Admission, Registration & Graduation Requirements
Biola and fail to officiall y withdraw at che Office of the Reg istrar (by December 3 1 for the spring semes te r, or by Jul y 3 1 fo r the fall semeste r) will forfeit chc e nro llment deposit. RE-ADMISSION A Biola stud ent who has dropped our fo r one semeste r or longer is required co file an applicat ion for re-admiss ion ($ 15 fee). A pastor's reference wi ll be requ ired if the stu dent 's leave of abse nce exceeds cwo years. A s tudent who e nroll s afte r an absence of more than a yea r is req uired co follow che current catalog requirements upon readm iss ion. A student who re-ad mies after an absence of five yea rs may be required co comp lete a full application for e ntrance.
Admission co Biola Un iversity is on a se lect ive basis. Only chose most like ly to profit from Biola Un ivers ity's edu cat ional program and ics distinctively C hri st ian emp has is are admitted. Because it is the purpose of Biola Uni ve rsity co educate maturing followers of the Lord Jesus C hri st, th e applicant should have been a Christian fo r at leas e one yea r. Biola ni,·e rsicy has a strong ly evange li ca l C hri stian commitment and requires chat co be accepted. the applicant muse be a n evange li ca l believer. I lowcvcr, Biola does not discriminate on the basis of race, co lo r, national origin , gen der, age o r disability in the admissio n of students, emp loy ment, and the ed ucat iona l programs o r acc ivicics ic co n duces . The Unive rsity prohibit s sexua l harassment. I nqui ries regardin a chis nondi scri min at ion policy and the pol icy prohibiting sex ual harassment may be directed to th e Office of the Dean of Student Affairs in the Student Ser vices Building for further information and procedures. Students interested in attend ing Biola shou ld request an app li cation from the Office of Adm iss ion. Becau se enro ll ment is limited a nd admission is se lect ive, applicat ions should be made as ear lv as possib le . Deci s ions are made onl y on compieced app li cations . Visits to the campus a re encourngcd . l e is recommended co write or phone we ll in advance co arrange an appoint ment. Each se mes te r, vis itation clays (Un ive rsity Da y, Spring Prev iew Day and oche rs) he lp acq uain t prospective students with the programs on camp us. The daces for th ese clays are li sted on the academic cale ndar. Admission information - including app li cations, visita tion days and appo intments - is avai lable on the world wide web at www.b io or by phoning 1-800-652-4652. Arlmissio11 to the U11iversity does 1101 g11ara111ee admissio11 to the business administration, er/11mtio11 , n111sir, nursing a11d psy chology programs, nor lo 011-mmp11s ho11si11g. Applirario11 forms for these programs are available from th f rlepa11111e111 of/ires. UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE PROGRAMS See the spec ifi c program for add itional ad mi ss ion, regis tration a nd grad uation requirements in the app rop riate uncl e rgraduace/gracl uace sections of the catalog.
le is essent ial chat nun-native Engl ish speaking stud e nts be ab le co understand lectures in English and a lso be able co express their thoughts clearly in both written and spoken English. Biola ni ve rsicy has determined chis level of Eng lish proficiency ro be demonstrated b y a score of 600 papcr/250 comput e r on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Adm iss io n into academ ic programs ac Biola Univers ity is based upon the unde rsta nding that stu dents e ith er a lrea d y have a n eq ui va lent to 600 paper/250 computer o r hi g he r on the TOEFL or are acti ve ly making progress in obta inin g chi s leve l of E ngl ish proficiency. Applicants who have not reached an Engli sh proficiency equivalent co a score of 600 paper/250 computer on the TOEFL, may enter Biola Un ivcrsicv's academic programs in one of two ways: 1. Biola English Language Studies Program (ELSP) Non-native English speakers without TOEFL sco res or a TOEFL sco re bel ow 600 papcr/250 computer may ente r most Biola degree programs if they have met a ll the ocher requirements for admission .* Every non native English spea kin g st udent with a TOEFL sco re belo w 600 paper/250 com puter or without a TOEFL sco re is req uired to cake the Biola English Placement Exam (BEPE) during or ientation week of their first semester at Biola. Scudencs arc ass igned English courses in Biola' s English Language Stud ies Program based on their test resu lts . Courses assigned may range from one semester pare-time co three semesters full-time of Engli sh language courses. *See TOEFL!BEPE req11ireme11rsfor sperijic jJrograms. Contact the E ng li sh Language Stud ies Program con ce rnin g financia l aid avai labl e fo r s tud e nts e nroll ed full time ( 100-102) in ELSP. 2. Take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and score the minimum requirement for the intended academic program 1 on-native, English-speaking students may be ad mitted in an academ ic program with the minimum TOEFL requirement for their program wh il e caking required Eng li sh courses . The minimum TOEFL score requiremenc fo r undergrad uate programs is 500 paper/ 173 comp uter and most graduate programs is 550 papcr/213 comp uter. (Sec TOEFL/ELSP requirements for specific p rograms .)
Applicants granted acceptance arc required co remit an e nrol lment depos it. The depos it is non-refundable after May I if t he stude nt docs not enro ll in the cerm for wh ich he/she app li ed. Deposits wil l not be he ld over if there is a lapse in enrol lment. Accepted app li cants, whet he r or not they a re preregistered, must in form Biola of any change in the ir plans regard ing cnrollmcnc. Enrolled Students When e nro lled students officia ll y withdraw, their enroll men t deposit wi ll be app li ed to any balance owed at the time of departure, or wil l be refunded if their account is paid in full. As a stude nt continues his/ her enrollment at Biola, the enrollment deposit is reta ined as a cont inuing preregistra tion deposit co assu re the enro ll ed student of a place in the student body. Students who cliscuncinuc their enro llment at
Admissio n, Regi stration &: Graduation Require ments· 17
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