ma v be repeated once fu r cred it with a diffe re nt cop ic. STE 890 Independent Study (1-3) ln di, ·idual work, directed read ing, or spec ia l problems in applied linguistics. Such work must be done with th e approva l an d su pe rvisio n of a faculty pro fessor of record. Applied Linguistics (!SAL ) S. \/, 5.!0 or !he er;11ivale11/ is (I /1n'fffjllisi11•forall SA i , co111Jes. .1/ay be 1a/,•e11 1·011mrrmll)' 'IJ!•ith b11Sic 5()/7-/r"i.'l'f /'01/IJl'S. SAL 511 Applied Linguistics (3) I ntroducrion to theoretical and p ract ica l issues in applied linguis tics, focus ing on severa l important areas; e.g .. bilingual ed ucat ion , lexicogra ph y, l iteracy, o rth ogra ph, design. socia l di a lects a nd t.:ducacion and cran~ lac ion. SAL 520 Introduction to Language and Linguistics (3) In troduct io n co basic conce pts in the sc ientific s tud y of lan guage, major areas of ling ui st ic a na l\'s is, and seve ra l s ub-a reas of the field, including lan guage in soc iety . :-X latc ria l from English a nd a l'a ri e cy of othe r lang ua ges is used to pro vide a broad pe rspect ive. Pre,~r;11isi1,, forgmrl11r1lem111,.,,_,- i11 . lpplierl /,i11g11is- 1irsforp,vgm111111r,jo1x. SAL 521 General Articulatory Phonetics (3) The srndy of the arc icu la ci o n , classificat ion , di sc rimin a tion , pro d u ction. and t ran scr ipti on of speech ,ounds. The focus is o n a 11 ide range of sounds found in the II o rl d's languages . SAL 522 Phonetics of English (3) The s tud\' of th e arcicularion, c lassi fi cation. discrimination. pro duction. and transcription of ,peech sou nd s. Although the fucu5 i, on 1'.nglish, soun ds from ot he r languagc:s are a lso included. SAL 523 Introduction to Phonology (3) I ncroduction to t h e s,·s t ernat ic arrange ments a nd rul es by w hi ch languages o rgan ize and a lte r their speech sound s. Prerequisite: 52 1. SAL 525 Introduction to Syntax (3) 1ntrod uction to the patterns. rcgu lari ri cs. and rule -gm·e rn ed a lter ations in grammar " ·hereb\' \\'ords arc orga ni zed into phrases. clauses, and sentences. Prerequ is ite: 520.
Suc h work mu s t be done with t he approval and s upe rvis ion of a fac u Ity professor of reco rd. STE 691 Field Practicum in TESOL (2-3) lnt ensi,e ESL/1•:FL classroom teaching in a field setting, tvpica ll , as pare of a supervi~cd team working with a vo lun rar, agency. El ect ive, b\' department permission on ly. STE 692 Practicum in TESOL II (3) Extensive independent teac hing in an ESL classroom under the gen eral supen·ision of a master tc,1chcr, plus weekl, group di sc uss ion of i-;suc~ in language pedagogy. Credit for course may be earned, o n t he ba,is of ,ome field-based sit uat ion s, lw portfolio assess me nt. Lab fee : $.'i0. STE 695 Research Seminar (1) Gu id a nce in the development of a thesis or research paper. Stu dents produce a prcl i111imir) the sis statement, proposal, outline, and working bibl iograph, . Pre requi s ites: permi,sion of instruc co r an d no more tha n six units of course\\'Ork remaining. STE 696 Research Paper (1) r\ paper based on classroom research, litcrarnrc rcvic". or the design of a sy ll ab us or ap pro pri ate tc,:1c hin g materials. Prerequi s ite : STE 695 or cqu i, ·alcnt. STE 697 Comprehensive Examination (0) r\n exami nat ion co, ering t he major know ledge areas of t he fi e ld. ;"\;o r m a 11 v taken after a ll STE/SA i , coursc"ork ha, been com pl eted. Srndcnts permitted tcJ write a the s is II ill not be required co rnkc a comprehen~i,·c exami nat ion . STE 699 M.A. Thesis (3) Researc h for and wr i ting of an i\l.A. thesis. Prerequisite: STE 69.'i or cquindent and consent of :'x i. A. committee. Students per mitted to 11r ite a thesis 11·ill not be requ ired to take a comprehen sive examination. STE 799 Research Continuous Registration (0) Students "ho arc not registe red for a n y other courses and who need extra rime arc required to register for this cou rse eac h semcs ct.:r to maintain their degree status. F ee : $ 100. STE 881-882 Topics in TESOL (1-3) To pi cs arc lisrcd in the c lass sc hedu le each semeste r. Co urses
ea ting values. and practice teach ing. Doc s not co unt coward th e department' s cert ificate or i\l.A. in TESOL. STE 525 Introduction to TESOL -Adult (3) An introduction to the field of TESOL ac th e pose-secondary and adu lt leve ls dealing with le arner need s, approaches m and methods of reac hin g. techniques for the four skills, lcs,on p lan nin g and classroom management. C redit for co ur se 111a, be earned lw exa min a ti on . i\ lay also be com pleted as a Field Studies course. STE 526 Introduction to TESOL -K-12(3) An introduction ro the field of TESOL at the pri111arl' and sec ondary lel'els in l ' .S. mu lti lingual class room s . Th e ro le of rhe pri- 111 a r, langu,1ge. methods and tec h niques for teach ing the four ski lb, and asscs-menr arc a lso con:red. STE 527 Materials Evaluation and Preparation (3) l'rin cipks of !:SOL materials design. l~nabl es teachers co eva l uate a nd adapt pub li s he d materi als. prepare their 011 n materia ls, a nd u'ic a \'ar icr: of media, including video and computers. Prerequisite: STI~ 525. STE 541 lntercultural Communi cation for Teachers (3) Study of cultura l ,alucs. non, cr bal behavior, language and cultu re relationships, and pattern:, of rea sonin g, wi th the goal of increasing in cc rc ul t u ral a\\ ·arcncs, and teach ing effec ti veness \\'hile decreasing cu lwre-based mi"1nderstandi n_gs in and o u t of the cla"room. (Sec lme rcultura l Studies 622.) STE 560 Communicating Values Through TESOL (1) C on s id eration of 11·avs in which TESOL may be med to promote crossculrura l understanding thro ugh t h e comm un ication of different wo rld, ic\\ s and va lu es. Pre re qui site: S' \ '1' 525. STE 580 English: Past, Present and Future (2-3) l l is tori ca l and socia l s urvey of the deve lopmem of the English lan g uage from a sma ll tribal language to the widespread international la n g u age i t is today. Possible future trends are also di sc ussed. STE 581-582 Topics in TESOL (1-3) T opics arc listed in t he da" sched u le each semester. Course:, may he repeated for credit with a d iffe rent copic. Titl es offe red include:
a. Readings in Language Learn ing Strategics b. T eac hin g Pro nunci ation c . Reading in the ESL/EFL Context d. \\ 'ric ing in the '"SL/EFL Context c. Tl !SOL and t he Teaching of Litcrc1turc f. ' J 'cchno logv for I ,a nguage Learning and ' !'caching g. Preparing Srndents co Take the TOEFL h. Teaching \ 'ocabular\' 1. Teaching J-:FI, to Children Prerequisite : ISTI": .'i25 STE 614/714 Second Language Acquisition (3) Exam inat ion of the rnrious fac tors, especia ll y indi, idual, soc io logical, and psychological. w hi ch ente r into the process of acq uir ing a .second language. Includes discussion of learni ng strateg ics as \\t:II as autonomous learning in,idc and outside of the c lass room. P rerequ is ite: .'i2.'i. STE 621/721 Advanced Methods and Techniques in TESOL (3) Introd ucrion to c lassroom-based research, in-depth examination of , ·arious methods and techniques of TESO L . a nd introduction to teacher train i ng and p rogram admini'itration. STE 632/732 Language Testing and Assessment (3) Examination of theo ry and prac tice of srn n dard language rests alo n g with teacher-de, el oped aS>cssmem in,rru111ents for differe n t language s kill areas. STE 644/744 Discourse and Language Teaching (3) Com ersation anahsis. the ana ly ~is of,, rittcn tc:\t), and di~cour~c across cultures. l'ocus "i ll be on disco u rse in the classroom and pedagogical applications. STE 664 English for Specific Purposes (3) E,ploracion of issues im oh cd 1n teaching Engl ish to specific groups of students, es p ecially those in scientific. technical, aml , ocariona\ f iel d s. STE 665/765 Course Design in TESOL (3) 11 011 to develop a language pro gram and design a language course. including needs assessment, mcthodologl' cho ices, goals specifi cation.., and implcmcncacion issue..,. STE 690 Independent Study (1-3) lndi,·idua l \\O rk, directed reading, o r spec ial prob le m s in TESOL.
School of Inter cultural Studies· I-9
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