
SPECIAL STUDIES (ISSS) The follo\\'ing arc special stud­ ie s co urses to assist swde nc s in becoming proficient in written grammar and compos itio n sk ill s cssential fo r cffccti\'c grad uate \\ Ork in TESOI, or ap pli ed lingui s­ t ics. Specific enrollment require­ ments arc indicated in each course. ,\'ore: Speri11/ S111rlies ro11n1's 111ay 1101 be 11serl 10 111eer progm111 gmrl1111- 1io11 1tq11irt111t'11/s. 55 500 Academ ic Writ ing (1 -2) Practical in ~truct iun in grammar and composition sk ill s needed to meet chc demands of aca demi c wri ting at the graduate and profes­ sional lc,cl. l•:xpcriencc in ll'r it ing papers in relc\'ant academ ic fields. Requi red for nati ve English speak­ ing studem, assigned by the Tr\L deparrmcnrnl \\'riting Proficiency Exam. :-.lust be taken ll'ithin the first ninc unit; of graduate study. 55 501 Advanced Writing for Internationals (1-3) c;rammar, '-IClltCncc srn1cn1rc, and paragraph de, c lopme nt for aca­ dcmic ll'ricing. Critical chinking and composit ion, including extracting in format ion from sources, synthesis, and proper format for written p:tpcrs. Expcricnce in writing papers in rele, ·anr academic fields. Required for non-nati\'c English speakers a"igncd b,· the Tr\L departmental \\'ri cing Proficiency Exam or studcnts ll'ho have com­ pleted the Biola ESL seq uence or its cq ui, ·alcnr. \lust be taken \\'ithin the fim 9 units of graduatc study. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Co111:,-,· 1111111bl'!x 7£1(1/8(1() 111'1' rlor­ rom/ lrr:d r111rl 11el'rl 11ppmvrd befor/' 1·011rses 11111y he tal.·1111. TESOL (!STE) S T/~ 5!5 is II /Jl'frefjttisilt' for 11// sn,: ro111xes 1/lllllbered 60(1 orhz1<her. STE 509 Structure of English (3) Stud, of the s, nca, of English in preparation for reaching non­ natin: ,pc:tkcrs. Theoretical insights take n from sc\'c ral approache, to gramma r. \ l a) also be completed as a F ield Studies cour,c . STE 510 Essentials of TESOL (5) A practical course gi, ing the skill s and kno\\ ledge needed to gain foundat ional competence in te,tch­ ing the English language. Includes methods and techniques, English pronunciarion and gramma r, teach­ ing materials. culture, comrnun i-


SCL 622 ln tcrculcural

with a minimum g rade point average of 3.0 to qua lify for grad­ uation. No course with a g rade less than a Fl (3.0) will be counted for thc Cc rcifi c,m: or i\1.A. The Certificate in TESOL is usua ll y completed \I ithin one year hy full-rime students, but part-time students rnav have up ro four years ro cornp lece it. Th e !\I.A. degrees arc usually com­ pleted within two vca rs by full­ time students, but part-time stu­ dt:nrs may ha\'C up co seven years. CURRICULUM TESOL Foundational Units (. llf!y be ral·m co11m1n'11rl)' ru•irh progm111 rm11,·es.) Biblc or Thcologv ............................ .3 Introduction ro Language and I,inguisrics ........3 lntcrculnnal Commun ication .......... .J_ TOTAL 9 Certificate in TESOL STE 509 Srrurnirc of Engli,h .......... 3 STE 525 Introduction ro TESOL- .\clulr........ ............. ..... .. .3 STE .527 \latcri:tls E"aluation and Preparation ........................3 S'T'E 560 Communicating \·alues through TESOL ............. 1 STE 61-l Second Language t\cqui,irion .. . ..................... 3 STE 692 Practicum in TESOL 11 .. J. TOTAL 16 M.A. in TESOL Al l the C:crcificate courses, plus the fol lo\\ ing: STE 621 ,.\d,·anccd ~lcthods and Technique, in TESOL ... 3 STE 632 l,anguagc T esting and :\s)cssmcnr ....................... . 3 STE or SAL Elccri,c, ...................... 7 Biblc or \\'orld Perspccti,e Elccti\'d STE 697 Comprehensive Examination ...................... Q PROGRA\I TOTAL 32 M.A. in Applied Linguistics Applied Linguistics Foundational Units (, 11111• be lflh111·011011u11rl)' r,·i1h pmgrr1111 ru111xes.) Bible or Thcolog,. . ........... 3 Introduction ro I,inguisrics ............. .l Phonetics .... ...3 Synrnx or Phonolog: ............... J TOTAL 12 Regular Program SA i , 511 ,\pplicd I,inguistics ......... J SAL 668 Seminar in . \pp lied Linguistic,. . .............., SAL 679 l)lanning, E\'aluacion & Research in Applied Linguistics ....,

Communicarion ................ 3 SAL or STE Elccti\'CS ................... 18 Bible or \\'orl d Pcrspccti, c Elccti, ·d SAL 697 Comprchcnsi, c Examination ......... Q l'ROGRA1\I TOTAL ............ 33 Applied Linguistics Concentrations Concentration , of I 8 ,111its each arc possible in the areas of lan­ guage sun·cys, lingui;cic,,, literacy, TESOL. and translation. Concentration in Language Surveys SA i, 6-l I Language Sun c\S S,\I, 6-!6 Sociolinguistics S,\L 65-l Fi eld ~lcthods in Linguistics SAL 683-68-l Topics in I,inguistic, Elccri,·c (6) Concentration in Linguistics SA i, 529 In troduction to Semantic, & Pragmatics Si\l, 622 Phonological Thcon

'T'he TESOL graduate pro­ grams require nine units of foun­ dational work in lan guage, cu l­ ture, and Bible. Students who enre r without such a background are required to cake three units each of Inrroduction to Linguis­ ti cs, lnrercu lrural Communication and Bible (or their equirnlents) The Certificate in TESOL requires 16 semester units of pre­ scr ibed course work, beyond the foundational units, ll'ith at lca,r nine units taken while in resi­ dency. Practice teaching is required, but there i, no cornprc­ hcnsi \'c examin at ion. Th e \I.A. Tl~SOL program consists of 32 g rad uate units bevond the foundational unit,. The i\l.A. Applied Lingu istics program consists of 33 units of grad­ uate work beyond the foundational units. Students entering the \I.A. Applied Linguistics program "ith­ ouc the stated foundational \\Ork ll'ill be required to take three units each of Introduction to Linguistics, Phonet ics, Svnrnx o r Phonology, and Bible, or their cqui,·alenrs, in ad diti on to the regul ar program. The i\l.A. in Applied Linguistics degree requires intermediate profi­ ciency in a second language. The student rnust demonstrate this pro­ ficiency by means of eithe r an oral or written exam. A score of 2+ on the FSI scale (or Ad\'anccd Plus on the ACTFL sca le) is considered adequate. For specific derails, refer to the Tr\L Handbook. Both i\lasrcr of Arts degree, require a comprehensive exami­ nation . Sornc students, in con­ sulrncio n \l'ith thcir ach·isor, ma) appl y co write a thesis instead of raking co mpr ehe ns ive exams. The i\l.A. in TESOL and the TESOL co ncentration in thc !\I.A. in Appl ied Linguistic, pro­ gram rcq uire practice teaching. The !\I.A. program require­ ments rnay be reduced for stu­ dents ll'ith a background in TESOL, lin gu istic,, or English, but the minimum number of grad­ uate units required is e ither 32 or 33, depending on the program, of which 2-l must be taken through Biola. A min imum of 12 graduate units must be taken on c,tmpu,.

SAL 62-l Syntactic Thcor\' Sr\L 6-!6 Sociolinguistics S:\ I, 65-l Fickl .\lechods in Lingui'-lt ic~ l'.lccti, c (3)

Concentration in Literacy S.\L 523 or S,\L 622 Phonolog: S.\I, 5-!3 Litcrac, in Social Contexts SA i, 54-l Literacy \lcthod, & ~latcrials S,\L S-l6 Rcading & LireraC\ Theun SAL 652 Field 1\lcthods in Second Language & Culture Learning Elccti,·c (.1) Concentration in TESOL STE 509 Structure of English STE 525 In troduction ro TESOL STE 527 \latcrials E\'aluation & Preparation STE 560 Communicating \·,dues Through TESOI. STE 61-l Second I,anguagc ,\cquisition STE 692 Practicum in TESOL Elective (2) Concentration in Translation S:\I, 529 Int roduction ro Semantic, & Pr,1gmatics S,\I, 535 Introduction rn Bible Translation S,\I, 62-l Srnractic Thc(lf\ SAl, 626 Approaches to Translation Si\ L 6-!8 Discoursc & Tc,t .\nahsis Elccci,·e (3)


All students must successfu ll y comp lete all required cou rsc"o rk

l~B • School of Inter cu ltural Studi es

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