
teachers wh o are workin g roward or who a lre ady h o ld a Ca l ifornia Teaching C redential ro ga in a s up­ plementary a uthor izat ion e mpha­ s is in crossc ultura l, language, a nd academi c d eve lo pme nt (CL AD) . Those interested s ho u ld consu lt with both d e part111 c nts for derai ls .

T he M.A. in TESOL, e ncom­ pa sses th e goal of th e ce rtifica te progra111 plus the add it iona l goal of broader academi c training. Teach­ ers arc equippe d fo r work in and beyond th e classroom in ad 111ini s­ tra tion , train ing, cou rse des ign, etc. E111ph ases of th e TESOL g radua te programs are, in o rder of pri o rity: ap p li cat io n of theo ry to t each ing, lang uage pedagogy, lin­ g ui st ic t h eo ry, crosscu ltural co111- munica ti on , mate ria ls des ign, pro­ gra111 administration and resea rc h. Applied Lingu istics Although language teachi ng is a pro111 ine nt a rea within the fi e ld of ap p lied linguistics, th e re are man y other areas of importance w hi c h address lan g u age-rela t e d human problc111s both in the United States and abroad . Among these arc bilin­ g ua l a nd 111ultilingual ed ucat io n, language planning, lexicography, lit­ eracy, second language acq u isiti on, translat ion , and the development o r 111odificarion of writing systems. T o add ress these areas, t he departm ent o ffers a n M.A . in Applied Linguistics w ith seve ral possib le concentra tion s : lang uage surveys, lin guis ti cs, literac y, TESOL, and translat io n. T h e program provides a broad-based academ ic foundat io n alo ng w ith app li ed training in th e areas 111en ­ t io ne d above . Student s sa ri sfocro­ rily co111pl cr ing the TESOL con­ centration w ill rece ive th e gradu­ a te Ce rtifi cate in TESOL. SIL at Bio/a The Summer In stitute of Lin­ rru istics (SIL) at Bio la is associa te d with the department. This collabo­ ration e nri c hes the app lied lingui s­ ti cs progra111 by e nabling students to get in one d epa rt111ent the co u rsewo r k need e d for e i t h e r a genera li s t or a spec ia list approach to c ultura ll y appropriate fi e ld-based projects, such as language s urveys, literacy o r trans la tio n. Ex peri e nced i n s tructo rs from Wyc li ffe reach courses in ph o ne t ics, pho no logy, mo rp ho logy, sy nta x, li teracy a nd Bible trans lat ion based on the fi e ld swdi es of SIL workers around the world. T hese co urses are equi va­ le nt ro th ose offered at other S IL schoo ls and a rc recogn ized as va lid fo r 111 e 111bcrs hip in Wycliffe an d other si milar o rgani zat ions. K- 72 Teacher Preparation Program In coopera tion w ith th e Edu­ cat io n Department, TESOL and Applied Lingu is ti cs pro v id es co urses w h ic h c an e nab le K-12

SCL 879 Research Design (3) Dc, ·e lopment and refincment of the doctoral dissertation proposal through preparation, presentation and c ri tique of proposal drafts a nd exa111ination and discuss ion of iss ues related to dissertation resea rch . SCL 880 D.Miss. Dissertation (1-8) No r111all y a stude nt must take a minimum of cwo units for up co a 111axi111 u 111 of 4 se111estc rs to b e considered full-ti111e. SCL 882 D.Miss. Continuous Enrollment (0) Students who need extra t ime to work on first or final draft of the dissertation arc required to regi s­ ter for this course to 111aintain degree status. A student is con­ s idered lcss than half-ti111c Sta tus while taking this class. Fee: $100. SCL 890 Ph.D. Dissertation Field Research (1-12) Nor111alh· a student must take a minimum of 3 units per semeste r to be considered full ti111e. A stu ­ dent is considered ful l ti111e for four se mesters while taking thi s dissertation class. SCL 892 Ph.D. Conti nuous Research (0) Students who need extra ti me to work on first or final draft of the di ssertation are required to regis­ ter fur this course co maintain d egree status. A student is co n­ side red less than half-ti111c status while tak ing this class. Fee: $ 100. SCL 893 Leave of Absence (0) For students who h a,·c been granted an official lcm·e of absence fro111 th e progra111. Fee: $ 100. SCL 895 D.Miss. Research Seminar (1-3) In -depth investigation of a top ic under the gu id ance of th e I ntcr­ cu l tu ra l Stud i es departme nt u s in g sta ndard resea rc h proce­ dures. Topic se lectio n and course e nroll111 ent is bv d e part-

t he identification of a p rob lc 111 , t he ste ps ta ken to reso lve it and writ­ ing the resu lts. Required fo r the first semeste r of the Th.M. (111 is­ s ions) progra111. A second se111 es­ ter 111a y be ta k e n to cont i nu e research in the area of inte rest. TESOL AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS C ha ir: H e rbert C. Purnell, Ph.D. FACULTY P rofessor: Purnell Associa te Professors: Purgason, Si lzer Ass is tant P rofesso rs: Barber, Liang, O' H e rin OBJECTIVES TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Engl is h has become the 111ost wi d e ly used language in th e world tod av, p arri c ular lv in t he a reas of sc ience, commerce and edu ca tion. Te ns of t ho usands of students in developing countries a rc required to learn Engli s h in school. T hou ­ sands mo re stud y E ng li sh in order to purs u e ca ree rs o r educat io nal programs de111anding Engli s h la n­ guage s kill s. Refugees and i111111i­ gra nts to the United States des ire Englis h to s urvive and to estab li sh t h e111selves in th e ir n e w ho111c­ land. There is thus a cons iderab le demand for q ua lifi ed teachers of E ngl is h both here and abroad. To h e !p m ee t t h e need fo r train e d teachers of E n g li sh as a Second Lang uage (ES L) o r Eng­ li s h as a Foreign L anguage (EFL), t he Depa rtment of TESOL and App li ed Linguist ics offe rs two reg­ ul ar programs in TESOL: a Cert ifi ­ cate in TESOL a nd a n M.A. in TESOL. The programs a re aca­ de111i ca ll y ri gorous, yet foc us on the practica l aspects of teaching in a var iety of sett ings. T he depart111enr al so seeks to serve teachers desiring t o continue their pro fess ion a l advanc e ment o r upgrade t h e ir qualification s, and non-degree stu­ d ents in teres t e d in ga ining basic reaching o r tutoring skill s, by offer­ ing a va riety of separa t e courses, from int roductorv to advanced. The Certifica te in TESOL is d es ig n ed ro enab l e po s t-bac­ calaureate s tudents to develop both a so lid academ ic fou nd a ti on in second language pedagogy and practical s kill s in teaching E ng­ li s h in c rossc ultural s ituatio ns.


Applicants must 111eet t he qua l­ ifi ca ti o ns specifi e d in the Admis­ sion ro the School of Intercu ltu ra l Studies sect io n . In ad diti o n to t hese, foreign appl ica nts who are non-na t ive Engl is h s pe akers must de monstrate both spoken and wr it­ ten proficiency in Engli sh throug h an ora l inte rview and by submitting the ir TOEFL (Test of Eng lis h as a Forei g n Language) res ult s . T h e TOEFL mu s t h ave been tak e n withi n the past fi ve years . A score of 600 paper/250 computer with a T WE sco re o f 5 is nor111ally req uire d fo r adm iss ion ro t he grad­ uate p rograms in th e d e partment. No n-nati ve s p ea k e rs a re a lso expected ro de111onstrate oral E ng- 1ish proficien cy by m ea n s of an inte rview with a facu lty 111ember Beca use teach e rs and app l ied lin guists a rc expected to h ave a high degree of competence in writ­ ten Engli sh, a ll new grad ua te sw­ d e nts, both native and non-native E ng li s h spea k ers, are required to rake th e depa rtment's Writ ing Pro­ fi ciency Exa 111. If the res ults of the exam indicate that addi t io nal work in written g rammar a nd compos i­ t ion is needed ro e nable a swde nt to p e rfor111 at the level ex pected for thi s fie ld, he or s h e w i l l be expected ro do indepe nde n t s up­ pl e m e ntary wo rk on writing o r to take and pass one o r mo re writ ing courses ava i la b le o n ca mpu s, includ in g specia l srndies courses, SS 500 o r SS 50 1, described below. A ll gradu a t e programs in the department re qui re as a p re requi­ s ite a minimum of t hree sem este r units of acceptable Bibl e o r theol­ ogy coursework at the upper divi­ sio n or grad uate level in ad d it ion to the spec ified fo undat iona l units. The M.A. in App li e d L ingu ist ics a l so h as a foreig n language re qu i re 111ent in add i t ion to the foundationa l units. Fo undat iona l units ma y b e ta k en conc urre ntl y w ith regular progra 111 cou rses bu t should no rmall y be comp le ted by th e e nd of th e first year. Srndenrs norma lly begin their progra111 in th e fall.

111 ent app roval. Elective. SCL 896 Ph.D. Research Seminar (1-3) research topics arc exa111incd crit ical ly in co nsid e r able derail with attention co t he suppo rt­ ing litcrature on each top ic. f\ lay be repeated under a d ifferent copic. SCL 897-898 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion a nd app li cation of the ce ntr a l a reas of /\ li ssio n s an d In tercultural Stud ies a n d related f ields of study . l n st rucrion in re searc h methodology, including

School of Inter cultural Studies• I-7

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