
In te rn et based so luti ons, work tcarns. qualitv philosophi es, Ju sr­ ln -Tirn c l rn·cnrnry s1·srcrns, etc. Appropriate and innovative use of techniques II ill be ernp has izcd, 11 ithin rhc Biblical p rin cip les of agape lo, ·c and sen ,lnt-hood in the opcrntions rnanagcrncnt process. 613 Biblical Management & Ethics (3) \\"ithin the context of .Scripture. philosophical and et hi cal princi­ ples arc identified, d iscussed, and applied t0 business problems and situat ions including the organi.-:a­ rion's obligation to the indi,·idual and ro socicrv, ,rnd the indi,·idual's rcsponsibilir,· to the organi;,ar ion. 630 Change & Innovation in the Entrepreneurial Organization (3) ,\ sw,h of creating and rnanaging change for producri,·iry, through indi, idual and group leadership, as 11cll as rrnn .sfo rm ing or cop ing ll'ith ncgari, e change. Swdcnts 11 ill st11lh traditional and curring edge 111e.tho,h for initiating and supporting inno, ·arion in both nt.:\\ and t.:\'.iscing organizations, as 11c ll as pitfalls to a,oid. The crucial ro le of leadership in the change process will be exarn in cd, as 11·cll as rhe affect of differing national culrnres among both change leade rs and fo\1011 crs. Opportunities for expc ri cncc in innol'ation and change ll"ill be rnade part of class tirnc and assignrnent srrucwrcs. Srnde nrs ll'ill consider concealed or rnis­ lcading change outcomes while csarnining the role of change frorn a Biblical perspccti1c. 640 Current & Advanced Topics in Entrepreneurial Studies (3) Elcctil'c course in suc h cop ies as ckcrronic commerce. ncgoci,uion & conflict 111anagcrnent for the change agcnr, p ractical leader­ .sh ip theory. and strateg ic hiring (hell\ to hire & keep the best partners). \ lay be repeated once with different topic. 650 Directed Study (1-3) In-dcprh i111 csrigarion of a cop ic under the guidance of t he fac­ ult,. Topic selection and course cnrollrnenr by prograrn dirccror's apprm·al only.

and interprccarion in rheir so lu­ tions. Students will ex pl ore Bibli ca l considerations in decision 111aking. 505 Statistica l Research Skills for Business (1) Students will exa rnine methods for so lvin g organizational problcrns using nurnerica l data. Conside ration is taken for the proper use of statis­ rica \ re searc h rncthocls, wirh an understanding that people - God's greatest concern - can be g reatly affected by decisions 111acle on the basis of such quancicatil'e analvsis. 506 Marketing from the Man­ agement Perspective (3) Students lc:arn to manage the rnar­ keting process in the contcxt of th e firrn 's strateg ic s a nd objectives. Topics include rnarkcting organi­ za tional structures , ana lyzing rnar­ kering opportunities, se lect ing tar­ get markets, dcl'cloping rnarkct ing strategics, planning rnarkct ing pro­ gra rn s, budgeting the rnark c tin g prograrn, and irnpl ernen t ing and conuolling the markcring effo rt. Throu ghout the course students will reflect on Biblical and ethical issues in markcring 1 and how they pot c nriallv affect the rnarkcring management process. 516 Accounting & Finance for Decision Makers (3) The objective of this course is co provide students with an opporru­ n iry to und ersta nd the co111p lcx accounting and financial data they will receive as operating managers. In par ti cu lar, students will learn how to use the data as an effective rnanagcmcnt cool for coord inat ing m anage ri al and organizat i onal acti\·icics. Financial accounting, managerial accou nting, and finan­ cial rnanagcmcnt arc cm·crcd with consideration of international, eco­ norni c, and legal issues. Sruclenrs also conside r the nature of nurn cri­ ca l analvs is as a description of real­ ity, giving ri se co ethical and othe r Bibli ca l issues of interpretation. 520 Business and Government in the G lobal Marketplace (3) Studems lea rn about cco nornic, lega l, and global issues. and how analysis of thern can be used in man­ agerial decision rnaking. The irnpact of inte rn at ional trade theory, taxa­ tion, legal srr ucrures, and resource allocations will be considered as the\" affect the business organization. Par­ t icipants in the course will also con­ side r the interrelationsh ips between international , legal, and econorn ic factors and Bibl ical standards of ethi­ cal business conduct.

cure, capital budgeting, rhc cosr of ca pital , i111-csrn1cnr decisions, rncrgers and acqi1i sirions, and internati onal finance. Students wil l also learn to conside r thc affect of financial policy, on 1·,ui­ ous srnkeholdcrs of the organi;,a­ tion, frorn a Biblical pcrspectil'c. 605 Advanced Financial Management & Control (3) T'his co ursc exami nes the means for achievi ng contro l ll'hilc cxplor­ i ng impro,·cmcnt altt.:rnaci, ·c~. Topics such as financial statement analysis, huclgcring 1 tax issue:-,, restructuring, re-engineering, and current topics in financial managc­ men t a rc discussed. ] ,earning focuses on th e methods used by rnanagcrs ro guide crnplo1ec act ions in way~ that arc both finan­ cial ly and Biblica l\\- appropri ate. 606 Strategy & Entrepreneurial Project Management (3) This cou rse focuses on the req uire­ ments for sustaining cornperiti,·c adl'a nrage through the entrepre­ neurial effort, both within e., isring busincsscs and where a nc11 orga­ ni zat ional entity is required. For this cou rse, the inn o1·,1ti1·e effo rt will be viewed as a project. Stu­ dents will clisco\'l.;r that all projects benefit from strategic thinking as thev explore tradit iona l ,·crsus rad­ ical for111s of innovation and learn w consider the cconorn ic, legal, financial, hurnan resource, and operat ional irnplicarions of project rnanagcrncnt. The role of change due co inn ovation in project man­ agcrncnt ll"ill be exp lored, as stu­ dents exp lore rhc Biblical irnplica­ rions fo r both cha nge agents and those organizarional stakeho lders who arc impac ted by the change. 607 Intensive: Global Issues (1) This course is designed to farniliar­ ize studcms ll"ith recent dc1·c\op- 111cnts in the global busi ncss co111- 111unir,·. There will be presentations from faculty and rnenrors on first hand expe rience in their professions in rnan v parts of the globe. A spe­ cific focus will be on the opportuni­ ties for "business with a rnission." 609 New Techniques for Pro­ duct ivity in Operations (2) The s rucly of processes and cools i1wo ll ed in the opcrar ing core of all organizations, whether product or sc rl'icc, for-profit o r not-for­ profic. .Swdcnrs will make exten­ sive use of cornputcri zccl stat istical and machcn1at ical cools to examine a nd soil e operat ions problcrns. Newer trends in opcrarions will be exp lored . including the use of

601 Intensive: Group Dynamics (1) Thi s intens ive cou rse consists of a Thursday through Sunday 11"eck­ end sess ion ll"hich is used co initi­ ate the prog ram. Students will learn the importance of hi ghl y- pro­ ductive teams in the modern inno­ nui vc organization, and \\'ill expe­ ri e nce how to bui ld a producti ve rearn. This will be clone t hrough si rnularions, role-playing and brief case s tudie s. The lea rning that cakes place he re wi ll be used and arnplificd in the students' fururc co ursewo rk. Another ve ry irnpor­ canr part of the wee kend is the introduction of the !\IBA 1\lcnror Program, along with th e ou tsrancl­ ing indi v idu a ls who ha1·c been se lected, and ha l'e chosen, to se rl'e as rnencors. The capsconc of the weekend will be a worship and

pm ise sen ·icc . Ji cc: $100. 602 Marketing Decision Systems (3)

St ud ents srud y t he continual rnar­ kcr ing resea rch svstern, and lea rn to ut ilize cutting edge tcchno log\" to sustai n it. Lt!arning outcomes includ e th e a bi l ity co Cl'al uar e rnarker ing resea rch processes and appl v them in a business to bus i­ ness rnarkering e nvironment. A wide rnngc of business ro business rn ark er ing strateg ics will be cxarn­ ined in re lati o n to producti,·irv and Biblical/ethical concerns. 603 Entrepreneurial Management (2) Students will exam ine and learn emrep rc ne u ria I s ki \I s, in c ludin g idemification/eva luation of opportu­ nities, creat ion of a pl an to exploit the opportunit ies id ent ifi ed. and inno,•at ive irnpl cmcnrat ion of the plan. \ ler hod s of en tre preneu rial act ion, whether inside the ex ist ing organization or in the new \ 'Cnturc, will be studied in an integrative way through the analysis of new ventu re, new product launch, and new orga­ nizational structure business plans. Srnd enrs will examine their 011·n strengths and weaknesses regarding the act of innovation, and attempt co discol"<:r in what ways God ha s ca lled them to be change a_gents. 604 O rganizat ional Fi nancial Policy (3) This cou rse emphasizes the an,1\ysis of current a nd future practices and issues in t he area of o rgan izationa l finance through case studies an d seminar prese n­ tations. T opics includ e short-te rm financing including l'Cnture fund­ ing, management of short-te rm assets and liabiliti es, cap ita l srruc-

B~2 · School of Busin ess

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