
2. T ake the Ca li forn ia Basic Educational Sk ill s T est (C BEST). }. i\ lai nrain a minimum GPA of 2 . 75 for the credential. If s imulraneou s lv see kin g an i\l.A. , a mi nimum of 3 .00 G PA must be maintained 4. Comp lete all profe~sional ed ucat io n co ur ses \\'it h a g rade of "C" or hi g her. except for swd e n r reaching " ·hi c h mu se be at least ,1 " B-". 5. Comp lete an ap pron:d s u b­ ject matter program or equ iv­ ale nt subj ect matte r exa ms (CSE'I' ). These exams must be passed pr io r rn applv ing for student reachi ng. 6. Pa s, t h e T eac hin g Perfor­ mance Assessment (TPA). Th is " ·i11 be cm bedded in the candidates coursc\\'ork. begin ning Fa ll 200.,. 7. Comp lete the Department of Education Portfolio. 8. Comp lete the L' .S. Const itu ­ tion requirement. Thi s ca n be met in seve ral \l' ay,: a ) complete a minimum 2 u nit co u rse char cove r, the L 1 .S. Constit ut ion ( HI ST 105 ); b ) tran sfe r a course rhar covers U.S. Consriwr ion; or c) pro­ vide ver ifi cation of pa s,i ng scores on an appro,·ecl L 1 .S. Co ns titution examination. 9. Pas, the Read ing Insrr uctio n Co mp erencv Assessment (RI CA) if seeking a \ lu lriplc Subj ect Teaching C redentia l. 10. i\ lu sr be recomme nded by the faculty of rh e Department of Edu cat ion as having all requi­ s ite profes s ional qualities rn be succcs,ful as a reacher. Professional Clear Credentia l In order to qualify for the Pro­ fess iona l Clear Credell( ial and be recommended b\ l3iol a L' niversir,. a ca ndid ate muse complete all of the preliminar\' crec\ell(ial requi re­ me nts as we ll as the fol lo\\'ing add itional requ irements. I. Co mple te 30 uni ts a bovc their B.A. within five vears of rece ipt of their Pr e limin a ry Crede ntial , 2 1 units of whi ch must be com pl eted at Biola Univcrs ir,. 2. Co111plcrc ASED 5 10 ll calrh Edu cat ion; ASED 5 11 Com­ pu te rs in the C lassroom; a nd ASE D 52 I Education in the Least Res trict ive Environment. 3. Possess current ccnificario n of training in infant. c hild and ad ult ca rdi opulmona ry rcsu c i-

sional modul e (596) and a mini­ mum one-un it Capsrone Resea rch Project (598) or T hesis (599) or Compreh e nsive Exam (595) .

520 El e mentary Reading/ Language Arcs o r 525 Secondary Come nt Area Reading (3) 505/506 Elementary/Secondary C urric ulum (4) 5 12/5 14 E le me nrarv/Second a ry Student T eac hing I (6) 5 13/5 15 Elemcnrarv/Secondary Student Teaching !I (6) 5 10 Hea lth Edu ca ti on for Teachers (2) 5 11 Compute rs in the C lassroom (2) 52 1 Eclucarion in the Lea st Restr ict ive E nvironment (3) *502 is a l.,·o a req11ire111e111 for 1he JII.A. core. Please see co111 Je desa-ip1io11 seaio11 forprereq11isite req11ire111e111s. In addition ro the above Profes­ sional Education courses, i\ lu lriple Subj ect Teaching C redent ia l can­ didates mu st complete the follow­ ing compete ncy co urses: ASE D 507, 508,509,5 16 541 and 550. Instructional Leadership Prescribed Program The in st ru ct ional leadership co nc e ntration is for indi v idual s who hold a reac hing c red e ntial or who d o nor requir e Ca liforni a c re den t ia lin g (o ur- of- scare em pl ovment or private in s riru ­ rion). Completi on of re maining c red e nti al req uireme nts is a lso possible in thi s program. The prescribed pro g ram requ ir es: 15 units o f th e i\l.A. core, 9 units of i\ l. A. co ncenrra­ rion , 9 units of e lecti ves, the one­ unit profess ion a l d eve lopm e nt module ( 596), a nd a minimum one-unit Ca ps ton e Resea rch Pro­ ject (598) o r The sis (599) o r Comprehe nsive Exam (595). E lccr ivcs ca n be drawn from courses in the Department of Edu­ cat ion or C LAD certificate require­ me nts, or courses from mher de part­ me nts and schools at Biol a Uni ver­ s ity. An indi vidualized program must be set up with your advisor. Co11ce11/1'f1lio11 Req11ireme111s (9 1111i1s) 522 C urre nt Issues in Education (3) 523 Beh av ior and C lassroom i\ lanagcme nr (3) 524 Resea rch in C ulrnre and C ultural Di vers ity (3) Personalized Program The pe rsonalized program is for experie nced teachers and ad minis­ trators who de s ir e a c u sto m­ designed progra m c re at in g th e ir own personal ized concentrat ion of

18 units of coursewo rk. The per­ sonalized program invites th e prac­ titione r to c reate a program cha may in c lud e coursework from ocher schoo ls w it hin l3i o la Uni ve rsity . Pract icing and aspiring admini stra­ tors o r teachers with su perv iso ry expe ri e nce will benefit from 18 units of the Jasre rs of Organi za ­ tio na l Leadersh ip (i\ lOL) cou rse­ work; asp iring ESL/ EFL teachers ca n ex pand t he ir knowledge and skill s with a ce rtificate o r conce n­ tration of 18 unit in TESOL from the D e part me nt of TESOL & App lied Lingui sti cs; lite racy teach­ e rs will enjoy the 18 units of read­ ing/language a rts courework in the Educat ion Depa rtmem; and gradu­ ates can a lso e mbed 12 units of C LAD (524, 540, 541, 542) educa­ ti on coursewo rk and 6 ed ucat ion e lec ti ve units into the ir pe rsona l­ ized concent ration. To des ign vo ur own personal­ ized progra m, you mu s t file yo ur program with rhe Educat ion Cha ir or the i\lanager of Acade mi c Advising. You mu st a lso receive approva l from the othe r schools if signifi ca nt coursewo rk (e.g., Orga­ ni zat ional Leadership o r ln rercul­ tural St udi es) will be e mbedded into you r program. E l igibilit y mus t be app rm·ed by both schools if comb ining cou rsework . The personalized program requires: 15 units of th e 1' I.A. core, 18 units of an a pproved con­ cc n rrario n, the o ne- unit profes­ sio nal development m od ul e (S96), a nd a minimum one-unit Ca pstone Resea rch Projec t (598) or T hes is (599) or Compre he n­ s ive F:xam (595) . TEACHING CREDENTIALS Th e Ca li fo rnia Commi ss io n o n Teacher Credentia lin g (CCT C) gove rn s t h e sta nd ards for ered e mi a ls and cerr ifi ca res. Bi o la U ni ve rsity is c urr e ntl y approved to recomme nd ca ndi ­ d ates for Pre liminarv a nd Profcs­ ~io nal C lea r C rede nti a ls as wel l as C LAD ce rtifi c at es . The se req uir e m e nt s arc s ubj ect to c han ge a nd ar e c urr e ntl y gov­ e rned under Sena te Bill 2042. Preliminary Credentials In ode r to qualify for the Pre­ liminary C reden ti a l a ca ndid ate must co mpl ete the fol low in g requirements: I. Be acce pted into the Graduate Sc hoo l of Arts a nd Scie nces Prog ram. See ad mi ss ion req uiremcnts.


Coupkd \\'ith the co re requirements li s ted abo , ·e, the s tud e nt may c hoose co ncenrra­ rions for their g radu a te work.

Classroom Instruction Option A: California Professional Clear Teaching Credential

This co ncen tration is spec ifi­ ca ll y de s ig n e d for indi v idu als who compl eted an und e rgraduate deg ree a t l3iola Un ive rsity, which inc luded coursewo rk in th e Pro­ fessio na l Teacher Pr e p a ration P rogra m . T he numbe r of un its for graduation varies acco rdin g ro previous co u rsewo rk , bur mu st include th e fo ll owi ng co urses: Pro.fessio11al Er/11cr11io11 Co11 rses (23 {/11ils) 505/506 E lc mc nrar y/Seeond a ry C urri culum* ............... (4) 5 12/5 14 Ele me ntar y/Seco ndar y S tudent T eaching 1.... (6) 513/515 E lcmcn ra ry/Seco ndar y Swde nt Teach ing 11 ... (6) 5 10 H ea lth E du cat io n for T eac he rs ..... (2) S I I Co mput e rs ,n the Classroom .. (2) 52 1 Educat io n in the L eas t Rcs rri cr ivc Env i ron - ment ........................... (3) *505/506 111ay be 1ah11 r/111-i11g 1he las! se111es1er of a s111rle111's se11ior year.for gmd11r11e crerlil if 1r11!e11 !l1ro11gh co11 - t111n111 e11roll111e111 i11 !hegmr/11a1e a11rl 1111rlergmd11a/e programs. See Regis­ lr{1r's Ojfirefor rlelails.

Classroom Instruction Option 8: Ca lifornia Professional Clear Tea ching Credential

Thi s concentration is spec ifi­ ca ll y designed for indi v idual s who have ea rn ed a ba c h e lor's degree at an acc red ite d co llege or Linivers iry, bur have nor parr ie i­ pared in a reacher preparat io n program. The number of uni ts for gradua ti on var ies according co prev ious co ursewo rk , bur mu s t include rhe fo ll ow ing courses : Professio11al l~d11m1io11 Co11nes (29-32 1/1/ils) 502 Advanced Educational Psycho logy* (3) SI9 Foundat ions of Educat ion (2)

S-2 • School of Arts and Sciences

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