
DAVID G. HOLI\IQUIST Professor of Phys ical Education, 1978; Ath let ic Director B.S., Biola College; M.S., Cali fo rn ia State Un iversity, Fu llcrcon; Ph.D. , l lniversity of Southern Ca li fornia. DAVID I !ORNE R Associate Professor of Biblical Stud ies and Philosophy, 2001 BA. Colorado Scare University; I\ I.A., Denver Semi nm; 1\1.Phil., D.Phil., Oxford l lniversity. I\ IOYER Hl ' BBARD Associate Professor of New Testa­ ment Language and I,iterature, 1997; Director, Th), I. Program B.S., Mulrnomah Bible College; 1\ 1. Div. , T h.!\!. , Western Baptist Theologica l Semi nary; D.Ph il., Oxford Un iversity. CLIFTON HULLING Ass istant Professor of I\ Iusic, I995 BA, I\ 1. 1\ 1.. Ca lifornia Scare Uni ve r­ sity, Fullerton.

LES HARI\ IAN Associate Professor of Business Administration, 1992 B.S. , San Diego State L.niversity; M.S.B.A. , San Francisco State Un iversity. DOUGLAS HAYWARD Professor of Intercultural Studies, 1989 B.A., \Vcstmom College; ;\ I.A., Fuller Theological Semina ry; I\ I.A., Ph.D., Uni vers ity of Ca li fo rni a. Santa Barbara. CRAIG HAZEN Associate Professor and Direccor of the l\ lastcr ofArts in Christi an Apolo­ ge ti cs, I997 B.A. , Cali forn ia State Un ivcrsitY, Fu llercon; I\ I.A., Ph.D. , Un iversity of Californi a, Santa Barbara. JOE HELLERl\ !AN Professor of Bible BOLD and Ta lbot School of Theology, I999 B.A. , M.A., Ca li fo rnia Stare Univer­ sity, Dominguez Hill s; I\ 1. O.iv.. Tal ­ bot Theological Sem inary; 'T'h.1\ 1. , Ta lbot School of Theology; Ph.D., University of Cal iforn ia, Los Angeles. JOE HENDERSON lnsrruccor, Torrey Honors Institute, 2002 B.A. , Asbury College; I\ IA, Asbu ry Theologica l Seminary. DORCAS HENRY Associate Professor of Phys ical Education, 197 1 B.S., i\ larion College; 1\1.A. , Ball State Uni vcrsitv. DOROTHY JUNE HETZEL Associate Professor of Education, 1996 BA, Biota Llniversity; ;,., 1A, Ca li for­ nia State University, Fu llercon; Ph.D., Cla remont Graduate Un ivcrsitv. CRAIG HI LL Assistant Professor of Bi bli cal Studies, 2002 B.A. , Biota Uni versity; i\lA, Western Seminary; 1\1.A., Fuller Theologica l Semi nary. PETER HILL Professor of Psycholo 6 ,v, 2002 BA, :'-Jyack College; 1\1.A.,Ph.D. University of I Iouston. HE1 RY\\' . HOLLOI\ !AN Professor of Systematic Theology, 1974 A. B. , Rhodes College ofl\ lcmphis; Th.I\ I.. Th.D., Dallas Theologica l Seminary.

MICHELLE LEE Ass istant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1998 B.A. , Harvard niversity; I.S., Pensacola Christian College; M.A. , Talbot School ofTheology; Ph.D., Un ivcrsit)' of Notre Dame. KEVIN LEWIS Assistant Professor of Theology, 1996 BA, Ca li fo rnia State University, Long Beach; il l.Div., Th.J\I., Talbot School of Theology; J.D., Whittier Law School. TODD LEWIS Professo r of Communicat ion, 1974 B.A. , Biola College; I\ I.A., Ohio State Uni ve rsity; Ph.D. , Louisiana State Un iversit)'. RICHARD J. LEYDA Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1989 B.A., Un iversity of' fexas; 1\1.Div., Ph.D. , Talbot T heological Seminary. JOHN LIANG Ass istant Professor of TESOL and Applied Li ngu ist ics, 200 I B.A., Jinan University, I.A., Indiana Uni versit)' of Pennsylvani a; Ph.D.

REX E. JOH SON Associate Professor of Chr istian Ministry and Leade rship , 1976; Directo r of Pasto ra l Ca re and Co un se ling Programs BA, Uni versity of Ca lifornia , Los Angeles; 1\ 1.R. E., Ta lbot Theo logi ca l Seminary; M.A. , Bi ota Co ll ege; Psy.D., Alliant Internationa l Un iversitv. VIRGINIA JOHNSON Associate Professor of Education, 1998 B.S., \Vesrern l\ lichiga n University; M.A., Ca lifornia State Un iversity, San Bernardino; Ph.D., Uni ve rsity of Cal i­

forni a, Ri vers ide. JOAN W. JONES

Associate Professor of Psychology, 1995; Associate Dean of Grad uate Srndents B.A. , Westmont College; i\ l.R. E., Bibl ical Seminary in New York; 1\ 1.A., Psy.D. , Rosemead School of Psychology. JOHN E. KELLEY Associate Professor of Psychology, 1980 Director of Biola Counseling Center BA , 1\ 1.A., Ph.D., Un iversity of Ari zona. JONATHAi KIi\! Assistant Professor of Christ ian Edu­ ca tion, I999 B.S., University of Illi nois, Urbana­ Champaign; 1\ 1.Oi v., 1\ 1.A., Tri ni ty Evange li ca l Di vini ty School; Ph.D. , Trin ity Internacional Sem inary. AARON J. KLEIST Ass istant Professor of English, 2001 BA, Taylor Un iversity; M.A., Indi­ ana Un ivers ity; Ph.D., Uni versity of Cambridge. MARGUER ITE G. KRAFT Professor of Inrercu ltural Stud ies, 1973 B.S.. Wheaton College; I\ I.A., Hart­ ford Semi nary Foundation; D.i\ liss., Ph.D. , Ful ler Theologica l Sem inary.

ALAN D. HULTBERG Assistant Professor of Bibl e Exposition, I998

13.A., Uni vers ity of Ca li forn ia, San Diego; 1\ 1.Di v., Ta lbot School of Theology; Ph.D.. Trinity Evange li ca l Di vini ty School. JOHN C. HUTCHISON Professor ofB ible Exposition, 1990 B.S., Washington Scace University; /-. I.Di v., Th.:'1 1. , Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. JOH1 A. INGRA1\ I Professor of Psvchology, 1991 BA, Ok lahoma Baptist Uni vers ity; ,\ IA, East Carolina Un iversity; Ph.D., llniversitv of South Caroli na. KLAUS ISSLER Professor of Christian Education and Theology, 1991 BA, Cali forn ia State Uni versity, Long Beach; ]\ IA, Un iversity of Ca li fornia, Ri vers ide; Th.M.. Dall as Theological Semi nary; Ph.D., i\lichi­ gan State Uni versity. JN, IES JEFFERS Assoc ia te Professor, Torrey Honors Institu te, 1999 BA, Biola Lini versitv; 1'1.Oi v., Ta l­ bot School of Theology; I\ I.A., Ph.D., l lni vcrsity of Ca li forn ia, Irvine. DA\"JD C. JOHNSON Ass istant Professor of Chemistry, 1992 B.S. , Wheaton Coll ege; 1\ 1.S., Michi­ gan State Universi ty.

Uni versity of Texas. BARRY LIESCH Professor of I\ Iusic, 1974

B.M., Un iversitv of British Columb ia; ]\ IA, State University of New York, Binghamton; Ph.D. , Uni versity of Cali fo rni a, San Diego. ALBERTCH IH-SHION LI N Associate Professor of Biologica l Science, 1977 B.P.. Taipei l\ lcd ica l College; Ph.D., State University of New York, Buffalo. SH IEU-HONG LI N Assistant Professor of i\ lathematics and Computer Science, 2000 B.S. , M.S., National Taiwan Uni vc r­ sitv; 1\ 1.Div., Logos Evangelical Sem­ inary; Ph.D. , Brown l 1 niversit)'. JUDITH E. LINGENFELTE R Associate Professor of Imercultural Studies, I983 B.A. Wheaton College: I\ I. L.S., State Un iversity of New York ar Genesco; Ph .0., University of Pittsburgh. WILLIAI\ I LOCK Professor of]\ Iusic, 1964 A. R. C.'f .. Roya l Conservatory of l\ !usic; B.1\I. , 1\1.i\l., l\ lacPhail Col­ lege of l\ lusic; O.1\1.A. , Uni versity of Southern Ca li forn ia.

BARRY KRA!\ 11\I ES Professor of Art, I983

B.FA, Univcrsitv of\Visconsin­ Eau Claire; i\l.F.A. , niversity of Wisconsin-Madi son. PAUL KULD Associate Professor of Biologica l Science, I969 B.A. , 1\ 1.A., Ca li fornia Sta te Uni ve r­ sit)', Long Beach. KEVIN LAWSON Professor of Christian Educat ion. 199.'i B.S.. Houghton College; 1\ 1.A.. Trin itv Evangelica l Oivinitv School; Ed.D., Uni versity of I\ lainc Graduate School.

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