
repeated for up to eight unit, of c red it. l're-rcqui,ire: department c hai r ,ignature/Clpprm ,ti req ui red. 595 Comprehensive Examinat'ion (1) Student, 11 ho choo,e thc Com pre­ h c n-., i, c E,amination mu:-,t dcmon"itrarc a comprchcn"ii,c kno" lcdgc of the field of ,wch. The content of the Co111prehe n­ ..,in;. E,ami11 ~1t ion include..., mate­ rial from the core ,irea, of thc cur­ ri culum and the ,wdcnt\ particu- 1,n , pcciali,ation. Student, 111a, elect to co111plcte thc ( :omprehen­ si, e ",amin ar ion in lieu of thc Capstone The,i, or Project. 596 Profess ional Development Module (1) Studcnr, c,plorc t h ei r ro le :ts lcadcrs in the cducational com­ munit~. c,amining the change process II ithin the conrc,t of cur­ ricular inno, ation-..; and mor,11 le :tde r,hip. Preparation for t he cap,tonc procc\\ i, C\:t111ined. 597 Independent Studies (1-3) S11h/i'l'I 1111//lr'I /lllrl m'fli1 hv /1/"l"/!Hgl'llll'/II. 598 Research Project (1-3) Student, 111:1, elect ro complete a research project or an instruct iona l de, clop111ent project under the guida nce of a faculr, arh i,er. T h i, option rcquirc"i a,, rirtcn report. 599 Thesis (1-3) Swdcnrs ma, elect to complete a thes i, under the guidance of a f:tcu lts a th i,or.

521 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment (3)

pract icum co111po nc nr (o b seffa­ tion/panicipation) in schoo ls is require d fo r crede ntial ca ndidates 0111\. Pre requ isite: 520 or 525. 531 Writing Process and Approaches (3) \\ ' ri ci ng as a process, its inrc rrc la­ cionsh ip to reading, cogni tion and to linguistic and contexwal issucs . Examination of c ur rent prob le111s, in st ru c ti ona l rcsearc h. theories, 111cthods of imtructio n and nrntcri­ al ,, p rogra111s, tcchno log" as,ess- 111ent and profess ional publications. 532 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties (3) t\ddres,es nu111crous t heo retica l a n d practical considera ti o n s re lated to the n ,tture a nd ca uses of reading diftic ulti cs and disabil­ iti es, including techn iqu cs and 111a ter ia ls fo r indi \' idua l diagnosis. Instru crion pro, ided in regard to c lini ca l and clas;roo111 techn iques, <...:va lu at ion and LI"'<.: of materia ls for rhe remediation of read in g di sabi li ties and acti\'(; pa rtic ipa­ tion in an insrrucrional prot;ram. 540 Foundations of Language Education (3) A ,u1Te, co urse that conside rs the ', UUct urc and ll 5C of language in gencra l and Engli sh in particular. An unde rstand ing of lingu isr ics. l, ngli sh pronunciation and gra111111ar is emphasized. Research concerning curre nt theories, practice and 111cth­ od s of first and seco nd la nguage acquisit ion and 1•:ngl ish language development is al,o discussed. 541 Methods ofTeaching Linguistically Diverse Students (3) Su n c, of the thcorics and fo und a­ t io n, of bilingual educat ion a, wel l as organi zational mode ls and prac­ tices for use in teac hing English as a second lan guage , En g lish lan­ g uage dc,·e lopmcnr and conrcnr area teach ing . The app li cation of t heory to c lassroo 111 instrnction and t he methods o f te aching lan ­ g uage a rc emphasi,.ed. Thc C\'a lu ­ ation and se lection of 111atcrial, for instruction arc also considered. 542 Language Assessment and Evaluation (3) The indi, ·idual differences of lan­ guage minority st ut.knts, in '-ltruc­ tional techniques and class roo111 di s­ co ursc which :tffect t he acquis ition of fi rst and sccond language read­ ing. 11 ricing, listening and spea king sk ill s a rc exa111ined and ana lyzed . Also addresses t he sk ill s and co111- petencies needed to ade q uateh· and effect i,·eh assess, diagnose and

en1 luate Eng li s h language profi­ c icne,· for pl aceme nt and ac hi c\'e- 111 e nt. Prc requi site: 5-11 or concur­ rent c nroll111ent in 5-11. 550 Literature Study in the Classroom (3) Opporrnnit, to explo re, c,·aluate, di sc uss and effecri,·e l, incorpo­ rate the litc rar, 11 ork, of children and young ad ult s in t he 111 ult icul­ tu ra I classroo111. Thcories and rationales for the use of multicul­ rnral li terat u re in the cla"roo111 arc discussed. 551 Practicum in Language and Literacy (3) Obserrnrion, case swd, construc­ ti on a nd a na l\'s is. ass istance and in..:;cruccion of om..: or more language minori ty students in an act ual lan­ guage and lice racy en, ironmcnt. Thi s pract icum affords opporwni t\ to appl\' theOf') to practice in a nat­ ural ist ic. field-sett ing. 552 Supervision in Language and Literacy (3) Laborator, e,perience in languagc and literacy und er the supen i,ion of qualifi ed imt ru ctio nal leade rs and uni n;.r~ icy "tu pen i...,or..,. 555 Seminars in Education (1-4) In-d epth st udi es in area, ,uch as: coopc ratin.; lc:arning. curri culum, in...,cruction , in"itructional media. c la"isroom contro l and ma nage- 111 ent, o rgani1,ation or schools. ma nagc 111 ent o f personn el. publi c re la tions. implementation of C hri st ian phil osoph,·, and ear l, childhood education. \la, be

Competenc ies for 111 eer ing th e need s of except ion a l s ru ck nt s; s pe cia l attention to needs of 111in o rit\' stu dent s, c ultural a nd ethn ic diffe rences, and dc"e lop- 111ent of 111oral /s piritllal , ·,ilue s . For Profess ion al Clear Credential require111e nt. 522 Current Issues in Education (3) Fund a111enta l and spec ifi c iss ues in education. Exa111ines thc , ·ie11·s of a wide ra nge of phil osop he rs, psyc holog ists, soc iolog ists, profes­ s ion a l ed ucators. political leaders, hi storians and researcheVi. Sw­ dcnts i,n·cstigarc, analyze and di s­ cuss current resea rch re lated to the schoo l com111uni r,·. 523 Behavior and Classroom Management (3) The e ffe ct of reacher be ha v io r upon swdent beha\' ior , th e karn­ ing task and the dassroo111 e nviron- 111en t. Explores altermtti,·e approaches to classroom discipl ine. management and organization. 524 Research in Culture and Cultural Diversity (3) Examines and anal~ 1.cs current resea rc h and theories concerning the nature of culture an d its re la­ tio nship to the language. cogn iti on, lea rning and acadernic achie"e 111ent of the diverse stud e nt population of Ca li fo rnia and th e l '.S. in ge ncral. Considerati on of t he c riti cal rok of the reacher in understand ing. using, va luing and co111111unieating cu lwra l knowledge fo r the purpose of maxi­ mi z ing educat io nal object ives. 525 Secondary Content Area Reading (3) Th e mcthods a nd 111 ate ri a ls for reaching read ing t h ro ugh th e con ­ tent areas in seconda r\' schools: a tte nti on to technique, for teach­ ing read ing, resting and indi, ·idu­ a l izat ion. A 35- hour fie ld pract icu111 co111ponenr is re quired, 10 hours for teac hers under con­ tract. Prerequ is ite : 502 and 5 19 . 530 Reading Process and Approaches (3) Critical anal,·sis of the processes and dyna111ics of readin g as wel l as the m et hod s and mat e rial s for tea c hing reading in t he e le 111en­ tarv and secondary sc hools. Theo­ reri ca I mode ls of read ing. e111e r­ gent lite racy, current i~s ucs in lit­ era cy a nd in st ru c ti o n, and th e assessment and evaluation of read ing a rc a lso disc ussed . A field

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