SCL 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3) Conccmporar, technologies and travel case offer nc\\ possibilicie, for training nationals. Thi s course\\ ill C:\;.llninc such system:; as th eological cducacion b, c-..:tcn~ion. in-scnicc .... horc courses and disrancc cducation to e, aluate their suitabil it y and cffccci,·ene»s. 1-:lecci, e for Th.:'1. students; others b, deparrmenrnl permis;ion. SCL 865 Comprehensive Exami raation (0) 1: (1\ \0" in _g the completion of coursc\\ork, the student muse register for the cornprehensi,·e c"1minac ion. The studen t is considcrd full-time \I hilc enrolled for SCI, 86S. l' cc: $ I00. SCL 866 Comprehensive Exami nation Extension (0) If all components of the comp rc hcnsin.: c-..::ami nation have not been successfully completed \\ ichin the semester, "hich a student" as cnrolkd , a student ma, pctition che committee for an extension to permit one additional scmcstcr for completi ng the exam. If approved the student "i ll be considered less than half-time. ' I'he comprchcn si\ c c,amination rnu\t be Slll'l:t::-,s full v completed " ·ichin the second semester. Fcc: $ I00. SCL 867 Comparative Educa tional Systems (3) :\n anal\'Cical comparison of selected nation ,il educational S\·s ccms cmp ha,i,in g the cultural , ·,i\11 e base for decisions regarding access to education, choice of curriculum. ed ucationa l finance. profcs,ional and srnrns issucs and other matters of educationa l thc or, and practice ,1tili,ing cornpar aci, ·c methodo logical ap proac h. SCL 873 Tutorial (1-3) \ la, be repeated "ith different copies such ,1, intcrculrnral srnd ics. Bible translation, missiolog,·. crosscultural thcologJ, crosscu l rnrnl cducmion. and crmsculcurn l healt h care. i) e s igned for do c toral students on h. SCL 874 Seminars (1-3) !\ht) be repeated with different topics including; church p lanting;, e, angel ism. anchropologl. inte r cultural commun icat ion , lingu i-; tics. cro"isc ultu ral education , \oci olinguistics. crossculwrn l chco l og). ch co log, of mi\Sion. hi sto r) of mis"iions. mis'-iion strategy. bible translation. Designed for doctoral students onls-.
cicul ar focus upon curr icu lar cre ation, pedagogy. and a..,sc\smcnr of the expe ri e nti al teaching and learning process. SCL 775 Topics in Context & Crosscultural Theology (1-3) :-S ia) bc re peaced "ich different focus. T op ics includ e rcrsional developments in c rossculrnral chcologizing (such as Asian, Afr ica n and I ,ac in American che ologics), th e hi storv and de,·e\op mcnc of conce,wa li, ation. and alce rn ,1ti, e approaches rn doing; cheologv such as narraci, ·e theol ogy, ca5c -;cudy approachc;-; to rheology, etc. SCL 791-792 Field Internship (2,2) In tegration of all thc di,ciplincs of rnini s tn and ,erninaf\ educa tion. l e pro, ides supcn· iscd c,perience in , ·ario11s phases of Christ ian rninistr). One hundred hours of field c,pericnce each semester ~i re c, ·,dua tcd in c la'i"i room in ceraccion. Rcq u ired of j\ J.l)i , ·. (,nissions) students. Prc rcquisiccs : PT 602: Completion of 6➔ hou rs of t he !\I.Div. pro gram fo r PT 79 I. PT 79Z. SCL 793-794 Independent Study (1-4, 1-4) In-dcpth in,·csc igac ion of a topic under the guidance o f the fac ulcv. using standard research pro ced u rcs. Topic se lection and co urse enrollment 1 " advisor's approval. !' cc: $ I00. SCL 803 Qualitative Research (3) An ad, ·anced course on the ethn ograp hi c method, ernphasi1. ing rigorous research des ign and quality contro l with specific ref erence to cducac ional research. SCL 816 Education Theory (3) A n iric cy of co nst ruct, chat ha, c in the pa,c or arc eurrcnc\v sup porci, e of cducacional practice arc explored with specia l attention give n co their potent ial for app li ca ti on in crossculr ural context. SCL 821 Education in Social Context (3) 'J'hc cxarni nation of education 111 its soc ial cn, ·ironmcnt that ex pl ores hcl\\· political, social, eco nomic, and policy issues affect ed ucat ional theorv and practice a nd ho\\' education. in turn. con t ri butes co the broader soc iecv . SCL 860 Practicum (1-6) i\lay be done in Church Pl anti ng L' rban Scudic;, \\'omen's :-Sliniscric, or other appro, ·cd church/mission programs. Dcsi ,gncd for doctoral students.
communi cat ion, transformation , indigcnity and ocher related copies. SCL 750 Issues in Contextualiza tion/Crosscultural Theology (3) The app li cat ion of crosscu lw ral communicat ion prin ciples to the swdy of theology, cr itique and eva luat ion of such theologies and the des ign and impl e mencacion of culture specific t heologies for various cult ures. SCL 751 Theology of Mission (3) An exam ina t ion of the theological foundations of mi ss ion derin:d from a study of the hi sto ry of sa l va ti o n. This will encompass a sc ud v of the mi ssio n given co Israel and to t he Chu rch includ ing so me interaction with con temporary chcologies of mi ss ion. SCL 752 Acts: Biblical and Mis siological (3) This course will focus on che hi s torical, cultura l and theo log ical content leading the student coward mastery of chc book of Aces. This will be fo llowed bv a discussion of cogent missiological themes. such as evange li sm , power encounte r. concexwa li zat ion and th e super nat ural in missions. SCL 755 Biblical Morality and Cultural Relativity (3) A study of the Biblical. culwrnl and biological approaches to th e srndy of moralit y and eth ics fo cusing on the c laims for a uni versal o r absolute standard lw whi ch crossculcura l ethics can Ix: evaluated. SCL 760 Urban Practicum Internship (3,6) A program of crosscu lw ral inte rn ship s in the urban metropolitan a rea of L.A. By permi ss ion of facu lty onl y. SCL 765 Crosscultural Leadership (3) Crosscu lcu ral swdy of leadership in clud in g diverse pattern s of authority. legitimacy, public sup port , leadership rc.:cruicment, and training as t hey affect communi cation, church growth and de,·cl opmcnt worldwide. ISCL 767 Cross-cultural Issues in Spiritual Formation (3) An exam in at ion of cross-cu ltu ral dynamics of Christ ian spiritualic,· and spiriwal format ion. and chc manner in which spirituality is man ifest both personall y and in commu ni ty in differ ing cu ltu ral comexcs. SCL 772 Experiential Learning (3) Explores the cheo rv and practice of expe ri ent ial learn ing. with par-
SCL 732 Church Planting Mod els and Strategies (3) A s ur vey a nd ana \vs is of the strength s and weaknesscs of , ·a ri ous church planting mod e ls and strategies used around the wor ld. Id ent ifi es kev faccors whic h the church planter can implement in a con tex t spec ifi c, phase-out or i ented church planting strategy. SCL 735 Principles of Church Growth (3) A basic understa nding of churc h growth concepts as re lated both to the local congregat ions and co the cask of wor ldwid e cva ngc li zat ion, with due emphasis on the Church Growtl1 schoo l of thought. SCL 742 The History of Christianity in Missiological Perspective (3) A rev iew of miss iologieal litcra wrc that traces th e s prc ad and development of Ch ri stianity as a world movement, from Pentecos t to the modern era. Spec ial atten tion is g iven to thc kind(s) of Chr istian i ty that sp read: the proccss(cs ) bv whi ch ic sprcad; the effect C hri stianity had on the soc io-c ultural /po liti ca l c nvi ron mcnc(s); and the effect env iron ment had on C hri st ianity and its subsequent development. SCL 743 Urban Church Planting Models (3) This study mov es beyond the classroom to acrnal urban chu rch planes in t he g rc atcr L.A. area. Visits and dialogue s prov ide prac tica l ways pastors, la y people , parachurch people and miss ionar ies prepare themselves and their congregat io ns fo r intentional c hur ch planting in ethn ica ll y diverse communit ies. Fee: $50. SCL 7 44 Narrative as an Educational Methodology (3) An im·escigacion and demonstra tion of chc narrative/story ge nre in teaching and cu rricula design. Stu dents participate in story celling, design a seminar on story celling, and develop a se ries of culturall y re levant lessons using narrative med ium in areas such as business, co ,nmuni ty dcve lopn1cnc , eva n ge li sm, leadership and follower ship deve lopment, ESL, drama,
coun seli ng, church planting. SCL 747 Christianity and Culture (3)
Anthropological approach to Chr is tian cheologizin g; incerrclaci on sh ips betwee n s upra c ultur al Ch ri sc ianicv and human cu ltures. Focus on conversion, reve lati on,
1~6 • School of Int erc ultural Studies
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