School of Business
accepts sc udc:nts who are comsions Office. Scudc:nts must I) hold
Students wit hout a business undergraduate degree wi ll req uire add itional units (to a max imum of I5 units). A scud enc caking al l 15 units of leveling would have a cora l
mi cced followers of the Lord
a baccalaureate degree from a reg iona ll y accred ited institlltion. 2) subm it GMAT scores and offic ia l transcr ipts from all undergraduate
Jesus C hri st.
Dean: Larry D. S trand, i\lBA
2) Full y 25 percent of th e co re courses for the l\,JBA degree qualify as Bible cou rses and are caught or co-caught by Talbot
schoo ls attend ed, ."l) have manageof 5 1 units in their program .
Professor: \ ' . Smith FACULTY
me nt experience. Admission is
A minimum of 30 graduate
competitive and based upon a comunits mu se be completed in the
Schoo l of Theology faculty.
Associate Professors: Buckles, Rundle, Y. Sm ith,. crand,
mittee rev iew of each applicant's undergraduate grade point average, GI\ IAT score, and personal/profes siona l background. The School of Business utili zes a formu la for an in dex sco re: Gi\ lAT + [200 x
3) The IBA program provides a mentoring opporwnicy for evcrv swdcnc. l\lcncors arc committed and growing Christians who also arc successful business people. 4) Ever y cou rse prol'idc s a st rong link between theor y and prac t ice. Mose cou rses arc caught by Ph.D. 's in the field
l\lascer of Bu s in ess Administra tion program at Biola University.
\\"oodwa rd
Master of Business
Administration Courses
Thirty-six (36) un its of grad u ate co ur ses arc require d for all l\113A degrees in the Sc hoo l of grad uate units of cheologv and the 3 graduate units of business ethics: I\ IBAD 601, 602, 603, 60-l, 605, 606, 607, 609, 6 13. 630, 640 (3/3
T he Biola Un iversity !\ la ster of Business Admin istrat ion degree program prepares fo ll owe rs of Jesu s Christ to be s uccessful change agents in the marketplace. l e is de s ig ned for cho se who
undergrad G.PA] - index.
,Vote: '/he .Ii. B.rl. progrr,111 is
rk;-ig11edfor the fllilv employed j)mBu s ines s, wh ich include the 6
of study, who have s ucce ss fessio11a/. A ryj)ico/ course load is 6 fu ll y publi shed , and have sub1111i1s j)er 1ri111eslff, m•hich does 1101
al/om• i111erna1io11a/ s111de111s (who /Ill/SI have (I 111i11i11111111 of 9 1111i1s) IO
a lready ha ve expe ri ence in manstant ial business or consulting
agement, but desire co increase their und e rstanding of the modern units); TrrH 511. 613 . enterprise. Th e progra m e mphaMaster of Business fu l business person in the a rea O!Jirial dom111m1s j)resented for of scud y, who wil l serve as an ad111issio11 or f!'i.'a/11a1io11 become pan s izes training in innova tion and Administration Prerequisite add itional resource faculty. of the s111dl'l!t's amdm1ir file a11d prepares scudcnts co be agents of Courses 5) Swdencs will have the oppo r11or111ally cr1111101 be re111r11ed or needed change in today ' s organiTh e 15 units of leve lin g za ti ons, wh ile caring, as God cares, tunity to develop mea ningful ropiedfor dis1rib111io11. courses ca n bc required for s tu fo r the people affected. personal relationship s with de nts wit hout an undergraduate The fa c ult y o f the School of Ph.D. fa cu l ty, add i tional TRANSFER OF CREDITS degree in business: 50 1, 503, Business combine an integrated reso urce faculty, mentors, and Students rransferring from a 505, 506, 5 16, 520. Biblical worldvicw wit h sc ho larly peers which wil l lead to a reg ionall y accredited graduate research, academic rigor, real-world wid e range of persona l growth program may tran sfer a maximum MASTER OF BUSINESS experience, and reach ing exceloutcomes, including: of six (6) units. T he courses tran s lence. Each is engaged in the min■ Foundational knowled ge ferred muse be equ ivalent , have ADMINISTRATION istry of pre par ing men and women of c urr e nt business co ndirect applicability to the stuCALENDAR co be good and faithful servants in texts and iss ues. dent 's program. and be approved The i\ 113 A progra m utilizes the organizations co which God has ■ Ability co link theory with b y the; progra m director. Only three 1-l-wce k trimesters . called ch em. This preparation prac tice. courses with a grade of ·'B" (3.0) includes train ing them co he creII Ab ili ty to integrate Christor highc:r w ill be cons idered for COURSE DESCRIPTIONS at ive and ca pable business people, ian thought within the contransfe r coward the i\ lBA degree. (MBAD) able co innovate for the future. along text of the manageme nt Units considered for tran sfe r mu st with a Godly concern for people. and innovation process. ha ve been taken within fi ve yea rs 501 Management Principles for ■ Possession of Christian actiprior to chc; date of adm iss ion. Productivity (3) wd cs conducive co the A stud y of management methods, development of profess iona l GRADUATION emphasizing practical solutions co DISTINCTIVES Th e i\ 113A deg ree is des igned cxcc:l lcncc and witness co real-world prob lems. Studen ts will for chose indi vidual s who underREQUIREMENTS the business community. learn tu communicate effect i,·c ly stand chat putting Christ firs t will The !\ l aster of Bus in ess ■ Commitment co life long through the scudy of prese ntation make chem better business people, Administration d eg ree program learnin g and professional co nce pts, including the u se of and chat the accomp li shment of chis has six distinct c leme nts: growth. computer presentation techno logy requires high lcl ·els of faith, knowll. Prerequisite co ur sewo rk , ■ Ability co work co llabora and the visual display of informa edge and integrity. The program req uired for chose without a tivel y with indil'idual s at tion. ·f'h c last portion of the course attracts indi, ·iduals who arc seeking business undergraduat e vary in g lc,·e ls in the a rigorous pro[>;ram of stud y in the degree (up co 15 units) . will exp lo re views of power acqu i organ iza ti on. sition and use from socio logica l, fu ll range of business copies neces2. A common co re of g raduate ■ Ability co c reat ive ly solve sary for a complete understand ing of cou rses (21 units). psychologica l, and managerial pcr problem s (indi,· idually the modern organization. In every ."\. A concentrat io n of required spcccivcs, plac ing these in su bmi s and in team sc:tti ngs ) as sion co the authority of Scripture. course, the business copies arc intetheology cou rses (6 units). conccxwal need s c hange The course concludes with each gra ted with each other and with -l. An inccgracivc busin ess ethics within t he organization. scudem c rc:ating a personal power Scripture. so that chose who particico urse (3 11nics). 6) A non-traditional course schcdacquis iti on and use policy which is pate can correctly and confidenclv 5. Approved i\ 113 A electives u lc of evening and Saturday presc:nccd co an evaluation panel. become change management lead(6 units) . cou rses provides flexibility for e rs within th e ir orga nizations. 6. Parti c ipation in the i\ lB A 503 Using Technology for busy professional swdcnts. Furth e r di sci ncri,·cs of the I\ lencor Program. Organizational Decisions (2) program arc: A minimum of 36 units of gradStudents will use common busi ADMISSIONS I ) To truly integra te the teachuate coursework is rc:quired fo r the ness computer cools co analyze ings o f Scripcurc throughout REQUIREMENTS 1' laster of Business Administration numerou s qu a nticaci,·c bu s in ess the cu rriculum, Bi o la Uni ve rApplicat ions mu s t be submitdeg ree. A swdc nt must maintain a problc:ms from various functional s ity, and the I\ IBA prog ram , ted through the Graduate Admis- minimum 3.0 G.P.A. co graduate. areas, stress ing log ical dedu ction experience:. In addition, many cou rses will include a successbe ad111i11ed lo the j)rogm111.
Sc hoo l of Business· B-1
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