School of Arts and Sciences
MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Chair: Jun e ) Jc[, l'h.D.
th<.: Scace of California and Biol a l ' ni \'crsicy. Biola l ' ni,·crsiry is an a ppro\'cd educat ional in st itution that reCOllllllcnds indi, iduals ro the Commission on Tcachcr Creden t ialing (CCTC) a, ha\'ing fulfi ll ed a ll sta ndards fo r California certifi cates and c redent ia ls. A ma.:;rcr·, deg ree prograrn can be taken silllu lrnn couslv \\'ith a ccrcificacc and/o r c redential progralll, rc,ulting in a graduate education rhat leads co cimeh·, efficient degree colllpletion. Personal relationships \\'ith uni1-crsit,· fac ulr,. sc hool admin iscrawrs, master teac h ers and peers lead to a "ide range of per sona l growth outcn111es: ■ Foundational kno\l ·ledgc of cu rrent cducatio n~d i'\"iUC~ and settings.
teaching credent ia l, 3) a teaching credential on ly (P relim inary, Profes s iona l C lea r), 4) an Associat ion of Ch ri st ian Sc hools In ternat iona l (ACS !) Ce rtificate, and 5) a Cross Cultura l Language and Academ ic Developme nt (CLAD) Ccrrificacc through cou rsewo rk or C L AD t:111beddcd program for chose sta rt ing the Credentia l Program in Fa ll 2002 forward. For specific inforrna tion regarding the above p rograms, read the appropr iate section within the catalog and consult an advisor in the Dcpa rc111cnt of Education. For specific information regarding the above p rograms, read the ap propri ate sect ion within the cata log and consu lt an advi so r in t he Depart lllcnt of Education.
transfer roward t he M.A. degree. Units cons ide red fo r tra nsfe r must have been taken with in fi ve yea rs prior co the date o f ad mi ss ion. The entire Il l. A. co re ( 15 units) must be taken at Bi ola University.
FACULTY .\ssocian.: Profes,ors: I lct1.el, John,on, .\knjarcs, Ratcliff, Si bo ld ,\»i,tant Profe"or" C,11npbell. \\"alters
The /I laste r of Art s in Ed uca tion Degree p rogram has four d is t inct elc111ents: l. A common core of g raduate courses ( 15 units) . 2. A co n ce ntration of profes s ional coursewo rk ( 18 uni ts). 3. A one-un it capsto ne ex p e ri ence or a comprehe nsive exam. 4. A one-unit profess iona l devel opment lll odule . A minimum of 35 units of grad uate coursewo rk is req uired for the i\ la s t e r of Arts in Education Degree. A srndcnr must maintain a 111inimum 3.0 GPA to graduate. Concenmuion options 111ay req u ire add iti ona l units. A s tud ent mav not grad uate whi le on probation. A 111inimu111 of 29 gra duate units mu s e be comp le te d in t he l\ laster of Arts in Education Pro gra111 at Biola Un iversi tv. Students e nroll ed in the Research Inscitutc for Ch ri st ian Education (R.I. C. E .) p rogram in I-long Ko ng arc req uired to compl ete a minimum of 20 approved units on the 13 iola Un ive rsity. La i\ lirada Campus. MASTER OF ARTS CORE COURSES AND CAPSTONE The 15 units of co re courses requ ired for all II I.A. degrees in the Deparrmenr of Ed ucat ion includ e the I2 uni ts of courses li sted below and a minimum of 3 g raduate units
Con,istent \I ith the mission ,ind , ·ision of lli ola llni, crsit,. rhc Dcparr111cnr of l•:ducat ion pro , ide, qualit, in,truction ,111d guided field c,pericnccs in a di, ti ncti \ cly Christian contc .,r. Truth a, rc,calcd in God\ \\"ord is hono red as the basi, for sound reasoning. ITloral intention. ethical bcha, ior, and profcs,ional prac tice. Graduate ,wrknts acquire background kncl\l lc.:dge, learning experiences. and compcn.:ncies in carcfull, sequenced courses. preparing t hem for instructional leadership roles in public. pri,·ate, mission and homc "iChclOI settings. Facult\ 111cmbcrs of the Dcpart111cnt of l·:ducation pro111otc academic rigor, scholar!\ rc.:,carch. and pedagogical e,cc llc.:ncc as the, co ll abo r,tre "ith progra111 pc1rtici )Xlnts. Through coll,1bc,rati, ·c learn ing, professors fulfill their roles as lc.:arning facilitators. tapping into the strengths of high!, skilled graduate students, hdping the111 to achie, c higher le, els of acadc111ic excc.:llcnce and ministry in rhe educationa l communit~. (;raduatl'. profc"isOr"i inrc..:grarc a Christian "orlth it:w throughout the teach ing/lcarnin_g procc">. The Department of l•:ducation contributes to and benefits fro111 its position in ::1 nat ional uni\·crsit), .\imulL1ncou...,1~ nouri,hing and being nourished through collabora tion "ith the 111ultiplc school,, of Biola l·ni,crsit). These rclation ,hips strengthen concentration opt ions. For e,,1mplc. students can enr ich th ei r kno\\ ledge in Bible. thcolog, and intercultural studies ar Talbot School of Thcolog, and rhc School of lntcrcultural Studies through required cour,e\\ork ,md/or clccti, ·c,.
t\bilic, to link thenrv I\ ic h practice. cffccti\'ch differen tiating rhc curricul um for a "idc , arict, of learners. r\bilit, to integrate Christian th<llrght "ithin che context of the teaching/learning process. Possession of Christian atticudes conduc i, e ro rhc de\'clopmenr of professional e~cellencc and ,, icncs" co the community. Corrnnitlllcnt co lifelong learn ing and profc'>'iona l gro"'c h. ,- \hilic,· to \\'ork collaborat i\'cly with scudcnrs and co lleagues. r\bilic, co creaci,·c lv so lve problems (indi, iduall) and in team settings) as contexcual needs ch ,tngc \I ichin the edu cational comm unit~. ,\ non-crndicional course sched
Applications must be sublll itted thro ugh the: Graduate Ad111 issions Office. For non-degree see king stu dents " ·ho arc carn ing credentials or cut ificat cs onlv, t he fo ll owing adm iss ion req uirement s app lv: I) hold a baccalaureate degree frolll an accredi ted inst itu t ion, 2) presen t e,·idcncc of caking the CB EST, 3) dc111onstracc cont in uous prog ress to\\·ard meet ing t he state subject martcr compercnc, requirement, 4) su bmit a rypcd 750 word essay desc ribing their educa tional journey, \\'hat type of academic exper ie nce rhcv hope co have at Biola as we ll as their ed ucat iona l goa l;. An addi tional essay ma y be required of applicants "'ho do not 111cct one or more of the admi ss ions sta nd ards but wish to appeal fo r ad miss ion to the program und e r specia l c irc u111- srnnccs, and -t) hm·c a minimum of a 2.7S cumulari, ·e GPA. In addition to requ irements rwo and three li sted above, srndc nts seeking an II I.A. in Education must have a minimum of a 3.0 cumubti \'e G PA .\lo/t': O[firi/1/ dommen/s pre .rmled.for 11dmissio11 or l'V/ll11/llio11 lmm11e p(//1 of 1hr s111de111 's /lmde111ir file /llld 11on11/lll1• u11111ot be re/11med or mpied.for dis1rib111io11. TRANSFER OF CREDITS/ UNITS Students tra nsferri ng from an accredited graduate.; program may transfer a ma x imum of s i x (6) units. T h e co ur ses t ransfe rred muse be equi\'a lc nt a nd h ave d irect app li cabi lit y to rhc st u dent's prog ram de s ign. On l y courses with a grade of ·' B" (3.0) or higher \\'i ll be considered for
ule of el'cning and Saturda, cou rses pr<l\ ides flexibilir, for swdcnrs, teachers and admin istrators. and ,pcciali,c, . .\ rich interterm and summer calendar accommoJatcs local ,rndcnts and participants frolll outside the state of California. lnd i, idua li ;,ed grad uate pro grams in education faciliracc ,cud, oms idc the country (e.g., ,cudcnr teaching m cr,cas or long di,rnncc completio n of the :-. las ter\ Capstone Thesis (e.g.. out of-sratc or out-of-count ry st ud ies). i\lastcr's program options de,igncd for professional concen tration arc casih adaptable co international student need,.
of Bi b li ca l scudics or theology: 50 1 Phil osop hy and \ ",tlucs in Schoo ls and Societ y 502 Adva nced Ed ucat iona l Psyc hology
503 Educational Research a nd Sta ti s tics (3) 504 Educat ional Curr ic ulum and Teachi ng (3) The stud ent may choose a 3- unit grad uc1tc co urse from t he fo l lowing ca tego r ies fo r the ir Bible/t heology c lecti\'c: ■ Biblical Expos it ion ■ Ch ri stian Thought - Theology ■ C h ristia n Tho ught - Hi sto ri ca l Th eology ■ C hri stian Thought - Phil osop hy of Re li g io n In addit io n, a ll 111as t e r' s degrees req uire a one- unit profes-
There arc ,e,·cra l options a\'ail ahlc wirhin the Graduate Education Program. The,e options include: l) a \ laster of Arts in IC:duearion. 2) a i\ laster of ,\rrs in Education wirh a
Graduate program, in th<.: Deparcmenr of Educmion arc based upon ,pccific credential and ccrcili catc rcquirelllcnts c,cabli,hcd b,
School of Arts and Sciences• S~J
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