
mu se be clone with the approva l and s upe rvision of a fac ul ty pro­ fe sso r of reco rd. SAL 695 Research Seminar (1) G ui da nce in the de, clopmcnt of a thes is o r research paper. S tu ­ d e n ts produ ce a prelimina ry t he­ s is sta te men t , proposa l, o utline, a nd wor king bib liograp hv. P re­ req ui sites: permission of insrruc­ co r and no more than ,i~ un its of cour,;c\, ork remaining. SAL 696 Research Paper (1) A paper based on c las,room researc h. litcrarnrc re, ic11, or the d esign of a sy ll abus or approp ri­ ate teach ing materia ls. Prerequ i­ site: SAL 695 or equi,·alent. SAL 697 Comprehensive Examination (0) An exam i nat ion co, cring the m ajo r kno11 ledge areas of t he fi e ld. :,..Jormall) taken after a ll SA L/ST E coursc11 ork ha, been complt:tccl. Srnclcnt, permitted ro wr i te a thesis II ill not be requ ired to rake: a comprchcnsi, c cxa m1 nat1on. SAL 699 M .A. Thes is (3 ) Resc:arc h for and II ricing of an :-- I. A. thes is. Srudenc, permitted to II r i te a thc,i, 11 ill nor be requ ired to take a comprc:hcnsivc examin at ion. P rerequisite: SA i, 695 or eq ui va lent and comen t of i\l. A. comm ittee . SAL 799 Research Continuous Registration (0) Swclc n ts II ho a re not registered for a n y ot her co u rses and II ho need extra rime arc requi re d ro register for t h is course c:ach semeste r to ma inta in rhc:ir degree srnws. Fee: $100.

SAL 529 Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics (3) Srndy of meaning sys te ms in lan­ gu age and how meaning is con­ veyed in lingui sti c and soc ial con­ tex ts. Prerequi si te: 520. SAL 535 Introduction to Bible Translation (3) An introdu c ti on to the princ ipl es and problems of c ross-language and t:rossc ultu ra l communi ca ti on wit h specia l emphas is on translating the Bi ble into ind igeno us languages. SAL 537 Introduction to Literacy (3) An overview of li te racy in neo lice r­ ace socie ties, including mot ivation, loca l a u t h o rs hi p, or th og rap h y des ig n , rea di ng met ho d o logy, strateg ies fo r literacy programs, and th e re lation ship of literacy to soc ia l conte xt. D ocs no t co unt toward

a nd s a c re d t ex t s, p ros t: a nd poe try. Pre re qui site : 529. SAL 641/741 Language Surveys (3) Introdu c ti o n co th e prin c iple s a nd me thod s of co ll ecting, quan­ tifying, a nd inte rpre ting da ta o n lingui s ti c s imilarity, inte lli g ibil­ ity, language a ttitudes, biling ua l­ ism, a nd la ng uage ch a nge . Pre­ re qui s it es: 52 1 & 6-+6. A ca p e recorder \\" ill be needed . O ffe red

spe ak anoth e r language in its c ul­ tural con text . Fee : $ 100. SAL 656 Practicum in Literacy (3) Fi e ld ex p er ie nce w ithin th e broad a rea of li teracy . C re di t fo r course may be ea rn e d , in some fi e ld-ba sed s itu ati ons, by port fo­ lio assessme nt. SAL 657 Practicum in Applied Linguistics (3) Fi e ld expe ri e nce in va ri ous a reas of app lied linguistit:s, such as lex­ icogra ph y, ort hog rap h y des ign and trans lat io n. i\ lay be repeated for c red it with a d iffe re nt top ic. SAL 658 Practicum in Linguis­ tics (3) Fi e ld work in th e a n a lvs is a nd de sc ripti o n o f la ng ua ge systems o r lang uage use, s uch as p hono l­ ogy, sy n tax, and soc io lin gui s ti cs . May be rc pcacccl fo r c re dit with a diffe re nt foc us. SAL 668/868 Seminar in Applied Linguistics (3) In- de p t h exa min at io n of some ma in areas of appli e d lingui st ics . Topi cs va ry, d e pe nding on c lass interes ts. SAL 679/879 Planning, Evalua­ tion, and Research in Applied Linguistics (3) I n-cl e pth treat me nt of program plannin g and eva luati on, using app ro pri ate qu a li ta ti ve and q uan­ titati ve assessme nt in s trume nts. Case srndi es of ap pli e d lingui st ic resea rch will a lso be exami ned . SAL 683-684 Topics in Linguistics (1-3) T opics arc li sted in th e class sched­ ul e each semester. Cou rses may be re peated once fo r cred it ll" ith a dif­ fe rent top ic. Ti tles offe red incl ude : a. T h e Li ng ui stics o f Bi blical La ng uages b. Hi sto rica l L inguis ti cs SAL 685 -686/885-886 Topi cs in Applied Linguistics (1-3 ) To pi cs a rc l isted i n the class sched ul e each semeste r. Courses may be repeated once fo r cred it w ith a di ffe re nt to pi c. Titles offe re d incl ud e : a. Literacy and Econom ics b . i\ lo no l ingua l and Bilin g ua l Di c t iona ries c. E ng li sh as a \\"orl d Language d . Co m p ut e rs a n d L a n g u age Acqui sit ion SAL 690/890 Independent Study (1-3) In d ividu a l wo rk , clircctc cl read­ in g, o r s pecia l pro bl e m s in a ppli e d lin g ui s ti cs . S uc h work

in odd -numbe red yea rs. SAL 643 Lexiography (3)

E xamina t io n of t he hi sto ry, th e ­ o ry, a nd pra c ti ce o f d ict io n a ry making. Among t he co pi es cov­ e re d are lex ica l a na lys is; syn cac ­ t ic, se m an ti c, a n d pr agm at ic in fo rma ti on; de fini t ions a nd c ita­ ti o ns; usage ; use rs a nd uses o f mo no lin g ua l a nd bilin g ua l di c­ tion a ri es; and t ec hniqu es a nd t ec hn o logy u se d in co mpilin g and produ c ing a di c ti ona ry. Pre­ re qui s ite: 529. Offe re d in even­ numbe red years. SAL 646/746 Sociolinguistics (3) O ve rv ie w o f th e re lati o n s hip be twee n la ng uage a nd soc ie ty. Topi cs cove re d include la ng uage and culture, language and soc ial change, e thni c ity, language co n­ tac t, language po li cy, and et hnog­ raph y of co mmuni c ati o n. Offered in oclcl -numbe recl yea rs. SAL 648/748 Discourse and Text Analysis (3) Examina ti on of la nguage beyond th e se nte nce leve l. Cove rs th e anal ys is of oral and writte n sec u­ la r a nd sac re d te xts w ithin t he ir soc ia l o r li tera ry co n texts . Offe red in even-numbe red yea rs. SAL 652/752 Field Methods in

the concentrat ion in lice racv. SAL 543 Literacy in Social Context (3)

An ex pl ora t ion of ve rnac ular and bilin g ua l li terac ies w ithin th e ir social setting. including such factors as soc ial environment, economy, and re lig ion. Attention is g iven to th e impac t of social and lingui sti t: fa ctors on literacy program design, impleme ntation, and manageme nt. SAL 544 Literacy Methods and Materials (3) Examinati on of diffe re nt th eori es and methods used to te ach liter­ acy a nd to pre pare prime rs a nd o ther read ing mate ri a ls in minor­ ity languages . SAL 546 Reading and Literacy Theory (3) A s urvey of bo th read ing th eo ry (cogni tive and psyc ho ling ui s ti c) a nd lit eracy t heory (ve rn ac ul a r, fun c ti o na l, a nd natio na l), w ith e mp hasis g ive n to th e deve lo p­ me n t of integ rate d li teracy ed u­ cation programs. SAL 622/722 Phonological Theory (3) Specia l problems in p hono logica l a na lys is fro m va ri ous la ng ua ges . Incl udes abstract ph ono logy. Pre ­ re q uisite : 523. SAL 624/724 Syntactic Theory (3) S tud y of severa l c ur re nt mode ls of syn tax with appli ca ti on to the a na lvs is a nd d esc ri pci on of va ri ­ ous languages. Pre requi site: 525 . SAL 626/726 Approaches to Translation (3) S tudy of th e th eory and prac ti ce o f t ran s la ti o n, inc ludin g sec ul ar

Second Language and Culture Learning (3)

Fi e ld ex pe ri e nce in inde pe nde nt la n g uage lea rnin g a nd cu lt ura l in ves ti ga ti o n , u si n g s cud ent­ cl eve lopcd la n g uage texts a nd

e th nogra phi c inte rviewing. SAL 654 Field Methods in Linguistics (3)

Exte nsive wo rking with spea ke rs of non-lnclo-E uropcan languages, with spec ial e mphas is on coll ecting and ana lyzing language data lead­ ing co d esc ripti o ns of ph ono logy and syntax. Pre re qui sites: 523,525. SAL 655 Practicum in Language and Culture Learning (3) Applying th e theo ry and practice of th e LAi\lP me thod in a fi e ld s itu a ti o n in o rde r t o lea rn to

I~J O • School of Intercultural Studies

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