi ned by the 1\ IA in Mi ss ions p rogram director, the S ICS Dean, and the Adm issio n s Officer who w ill inter v iew eac h a ppli ca n t and eva lua te a ll crede ntial s. 2. Each approved a ppli ca nt will be enro ll ed in the [\ Jas ter of Arts in i\li ss io ns program on p ro­ bation and muse complete the first fi ve courses ( 15 units) with a grade point of at least 3.3 o r hi g he r co adva nce further in the program. Graduation Requirements A Sat isfacto ril y compl ete 58 seme s ter units as o utlin ed in the cu rri c ul um. B. At leas e 24 units must be taken at chi s insti tuti on. C. Obta in a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 sca le with no grade be low "13 " in a ll co urses co be c re dited cowa rd g radu at ion.

secti ons of thi s cata log.) Doctor of Missiology (1) Course Work

T he program requires a mini­ mum of 35 units pas t t he a pp ro­ priate maste r's degre e, with 27 semes te r hours of coursework and 8 semeste r ho urs of d isse rtat ion resea rch. If a student has gradu­ ate co ursework bu t no mastcr 1 s deg ree, o r has a ma ster ' s d egree whi ch does not contain the back­ g round neccssa ry fo r t he D.Miss. program, th e coca! progra111 will be longe r than 35 unit s, and th is will be dete rmined with th e direc tor of th e p rogram. A facu lty advisor will gui de cach srnde nc in plan­ ning a program of courses co se rve hi s or her mini s try nc:eds. Eac h stud e nt will se lect a me ntor fro111 the gradu ate facu lty co guid e hi s o r her di sse rtat ion researc h. Admission into th e graduate program of the School of lnte rc ul ­ tural S tudi es docs not g ua ra ntee co111plcc ion of the doctoral degree. The co re re quire ments arc as fo ll ows: 18 uni ts of mi ss io logy and interc ultu ra l s tudi es : SCL 601 ; 72 1 o r 744; 727 o r 735; 742. 765 and three units of SCL e lec tive. 3 units: Biblical/theological stud­ ies, consisting of SCL 722 or 724. 8 units: SCL 880 D isse rtation 6 un its: Resea rc h and wri ting, consist ing of: SCL 803 and 879 . (2) Time Limit for Degree Completion All cou rse and academ ic requ ir e me nt s for t h e D.Mi ss . deg ree mu st be compl eted wi thin 10 years, beginning on th e dace of th e s tud e nt' s fi rs t regis tration. Pet iti ons for extension beyond I0 yea rs wi ll be cons idered on a case by case bas is for s tud e nts who ma y need extensive fie ld expe ri e nce o r fi e ld resea rch requ irements. (3) Withdrawal and Readmission Procedures A s tudent who mu se d rop out of sc hool or is p lanning co return co field se rvice mu se go t hro ugh th e formal w ithdrawa l process . To re turn co active sta tu s the stu-

l~2 • Scho ol of Int ercultural Studies

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