
ma v be repeated once fu r cred it with a diffe re nt cop ic. STE 890 Independent Study (1-3) ln di, ·idual work, directed read­ ing, or spec ia l problems in applied linguistics. Such work must be done with th e approva l an d su pe rvisio n of a faculty pro­ fessor of record. Applied Linguistics (!SAL ) S. \/, 5.!0 or !he er;11ivale11/ is (I /1n'fffjllisi11•forall SA i , co111Jes. .1/ay be 1a/,•e11 1·011mrrmll)' 'IJ!•ith b11Sic 5()/7-/r"i.'l'f /'01/IJl'S. SAL 511 Applied Linguistics (3) I ntroducrion to theoretical and p ract ica l issues in applied linguis­ tics, focus ing on severa l important areas; e.g .. bilingual ed ucat ion , lexicogra ph y, l iteracy, o rth ogra­ ph, design. socia l di a lects a nd t.:ducacion and cran~ lac ion. SAL 520 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (3) In troduct io n co basic conce pts in the sc ientific s tud y of lan guage, major areas of ling ui st ic a na l\'s is, and seve ra l s ub-a reas of the field, including lan guage in soc iety . :-X latc ria l from English a nd a l'a ri e cy of othe r lang ua ges is used to pro­ vide a broad pe rspect ive. Pre,~r;11isi1,, forgmrl11r1lem111,.,,_,- i11 . lpplierl /,i11g11is- 1irsforp,vgm111111r,jo1x. SAL 521 General Articulatory Phonetics (3) The srndy of the arc icu la ci o n , classificat ion , di sc rimin a tion , pro­ d u ction. and t ran scr ipti on of speech ,ounds. The focus is o n a 11 ide range of sounds found in the II o rl d's languages . SAL 522 Phonetics of English (3) The s tud\' of th e arcicularion, c lassi fi cation. discrimination. pro­ duction. and transcription of ,peech sou nd s. Although the fucu5 i, on 1'.nglish, soun ds from ot he r languagc:s are a lso included. SAL 523 Introduction to Phonology (3) I ncroduction to t h e s,·s t ernat ic arrange ments a nd rul es by w hi ch languages o rgan ize and a lte r their speech sound s. Prerequisite: 52 1. SAL 525 Introduction to Syntax (3) 1ntrod uction to the patterns. rcgu­ lari ri cs. and rule -gm·e rn ed a lter­ ations in grammar " ·hereb\' \\'ords arc orga ni zed into phrases. clauses, and sentences. Prerequ is ite: 520.

Suc h work mu s t be done with t he approval and s upe rvis ion of a fac­ u Ity professor of reco rd. STE 691 Field Practicum in TESOL (2-3) lnt ensi,e ESL/1•:FL classroom teaching in a field setting, tvpica ll , as pare of a supervi~cd team working with a vo lun rar, agency. El ect ive, b\' department permission on ly. STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II (3) Extensive independent teac hing in an ESL classroom under the gen­ eral supen·ision of a master tc,1chcr, plus weekl, group di sc uss ion of i-;suc~ in language pedagogy. Credit for course may be earned, o n t he ba,is of ,ome field-based sit­ uat ion s, lw portfolio assess me nt. Lab fee : $.'i0. STE 695 Research Seminar (1) Gu id a nce in the development of a thesis or research paper. Stu­ dents produce a prcl i111imir) the­ sis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibl iograph, . Pre­ requi s ites: permi,sion of instruc­ co r an d no more tha n six units of course\\'Ork remaining. STE 696 Research Paper (1) r\ paper based on classroom research, litcrarnrc rcvic". or the design of a sy ll ab us or ap pro pri ­ ate tc,:1c hin g materials. Prerequi­ s ite : STE 695 or cqu i, ·alcnt. STE 697 Comprehensive Examination (0) r\n exami nat ion co, ering t he major know ledge areas of t he fi e ld. ;"\;o r­ m a 11 v taken after a ll STE/SA i , coursc"ork ha, been com pl eted. Srndcnts permitted tcJ write a the­ s is II ill not be required co rnkc a comprehen~i,·c exami nat ion . STE 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Researc h for and wr i ting of an i\l.A. thesis. Prerequisite: STE 69.'i or cquindent and consent of :'x i. A. committee. Students per­ mitted to 11r ite a thesis 11·ill not be requ ired to take a comprehen­ sive examination. STE 799 Research Continuous Registration (0) Students "ho arc not registe red for a n y other courses and who need extra rime arc required to register for this cou rse eac h semcs ct.:r to maintain their degree status. F ee : $ 100. STE 881-882 Topics in TESOL (1-3) To pi cs arc lisrcd in the c lass sc hedu le each semeste r. Co urses

ea ting values. and practice teach­ ing. Doc s not co unt coward th e department' s cert ificate or i\l.A. in TESOL. STE 525 Introduction to TESOL -Adult (3) An introduction to the field of TESOL ac th e pose-secondary and adu lt leve ls dealing with le arner need s, approaches m and methods of reac hin g. techniques for the four skills, lcs,on p lan nin g and classroom management. C redit for co ur se 111a, be earned lw exa min a ti on . i\ lay also be com­ pleted as a Field Studies course. STE 526 Introduction to TESOL -K-12(3) An introduction ro the field of TESOL at the pri111arl' and sec­ ondary lel'els in l ' .S. mu lti lingual class room s . Th e ro le of rhe pri- 111 a r, langu,1ge. methods and tec h­ niques for teach ing the four ski lb, and asscs-menr arc a lso con:red. STE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (3) l'rin cipks of !:SOL materials design. l~nabl es teachers co eva l­ uate a nd adapt pub li s he d materi­ als. prepare their 011 n materia ls, a nd u'ic a \'ar icr: of media, including video and computers. Prerequisite: STI~ 525. STE 541 lntercultural Communi­ cation for Teachers (3) Study of cultura l ,alucs. non, cr­ bal behavior, language and cultu re relationships, and pattern:, of rea­ sonin g, wi th the goal of increasing in cc rc ul t u ral a\\ ·arcncs, and teach­ ing effec ti veness \\'hile decreasing cu lwre-based mi"1nderstandi n_gs in and o u t of the cla"room. (Sec lme rcultura l Studies 622.) STE 560 Communicating Values Through TESOL (1) C on s id eration of 11·avs in which TESOL may be med to promote crossculrura l understanding thro ugh t h e comm un ication of different wo rld, ic\\ s and va lu es. Pre re qui site: S' \ '1' 525. STE 580 English: Past, Present and Future (2-3) l l is tori ca l and socia l s urvey of the deve lopmem of the English lan­ g uage from a sma ll tribal language to the widespread international la n g u age i t is today. Possible future trends are also di sc ussed. STE 581-582 Topics in TESOL (1-3) T opics arc listed in t he da" sched­ u le each semester. Course:, may he repeated for credit with a d iffe rent copic. Titl es offe red include:

a. Readings in Language Learn­ ing Strategics b. T eac hin g Pro nunci ation c . Reading in the ESL/EFL Context d. \\ 'ric ing in the '"SL/EFL Context c. Tl !SOL and t he Teaching of Litcrc1turc f. ' J 'cchno logv for I ,a nguage Learning and ' !'caching g. Preparing Srndents co Take the TOEFL h. Teaching \ 'ocabular\' 1. Teaching J-:FI, to Children Prerequisite : ISTI": .'i25 STE 614/714 Second Language Acquisition (3) Exam inat ion of the rnrious fac­ tors, especia ll y indi, idual, soc io­ logical, and psychological. w hi ch ente r into the process of acq uir­ ing a .second language. Includes discussion of learni ng strateg ics as \\t:II as autonomous learning in,idc and outside of the c lass­ room. P rerequ is ite: .'i2.'i. STE 621/721 Advanced Methods and Techniques in TESOL (3) Introd ucrion to c lassroom-based research, in-depth examination of , ·arious methods and techniques of TESO L . a nd introduction to teacher train i ng and p rogram admini'itration. STE 632/732 Language Testing and Assessment (3) Examination of theo ry and prac­ tice of srn n dard language rests alo n g with teacher-de, el­ oped aS>cssmem in,rru111ents for differe n t language s kill areas. STE 644/744 Discourse and Language Teaching (3) Com ersation anahsis. the ana ly­ ~is of,, rittcn tc:\t), and di~cour~c across cultures. l'ocus "i ll be on disco u rse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. STE 664 English for Specific Purposes (3) E,ploracion of issues im oh cd 1n teaching Engl ish to specific groups of students, es p ecially those in scientific. technical, aml , ocariona\ f iel d s. STE 665/765 Course Design in TESOL (3) 11 011 to develop a language pro­ gram and design a language course. including needs assessment, mcthodologl' cho ices, goals specifi­ cation.., and implcmcncacion issue..,. STE 690 Independent Study (1-3) lndi,·idua l \\O rk, directed reading, o r spec ial prob le m s in TESOL.

School of Inter cultural Studies· I-9

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