DAVID G. HOLI\IQUIST Professor of Phys ical Education, 1978; Ath let ic Director B.S., Biola College; M.S., Cali fo rn ia State Un iversity, Fu llcrcon; Ph.D. , l lniversity of Southern Ca li fornia. DAVID I !ORNE R Associate Professor of Biblical Stud ies and Philosophy, 2001 BA. Colorado Scare University; I\ I.A., Denver Semi nm; 1\1.Phil., D.Phil., Oxford l lniversity. I\ IOYER Hl ' BBARD Associate Professor of New Testa ment Language and I,iterature, 1997; Director, Th), I. Program B.S., Mulrnomah Bible College; 1\ 1. Div. , T h.!\!. , Western Baptist Theologica l Semi nary; D.Ph il., Oxford Un iversity. CLIFTON HULLING Ass istant Professor of I\ Iusic, I995 BA, I\ 1. 1\ 1.. Ca lifornia Scare Uni ve r sity, Fullerton.
LES HARI\ IAN Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1992 B.S. , San Diego State L.niversity; M.S.B.A. , San Francisco State Un iversity. DOUGLAS HAYWARD Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1989 B.A., \Vcstmom College; ;\ I.A., Fuller Theological Semina ry; I\ I.A., Ph.D., Uni vers ity of Ca li fo rni a. Santa Barbara. CRAIG HAZEN Associate Professor and Direccor of the l\ lastcr ofArts in Christi an Apolo ge ti cs, I997 B.A. , Cali forn ia State Un ivcrsitY, Fu llercon; I\ I.A., Ph.D. , Un iversity of Californi a, Santa Barbara. JOE HELLERl\ !AN Professor of Bible BOLD and Ta lbot School of Theology, I999 B.A. , M.A., Ca li fo rnia Stare Univer sity, Dominguez Hill s; I\ 1. O.iv.. Tal bot Theological Sem inary; 'T'h.1\ 1. , Ta lbot School of Theology; Ph.D., University of Cal iforn ia, Los Angeles. JOE HENDERSON lnsrruccor, Torrey Honors Institute, 2002 B.A. , Asbury College; I\ IA, Asbu ry Theologica l Seminary. DORCAS HENRY Associate Professor of Phys ical Education, 197 1 B.S., i\ larion College; 1\1.A. , Ball State Uni vcrsitv. DOROTHY JUNE HETZEL Associate Professor of Education, 1996 BA, Biota Llniversity; ;,., 1A, Ca li for nia State University, Fu llercon; Ph.D., Cla remont Graduate Un ivcrsitv. CRAIG HI LL Assistant Professor of Bi bli cal Studies, 2002 B.A. , Biota Uni versity; i\lA, Western Seminary; 1\1.A., Fuller Theologica l Semi nary. PETER HILL Professor of Psycholo 6 ,v, 2002 BA, :'-Jyack College; 1\1.A.,Ph.D. University of I Iouston. HE1 RY\\' . HOLLOI\ !AN Professor of Systematic Theology, 1974 A. B. , Rhodes College ofl\ lcmphis; Th.I\ I.. Th.D., Dallas Theologica l Seminary.
MICHELLE LEE Ass istant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1998 B.A. , Harvard niversity; I.S., Pensacola Christian College; M.A. , Talbot School ofTheology; Ph.D., Un ivcrsit)' of Notre Dame. KEVIN LEWIS Assistant Professor of Theology, 1996 BA, Ca li fo rnia State University, Long Beach; il l.Div., Th.J\I., Talbot School of Theology; J.D., Whittier Law School. TODD LEWIS Professo r of Communicat ion, 1974 B.A. , Biola College; I\ I.A., Ohio State Uni ve rsity; Ph.D. , Louisiana State Un iversit)'. RICHARD J. LEYDA Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1989 B.A., Un iversity of' fexas; 1\1.Div., Ph.D. , Talbot T heological Seminary. JOHN LIANG Ass istant Professor of TESOL and Applied Li ngu ist ics, 200 I B.A., Jinan University, I.A., Indiana Uni versit)' of Pennsylvani a; Ph.D.
REX E. JOH SON Associate Professor of Chr istian Ministry and Leade rship , 1976; Directo r of Pasto ra l Ca re and Co un se ling Programs BA, Uni versity of Ca lifornia , Los Angeles; 1\ 1.R. E., Ta lbot Theo logi ca l Seminary; M.A. , Bi ota Co ll ege; Psy.D., Alliant Internationa l Un iversitv. VIRGINIA JOHNSON Associate Professor of Education, 1998 B.S., \Vesrern l\ lichiga n University; M.A., Ca lifornia State Un iversity, San Bernardino; Ph.D., Uni ve rsity of Cal i
forni a, Ri vers ide. JOAN W. JONES
Associate Professor of Psychology, 1995; Associate Dean of Grad uate Srndents B.A. , Westmont College; i\ l.R. E., Bibl ical Seminary in New York; 1\ 1.A., Psy.D. , Rosemead School of Psychology. JOHN E. KELLEY Associate Professor of Psychology, 1980 Director of Biola Counseling Center BA , 1\ 1.A., Ph.D., Un iversity of Ari zona. JONATHAi KIi\! Assistant Professor of Christ ian Edu ca tion, I999 B.S., University of Illi nois, Urbana Champaign; 1\ 1.Oi v., 1\ 1.A., Tri ni ty Evange li ca l Di vini ty School; Ph.D. , Trin ity Internacional Sem inary. AARON J. KLEIST Ass istant Professor of English, 2001 BA, Taylor Un iversity; M.A., Indi ana Un ivers ity; Ph.D., Uni versity of Cambridge. MARGUER ITE G. KRAFT Professor of Inrercu ltural Stud ies, 1973 B.S.. Wheaton College; I\ I.A., Hart ford Semi nary Foundation; D.i\ liss., Ph.D. , Ful ler Theologica l Sem inary.
ALAN D. HULTBERG Assistant Professor of Bibl e Exposition, I998
13.A., Uni vers ity of Ca li forn ia, San Diego; 1\ 1.Di v., Ta lbot School of Theology; Ph.D.. Trinity Evange li ca l Di vini ty School. JOHN C. HUTCHISON Professor ofB ible Exposition, 1990 B.S., Washington Scace University; /-. I.Di v., Th.:'1 1. , Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. JOH1 A. INGRA1\ I Professor of Psvchology, 1991 BA, Ok lahoma Baptist Uni vers ity; ,\ IA, East Carolina Un iversity; Ph.D., llniversitv of South Caroli na. KLAUS ISSLER Professor of Christian Education and Theology, 1991 BA, Cali forn ia State Uni versity, Long Beach; ]\ IA, Un iversity of Ca li fornia, Ri vers ide; Th.M.. Dall as Theological Semi nary; Ph.D., i\lichi gan State Uni versity. JN, IES JEFFERS Assoc ia te Professor, Torrey Honors Institu te, 1999 BA, Biola Lini versitv; 1'1.Oi v., Ta l bot School of Theology; I\ I.A., Ph.D., l lni vcrsity of Ca li forn ia, Irvine. DA\"JD C. JOHNSON Ass istant Professor of Chemistry, 1992 B.S. , Wheaton Coll ege; 1\ 1.S., Michi gan State Universi ty.
Uni versity of Texas. BARRY LIESCH Professor of I\ Iusic, 1974
B.M., Un iversitv of British Columb ia; ]\ IA, State University of New York, Binghamton; Ph.D. , Uni versity of Cali fo rni a, San Diego. ALBERTCH IH-SHION LI N Associate Professor of Biologica l Science, 1977 B.P.. Taipei l\ lcd ica l College; Ph.D., State University of New York, Buffalo. SH IEU-HONG LI N Assistant Professor of i\ lathematics and Computer Science, 2000 B.S. , M.S., National Taiwan Uni vc r sitv; 1\ 1.Div., Logos Evangelical Sem inary; Ph.D. , Brown l 1 niversit)'. JUDITH E. LINGENFELTE R Associate Professor of Imercultural Studies, I983 B.A. Wheaton College: I\ I. L.S., State Un iversity of New York ar Genesco; Ph .0., University of Pittsburgh. WILLIAI\ I LOCK Professor of]\ Iusic, 1964 A. R. C.'f .. Roya l Conservatory of l\ !usic; B.1\I. , 1\1.i\l., l\ lacPhail Col lege of l\ lusic; O.1\1.A. , Uni versity of Southern Ca li forn ia.
BARRY KRA!\ 11\I ES Professor of Art, I983
B.FA, Univcrsitv of\Visconsin Eau Claire; i\l.F.A. , niversity of Wisconsin-Madi son. PAUL KULD Associate Professor of Biologica l Science, I969 B.A. , 1\ 1.A., Ca li fornia Sta te Uni ve r sit)', Long Beach. KEVIN LAWSON Professor of Christian Educat ion. 199.'i B.S.. Houghton College; 1\ 1.A.. Trin itv Evangelica l Oivinitv School; Ed.D., Uni versity of I\ lainc Graduate School.
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