Students who wish to cake TOEFL shou ld obta in the TOEFL Bulletin of Informat ion. Copies of thi s bulletin and the registration form may be obta ined in a number of cities outside the United Scates. They often are avai lab le at Ame r ican embass ies and co nsulates, offices of the United Sca tes Information Service (USIS), United Scates ed ucationa l com missions and fou ndat ions abroad, and binational ce nte rs. Students who ca nnot loca ll y obta in a TOEFL Bulletin of In fo rmat ion and registrat ion form should write for chem several months in adva nce co: Tes t of Engli sh as a Fore ign Language, Box 6 154, Princeton , New Je rsey, USA 08541 (Ph o n e: 609-77 1- 7100, Fa x : 609-77 1-7500, We bsite: http: //www.coe fl .org). Because d1i s test is admini stered onl y ac certain times, che candidate for admiss ion shou ld inquire about testing elates we ll in advance of the dace of ant icipated school term in the U.S. TOEFUBEPE Requirements for Specific Programs Undergraduate Programs T he minimum TOEFL score for admi ssion is a cora l of 500 paper/ 173 computer for the undergraduate stude nt. (TESOL minors muse have a score of 550 paper/2 13 comp uter.) A stu dent may submit an SAT I sco re for admission instead of a TOEFL score. Students who score below 480 on the SAT ver bal test and be low 600 paper/250 compute r on the TOEFL are required co take the Biola Engli sh Placement Exam (BEPE). Graduate Programs The minimum for ad mi ssion co Bi ola's gradu ate school s is a coca! of 550 paper/2 13 computer (with a sco re of 55 or above for each of the three test sect ions). The fo ll owing graduate programs have different require me nts: TAL Programs 600 paper/250 computer TOEFL required Noc accepted through ELSP (See TAL section)
co ntinu e at Bio ta if they do not complet e the ir ELSP requirement. For un cle rg racluace st ude n ts, a " passin g" sco re on the Engli sh Departme nt Ex it Test (E DET) must be ac hie ved before taking Engl ish 100, 1 IO B or before cred it from othe r schoo ls ca n be gra nted. Applica tion Gu idelines I. An appl ica tion for ad mi ss ion , references , recent photo and a $45 .00 non-re fund able appl ica tion fee. 2. Offi cial Transcripts: U11rle1grarluate St11rle11ts - Undergraduate students are req uired to have comp le ted th e eq ui va lent of 12 yea rs of educatio n. Transc ri pts from all second ary schools and pose-seco nd ary in stitution s mu se be se nt direct ly fro m the schoo l co Biola 's Office of Admission in order co be cons idered official. All transcripts mu st be offi cial and accompa ni ed by a ce rtified E ngli sh transl ation th at doc uments co ursewo rk a nd exa mination s ta ken, indi ca te grades received, id ent ify pass ing and maximum marks and show ev idence o f seco ndary gradu a ti on. Interna ciona l stu dents mu se have successfull y completed co l lege preparatory co urses in th e ir home co untry. If the student has acce nd ecl a uni vers ity in hi s/ he r home coun try and wou ld like transfer credit, he/s he must have tran sc ripts eva lu ate d by a profess iona l credentia l agency. Undergraduate transfer international stude nts must have completed sa tisfactory co urse work with a 2.5 academic GPA. In formation is ava il ab le in the Office of Adm is s ion or th e Office of th e Regi strar. Graduate Students - Offic ia l transcripts of a ll co l leges, uni ve rsiti es or sem inaries attended mu se be se nt d irectly from the sc hoo l co Biola's Office of Graduate Admissio n to be offic ial. All transc ripts muse be accom panied by a ce rtifi ed Engli sh trans la t ion chat documents co ursewo rk a nd exam in at ions take n , indi ca tes grades received , identifies passing and ma ximum marks , and ev idences com plecion of a Bachel or' s degree. 3. A compl eted Affid av it of Support form chat certifi es the student has sufficie nt funds to scudy in the U.S. muse be on fil e prior to acceptance and issuance of the I-20. T he Affidavit of Support form must be notari zed and accompa ni ed by supporting bank statements or tax recurn forms. In aclclicion, a depos it is required prior to issuance of the I-20. 4. Reference forms - Undergraduate scuclencs are required co provide one refere nce from a pastor/mini ster and anothe r from a schoo l adm ini strator, teacher, and/or employe r who has known the app li cant for at lease one yea r. Re fe rence forms are provided by the University and are incluclecl with the app li cat ion. Grad uate scuclencs arc required co provide re fe re nces appropriate co their program. 5. A TOEFL score of 500 paper/ 173 computer rest o r an SAT I or ACT test for undergrad uates. Graduate programs vary buc scare with a minimum sco re of TOEFL 550 paper cesc or 2 I3 computer. Scudents wi ll be referred to the Englis h Language Stud ies Prog ram for preparato ry courses in English if scores arc below requ irements. Note: Official docu111e11ts presenter! for arlmissio11 or e-ua/ua tio11 become part of the st11rle11t's amrlemic file a11d 11on11ally m11- 11ot be returner/ or copier/for rlistributio11.
575 paper/23 1 compute r TOEFL required BEPE required. 550 paper/2 13 compute r TOEFL requ ired BEPE may be required. (See Ta lbot Ad mi ss ions Requirements) 600 paper/250 computer TOEFL required BEPE not requ ired (Sec ' l 'a lboc Ph.D. section) 600 paper/250 compute r TOEFL requ ired BEPE not req uired. (See Ta lbot D.M in . sect ion) 550 paper/213 compute r TOEFL req uired BEPE req uired. 600 paper/250 compu te r TOEFL required Not accepted through ELSP
Talbot M.A.,
!'vi.Di v.
Talbot Ph.D.
English Placement The Biota Engli sh Pl aceme nt Exam (BEPE) is adminis tered co determine wh ich course(s) (E ngli sh 100, 101, 102, 103 , 105, 107 or 109) , if a ny, s tudent s muse cake . The course(s) muse be taken durin g the st udent 's fir st semes ter until the s cud e nt h as s uccessfull y passe d the E ng li s h Departme nt Ex it Test (EDET). The re w ill be a lace make-up fee of $15 when pl acement exams are not taken during or ie ntat ion week of the student 's first semes ter. Since admi ss ion co the Uni ve rsity is based on the under standing that the s tu dent will s uccessfu ll y comp lete the ELSP seq uence, students wi ll not be all owed to grad uate or
18 • Admiss ion , Registratio n & Graduat ion Requirements
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