
CL 896 Ph. D Research Semina r (1,1) Theology/ fll le[;mlir)// (9 Units) Emphasis ( 15 ( 1 11i1s) Disser1a1io11 ( l .! I '11i1s) (2 ) Time Limit for Degree Completion All course and aca d e111 ic requ irements for the Ph .D. degree shou ld be comp leted wit hin seven years, beginn ing on the date of the swdcnc's fi rst registration. Pet i­ tions for extens ion beyo nd seven yea rs will be conside red on a case­ bs--case basis for studen ts who may encounter extensive fie ld resea rch requirements. (3) Withdrawal and Readmission Procedures A student who 111ust tl rop our of school or is p lanning ro retu rn to fie ld service 111usr go thro ugh the for111a l withdrawa l proccss . To retu rn to active status the studen t should contact the progra 111 dircc­ ror a nti f il e a readmiss ion fo rm with the Office of Admissions. (4) Leave of Absence l nacr i, ·c students arc ch ose.: who ha,·e requested and bee n granted Lc,11'c of 1\bsence fr o111 the program. A Lcal'c of Absence 111av be granted upon pet it ion fo r change of status if there is deemed suffic icnt reason for interrupting the program and intcnt ion to rcwrn ro the program. A Lea, e of Absence rnusc be renewed by petition each semester and may not cxcccd cwo consccu­ t i1·e semesters. A Leave of Absence longer than rwo se rn cs cc rs wi ll requ ire withdrawa l fro 111 the program and a pet ition for readmis­ sion if the swdcnt lace r II is hes co regain ac ti l'e srnrus. Each leave of absence 111ust receive the approva l of the student's program adv iso r and the Dean of the schoo l. Sw ­ dents on leave arc req uired ro reg­ ister for ISCL 893 Leave of Absence.: each term. (5) Oral Intervi ew and Admis­ sion to Doctoral Study ,\ II scutlcnrs are required to participate in ,111 oral in te rview with a co111111 ittee of rhc fac ul ty to eva luate their progress and pocen­ cial for successfu l com p let ion o f t he docroral program. T he in cer­ viell' i; schedu led afte r one se 111es­ rc.:r in residence. Subm iss ion of at least one sign ifi cant piece of wr it­ ten work dc111onscracing t he stu­ dent's capacity to produce sat isfac­ tory doctora l resea rc h and writ ing is required prior ro the inte rview.

tlc.:nr should conrncr the program director and file a read111is,ion form II ith the admi"ions office. (4) Leave of Absence l nacti\'e ,rudcnrs arc tlHhe 11 ho ha1c n.:quesced and been granted Lea, e of ,\b,cnce fro111 the.: progrn111. A Lea, c of Absence 1rn1y he.: granted upon pc.:cicion for change of ,ta[Us if there is dec.:mc.:d sufficient reason for i nterrupting rhc program ,tnd intent ion ro return to rhc program. .\ Lc ,11 c.: of ,\bsencc 11111st be rc.:nc.:wcd b, petition c.:ach se111cstcr and may not C.\cCcd t\\'O con..,ccu­ t11t: semescc.:rs. A 1, ean; of' r\bsc.:nce lon,e;cr than r110 sc.:mcstcr, will require 11ithtlr,111al from the program and a petition for rcadmi..,­ ,ion if' the srndc.:nc later II i,hcs to rcg:1in acci, c.: status. Each lc,11·c.: of absc.:ncc 1111"1 rccc.:i1 c.: the approYal of rhc.: ,tuclcnr\ program ach i,or and rhc.: Dean of thc.: ,chool. Srn­ dcnt, on lca1<.: arc required to reg­ ister for ISC:L 8') 3 Lca1e of

doctorate. !·'.,tension students c,111 use a proctor (7) Fi eld Mini stry and Language Requ irement All swdcnts must complete a minimum of t h ree cont i nuous years of practica l 111issionary expe­ rience in a crossculcural (or cross­ subculwrnl) settinp:. It is assumed that the swtlcnr II ill acq uire fl u­ ent"~ in a ..,ccond lant;uagc lea rned during chis missionary scn·ice and char this language will be rhe lan­ guage of field research. (8) Admi ss ion to Candidacy Official candidac,· for the doc­ torate signific.:s an ad,·anced stage in the student's progress and is charac­ b, sc.:lf-dircctcd research and preparation of a disse rtat ion under the direction of a facultv ad\'isor. In order to be.: adrnittcd to candidac1 thc.: srudent must ha, e: a. Passed the co111prchcnsi1 c C:\amin,1tiun b. Completed the ficltl 111inistry requirement c. Rccc.:i, cd apprornl of the d is­ serrn cion proposal bv the Doctoral Committee l · pnn reaching candidacy a st udent 111ust register for a meal of 8 disscrc,1cion units prior m gradu­ ation. l·nir, arc ordinarih taken at the rare of 3-➔ per sc111cster dur­ ing the dissertation stage and this constiwccs full-rime enro ll ment. During the dissertation phase, swdenrs arc considered full rime for a ma'\imum of one year. If the docrora l candidate has not clcfcndc.:d the dissertation b) thc.: time rhe 8 dissertation units arc completed, the candidate 11111st c.:nroll continuoush . in SCL 882 D.1\ l iss. Continuous Enro ll ­ rncnr Research. T his enro ll ment carries no academic credit bur maintain~ the student's conrinu­ ou..:; reg istration. Swdcnrs who ha1·e advanced to the lc, ·el of candidac,· who arc unable ro register in person for their tlisscrcation research or con­ tinuous c.:nrollrnenr co urses ma) register in absent ia by se ntlinp: a 11 rittcn rcqucst ro the Office of the Dean. ,\ spccial fee of$➔ 5 app lies. (9) D issertat ion The doctoral dissertation will be based upon resc,nch conducted in the field of min i,tr), usually over a period of si, months ro one vcar. The di>Sc.:rtac ion must dc111onsrrntc hip:h attainment in scholarship related co profess ional rniss iologY. The tlisscrcarion top ic and proposal

111usr be appro1 ed lw t he ca nd i­ date's ach isorv eornrnittce prior to bcginning of the swtlcnr's field research. Th rec weeks prior ro cxrccted graduation the cantlitlarc muse submit ro rhe School of lncer­ culrnra l Srndies the origina l and two copies of his di,serracion sip:ncd bv the dissertation comm irccc. (10) Final Oral Examinati on The final exa111inarion is an oral defense of the dissertation before the docto ral committee and ocher i1ll'ited professionals . (11 ) G raduation Requirements All swdcnrs must present an acceptable dissertation. ha, e sar­ isfacrorils- passcd the ir co111prc­ hcnsivc cx,1111inacio ns and ha,·c co111p lercd all required course 11 ork II ith :1 111inimum 3.30 GPi\

to qua lif) for graduat ion. Doctor of Phi losophy (1) Course W ork

The progra177 requires a mini­ mum of 60 units past the appropri­ ate master's dcgrce, 11 ith ➔ 8 semeste r hours of course work and 12 sc111csrer hours of dissertat ion research. The ➔ H- u nit compnnent of the.: p rogrnm contains a 15-unit education cnrc requi rement, a 9- u n i r scqucnc.:c of ed ucat ion research requirc111cnts and') units of theo logical rcflccr ion and inte­ gration. Thi; allows the swdcnt to select an emphasis from the remain i ng I .) req ui red units from a wide I ariet1' of courses offered across the University curr icu lu m. If a student has co177pfctcd a master's degree II hich docs not contain the background nccc:,,­ sary for the Ph.D. prop:ra111, the total prop:ram II ill be longer than 60 units. :is dctcrrnincd by the p rogram direcwr. i\ fac ul ty advi­ sor wi ll guide each student 1n p lanning :1 program of stud,· ro scnc his or her career needs. J,;r111mlio11 (:on> (15 I 111i1s) CL 7I5 Educational Philosophies in the Great Rcli1;ious Tra­ ditions (,,) DE 80,l I l11111an Dc,dopmcnt ancJ Learning (.l) CL 76.', Crossculwral I,cadrnhip (3) CL 721 Crosscultural Teaching/ l,earnin1; Strategics for Curriculum (3) CL 816 Educat ional Theo r) (3) Fr/11m1io11 R1'.ietmh (9 l '11i1s) CL SOO Libran Resc:irch Skills (1) CL 03 Qualitati1e Resea rch (3) CL 79 Research Design (,1)

,\bscncc c.:ach term. (5) Ora l Interview

,\11 swdcnrs II ill ha, ·e an oral inren ic11 11 irh a foculr, co111mit­ t<.:c to C\'al11atc tlu.: ir progrc'-is ,rnd potential ti,r ,uccessful co111plerion of the doctoral rrogra111. The in ten ie11 is schedulc.:d after one scmc..,ter in rc"idcncc and the completion of at least one signifi­ cant piece of\\ rittcn \\ ·ork Ucmon­ s crating the s[Udcnt's skill in research 11riting . If needed. an oral inten ic11 11 ith a facult) com- 111ittee ma, be held ro c1 aluare a studcnr·.., progn.:s.., and pon.:nrial for successful co111plction of the doctoral program. The inrc.:n ic11 11 ill be schcduletl after at lea,t one significant piece of 11rim:n 11ork de111onstrnting the swdc.:nr\ skill in research II ricing; is co111pletcd. The rc\lilt of the in ten ie11 11 ill dcccr111inc the swdcnr\ status within the prop;ram. (6) Comprehensive Examinat ions \II students must pass eo111- prchcn<,i\·c exams co, cring the follcJ\\ inp: areas: a. Incercultur:11 studies b. I listory and thcolog, of mission c. Socicr,, tcchnolog, and 111is­ "i1on..., cl. The.: student's spcciali,ation. ' l 'hcsc c,am".i arc gi,cn onct: a ,car in .\pril l<>r on-campus stu­ dents and !-)Cr\ ca..., a major mcan.., of c1 aluaring a student's suitabil­ ity to c:ontinllc ":.tudic.., t<nrard the

Sc hoo l of Intercu lt ural Studies · l ~3

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