

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman John Siefk er Vice Chairman Dwight Hanger Roger Arn cbergh• Rosemari e Av il a

Ralph Winter Fou11der a11d General Di1fttor, U.S. Cen1erfor IJ/odd Missions, Pasadena, Calijomia Dr. T ed Yamamori Preside11r, Foodfor1he Hu11g1y UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Clyde Cook, D.l'vli ss. P,eside111 Gary A. i\ liller, Ph.D. Provos/ a11dSenior Vire Presiden! Ca rl \V. Schre iber, C.i\ l.A., il l. Ed. J/ia Preside111for Fi11a11ria/Affai, s and /1,jomlfllio11 Tech110/o~• Wesley K. \Villmer, Ph.D. Vi,i P,rsiden!, /J11ivm·il)•Advm1ceme111 Greg Balsano, BA Vice Preside/II, l '11ive1Jil)• Services Carol T aylor, Ph.D. Vice Provoslfor /J11dngmdua1e Educfllio11 Christopher R. Grace, Ph.D. Vice Provoslfor Faculty D1velopme111 and /J11ive1sil)•Assessmenl \Vair Stangl, Ph.D. Dea II ofScimces Jack Schwar1., O.1-d .A. Dea11 ofHumr111ities, Fi11eAm fllld Co111m1111imtio11 Dennis Di rks, Ph .D. Dem,, Talbot School o/71,eolo~• Patricia L. Pike, Ph.D. Dean, RosemMd Sr/100/ of Psychology F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D. Demi, Srhoo/ of!11temd1um/S111dies Larry D. Strand, 1\ 1.B.A. Dea 11 , School ofBusi11ess i\ lichacl J. Wil ki ns, Ph .D. Dem, of1he FaC11fl)•, Talbo! Srhoo/ o/Tneolo~• Wayne Chute, T h. !\ !. Dea11 ofAmdemic Rerords 1111d !11s1i1111io1lfll Re.semrh John Back, 1\1.A. Dea11 ofS111de111 Ajfai,s

Lisa Derby, Ph.D. Di,~1101; !111ema1io11rli S111dies Gregory Vaughan, M.A. Di,re101; Enrol/men! Almwge111e11I Ri ck Bee, 1\1 .A. Di111r101; /Jnive1,·il)• Deve/opmenl Irene Neller Di1re1or, Alarkeling Com1111111im1io11s

B.A.,Trinity Co ll ege; i\ l.A., Uni ve rsity of T exas; O. 1\ li ss., Biol a Uni vers ity . KEN BERDI :\lG Associate Professor of New T estament, 2002 B.Th. ,Mulrnomah Bible College; M.A., Tr ini ty T heological Seminary; 1\1.A.,T al bot School of Theology; Ph. D.,Westminsrer Theological Seminary. GENE BERRYHILL Associate Professor of Distributed Learning, 1999 BA, Cali fo rnia State Uni versity, Long Beach; i\ I.A., Cali fo rnia State.: Uni versirv, Los Angeles; Ph.D.,

Willi am Bauer Willi am Bil lard Bradl ey Co le Clyde Cook Arthur Fraser Lorin Gri ser Stan Jantz

Donald B. Sims, Jr. , 1\ 1.A. Di ffr/01; Auxilimy Se,virer

UNIVERSITY FACULTY 2003-04 ACADEMIC YEAR (Yer,r indirf!les appoin1men1 ofJamil)•.) JAN ETADM IS Ass istant Professor of Nursing. 1996 B.S.N., Biola Uni versity; M.A. , Pcpperdine Uni versirv. GEORGE P ALEXANDER Associate Professor of Imcrculcura l Scudics, 1994 BA, Bishop i\ loore College, India; !\ I.Di v., School ofTheology; Th.M. , Ph.D., Fuller Theologica l Seminary; Ph.D. , University of Ca li forn ia, Los Angeles. T Al\ lARAANDERSON Associate Professor of Psychology, 199-l Director of Clin ica lT raining BA, Biola Uni versity; M.A., Pepper­ di ne Un iversity; Ph .D., Cali fornia School of Professional Psychology. Ai\ lBER Ai'\JDREASEN Ass istant Professor of Phvsical Education, 1997 B.S., Biola Uni versity; M.S., Califor­ nia State Uni versirv, Fullerton. i\ ll CI-IAEL ANTI-IO Y Professor of Christian Education, 1984 BA, Biola Uni vers ity; M.A., T albot Theological Seminarv; M.R.E., Golden Gate Seminarv; Ph.D., South ­ western Theologica l Seminary; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate Uni versi ty. CLI NTON E. ARNOLD Professor of New T estament Lan­ guage and Litcracu rc, 1987 BA , Biola Universirv; 1\ 1.Div., Talbot T heologica l Seminary; Ph.D., Uni versity of Aberdeen. BETSY BARB ER Associate Professor of Spirituality and Psychology, 2002 B.A., Trini ty Coll ege; 1\1.A., University ofTexas; 1\1.A., Psy.D., Rosemead School of Psychology. ST EPHEN J. BARBER Ass istant Professor of Applied Lingui stics; SIL, 1993

Dav id Karn es Allan Kaval ich Hannah Lee Edga r R. Lehman Ca rol Lindskog Joseph Loeb Wayne Lowe ll David i\lirchcll Ronald Rall is, Sr. Gord en Rombe rge r Jerry Rueb Hudson Saffe ll Kennith Thompson Robert Thompson Walter Warkentin • Lou \Vh all on •Hm1om1y Membe1J

\Vaiden Uni versity. JOHN A. BLOOi\ l Professor of Physics, 1993

BA , Grinnell College; il l.S., Cornell Universirv; !\ I.A., 1\ 1.Div., Bibl ica l Theological Seminary; M.A. , Dropsie College; Ph.D., Cornell Uni versity; Ph .D., Annenberg Research lnsri cutc. i\ llCHEAL BOERSi\ lA Associate Professo r of Chr istian \li nistry and Leadership, 1986; Direc­ tor of Field Education and Placement; Director of SEGUE Program BA, Cali fornia Scare Uni versitv Long Beach; i\ I. Div.,Ta lbot Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Talbot School ofTheology.

BOARD OF REFERENCE Ronald \V. Blue ,l/a11agi11g Pr11111e1; Ro11a/rl B/11e & Co., Arla11ta, Georgia T ed De!\loss Preside111, Ch,is1ir111 Busi11ess A!e11 s Commi11ee T c.:d Engs trom Preside111 Eme1i111s, IJ/odd J/isio11 U.S. Dick Hillis Fou11der. Oumws Cmsades Jos h !\ lcDowell Speake,; Eva11gelis1, Campus Cmsadefor Ch,is1 Ray Ortlund Co11fere11ce Spetd:er, Diree101; Reuewx,I ,l/i11is11ies Lu is Palau Preside111, Luis Palau Evr111ge/is1ir Associt11io11 Al Sanders Pas/ Preside111, Ambassr1dorAdve1tisi11g Age11cy, Fullnto11, Ca/ifomia Charl es Swindo ll Cha11ce/lor. Dallas TheologiCfll Semi11my Elaine T ownse nd Wife of Fou11der oj lJl)'di/(e Bible Tm11s/a1ors

GEORGE BOESPFLUG Professor of!\ Ius ic, 2001

B.1\1., !\ l. !\ I. , University of Colorado, 0 .1' I.A. Eas tman School of i\ Iusic. JOHN BROW 'I NG Associate Professor of i\ 1usic. 1998 BA, Cali fo rn ia State University, San Bernardino; M.A., Uni versity of Ca li­ forni a, Ri verside; D. i\ l.A., Claremont

Graduate Uni versity. PAUL BUCHANA!'\/

Associate Professor of English, 1989 BA, Biola University; ill.A., Uni ve r­ sity of Ca li forn ia, Ri verside; i\ I.P.\V. , Uni versity of Southern Cali forni a. T Oi\ l A. BUCKL ES Associate Professor of Business. 2001 BA, Uni versitY of Cali fornia, Davis; !\ I.BA, Cali fornia Stare Un ivers ity, Sacramento; Ph.D. , Ari zona State ni versicy. DI ETRICH BLISS Professor of Hiscory, 1966 BA, Biola College; i\l.A., Cali fornia State Uni versity, Los Angeles; Ph.D. , Claremont Graduate t · ni versity.

Edward H. Norman. Ed .D. Dean of Profersiona/S111dies

Sung W. Lee, Ph.D. Di,rr/01; lntmlfltio11al S111den1 fd11m1ion

Ron i\ loorad ian, 1\1. BA Di,rrto,; H11mr111 Reso111res Ron Hafer , 1\ 1.A.

Unive1Sil)•Chaplain Leslie llutlc.:r, i\ I.A. Di,r,101; Finr111rial Aid John Kelley, Ph.D. Dimtor, Bio/a Co1111seli11gCenter

Appendix· A~1

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