
gi ve n co t he mode rn era, es pe­ c ia l I, co nccm po rarv gro wth d yna mi c, in Afr ica, As ia and Larin :\ mer ica. SCL 555 Introduction to World Missions (3) The natu re of C hrist ian outreach; a stu dy of principl es, hi sto ry and mcc hodolog, of II o rl dw id e mi s­ sion; . SCL 556 World Religions (2-3) T he clisci nc ri vc feat ures of ch e hi stor ical et hn ic re li g ions, wit h spec ia l e mph as is on t heir com­ pa r i,o n a nd c; nco un ce r ll'ith C hri stia nit y an d t he ir bea rin gs

toral commi tte e pri o r to beg in­ ning th e stu de nt ' s fi e ld resea rc h. 'T'h c doc toral d iss ertat ion is based upon research ground ed in e du cm ional a nd culw ra l ch e or v a ppropr ia te co th e can d id a t e's emphas is and conducted in some as pect of e du cat iona l th eo ry o r pra c ti ce . Th e di ss er ta ti o n is ex pec ted co demonstrate ch <: can­ didate's capac ity co compl ete orig­ ina l research th at con tributes co chc und e rstanding and prac ti ce of edu ca t ion in its culcural contex t. (9) Final Oral Examination Th e fin a l exa min a ti on is an o ral d e fe nse o f ch e d isse rta t io n befo re th e cl occora l co mmic tet: and other in vited profess iona ls . Success ful defe nse o f the di sser­ ta tion comple tes che ca ndid ate's res pons ibi li t ies fo r che d cg rc;c whi ch is confe rred in ch<: sched­ ul ed graduati on ce remony imme­ di acc lv fo ll owing cht: de fen se. (10) Graduation Requi rements All stude nts mu se pr<:sc nc an acce pta b le cli ssercac ion. have sa c­ is fa cco ril y passed t he ir compr<: ­ hcn s i,·c exa mina t io ns a nd com­ pl e te d all re qu ired course wo rk wi t h a minimum ."l 3 GPA co quali fy for gradu ati on. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS lntercultura/ Studies (ISCL) SCL 500 Library Research Sk ill s (1) Use of re fe re nce and bibliograph ic so urces fo r in-de p t h resea rch at che gra d uate lel'c l. Required of all

If needed, an ora l inte rview with a faculty commi crce may be he ld co eva luate a scudenr 's progress and potential for successful completion of the d oc tor a l pr og ram. Th e inte rvi ew will be schedul ed afte r at leas t one significant piece of writ­ ten work de monst ra ting th e s tu­ dent 's skill in resea rch writing is compl e t e d. T he res ult o f th e interview wil l dete rmin e th e stu­ dent 's scacus within th e program. (6) Comprehensive Examinations Doctoral stude nts arc required to demonstrate a compre he ns i, ·e knowledge of the ir field of study by examinati on. The conce nc of che comprehen si ve w ri t t en exa m s in c lud es material from th e core areas of the curriculum and the sru­ de n t ' s parci cul a r spec ia li zat ion. These exams arc normall y taken at ch e concl usion of all the coursework. bm fie ld pe rsonne l may negot iate the timing of these in consul ta tion with the director of the program. (7) Admission to Candidacy Achi evement of candi dacy for the doc torate follow s succ ess ful compl e ti on of the compre hc nsi, ·c examin ati ons. Upon reaching cand idacy a scu­ denc muse register fo r a cora l of 12 d issertati on units pri or co graduation. Uni ts are ordinaril y taken at the rare of three or more units per term dur­ ing che di ssertati on stage and chi s conscirn ces full -r ime e nro llme nt. During di ssertation phase doctoral swde ncs are conside red full rime for a ma.xi mum of two years. Ca ndidates wil l sc lt:cc a chair­ person from ch e graduate fa culty co guide the ir disse rcacion resea rch. If the doc tora l ca ndi date has not de fe nd ed th e di sse rtat ion by the cimc th e 12 disse rtation units are com pl e t e d , th e ca ndi dat e mu se enroll cont inuously, in SCL 892 Ph.D. Continuous Res ea rch , eac h semes te r until g radu at ion. Thi s enrollme n t carri es no aca ­ d emi c c redit but ma in ta in s t he scude nc 's continu ous registrat ion. S tudents wh o ha ve ad vanced co th e leve l of candidacy who arc un abl e to re g is ter in pe rso n fo r th e ir cl isscrcar ion resea rch or con­ tinuo us e nrollme nt courses may registe r in absenti a by se nding a wricren req uest co th e Office of the Dea n. A special fee of $-+5 applies. (8) Dissertation Th e d iss<: rt a ci o n process beg ins with a pproval of a ca ncli­ dacc' s proposal be for e one's doc-

g race to onese lf and oc hers, d is­ ct: rning cu ltu ra l l'a lu cs. co nflict s t y les , soc ial stra tifi ca ti on and ce lc brac ion. SCL 530 Topics in lntercultural Health Care (3 ) i\ lay be re pe ated 11·ich d iffe rent foc us. T opi cs inc ludc;: Crossmlt11m/ IIm/tit Care Deli'i:- 1'1)' . Th eo ri es and skill s rc lace cl co hea lt h reac hing, ph vs ical a»ess­ menc, p repa rat ion and uc ilizacion of indi ge nous hea lch ca re . .llt1i11tt1i11 i11g l"o11r Hmlr/1 O~•ff­ sms. Prepara ti on for lil'i ng Ol"(:r­ seas : health y li fes tyle . prc;ve nci on o f" disease, me nta l and sp ir icual burno ut. in itia l rrcarmc nc II here th e re is no doctor. .-\ 11t!tropolngy of C:ro.rsmltrrml HM/tit (;(If,' . Th e anc hro pologica l stud l' of p rob lems o f illn ess and health ll' ith <:m phas i, on ch <: cul tural comes t of healch ca re programs. .l/r111age111mt Strategies i11 Cross­ mlt11ml Health C11re. Pre paration fo r se rv ing organi za ti ons in vo l ved in pl a n ning and im pl eme n t ing hea lch ca re systems ac the di str ict and vill age leve l. l11t{'frn/t11ral C/i11iml Pmaim!II. Supe rvised c rossc ul cu ral c lin ica l hc;a lch ca re ex per ie nce . Pre req­ u is ites: SCL 520, 622 (may be ta ke n co ncurrcn cl y) . RN li ce n­ sure or consenc of in st ru cco r. SCL 531 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A scudY of no n-Ca ucas ian et hni c gro ups 'in t he li ght of thei r hi sto r­ ic a I a nd soc io -c ul cu ral back­ gro und. l' rac ci ca l fi e ld ex pe ri ­ ence in an et hni c communi ty. SCL 532 Peoples of the World (3) Specifi c area scud ics ll'i th empha­ s is o n c us toms, soc ia l srr uccu rcs. religion, arts, hiscorv and inccrcul ­ tu rn l communi catio n. O ne or more secti ons offered c, c; r, vt:ar in area, ::,uch as: Afr ica, t\::,ia, ~a ti \'c Ame r­ ica, :Odid dlc Ease, So u t h Pac ifi c, E urope. ,\l al' be re peate d ll' it h d ifferent course content. SCL 543 Women in Missions (3) Th e dynami cs of und e rsta nd ing th e ro l e o f mi ss i o nary wom e n: h istor ica l, p l1'"s ica l, soc ia l. psy­ cho log ical. s piri cua l. Foc us on t he iss ue s ,rnd op po rcu ni cics in contempora ry world . SCL 546 The Historical Devel­ opment of the World Christian Movement (3) Th e bac kg round , o ri g in , dc , ·c l­ opmcnc and sp rt:a cl of ch c C hri st­ ia n fa i t h f ro m ch<: a p osto li c pe ri od unt il today. Emph as is is

upon mi ::,s ionary strategies SCL 558 Village and Tribal Cultures (3)

1\nalvsis of che culcu rn l insciwcions and ;,aJu es in tr iba l, pc; asa nc and ncwly cmerging econom ics, 11 ich s pec ial co ns ide ra t ion as co th e ir opc nn t.:ss or rcsisrn ncc co change. SCL 559 Topics in Urban Studies (3) t\ lal' bt: rcpc;accd with di ffe ren t foc us. T op ics incl ud e: .I Ul't:n il e De lin que ncy. De , ·ia nc 13 e hal'io r, Socia l l'robk m s, Alco ho l a n d Substa nce Abu se . SCL 560 Urban Research and Study (3) Th e use of socia l sc ie nc e tec h­ ni ques co learn about the people. n ee d s a nd opp orc uniri cs fo r wo rking in the ci c,·. SCL 561 Topics in Cultural Anthropology (3) Exa min atio n of a , ·a ri ecy of anthropologica l iss ues from e ithe r a rhco rcc ica l or app li ed pe rspec­ t i\'c incl ud ing: ma rriage customs. lead e rship pane rn s. pol it ica l rc la ­ ci ons. indi geno us ll1 01'C ll1 c ncs, c ul cu rc change. wo rld 1·ic ll' , c cc. i\ lav be repeated II ich diffe re nt course conte n t. Pr e re qui s it e :

ente ring gradu ate stud ents. SCL 501 Dynamics of the Religious Experience (3)

A trcacme nc of conce ptio ns of t he supc rnacu ra l, che fun cti on of re li ­ g ion in society, re li gion and socia l co n t rol , ch <: nawr e o f re lig iou s ritu a l and pa raph e rnali a, sac re d pl aces and rt: li gious p racc iciont: rs. SCL 503 Economy, Society and Values (3) Th e scudy of economi c and socia l re la ti ons as t hey impat: t huma n va lues, ,,-irh emphas is on analyti c coo ls fo r comparat ive resea rch and crosscu lcural mini stry. Pre requi ­ site : ANTH 200 or SC L 60-t SCL 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Expl orati on of che c ross-c ultural tran s iti on process, fo cus ing upon hea lth y adju stme nt as a sojourne r in a new culture . Ane nti on give n to und e rs tandin g and appl y in g

ANTI I 200 or SC L 640. SCL 563 Gender Roles in International Settings (3)

Th e d y na mi cs of ,i,a le a nd fe ma le ro les in \\' es cc rn , no n ­ \\'cs tc rn a nd b ib li ca l c ulture s. Focus on res ponsibiliti es, obli ga­ t ions. ex pecta t io ns. leade rs hip s a nd in ce r-rc h1t io ns hip s as t hey rc; lacc co chc soc iety as a whole . SCL 565 Personal Leadership Formation (3) t\ scu dv of chc pri ncip les and pat­ te rn s ust: d bv Go el as He rai ses up lea de rs for Hi s wo rk . Thi s scud; 11 ill incl ud e a di scuss ion of chc virn l p lace of spiricual forma­ ti on in le,1dc rshi p dc,·e lopme nc.

l~4 • Sc hool of Int ercultural Studi es

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