2. T ake the Ca li forn ia Basic Educational Sk ill s T est (C BEST). }. i\ lai nrain a minimum GPA of 2 . 75 for the credential. If s imulraneou s lv see kin g an i\l.A. , a mi nimum of 3 .00 G PA must be maintained 4. Comp lete all profe~sional ed ucat io n co ur ses \\'it h a g rade of "C" or hi g her. except for swd e n r reaching " ·hi c h mu se be at least ,1 " B-". 5. Comp lete an ap pron:d s u b ject matter program or equ iv ale nt subj ect matte r exa ms (CSE'I' ). These exams must be passed pr io r rn applv ing for student reachi ng. 6. Pa s, t h e T eac hin g Perfor mance Assessment (TPA). Th is " ·i11 be cm bedded in the candidates coursc\\'ork. begin ning Fa ll 200.,. 7. Comp lete the Department of Education Portfolio. 8. Comp lete the L' .S. Const itu tion requirement. Thi s ca n be met in seve ral \l' ay,: a ) complete a minimum 2 u nit co u rse char cove r, the L 1 .S. Constit ut ion ( HI ST 105 ); b ) tran sfe r a course rhar covers U.S. Consriwr ion; or c) pro vide ver ifi cation of pa s,i ng scores on an appro,·ecl L 1 .S. Co ns titution examination. 9. Pas, the Read ing Insrr uctio n Co mp erencv Assessment (RI CA) if seeking a \ lu lriplc Subj ect Teaching C redentia l. 10. i\ lu sr be recomme nded by the faculty of rh e Department of Edu cat ion as having all requi s ite profes s ional qualities rn be succcs,ful as a reacher. Professional Clear Credentia l In order to qualify for the Pro fess iona l Clear Credell( ial and be recommended b\ l3iol a L' niversir,. a ca ndid ate muse complete all of the preliminar\' crec\ell(ial requi re me nts as we ll as the fol lo\\'ing add itional requ irements. I. Co mple te 30 uni ts a bovc their B.A. within five vears of rece ipt of their Pr e limin a ry Crede ntial , 2 1 units of whi ch must be com pl eted at Biola Univcrs ir,. 2. Co111plcrc ASED 5 10 ll calrh Edu cat ion; ASED 5 11 Com pu te rs in the C lassroom; a nd ASE D 52 I Education in the Least Res trict ive Environment. 3. Possess current ccnificario n of training in infant. c hild and ad ult ca rdi opulmona ry rcsu c i-
sional modul e (596) and a mini mum one-un it Capsrone Resea rch Project (598) or T hesis (599) or Compreh e nsive Exam (595) .
520 El e mentary Reading/ Language Arcs o r 525 Secondary Come nt Area Reading (3) 505/506 Elementary/Secondary C urric ulum (4) 5 12/5 14 E le me nrarv/Second a ry Student T eac hing I (6) 5 13/5 15 Elemcnrarv/Secondary Student Teaching !I (6) 5 10 Hea lth Edu ca ti on for Teachers (2) 5 11 Compute rs in the C lassroom (2) 52 1 Eclucarion in the Lea st Restr ict ive E nvironment (3) *502 is a l.,·o a req11ire111e111 for 1he JII.A. core. Please see co111 Je desa-ip1io11 seaio11 forprereq11isite req11ire111e111s. In addition ro the above Profes sional Education courses, i\ lu lriple Subj ect Teaching C redent ia l can didates mu st complete the follow ing compete ncy co urses: ASE D 507, 508,509,5 16 541 and 550. Instructional Leadership Prescribed Program The in st ru ct ional leadership co nc e ntration is for indi v idual s who hold a reac hing c red e ntial or who d o nor requir e Ca liforni a c re den t ia lin g (o ur- of- scare em pl ovment or private in s riru rion). Completi on of re maining c red e nti al req uireme nts is a lso possible in thi s program. The prescribed pro g ram requ ir es: 15 units o f th e i\l.A. core, 9 units of i\ l. A. co ncenrra rion , 9 units of e lecti ves, the one unit profess ion a l d eve lopm e nt module ( 596), a nd a minimum one-unit Ca ps ton e Resea rch Pro ject (598) o r The sis (599) o r Comprehe nsive Exam (595). E lccr ivcs ca n be drawn from courses in the Department of Edu cat ion or C LAD certificate require me nts, or courses from mher de part me nts and schools at Biol a Uni ver s ity. An indi vidualized program must be set up with your advisor. Co11ce11/1'f1lio11 Req11ireme111s (9 1111i1s) 522 C urre nt Issues in Education (3) 523 Beh av ior and C lassroom i\ lanagcme nr (3) 524 Resea rch in C ulrnre and C ultural Di vers ity (3) Personalized Program The pe rsonalized program is for experie nced teachers and ad minis trators who de s ir e a c u sto m designed progra m c re at in g th e ir own personal ized concentrat ion of
18 units of coursewo rk. The per sonalized program invites th e prac titione r to c reate a program cha may in c lud e coursework from ocher schoo ls w it hin l3i o la Uni ve rsity . Pract icing and aspiring admini stra tors o r teachers with su perv iso ry expe ri e nce will benefit from 18 units of the Jasre rs of Organi za tio na l Leadersh ip (i\ lOL) cou rse work; asp iring ESL/ EFL teachers ca n ex pand t he ir knowledge and skill s with a ce rtificate o r conce n tration of 18 unit in TESOL from the D e part me nt of TESOL & App lied Lingui sti cs; lite racy teach e rs will enjoy the 18 units of read ing/language a rts courework in the Educat ion Depa rtmem; and gradu ates can a lso e mbed 12 units of C LAD (524, 540, 541, 542) educa ti on coursewo rk and 6 ed ucat ion e lec ti ve units into the ir pe rsona l ized concent ration. To des ign vo ur own personal ized progra m, you mu s t file yo ur program with rhe Educat ion Cha ir or the i\lanager of Acade mi c Advising. You mu st a lso receive approva l from the othe r schools if signifi ca nt coursewo rk (e.g., Orga ni zat ional Leadership o r ln rercul tural St udi es) will be e mbedded into you r program. E l igibilit y mus t be app rm·ed by both schools if comb ining cou rsework . The personalized program requires: 15 units of th e 1' I.A. core, 18 units of an a pproved con cc n rrario n, the o ne- unit profes sio nal development m od ul e (S96), a nd a minimum one-unit Ca pstone Resea rch Projec t (598) or T hes is (599) or Compre he n s ive F:xam (595) . TEACHING CREDENTIALS Th e Ca li fo rnia Commi ss io n o n Teacher Credentia lin g (CCT C) gove rn s t h e sta nd ards for ered e mi a ls and cerr ifi ca res. Bi o la U ni ve rsity is c urr e ntl y approved to recomme nd ca ndi d ates for Pre liminarv a nd Profcs ~io nal C lea r C rede nti a ls as wel l as C LAD ce rtifi c at es . The se req uir e m e nt s arc s ubj ect to c han ge a nd ar e c urr e ntl y gov e rned under Sena te Bill 2042. Preliminary Credentials In ode r to qualify for the Pre liminary C reden ti a l a ca ndid ate must co mpl ete the fol low in g requirements: I. Be acce pted into the Graduate Sc hoo l of Arts a nd Scie nces Prog ram. See ad mi ss ion req uiremcnts.
Coupkd \\'ith the co re requirements li s ted abo , ·e, the s tud e nt may c hoose co ncenrra rions for their g radu a te work.
Classroom Instruction Option A: California Professional Clear Teaching Credential
This co ncen tration is spec ifi ca ll y de s ig n e d for indi v idu als who compl eted an und e rgraduate deg ree a t l3iola Un ive rsity, which inc luded coursewo rk in th e Pro fessio na l Teacher Pr e p a ration P rogra m . T he numbe r of un its for graduation varies acco rdin g ro previous co u rsewo rk , bur mu st include th e fo ll owi ng co urses: Pro.fessio11al Er/11cr11io11 Co11 rses (23 {/11ils) 505/506 E lc mc nrar y/Seeond a ry C urri culum* ............... (4) 5 12/5 14 Ele me ntar y/Seco ndar y S tudent T eaching 1.... (6) 513/515 E lcmcn ra ry/Seco ndar y Swde nt Teach ing 11 ... (6) 5 10 H ea lth E du cat io n for T eac he rs ..... (2) S I I Co mput e rs ,n the Classroom .. (2) 52 1 Educat io n in the L eas t Rcs rri cr ivc Env i ron - ment ........................... (3) *505/506 111ay be 1ah11 r/111-i11g 1he las! se111es1er of a s111rle111's se11ior year.for gmd11r11e crerlil if 1r11!e11 !l1ro11gh co11 - t111n111 e11roll111e111 i11 !hegmr/11a1e a11rl 1111rlergmd11a/e programs. See Regis lr{1r's Ojfirefor rlelails.
Classroom Instruction Option 8: Ca lifornia Professional Clear Tea ching Credential
Thi s concentration is spec ifi ca ll y designed for indi v idual s who have ea rn ed a ba c h e lor's degree at an acc red ite d co llege or Linivers iry, bur have nor parr ie i pared in a reacher preparat io n program. The number of uni ts for gradua ti on var ies according co prev ious co ursewo rk , bur mu s t include rhe fo ll ow ing courses : Professio11al l~d11m1io11 Co11nes (29-32 1/1/ils) 502 Advanced Educational Psycho logy* (3) SI9 Foundat ions of Educat ion (2)
S-2 • School of Arts and Sciences
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